~.. ,,, .iJ, Communications D Dance D Design ',;., . •~ • D Music D Speech D .Theatre D Visual Arts ·• - ~· ·., • ~ .-.:.: '".. i , ·, 'ti:'4;:. A newsletter for Faculty, Students and Friends · _, '. · of the /USB Division of the Arts • - \!/ ·~·' ~ ~ Vol.2No. 1 INSIDE The 8th Annual Arts/I USB Showcase, Ri verside Rhapsody, will be held Sunday, February 23 2 Spotlight from I :00 - 5:00 p.m. Jerre Sh inneman and Judy Hansen are Academy co•chairm en. Showcase is an important fund raiscr for IUSB's Di vision of the Arts. Silver Scheduled to perform are: the Chester String Quartet, the Hood IUSB Jazz Ensemble, the South Bend Youth Symphony, the 3 Spring Michiana Bo y Choi r, the Suzuki Strings and Piano, the IUSB Calendar Philharmonic and the South Bend Symphonic Choir. There 4 Faculty wi ll also be a sculpture demon­ Files stration by Tuck Langland, an Electronic Music Studio, and Toradze performances by the IUSB Piano 5 Competition wi nners as well as Alexander Toradze's piano Szymanski students. See SHOWCASE, page 7 6 IUSB· England Toradze First Martin Chair Pianist Krakow Academy Droege• China The Russ ian piano virtuoso arts education and performance/ of Art Professor Alexander Toradze is the first to presentati on . More occupy the Martin Endowed According to Dr. Robert W. at IUSB Professorship in Piano at IU SB. Demaree, Jr. , Dean of the Ans, Faculty Tht first endowed dwir in music IUSB, Toradze "brings 10 our "A man is a mirror that re• al any public campus in /11cliu 11 a, student s the judgemen t and nects the mystery of the world," 7 Demaree it was made possible by a gift in sight of a master teacher." So says Marek Szymanski, Visiting Professor of Painting from the Elkhart-based Martin He has already allracted to 8 Author Foundation. Toradze began his the IUSB campus five Russian and Drawing at IUSB for the tenure in January -- an exciting piano students and one from spring semester. moment in the hi story of Arts/ France, as well as several o thers A soft-spoken, somewhat Theatre IUSB, and the culmination of a for different instruments. shy man, Szymanski is engaged in year-long, four-continent search, Friendly and with a li vely a search fo r the hidden reality of Students/ human kind's existence and in his chai red by Professor Michael J . sense of humor, "Lexo," (his Alumni nic kname since childhood) puts work is trying to understand the Esselstrom. 11 Toradzc is a world-rcknown at ease all with whom he comes in world and its people . Again pianist, an exci ting and vibrant contact. He cares for and nur• and again we have to prove the artist whose presence at IUSB tures his students , whomever they sense of - and justi fy .. our lends unparalleled prestige 10 a n might be. existence. That's what my art is already outstanding program of See TORADZE, page 5 See SZYMANSKI, page 5 1 ...................... / ... L ........................................................................ , SPRING kf. .,~1992 CALENDAR OF EVENTS 1 ,lfl J,.;4,. Assigned seating for all events • Adm1ss1on Charge • January / Ij"4'-::(D- Box office M•F 12.00 to 6:00 pm 237-4203 17, Friday Electronic Music Recital Campus Auditorium 8:15 pm• 18, Saturday Phillip Isenberg Concert, Flute Campus Auditorium 8:15 pm' 27, Monday Jau Festival Chicago Bus Trip $35.00' Sponsor-Arts Academy, 237-4406 February 4, Tuesday Concert II , John Wustman Recital Hall 8:15 pm Songs of Franz Schubert 9, Sunday IUSB Piano Competition Recital Hall 2:00 pm• 11 13, Thursday Reflections" Art Lecture Recital Hall 7:00 pm 14, Friday Fine Arts Faculty Art Show Gallery, Admin. Bldg. 4:00 pm 16, Sunday Owen Carman, Cello Campus Auditorium 4:00 pm• Calendar Spotlight Silver Celebration 21, Friday Tom Sawyer, Children's Play Campus Auditorium February 22 (I :00 and 3:00 pm) The Arts spring calendar has The highlight of the season 1992 marks the 25th February 23 (I :00 pm) been a full and exciting one; and be the Michiana and IUSB will anniversary of the first IUSB February 29 (I :00 and 3:00 pm) the concerts and events yet to debut concert of Martin Chair commencement: the first time March I (I :00 pm) come are among the best we have pianist Alexander Torndze March degrees were awarded to students 21, Friday Kathryn Votapek Concert ever offered. 