2021-04-28 City of Penticton Deceased Report Regular and Cremation - Interments and Reinterments Order by Deceased Person 1/427 Deceased Interment Date Interment Site Aanes, Bernard Christian ,AKA Kristian 1936-04-03 OS-0251-A Aasen, Hans 1972-02-28 O-099-6 Abbey, Margaret Florence (nee Hughes) 2019-01-19 L-027-7 Abbey, Robert Lee ,AKA Robert Abbey, Senior2019-11-09 L-027-7 Abbott, Dorothy 2005-06-25 N-058-4 Abbott, Francis Gilbert 1963-03-04 N-043-1 Abbott, George 2002-12-18 CS-04-54 Abbott, George K. 2007-04-14 CS-19-16 Abbott, Michael Joseph 1965-03-28 N-058-4 Abbott, Patricia Alma 2002-11-30 CS-19-16 Abbott, William Barry 1979-10-01 N-058-4 Abbott, William John 1994-05-07 N-058-4 Abel, Alexander 1949-03-21 L-014-4 Abel, Elena Winnifred 1947-05-26 L-013-1 Abel, Paul 1947-04-16 L-085-3 Abela, Marga Liesel 2012-09-15 Q-27-1 Abra, A.T. 1947-06-13 L-056-4 Abra, Amy Jane Unrecorded F-07-4 Abra, Archiena 1983-09-29 L-056-3 Abraham, Robert James Unrecorded E-04-7 Abrahamse, Bertha Nettie 1995-06-19 P-099-3 Abrahamse, Robert James Unrecorded E-04-7 Abrahamse, Stoffle Unrecorded P-099-3 Abramchuk, Nicholas Unrecorded N-053-2 Abrams, Eleanor Evelyn 1954-06-02 L-015-6 Abrams, Henry 1948-03-02 L-015-5 Abrantes, Barbara Emilia 2007-04-26 Q-35-8 Acres, Constance Charlotte Unrecorded F-09-7 Acres, Dr. G. H. Unrecorded F-09-8 Adair, Mary Irlinda Unrecorded P-082-8 Date Format: yyyy-mm-dd * Removed from Site ** Removed from Cemetery 2/427 Deceased Interment Date Interment Site Adam, Helmut 1995-04-15 CS-07-41 Adam, Herta Unrecorded CS-07-41 Adam, Rosa Berta 1993-05-27 CS-07-41 Adam, William Millar 2000-04-05 Q-56-6 Adams, Agnes Unrecorded M-083-3 Adams, Amos 1947-09-17 190 Adams, Annie Unrecorded L-094-5 Adams, Camille 1937-01-29 OS-0169 Adams, Charles Hugh 2014-12-01 O-082-8 Adams, Donald Paul 2018-12-05 CS-38-46 Adams, Edmond Gerald Unrecorded P-031-5 Adams, Ernest R. Unrecorded M-090-6 Adams, Ida Anna, Fay 2011-09-17 L-100-2 Adams, Irene B G 1931-09-17 OS-0339B-C Adams, Jessie 2011-06-17 O-082-8 Adams, John Arthur Unrecorded I-02-017 Adams, Lilian Fletta 2000-04-17 P-031-5 Adams, Lorne Dale 2017-10-24 M-097-6 * Adams, Lorne Dale 2017-03-04 CS-37-38 Adams, Lydia 1965-11-04 N-032-5 Adams, Melvin E.D. Unrecorded I-07-2 Adams, Minnie Dorothy 2006-04-07 N-102-4 Adams, Myrtle Phyllis 1926-01-23 OS-0491C-A Adams, Nanette Mary Unrecorded P-014-3 Adams, Peter Sheldon 1937-11-24 OS-0353-A Adams, Rosa Unrecorded L-015-7 Adams, Sarah 1947-09-05 189 Adams, Sarah Jane Unrecorded D-04-5 Adams, Shelton Roy 2006-11-24 Q-35-5 Adams, William Edward 2015-05-02 L-100-2 Adams, William Henry Unrecorded L-094-5 Adkins, Donald Richard 2013-08-06 COL-GG-11 Adler, William Henry 1931-05-14 OS-0192-B Adrian, Etta Lilly Unrecorded O-096-7 Date Format: yyyy-mm-dd * Removed from Site ** Removed from Cemetery 3/427 Deceased Interment Date Interment Site Adsit, Earl Wilson 2008-07-11 J-039 Adsit, Kathleen Mary 1995-01-25 J-039 Aexandre, Bernard Unrecorded M-018-3 Affleck, Catherine Corbett 1997-03-22 P-076-7 Affleck, Norman Hamilton Unrecorded P-076-7 Agar, Caroline (nee Wilhemine) Unrecorded N-090-4 Agar, Elizabeth Unrecorded D-16-5 Agar, George Unrecorded D-15-8 Agar, Hazel Emily Florence Unrecorded