Hankook 12H ITALY-MUGELLO 2016 24H Series 2016 - Race 2 Intermediate result 12H - Race (part 2) 18 - 19 March 2016 Race Time = 03:00:00 Mugello circuit - 5245 mtr. Class Pit Total time Pos Nbr PIC Team name / Official Entrant Car Gap Diff Fastest In Stops in Pit 1 14 A6-Pro Optimum Motorsport Audi R8 LMS -- 206 laps -- 1:50.201 24 2 0:06:48 1 Flick Haigh Osborne-Haigh-Ratcliffe 2 702 A6-Pro Scuderia C ameron Glickenhaus SC G 003C -- 204 laps -- 1:51.583 75 3 0:12:59 2 Thomas Mutsch Mutsch-Westphal-Simonsen 3 963 A6-Pro GRT Grasser Racing Team Lamborghini Huracan GT3 -- 203 laps -- 1:50.398 39 2 0:07:17 3 GRT Grasser Racing T eam Ineichen-Ineichen-Amstutz-Enge lhart 4 333 A6-Pro V8 Racing Renault RS01 FGT3 6.988 6.988 1:50.908 37 3 0:17:28 4 V8 Racing Braams-Braams-Pastorelli-Ramos 5 10 A6-Pro Hofor-Racing Mercedes SLS AMG GT3 7.618 0.630 1:50.932 41 3 0:11:41 5 Hofor-Racing Kroll-Kroll-Eggimann-Heyer-Frankenhout 6 17 A6-Am IDEC SPORT RAC ING Mercedes SLS AMG GT3 -- 202 laps -- 1:54.060 8 2 0:07:49 1 P atrice Lafargue Lafargue-Lafargue-Abergel-Bottemanne 7 31 A6-Pro Spirit Race Audi R8 LMS Ultra -- 200 laps -- 1:50.777 4 3 0:11:23 6 Suzanne Weidt Lewis Brauner-Weidt-Hrachowina-Konrad 8 56 991 DINAMIC SRL Porsche 991 Cup -- 199 laps -- 1:56.367 62 3 0:08:03 1 Alex de Giacomi de Giaco mi-Berton-Mercatali-Drudi 9 77 SPX GDL team Asia Lamborghini Huracan Super Trofeo1:17.061 1:17.061 1:54.271 5 3 0:11:08 1 GDL Team Asia De Lorenzi-Barri 10 78 991 MRS GT-Racing Porsche 991 Cup -- 198 laps -- 1:55.572 11 3 0:11:55 2 MRS GT -Racing Putman-Espenlaub-Foster 11 23 A6-Am Equipe Verschuur Renault RS01 FGT3 2:34.827 2:34.827 1:54.252 11 3 0:14:07 2 Equipe Verschuur van Loon-Kolen-Verschuur 12 33 A6-Pro Car C ollection Motorsport Audi R8 LMS 2:48.015 13.188 1:54.985 20 3 0:10:46 7 Car Collection Motorsport Schmidt-Siegler-Ziegler-T onic 13 41 A6-Pro HTP Motorsport GmbH Mercedes SLS AMG GT3 3:33.798 45.783 1:51.318 70 2 0:09:52 8 HTP Motorsport de Pundert-Bosi-Dontje-Jaafar 14 34 A6-Am Car C ollection Motorsport Audi R8 LMS -- 197 laps -- 1:53.811 52 3 0:12:56 3 Car Collection Motorsport Dr. Kirchhoff-Grimm-Vogler-Edelhoff 15 55 A6-Pro Massive Motorsport Aston Martin Vantage GT3 -- 195 laps -- 1:50.254 4 3 0:24:06 9 Massive Motorsport Elgaard-Poulsen-Sylvest-Poulsen 16 666 SPX Vincenzo Sospiri Racing Srl Lamborghini Huracan Super Trofeo 29.824 29.824 1:54.024 55 4 0:10:11 2 Jaap Bartels Tong Liang-Bartels-Mancinelli-Faccioni 17 206 SP2 LMS Engineering Audi TTRS2 -- 194 laps -- 1:58.108 4 3 0:08:42 1 LMS Engineering Terting-Wieninger-Kletzer 18 45 SPX Artthea