: Special Christmas Preview Section The Weather THEDAILY FINAL Mostly cloudy and cold Red Bank, Freehold r 7 today and tonight, low tonight in upper a)s. Partly sunny and Long Branch EDITION cool tomorrow and Friday. 60 PAGES *• a Monmoutli County's Outstanding Home Newspaper VOL 95 NO. 101 ° RED BANK, N.J. WEDNESDAY, INOVKMBEK 22.1972 TEN CENTS Minillllllinilllllimillll lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliniuiniunilllllUIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIUIIlllllinilllUUIIIIIU lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUlllimilHIIIIIIIIIIIlllllllFIIMIIIH.IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIII llllilllllltlllllll!illll)lllll1llllllllJIlUlllUlll«Mlllllllllll tllllllHIISlllllllll UIIMIII<IIIIIIIIIIllllllUut!!!l!lll«tl!MUU1IMIIIIIIItllllll»llHHn Golan HeightsfQuiet, Tense' After Battle By The Associated Press The shelling was intended artillery battle along the Go- and added: "The armed •'to give Ihi! Syrians a signal lan plateau yesterday ended forces are determined to deal The Israeli Army sealed off that they should stop shelling at dusk. It was the second this blows to the Israelis because the Golan Heights again today our civilian settlements," a month and one of the heaviest force Is the only language and kept its troops there on senior commander told news- exchanges along the frontier they understand." full alert in the wake of their men visiting the battle zone since the 1967 war. Israel claimed it shot down big battle with Syrian forces on tho Golan Heights. Israeli planes launched the six Syrian jets and estroyed 15 yesterday. "We made about 211 to 3(1 attack, which the Israeli com- tanks. It also reported direct The Israeli command said hits inside the villages. Who mand said was in retaliation hits on three guerrilla en- the plateau, which Israel lives in them? Poor people." for the planting of mines in campments and two division seized from Syria in the 1967 Israel hit. the villages after the Golan Heights by Palesti- headquarters as deep as 50 war, was "quiet but tense." Syria fired on two Israeli ci- nian guerrillas from Syria. miles inside Syrian territory. An Israeli commander ad- vilian outposts, killing one ci- After the last major Israeli- Syria acknowledged the lass mitted shelling six civilian vil- vilian and injuring three, the Syrian battle on Nov. 9, Syria of two aircraft and claimed lages to make examples of officer said. One Israeli sol- declared it would continue lo three Israeli jets, 14 tanks and' them during the battle with dier also was wounded. The support guerrilla operations eight fortified positions were Syrian forces yesterday. He Syrians later shelled a third no matter how heavy the re- knocked out. The Israeli com- said he was acting on orders Israeli settlement. taliation. Damacus radio re- mand denied it lost any planes froni higher up. The eight-hour air, tank and peated the pledge yesterday or tanks. More Viet Stan rtoto TALKING TURKEY - Tlmmy Bartz and Rebecca Scovell, fIve-year-oldv le, dis- cuss tomorrow's Thanksgiving Day plans while examining a prtme element s celebration at Talks Set Hinck Turkey Farm, Belmar Blvd.; Wall Township. j For Today PAKIS (AP) - Henry A. Kissinger paid a brief visit to Turkey's Still a Go^$tiyBrussels today to confer with President Suharto of In- WASHINGTON (AP) - the turkey is usually the compared with 33 cents a Agrtcitffnre Depart- donesia but scheduled more That fine old bird, the turkey, single mpst expensive item on ago. says a'$Kdrd 1284 mil- Vietnam peace negotiations is rated as one of the best the dinner table, depending on Fresh cranberries, aver- turkeys*'wetB raised this this afternoon with North buys in the supermarket, but how fanCy the other fare is. aging 29 cents' a pound, are year, up 7 ptSrcent from 1971. Vietnam's Le Due Tho. some of the trimmings are go- The department limited its unchanged. Sweet potatoes Consumers, increasingly Indonesia is one of four ing to add to family food bills' retail price survey to the are up one penny from 14 have turned to turkey and oth- countries that have been this Thanksgiving. Washington area and .said cents per pound a year ago. er poultry asprices have gone asked to supervise the cease- A 21-pound turkey in the there was no national esti- Turkeys have become a for beef and pork. This fire. Kissinger and Tho are Washington, D.C., area is sell- mate. /However, retail food year-around feature at super- ir, the department, says, trying to work out. Presum- ing this week for an average prices^ generally are running markets, not just a holiday American will eat an av- ably the U.S. presidential ad- of 39 cents per pound, which is about/4 per cent higher than treat as they once werfe. One of 8.9 pounds of turkey. viser went to Brussels to dis- unchanged from the past last year. big reason is that farmers cuss this with Suharto, who is three Thanksgivings, the