O-014-1 Agar, Lewis Emerson Unrecorded O-014-1 Agar, Marilyn Elizabeth 2016-05-07 O-014-1 Agar, Mary Unrecorded O-063-1 Agar, William 2007-08-27 Q-40-8 Agar, William Unrecorded N-090-3 Agnew, Annie Unrecorded N-133-1 Agnew, Annie Elizabeth 1925-01-12 OS-0391-A Agnew, Beulah 1935-05-05 OS-0370-A Agnew, Clifford Robert 2007-04-14 K-19-2 Agnew, Harlow A. 1949-08-23 OS-0370B Agnew, Harry Vaux 1939-03-30 OS-0391A-A Agnew, Helen Norma 2017-02-02 K-19-2 Agnew, James Samuel 1955-10-19 OS-0152A-A Agnew, Josephine Anne 2001-03-22 OS-0152B Agnew, Margarett Elizabeth 1983-12-14 OS-0152B Agnew, Norman Edward 2002-04-29 CS-27-35 Agnew, Percy Earl Unrecorded N-133-1 Agnew, Violet Elizabeth 1934-03-09 OS-0391-A Ahlstrom, Roberta Vera 2013-12-13 OS-0156 Aiken, Harry Edward 1964-01-22 I-15-4 Aiken, John 1921-12-26 OS-0257-A Ailles, Lois Diane (nee Mutton) 2009-09-05 CS-18-05 Aimers, Maude Ella 1965-12-01 N-100-8 Ainsworth, Coral Anne (nee Banning) 2020-11-10 P-062-2 Date Format: yyyy-mm-dd * Removed from Site ** Removed from Cemetery 4/427 Deceased Interment Date Interment Site Ainsworth, Katherine Elizabeth 2013-09-24 N-118-8 Ainsworth, William 2007-02-13 P-062-2 Aitken, George Neil 1997-05-27 O-025-8 Aitken, Kenneth 2007-04-27 O-025-8 Aitken, Winnifred Margaret Unrecorded O-025-8 Aitkens, Ferdinand 1935-05-11 076 Akergren, Charles Unrecorded L-066-1 Albin, William John Unrecorded N-034-1 Albinati, Paul 2011-09-23 COL-LL-49 Albrecht, Bertha Matilda Unrecorded M-057-8 Albrecht, Heinz Erich 2017-06-17 M-006-4 Albrecht, Hildegard (nee Sokolow) 2017-06-17 M-006-4 Albrecht, John Unrecorded M-057-7 Albrecht, Reinhold Unrecorded M-058-1 Albrecht, Rosalie Unrecorded M-058-2 Albushie, Harold Raymond 2000-06-29 P-137-1 Alcock, Marcia Unrecorded L-071-8 Alcock, Mary Minerva 2008-04-18 Q-45-2 Alcock, Phillip Stanley 1998-03-09 Q-45-2 Alcock, Robert Unrecorded L-071-7 Alcock, Rutherford Palmer Unrecorded OS-0335 Alcombrack, Everton Warner Unrecorded N-036-3 Alcott, Kenneth John 2014-08-19 OSSUARY Alderdice, John Edward 2000-12-16 Q-38-5 Alderliesten, Barbara Mary, Louise (nee Buck)2019-06-29 P-124-1 Alderliesten, Edward James 1999-06-05 P-125-8 Alderson, Marcia Jean ,AKA Marcia Geddes 2019-04-13 Q-29-5 Aldred, Grace Mary 2000-12-16 Q-38-5 Aldredge, Edgar Wilfrid ,AKA Ed/Edward? 1992-05-19 P-027-6 Aldredge, Ernest William Unrecorded L-057-1 Aldredge, Naomi Unrecorded L-057-2 Aldredge, Winnifred (nee Sadler),AKA Aldridge on 1999-05-12 D-16-4 marker Aldridge, Edward Unrecorded P-100-8 Date Format: yyyy-mm-dd * Removed from Site ** Removed from Cemetery 5/427 Deceased Interment Date Interment Site Alexander, Cory Maurice 2012-01-05 CS-23-42 Alexander, Garth Brian 2007-10-04 K-071 Alexander, William Lloyd Unrecorded CS-31-14 Alexandre, Madeline 1989-06-17 M-018-4 Allan, Dorothy 2006-06-02 CS-20-08 Allan, Elizabeth 1965-01-21 N-007-7 Allan, Hannah May Unrecorded L-009-7 Allan, Mervin Andrew 2004-04-08 CS-19-48 Allan, Victor Colin M 2006-06-02 CS-20-08 Allard, Cindy Angelie 2015-05-16 X-22-2 Allbright, Constance May Unrecorded N-054-8 Allen, Gwen Unrecorded N-079-5 Allen, Hannah May Unrecorded L-090-7 Allen, Harry Unrecorded P-063-7 Allen, Jeane Gwendoline Unrecorded N-053-7 Allen, John Eric Unrecorded