Sport Porsche 991 GT America 1:23.360 1:23.360 1:58.512 74 2 0:07:36 3 Klaus Werner Werner-Gøtsche-Gøtsche 19 86 991 Tsunami RT Porsche 991 Cup 1:36.587 13.227 1:55.117 18 3 0:09:58 3 Tsunami RT Gaidai-Ledogar-Lentoudis 20 73 991 HRT Performance Porsche 991 Cup -- 193 laps -- 1:56.133 5 3 0:11:03 4 HRT Performance André Hauschild-Borness-Negroni 21 89 991 Förch Racing by Lukas Motorsport Porsche 991 Cup 32.145 32.145 1:55.258 10 2 0:14:49 5 Forch Racing by Lukas Motorsport Bauer-Eisemann-Wojcik 22 284 SP3 Nova Race Ginetta G55 GT4 -- 191 laps -- 2:01.159 23 2 0:08:42 1 Nova Race Rangoni-Magnoni-Gentili 23 83 991 Förch Racing by Lukas Motorsport Porsche 991 Cup 26.608 26.608 1:55.084 73 2 0:09:58 6 Forch Racing by Lukas Motorsport Lukas-Kotarba-Majkutewicz-Jaros 24 64 991 Porsche Lorient Racing Porsche 991 Cup 50.331 23.723 1:59.669 74 4 0:11:54 7 Pascal Gibon Gibon-Bourret-P olette-Lelievre Fastest time : 1:50.201 in lap 24 by nbr. 14 : Optimum Motorsport(Joe Osborne) (Audi) Publication-time Results and Laptimes : www.raceresults.nu Timekeeping by : RSTime by TimeServ ice.nl Time Printed : 19-03-2016 - 12:30 Race Director Steward Timekeeper Martin van de Pavert Sanne van der Meer - TimeService.nl Page 1 of 3 Results remain provisional pending technical examination and decisions f rom the stewards of the meeting Hankook 12H ITALY-MUGELLO 2016 24H Series 2016 - Race 2 Intermediate result 12H - Race (part 2) 18 - 19 March 2016 Race Time = 03:00:00 Mugello circuit - 5245 mtr. Class Pit Total time Pos Nbr PIC Team name / Official Entrant Car Gap Diff Fastest In Stops in Pit 25 18 A6-Pro V8 Racing Mercedes SLS AMG GT3 -- 190 laps -- 1:52.658 15 2 0:08:37 10 V8 Racing Braams-Huisman-Abresch 26 125 SP3 NKPP Racing Seat Leon Cup Racer 1:37.750 1:37.750 2:04.348 53 1 0:05:24 2 Bas Koeten Racing Bessem- Hilders 27 282 SP3 Nova Race Ginetta G55 GT4 -- 189 laps -- 2:01.301 12 3 0:13:01 3 Nova Race Carboni-lasagni-Copetti 28 85 SP2 Speedlover Porsche 991 Cup 13.230 13.230 1:59.774 79 3 0:09:29 2 Charel Arendt Arendt-Arendt 29 35 991 B2F compétition Porsche 991 Cup -- 186 laps -- 1:58.225 10 4 0:10:50 8 Benoit Fretin Fretin-Fre tin-Mitieus 30 36 A6-Pro Car C ollection Motorsport Audi R8 LMS 8:38.236 8:38.236 1:52.499 13 4 0:36:28 11 Car Collection Motorsport Müller-Edelhof f-Dalmo-Stein" 31 70 SP3 C or Euser Racing Lotus Evora GT4 8:48.411 10.175 2:02.394 54 3 0:11:38 4 C or Euser Racing Euser-Barenburg-Allpass-Thorsen 32 210 SP2 Bonk Motorsport Porsche 997 Cup -- 185 laps -- 2:03.900 7 2 0:07:26 3 Bonk Motorsport Piepmeyer-Bonk 33 12 SPX Leipert Motorsport