John Carroll University Carroll Collected The aC rroll News Student 5-16-1958 The aC rroll News- Vol. 40, No. 14 John Carroll University Follow this and additional works at: http://collected.jcu.edu/carrollnews Recommended Citation John Carroll University, "The aC rroll News- Vol. 40, No. 14" (1958). The Carroll News. 103. http://collected.jcu.edu/carrollnews/103 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student at Carroll Collected. It has been accepted for inclusion in The aC rroll News by an authorized administrator of Carroll Collected. For more information, please contact [email protected]. The Last LL NEWS Has Gone Lead To Bed Representing John University YOL. XL--No. 14 John Carroll University, Friday, May 16, 1958 ., Graduates Hear FairI ess Senior Week Features Formal Dinner-Dance By DOXALD HAGERTY Senior Week will be held for the graduating class An officer, trustee, or director in 14 ch;c, philanthropic, and educa­ 1958 from June 2 through June 9, the Rev. Edward C. tional organizations, }fr. Gund is ~1cCue, S.J .. Dean of Upperclagsmen. announced t his week. a strong influence in Cleveland. The Adm mist ration - sponsored He bas long been identified with activities will begin Monday, June education, an<l in 1954, was elected Cleveland Trust Co.; and Mr. John 2. when the seniors will be gue!lts a member of the Harvard Uruver­ of the Alumni Association at a Sherwin, senior managing partner sity Board of Overseers. He Wall a social hour and buffet dinner. of Pickands, ~lather & Co. Strawberry Lane in the North llr. Griffin, a native of Cincin­ graduate of the first dass of Har· Chagrin Re:~crvation will be the nati, Ohio, was graduated from vard's School of Business Adminis­ !lite of the stttg picnic for seniors Xavier University and hns been as­ tration in 1908. on Tuesd.'ly. Seniors planning to sociated with Searl!, Roebuck & The Ohio Foundation of Inde­ Co. since 1929. In 1916, he was attend a rl~ asked to pick up their pendent Colleges, University School, rC!'ervations in Fr. ;llcCue's offire. transferred to Cleveland ll-'1 Area (Continued on Page 5) Hold lkthrolhal Ccremony Group Manager for the Sears stores The Bethrothal Ceremony will be in Not'theastern Ohio. held at the Beaudry Memorial For tJw pu~t eight years Mr. Grif­ Shrine on Thun~day evening pre­ fjn has a!'tively served John Car­ Many Students ceding a formal dinner-dance. All roll and its devclopnwnt program. engaged couple:s a re invited to par· ln 1953 he was elected vice-chair­ Receive Awards t icipate in the ceremony. Senior!! man of the Carroll Boa•·d of Lay 'vishing to be in the ceremony are Trustees and also headed lhe Pa­ asked to register in Fr. McCue's celli Hall ~ tudent residence cam­ At May 21 Fete office. paign. • In 1955 he became Chairman of .John Carroll's fourth annu­ John Carroll"s Advisory Board. Awards will Mr. Griffin is also noted for vol­ al Banquet be unteer services rendered to Cleve- held in the Cafeteria May 21 at 7 p.m. Several hundred Carroll students will be hon­ ored for ability, school spirit, and outstanding accompli~h­ ments during the year. •J. Peter Fegen, pr.. sid~:nt of the Student Union, will act as the master of ceremonies. and the Yery Rev. Hu~h E. Dunn. S.J., will address the assembly. Mod- • A comJllete list or awards is found on page 5. A run-off election for the office of senior class presi­ dent became nece.~sary this week when both candidates, Robert I.tartin and Gary Furin, ended in a dead heat with 123 votes each. Othf.'r officers elected to senior ballot because he did not know dn~s posts were Marvin Cook, who polled the largest total in best- either of the candidates personally, ing William :\1arks for vice presi- and that "from what my friends dent; Ivan Otto, who defeated Wil liam Colson for secretary by a two to one count; nnd .lack Hyland, who bent Gen1lcl McGivern in the ruco for treasurer. One Ballot Unmarked "'Ve counted the votes fo\lr time..;;, but we couldn't brenk the tie." reported J. Peter Fegen, pre:~­ ident of the Canoll Union nnd orti­ cer of election~. "This is the first time it happened ng fnr ns I have been able to delermine." Oddity of the balloting, nccord­ ing to Fegen, wns the fact that one voter. who could hn\'e decided the contest, f~1iled to exprcs:l u choiN~ for the presidency. Contarted by the Carroll ~ e"" after his identity hnd been revealed to a reporter. the voter saitl that he did not mark the presicl~ntial Gory f\lrin Alpha Sigmu Nu honor fraternity will present the first THE ALVERNO COLLEGE CHORUS will join the John Carroll University Bond and Glee Club in an informal pop concert this Saturday and John Carroll Un·versity Honors Convocation in the Gym Sunday, May 17 and 18. 