Ag- , Sojhe items cost more this have learned to product them $$,,)$, comparison, per on a tour of European capi- riculture Department reports. Thanksgiving. Ready-mixed more efficiently and on, a full- capita* turjtey consumption tals. was 6.1 Winds. At $7.80 for a typical bird. stuffing is 35 cents per pound, time basis. Kissinger flew to Brussels- last night after his second meeting.' with Tho, He re- turned to Paris in the middle of the morning. Ask Legislators to Stiffen n Kissinger and Tho met for more than four hours yes- CONVICTION REVERSED —Antiwar activist David Dell/nger, center, a terday at a suburban villa member of the Chicago Seven/ chats with lawyers William Kunstler and owned by the French Commu- Doris Peterson In New York yesterday after a federal appeals court re- Deepwater Port Opposition nist party. versed the convictions of the five Chicago Seven defendants found quilty of crossing state lines to Incite the violent street rioting during the 1968 As usual there was no con- FREEHOLD - The M<)n- a deepwater port for super- director, told the board that Democratic National Convention. The court said the constitutional rights side of Ambrose Channel. The crete information on their dis- mouth County Planning Bqard tankers off Monmoulh's coast- the county "has something to of the defendants may have been violated by Judge Julius J. Hoffman. channel depth for super- cussions. But during one 15- is urging the county's federal line. worry about" from the poten- tankers was indicated to be minute break they could be representatives to increase . Kenneth Hilbrunner, assis- tial sites off Sandy Hook and about 77 feet. seen walking together in the their opposition to plans to put tant county Planning Board Long Branch. Board Chairman E. Donald garden, conversing -ani- Army engineers are "giving Sterner said the federal gov- matedly and occasionally Sea Use Ban Seen serious thought" to the two ernment- owns the two-mile- laughing loudly. sites, he reported, adding that long pier at the Karle Naval Ocean Bank Holdup he had attended a briefing in White House press secre- Ammunition Depot in Sandy tary Ronald* L. Ziegler told Washington Nov. 0 when the Hook Bay and this pier was newsmen that Kissinger had Army Corps of Knginecrs about four miles southwest of Not Perfect Answer cabled reports to President 1 Loss $10,000-Plus study of deepwater ports was the proposed .Sandy Hook site. Speakers at last Sunday's was "too restrictive' a no Nixon Monday and ^Tuesday to receive a lukewarm recep- OCEAN TOWNSHIP - Lo- While the first man dis-unveiled. •The reason the area is so Jersey Littoral Task Force "would tic our hands, prima- tion in the stale Senate, seems and the President "commu- cal police, FBI agents and played a handgun, Chief Tan- Two maps in the report in- desirable," continued Mr., seminar who called for more rily In the energy field." particularly aimed at halting nicated back to him by State Police today continue a tum said, the second bandit dicate that the site off Long Sterner, "is that the oil can be state control in environmental "The utilities are telling us further development of the probe into the armed holdup appeared casual throughout Branch is to be about five put on barges and shipped up cable." But Ziegler refused legislation aren't convinced that this is the area (offshore offshore nuclear facility, pro- yesterday of the N.J. Bank the incident. miles cast of thaj; city where the Arthur Kill to the refinery to discuss the contenls of the that the ocean sanctuary bill plants) that should be explor- posed by the Public Service and Trust Co. office at Sunset Before Kobcrt List, the the water is 75 t(i'8ll feet deep. areas," cables. passed unanimously by the ed," said Mr. Apy. "And weKlectrlc and (Jas Co. and in- Aye., here, in which an unte- bank manager, realized that Mr. Hiltbrunner said the The county planners are South Vietnamese President Assembly Tuesday is the an- will need increased energy re- volving the Jersey Central dermined amount of cash was something was amiss, the two Monmouth sites are part asking Li. S. Senators Harri- Nguyen Thieu's senior adviser swer. sources In the next decade." Power and Light Co, and thq taken. chief said, a woman bank em- of three along the entire East son A. Williams Jr. and Clif- on national security, Nguyen The bill as passed would Atlantic City Electric Co. ploye approached the man by Denikson W, Dennett, con- Police Chief Neil A. Tantum Coast being considered. The ford 1'. Case and Hep. James Phu Due,- left Saigon last prohibil, among other activi- Public Service yesterday the door and asked if she servation director of the said yesterday that two well- third was in Delaware Bay, he J. Howanl, D-iird, to increase night for Paris, presumably lo ties, building on the seabed or criticized the state Assembly could be of assistance.
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