Lamborghini Huracan Super Trofeo 27.569 27.569 1:56.343 2 3 0:15:06 4 Leipert Motorsport Black-Kemp-Metaxa-Greensall 34 59 991 GT 3 Poland Porsche 991 Cup 40.861 13.292 1:55.381 11 3 0:12:38 9 GT 3 Poland Lukas-Jedlinski- Jedlinski-Opiola 35 84 SP2 Speedlover Porsche 991 Cup 50.619 9.758 2:01.295 7 3 0:11:21 4 Pierre-Y ves Paque Paque-Richard 36 101 A3 Hofor-Kuepper Racing BMW E46 M3 Coupe -- 184 laps -- 2:05.061 2 1 0:06:22 1 Hofor Racing Kroll-Küpper-Zander-Taheri 37 224 SP3 RTR Projects KTM X-BOW GT4 -- 183 laps -- 2:01.194 30 3 0:11:00 5 RT R projects Miniberger-Paulave ts-Dreszer-Skalický 38 65 991 Porsche Lorient Racing Porsche 991 Cup 6:14.782 6:14.782 2:00.961 23 3 0:14:10 10 Jean-Francois Demorge Demorge-Demorge-Blasco-Ancel 39 140 TCR PC R Sport Seat Leon Cup Racer -- 182 laps -- 2:04.783 13 2 0:10:31 1 PC R Sport Arruabarrena-Aristi-M asdeu-Vigiola 40 146 CUP1 Bonk Motorsport BMW M235i Racing Cup -- 178 laps -- 2:07.723 55 2 0:08:09 1 Bonk Motorsport Partl-Bo ck-Partl 41 126 SP3 CTR-Alfatune Seat Leon Cup Racer 33.308 33.308 2:04.041 37 1 0:04:57 6 CTR-ALFTUNE Bentley-Clonis-Gilham 42 203 SP2 Vortex V8 Vortex Vortex 1.0 52.143 18.835 1:59.578 4 2 0:54:35 5 Lionel Amrouche Amrouche-Calmon-Leone-Provost 43 102 SP3 JR Motorsport BMW E90 -- 177 laps -- 2:02.042 5 2 0:08:39 7 Bob Herber Lanting-Herber 44 141 TCR PC R Sport Seat Leon Cup Racer -- 176 laps -- 2:06.817 31 2 0:13:03 2 PC R Sport Dasi-Aurruabarrena-Parera 45 8 A6-Am BOUTSEN GINION RAC ING Renault RS01 FGT3 43.850 43.850 1:54.012 2 3 0:14:18 4 BOUTSEN GINION RACING Waszczinski-Cools-Salini-Kuppens 46 98 SP2 Speedlover Porsche 991 Cup -- 174 laps -- 1:57.115 75 3 0:13:27 6 T om Kieffer Kieffer-Rivas 47 108 A3 C apricorn Racing Seat Leon Supercopa -- 171 laps -- 2:09.784 66 1 0:06:01 2 Claudio Truffer Truffer-Meier-Haas 48 777 A6-Pro MP Sports Mercedes SLS AMG GT3 -- 169 laps -- 1:50.763 61 3 0:11:27 12 MP Sports Prokop-Kubica-Müller-Onslow-Cole-White Fastest time : 1:50.201 in lap 24 by nbr. 14 : Optimum Motorsport(Joe Osborne) (Audi) Publication-time Results and Laptimes : www.raceresults.nu Timekeeping by : RSTime by TimeServ ice.nl Time Printed : 19-03-2016 - 12:30 Race Director Steward Timekeeper Martin van de Pavert Sanne van der Meer - TimeService.nl Page 2 of 3 Results remain provisional pending technical examination and decisions f rom the stewards of the meeting Hankook 12H ITALY-MUGELLO 2016 24H Series 2016 - Race 2 Intermediate result 12H - Race (part 2) 18 - 19 March 2016 Race Time = 03:00:00 Mugello circuit - 5245 mtr.
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