14. Our celebraled artist has nol Campus Auditorium 8: 15 pm• of this campus. This year-Ions Violin, Piano John Wustman, is America's yet announced his program, but celebration began last 23, Sunday Showcase of the Arts IUSB Admin. Bldg. 1:00-5:00 pm• most distinguished coach/accom­ it is certain to be a thrilling per­ September. Arts/lUSB panist. On February 4 and formance -- an evening to contributions to the festivities March March 17 he will be continuing remember. include the production of Hamltt 12, Thursday IUSB Philharmonic Campus Auditorium 8:15 pm• the series of concerts begun last An entirely different type of in October, the Showcase or the 14, Saturday A rtist Series IV Campus Auditorium 8:15 pm• year presenting all of Schubert's entertainment will be the order of Arts in February, a presentation Alexander Toradze, Piano Debut lieder (over 600 songs) in concert the day when 1he Thealre of the Brahms Requiem in 15, Sunday Southhold Wind Band Campus Auditorium 8: 15 pm• halls across America. Company at IUSR presents A March, and an exciting arr 17, Tuesday John Wustman, Concert Ill Recital Hall 8:15 pm The Fine Aris Faculty Ari D{IY in llolhiwood/ 11 NiJ.:hl in cxhibilion, "The Treasures or Songs of Franz Schubert Show, opening Friday, February thd Ukr{line~ HoOy wood is a IU," in April-May. 19, Thursday Opera Scenes Recital Hall 8:15 pm• 14, will be especially rich and spoof of 1he wonderfully silly 20, Friday Artist Series, Opera Scenes Recital Hall 8: 15 pm varied, including the exciting movie capiral in the 30's. Jllffl {{lflUflDI • 1n1. ,1 21 Saturday Robert O' Hearn Gallery, Admin. Bldg. 4:00 pm work of Marek Szymanski. Ukraine is the comedy the Marx Exhibit of Theatre Designs Kathryn and Ralph Volapek Brothers didn't make, but could ---rn 21, Sa1urday International Students Show Campus Auditorium 8:15 pm• have. Come laugh and live it up will appear in concerl on Friday, 21, Saturday Bruce Uchimura, Cello Recital Hall 8:15 pm• February 21. Kath ryn is violinist with this ..crazy zany, magic" 22, Sunday Shear Madness Bus Trip to Chicago $45.00' (The New York Po.<1) double bill. • 'llvD with IUSB's resident Chester Ii lllllllY datlttilN!ZtldH Sponsor-Arts Academy, 237-4406 Mayfair Theatre String Quartet. Ralph Votapek, Opens Friday, April 17. 27, Friday Chicago Loop Architecture Tour Bus Trip lo Chicago $45.00' Kathryn's father, is a world­ Sponsor-Arts Academy, 237-4406 renowned pianist, a winner of the Dr. Hood to IU's 28, Saturday Artist Series VI Campus Auditorium 8:15 pm Van C liburn competition and Brahm's Requiem PBS and NPR soloist. FACET 29, Sunday Brahm's Requiem Elkhart Memorial 3:15 pm (Repeat of 3/28) Lillie Theatre For the third time 37 faculty April Arts Academy Continues to Grow members from the entire Indiana Arts Academy Spring University system were selec1ed 3, Friday Ron Gorevic and Friends Elkhart Ruthmere 8:00 pm• Semester bus trips are scheduled to participate in IU's FACET, Museum for Sunday, March 22 to see 1he Faculty Colloquium on Ex­ 4, Saturday Artisl Series VII Campus Auditorium 8:15 pm Shear Madness, an hilarious cellence in Teaching, held in Chester String Quartet comedy sure to tickle your fancy! Brown Counly. IUSB was 8, Wednesday IUSB Jau Ensemble Recital Hall 8: 15 pm• On Friday, March 27, partici­ honored to have five facull~ IS, Wednesday Thomas Rosenberg, Cello Recital Hall 8:15 pm• pants will take a tour of historic chosen {more than any othe 17, Friday Student Art Show Gallery, Admin. Bldg. 4:00 pm Chicago Loop Architecture, regional campus), including Dr. (Through May 8) hosted by Dr. Susan Hood, Arts Susan Hood. Those selec1ed, in 1 17, Friday A Day In Hollywood/ Campus Auditorium 8:15pm' IUSB Assistant Professor of Art process involving nomina1ion by A Night In The Ukraine History. their peers and university-wide 18, 24, 25 , Academy enrollment has review, are expected to be nol 26, Sunday at 2: 15 pm grown dramatically this semester; just good teachers, but 1he lO, Thursday Philharmonic Concerto Night Campus Auditorium 8: 15pm' children throughout Michiana outstanding teaching racul1y or May are enjoying classes in "Music Indiana University. I, Friday For Munchkins" and "Kinder­ See HOOD, page I Zhou Zheng, Piano Elkhart Ruthmere 8:00 pm• musik." Museum Piano classes for all ages 2, Saturday Artist Series VIII Campus Auditorium 8: 15 pm• continue to be popular. and the Arls/lUSB Ncwslcucr is publi!ihcd L............. ~.. Zhou Zheng, Piano•••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 3 Academy is expanding its offer­ twice yearly, fall and spring, by the ings in dance and the fine arts. IU SB Division of !he Arts. For more information about any Rober! W. Demarce, Jr. Dean of the Arts Academy offerings, call the Tho mas C. Miller Academy office at 237-4406. Dircc1or o f Produclion Alice Dare Slallon Editor/Graphics Mark Todd Calendar Photographs Cover-Dean Frick Page 5-Todd Hoover 2 Page 8-Tom tvlillcr Faculty Files Toradze Szymanski Continued from page 1 Continued from page 1 Dr. David Barlon appeared Dr. Michael Esselslrom Alan Larkin exhibiled his Toradze was born in Tbilisi, should be reserved early as a sell­ about.
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