P-056-7 Allen, Margaret (nee Brown) 2007-06-15 P-056-7 Allen, Mary Eliza 2005-05-24 P-052-8 Allen, Robert Unrecorded P-092-5 Allen, Robert George ,AKA Bob 2017-10-30 CS-18-18 Allen, William Unrecorded L-090-8 Allenbrand, Neil Barry 2018-06-11 CS-21-01 Allen-Newman, Kevin Frederic Unrecorded O-063-7 Allercott , Frances Henry Unrecorded N-114-2 Allercott, Edward Unrecorded P-073-1 Allercott, Evelyn Gail Unrecorded N-028-7 Allercott, Evelyn May Unrecorded N-114-3 Allercott, Harold F. Unrecorded J-012 Allercott, Kenneth Victor Unrecorded O-083-4 Allercott, Margaret Roberta 2006-05-04 J-012 Allercott, Margaret Alice Unrecorded O-083-4 Allercott, Victor Robert 2002-03-01 O-083-4 Allercott, William Henry 2007-02-03 K-061 Allonbey, Emma 2000-12-16 Q-38-5 Date Format: yyyy-mm-dd * Removed from Site ** Removed from Cemetery 6/427 Deceased Interment Date Interment Site Almack, Beatrice May 1997-09-09 CS-14-08 Almack, James H. Unrecorded CS-14-08 Almasch, Eva 1993-06-29 P-055-3 Almasch, John 2010-03-20 Q-06-6 Almasch, Peter Unrecorded P-055-3 Almasch, Peter 2013-06-22 Q-06-7 Almasch, Theresia 2008-02-02 Q-06-7 Almassy, Ernest Unrecorded O-010-5 Almassy, Sybil Unrecorded O-010-5 Almeida, Antonio 2016-01-09 COL-D-41 Almeida, Maria Esperanca 2017-01-14 COL-D-42 Almrud, Jean Elinor Unrecorded O-012-3 Althouse, Kathleen Agnes 2004-05-21 CS-19-52 Altin, Kathleen Margaret 2001-03-22 OS-0152B Alton, James Alfred Unrecorded P-077-1 Ammon, Albert Unrecorded P-025-8 Amon, Harold Alexander Unrecorded P-090-7 Amos, Alfred Unrecorded O-102-3 Amos, Calvin Unrecorded G-18-3 Amos, Evelyn Unrecorded O-102-3 Amos, Lambert Edgar Unrecorded O-037-7 Amos, Myrtle Wyn Unrecorded O-037-7 Amos, Rhoda 1993-04-01 J-027 Amos, Stella Unrecorded N-006-7 Amundsen, Aileen Alice 2001-04-03 CS-14-41 Amundsen, Andrew Unrecorded L-089-5 Amundsen, Caroline Clara Unrecorded CS-12-12 Amundsen, Eleanor Lucille (nee Lewis) 1978-10-17 O-041-2 Amundsen, Harold John 2003-06-20 CS-14-41 Amundsen, Henry Unrecorded N-104-5 Amundsen, John Unrecorded CS-14-41 Amundsen, Luella Unrecorded CS-14-41 Amundsen, Robert Claude 1977-12-27 O-041-2 Date Format: yyyy-mm-dd * Removed from Site ** Removed from Cemetery 7/427 Deceased Interment Date Interment Site Amundsen, Ross Edward 2019-05-17 O-041-2 Amundson, Harry Unrecorded CS-12-12 Amunsdon, Otto 1930-07-23 OS-0225-A Anast, Beatrice Unrecorded O-013-4 Anast, Leona Mary 1998-02-18 P-095-1 Anast, Steve Unrecorded P-095-1 Anderberg, Linnea Unrecorded P-100-2 Andersen, Ruth 2018-08-30 K-061 Anderson, Ake Gustav 2014-07-19 O-036-4 Anderson, Ana 2010-11-17 Q-15-8 Anderson, Anna Isobel Unrecorded L-028-2 Anderson, Augustus C 1938-05-25 OS-1144-A Anderson, Baby Unrecorded OS-0322A-A Anderson, Baby ,AKA Twin sister is Marion Johnston 1958-03-01 G-02-5 Anderson, Barbara 2010-03-11 CS-01-50 Anderson, Britt 1978-12-11 O-036-4 Anderson, Bruce MacHardie 1978-08-30 O-038-4 Anderson, Carl Unrecorded I-18-8 Anderson, Carl ,AKA Book = 'Charles' 1963-05-15 N-096-5 Anderson, Charles Frederick Unrecorded N-104-6 Anderson, Christopher Donald ,AKA Chris 1995-03-24 CS-29-02 Anderson, Cora Evelyn 1995-07-12 CS-12-09 Anderson, Dorothy Lynne Unrecorded
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