'Carillon' Sets Record on May 23 at 2 p.m. The convocation will award sp{•ech department~ will pt·esent John Carroll's Band and Glee Club will host the Alverno those who are on the Dean's List nwards to students. The School of College Women's Chorus of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, when For Early Appearance or who have won ,.Uier :~c hola:~tic Bu:;iness, Economics, and Govern- they present the Annual Spring Pop Concert tomorrow and When the 1958 Carillon yearbooks are distributed to honors. Departmental awards. n« ment will also 1)resent awards. Sunday nights at 8:15p.m. Alverno's Chorus will arrive late the student body nexl Monday, the occasion will climax a well as new honor ~ . w ill also bt> At this convocation, ten new The Glee Club will offer "Seventy­ members will be admitted to t.he Friday night. Following a joint re­ vear of record-smashing achievements f01· the yearbook staff. given to students at the l<'riclny hearsal Saturday afternoon, the Six Trombones" and the serious meeting, instead of al individual · ~londay will br t.h!' carhe~t date Jesuit honor fraternity, Alpha Sig­ Alverno sin~~:ers will be treated to spiritual "Little David Play on Yo we finished in the black. and the p resentatioru;. Harp," to name but a few. on which the Carillon hn:~ ever book wilJ contain more ads than ma Nu. They are Leonard Bruen­ dinner in the Carroll cafeteria. been di:;tributed. "The 1958 edition l'Ver before," said Bart Reilly, Prl"sents Superior Students ing, John Chuchman, J. Peter Feg­ After that eveninp:'!< concert, the "As a result of the favorable Re\'. William J. :.mtor, S.J., ex­ will be the costliest published, yet Carillon editor-in-chief. (>n, Robert Hall, William Karnatz, Glee Club,: and the Band will hold comment about the combined mix­ ecutive dean, said, "The Honors ed chorus and band numbers last Reilly had nothing b\lt prais~> for Robert Mellert, Paul Moon, Ivan a social. his staff, lauding the work of Bill Robert Martin Convocation will set t.he ~uperior Madrigal Singer~ Perform March, this concert will feature students apart <!nd present them Otto, Rob-?rt Pasquesi, and Ronald The Alverno Chorus will :oing two such selections: '\Vagon AKPsi to Give Burian. in charge of the class sec­ vice prestdent, Jerry Schweickert, to the entire Unh·ersity.'' Uritus. Key~ will be given to them "Tenderly" and a number of other Wheels' and •A Tribute to Rom­ tion; Gary Furin, managing editor, secretary; and Dennis ~cGrath, After an introduction by the by Fr. Dunn. "pop" t u n e s . berg," :\lr. Hearns noted. '"for his fine work as a co-ordina­ treasurer. Demit Honors tor;" Dick McKally. who "Tote cap­ Very Rev. Hugh E. Dunn, S.J .. DebatC"rs Get Frat T h e Madrigal Soloist Featured Graduating brothers of the Delta Xe" Plant- Set President of the T.:nivcrsity, the tions; and J~hn Feigban, pace:-et­ Dr. Thorrel B. Fest, the nation­ Singers, a spec­ The concert will also feature .Mu chapter of Alpha Kappa p,j Another photo finish occurred in biology, chemistry, cln~sical lang­ ter of the Business Staff. '"who the balloting for frc!lhman presi­ al president of Delta Sigma Rho, ially e b o s e n Miss Jeanette GerlesbPr~~:-. presi· professional business fraternity uages, education, En~l ish, modern group of Alver­ will be honored at this evening';; brought in more money than any dent, with Harry Hanna edging will nlso present to the University dent of the .;ilorus and its student languages, physics, uciology. ani! the charter which was recently no's choristers, • director, in a :<oprano solo. She Demit. Ceremony a t. the I<;uclid Vet-­ other person." Richard Murray by five votes. The Editor Reilly further saicl. "The rest of the freshman slate included .----- - --:--7---- -"t voted to the Debate Club. Dr. will give a ren­ has also sung with the Milwaukee erans' Restaurant. of Colorado in Boulder, Colorado, d it. ion or Catholic Symphony. Alpha Kappa P!li'b mem~rs efforts of the people on the staff Edwnrd l'arks. vice president; Examination pern1it-. may be Wish J ~~·.. b· m took advantage of the free day actually made the year's work light. Joseph Shannon. secretary; nnd picked up from the Comptrul· will also be the fea.tured convoca­ "Alverno College wa, the most In !act fe\V rough spots cropped Joseph Zorc, treasurer. ler's office next "('ek after all tion speaker. a..t6ition to oth­ successful 'stop' on our fall Mid­ yeF-terday by making a field trip er v o c a I and to the White Motor Company.
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