9988 CONGRESSIONAL -RECORD-HOUSE DECEMBER 18 . APPOINTMENTS TO TEMPORARY RANK IN THE AIR l Wood B. Kyle The message also announced that the CORPS, IN THE REGULAR ARMY Russell E. Honsowetz Senate had passed, with amendments in To be majors Russell B. Warye which the concurrence of the House is Richard Phillip Klocko To be second lieutenants . requested, a bill of the House of the fol­ Harold Bell Wright. Carl M. Johnson lowing title: APPOINTMENTS IN THE REGULAR ARMY George D. Webster H. R. 5558. An act increasing motor-vehicle­ To be second lieutenants POSTMASTERS fuel taxes in the District of Columbia for the · period January 1, 1942, to June 30, 1949. Ralph Bassett Martin, Corps of Engineers. NEW JERSEY Warren James Clark, Infantry. Sarah V. Dickerson, Denville. The message also announced that the To b~ first lieutenant John P. Leonard, Elizabeth. Senate agrees to the amendments of the Robert Goodwin Rate, Medical Corps. Vincent J . Tuite, Harrison. House. to a bill of the Senate of the fol­ Verna A. Cox, Magnolia. lowing title: (NoTE.-Thcse omcers whose names are pre­ Kemp C. Wetmore, Tuckerton. ceded· by the symbol (X} are subject to ex­ S. 2096. An act to authorize the Secretary amination required by law.} OHIO of the Navy to proceed with the constructlOn PROMOTIONS IN THE REGULAR ARMY Mayme E. Puterbaugh, Centerville. of certain public works, and for other pur­ poses. To be colonel PENNSYLVANIA Benjamin Almond Brackenbury, Chemical Viola DeFino, Adah. The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes Warfare Service. Walter P ~ Dunwoody, Bareville. the gentleman ·from California [Mr. Emilie D. Hunt, Dingmans Ferry. To be lieutenant colonels Violet M. Burrell, Indianola. LEAl. Richard Kemp LeBrou, Finance Depart- Jewett Shirm, Montoursville. COMMITTEE ON INTERSTATE AND ' ment. Margaret M. Ryan, Oreland. FOREIGN COMMERCE Charles Wesley Sullivan, Air Corps. Samuel .F. Snyder, Paxinos. William Jacob Kunzmann, Infantry. Park C. Shank, Jr., Peach Bottom. Mr. LEA. Mr. Speaker, I ask unani­ Handy Vernon Brown, Finance Depart- William· A. Donovan, Sutersville. mous consent that the Committee ·on In- ment. · Lewis E. Hatch, Whitemarsh. terstate and Foreign Commerce of th~ XNeal Dow Franklin, Judge Advocate Gen­ House may have until 12 o'clock tonight eral's Department. in which to file. a report on the bill ~H. R. x Harold Ogier Godwin, Quartermaster Corps. 6263) to amend ·section 606 of tbe Com­ Henry Joachim Boettcher, Infantry. HOUSE. OF- REPRESENTATIVES munications Act of 1934 for the purpose Lonnie Otis Field, Field Artillery. of. granting to the President, in time of M~lvin B. Asp, ./.ir Corps. T:a:URSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1941 . X Maurice. Stewart Kerr, Infantry. war or threatened war, certain powers X Robert Burdette Woolv~rton, Signal. Corps. The House met at 12 o'clock noon. with respect to communications by wire. Orley DeForest Bowman, Coast Artillery The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera The SPEAKER. Without objection, it Corps. Montgomery, D. D., offered the follow­ is RO ·ordered. George Clement McDonald, Air Corps. ing prayer: There was no objection. Thomas Judson Weed, Quartermaster Corps. In humble adoration and praise, our CERTIFICATION OF DRUGS CONTAINING Peter Emanuel Skanse, Air Corps. Father tn heaven, we pray that we may INSULIN - Malcolm Nebeker Stewart, Air Corps. have a vision of our duty and without Mr. LEA. Mr. Speaker, I ask unani­ James Austin Gilruth, Quartermaster hesitation or delay seek to know Thy will. mous consent for the immediate con­ Corps. · We pray that even misfortune, often un­ Henry Clyde Clark, Judge Advocate Gen­ sideration of the bill (H. R. 6251) to eral's Department. seen under cloudless skies, may .open our amend the. Federal Food, Drug, and Arthur George Liggett, Air Corps. - souls. Laying this truth to our hearts, Cosmetic Act of June 25, 1938, as Jacob Herman Osterman, Quartermaster do Thou put Thy hand upon us as a balm amended, by providing for the certifica­ Corps. for every wound; through this ministry tion of batches of drugs composed wholly Westside Torkel Larson, Air Corps. all may come into the healing wisdom or partly of insulin, and for other pur­ Andrew Daniel Hopping, Quartermaster and light which is the purpose of the di­ poses. Corps. vine mind. We ask for the spirit of the Edward Herendeen, Field Artillery. The Clerk read ·the title of the bill. Master, for through it labor becomes The SPEAKER. Is there objection to To be captain sanctified, devotion hallowed, and every the present consideration of the bill? Richard Irving Crone, Medical Corps. truth is the light of life. Inspire us to Mr. MARTIN of Massachusetts. Mr. To be majors love Thee, 0 Son of Man; for Thy Speaker, reserving the right to object, Leland Grant Meder, Dental Corps. strength and tenderness and for all Thou will the gentleman from California ex­ Samuel Rush Haven, Dental Corps. hast brought us of consolation, of peace plain the nature of the bill? To be captains and warmth of heart, we thank Thee. Mr. LEA. I shall endeavor to do so. Abide with us, teaching us to see the Willard Graham Davis, chaplain. There is an emergency situation that Earl Dwight Compton, chaplain. divine spark in the poor, the unfortu­ caused our committee to act on this bill nate, and the helpless on the highway APPOINTMENT BY TRANSFER, IN THE REGULAR at the present time. The report before of life and Thine shall be the praise. the House represents the unanimous ARMY Through Christ our Saviour. Amen. First Lt. Augustin Mitchell Prentiss, Jr., opinion of the committee. to Chemical Warfare Service. The Journal of the proceedings of yes­ The patent on insulin expires on the PROMOTIONS IN THE MARINE CORPS terday was read and approved. 23d of this month. Control of the man­ MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE ufacture of insulin is in the hands of To be colonel the University of Toronto. The patent Franklin A. Hart A message from the Senate, by Mr. is owned by the University of Toronto; To be lieutenant colonels Frazier, its legislative clerk, announced and manufacturers in the United States William S. Fellers that the Senate had passed without act under license from the committee on , Ralph D. Leach amendment a bill of the House of the insulin of that university. following title: To be majors Control of insulin quality by the Uni­ Frank G. Dalley H. R. 6223. An act to establish the compo­ versity of Toronto has been most com­ Frank H. Wlrsig sition of the United States Navy, to authorize mendable. That control has been on a the construction of certain naval vessels, and nonprofit, humane, and scientific basis. To be captains for other purposes. It has required that all manufacturers Michael Sampas William G. Robb The message also announced that the comply with the standards set up by the John H. Masters Senate had passed a bill of the following committee on insulin in order to engage Leonard M. Mason title, in which the concurrence of the in its manufacture or sale. This control Walter N. Flournoy House is requested:. was through ownership of the patent Kenneth A. King S. 2119. An act to prohibit the possession of right. Arthur B. Barrows dangerous weapons and explosives on board . On expiration of the patent, present Marion M. Magruder certain vessels. - control over the situation will cease and •1941 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 9989 · manufacturers in this country would be "CERTIFICATION OF DRUGS CONTAINING INSULIN other purposes", be, and the same is hereby, at liberty to manufacture and place in­ "SEc. 506. (a) The Federal Security Admin.. rescinded; and. the Clerk of the House of sulin on the ·market in disregard of that istrator, pursuant to regulations promulgated Representatives be, and he is hereby, au­ · uniform standard of quality and strength by him, shall provide for the certification of thorized and directed to reenroll the said bill batches of drugs composed wholly or partly with the following change, namely: In the that are so essential for the protection of insulin. A batch of any such drug shaH be engrossed Senate amendments, at the end of users of insulin. certified if such drug has such characteristics of amendment No. 6, strike out the word Over 1,000,000 people in the Untted of identity and such batch has such char­ "section" and the period, and insert the States are now under insulin treatment. acteristics of strength, quality, and purity, following: "section, and there is hereby ap­ It is estimated they are spending about as the Administrator prescribes in such regu­ propriated for this purpose $1,000,000. out of $15,000,000 a year for this remedy. lations as necessary to adequately insure any money in the Treasury of the United safety and efficacy of use, but shall not other­ States to the credit of the United States not Ordinarily, the doctor gives the patient otherwise appropriated." a prescription, who after that buys from wise be certified. Prior to the effective date of such regulations the Administrator, in lieu 'The SPEAKER. Is there objection to any drug store available. So far, the of certification, shall issue a release for any aftlicted person has had the protection batch which, in his judgment, may be re­ the request of the gentleman froni West . that is given by a uniform standard and leased. without risk as to the safety and Virginia? strength under the restrictions imposed efficacy of its use. Such release shall pre­ There was no objection. by the owners of the patent. scribe the date of its expiration and other The concurrent resolution was agreed The effect' of insulin ·is such that in­ conditions under which it shall cease to be to, and a motion to reconsider was laid .
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