Average Daily Circulation The Weather For the MoaUi of March. IM l FeteeasC ef O. A Wanlher Vs Fair and eUghUy eoMer wMk 6,717 heavy frost tonight; Wedneedny hfemher of vthe Audit rkmdy with slowly rtoing tempera Bureau of Clroulntloos Manchester— City of'Village Charm (ClasalAed Adverttelng On Page 18) (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS VOL. LX„ NO. 173 MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, APRIL 22, 1941 Indications of Stand at Germans Trap Greeks in Seizing Lamia - A . ■ ____________ _______ _______________________: a -------------------------------------------- - ■ - - As Forest Fire Destroyed 500 Homesx 'tate Doing Defenders Fall Back Good Work In Training To Shortened Lines; Nearly 6,000 Already Absorbed by Industry In Defense Jobs; 700 Volos Also Captured ^ To Be Graduated Soon I^akeshore Towh, Defense Positions South HarUord, April 22.—(P)—With nearly' 6,000 trainees plready ab­ Winant Says Of Lamia on Northern^ loanniiia; Lamia sorbed by industry in Connecticut and an additional 3,000 now un­ Below Thessalonian America Will Edge «f pi.^’ dergoing training, it Is ‘‘obvious’’ Reach New Line ' that this state la doing its part for Plain Where British, national defense^ William G. Ehmis, Greeks Supposed to Help Britain tact Despite Repeat«i| field supervisor o f the State Em- Nazi Lunges and lAesnfl Have Established New (Oontinned On Page Fonr) Line; Main Road of Stuka Assaults; 2S ^Determined by Action Retreat Now Blocked. Nazi PlanM Shot Dowtt’J To Insure Total Vic­ Defense B ill. tory Over Totalitarian Bullctin! Berlin, April 22.—(/F)— I German troopa have captured Agi^ression,* He Avers. London, April 22.— Now Nearer Lamia, 100 miles northeast of British Naval aircraft haPflf iv , London, April 22 — (Mi — The Athens, on the east end of the torpedoed a 10,000-toa tattk* Allied line and trapped Greeks United States amhaaaador to Lon­ er, 6,000-ton supply ship T o A d o p t ii^ don, John G. Winant, told the retreating from Albania on American Chamber of Oommerce 7,000-ton ammunition '' * ^ Thi^ 1* how things looked from the air as a forpst fire, driven by a 85-m!le wind, swept through e^cpluslve Brant Rock, Maas^j^jummer colopy destroying nearly 800 fin# homes with all furnishinga. Here are more than 50 houaea in fiaihea. So .intense was the heat that the~west by seizing the lake- today that "wa are not concerned carrying supplies to the House Approves Meas­ flreinen and volunteers were able to make only feeble efforts to check the swift advance. The photographer, flying 1,000 feet above the shore town of loannina, the with words—we are determined to forces in the Balkans, the help (Britain) by action to insure ure with Changes Ap­ lire, was hampered so by the heat that he waa forced to turn away immediately after each exposure. German high command an­ miralty announced today* nounced today. The entry in- I (Conttnnsd On^ Fags Two) proved by Both to Lamia, rail and highway I Athens, April 22.— publicans. Democrats. Strikes and Lockouts center, yesterday was said to British and Greek forces 160^ 450 Seaside Increase in Canada British Fleet Units have been accompanied by back to new defense po6itioafl|^ State Capitol, Hartford, April Italy C4laims in the Lokris mountains somflr^ Ottawa, Ont., April 22.—(A*) the capture of Volos, 44 miles 22.— (P>—Gov. Rotwrf^ A. Hurley's Homes B u m —Strikes and lockoijts In Cana­ to the northeast, through 100 miles northwest d f ' defense bill ssttipfl up a state de­ da increased In 1940 over the; Attack Libyan Port which A large part of the Advance All Athena today and indieatflRv fense brgnnliatlon hq»(|pd.. hltwA • previous'yrar, the—Dominion f British Expeditionary Force they might make a staad^l hill-Ume affiiudiOntor moved a —""In 4 Hours Labor Department said in a re­ entered. against the Germans at or| step nearer to adoption today as view today. It reported, that Along Front su Tr.n.p^ or Supply ijyazi R aldcrs Lamia Is on the aouth aids of near Thermopylae p a a the H ojim approved the meaaure 168 disputes. Involving '60,619 the Othrya mountaina below the .workers and a time loss of 266,- Ships in Tripoli Har­ where Spartan King L M n idai with jChanges agreed upon by Re- Brush Fire Spreads Its Thessalonian plain where the Brit- pu^cans and Democrata alike. 318 man working days in 1940, put up a heroic defense befoni] bor Hit During 40- iah and Greeks were supposed to 4 0 0 Fascist Planes At* measure omitted a $5,000 Havoc Oyer Section' compared with 122 disputes in­ Strafe Port have eatabllahed their new line. the Persian legions of Xer ,4imitation on the administrator’s volving 41,308 workers and a tack Greeks as They Miiiule Bombardment. Juat Above Thermopylae in 480 B.C. The British , *' salary which had been recommend­ More Than Mile Long time loss o f 22,588 days in 1930. Thia town, bn the north aide of Withdraw into Epirus; ed by Uie House Military Affairs And 200 Y^rds Wide. Diffeiencea over wages werie Of Plymouth mand announced that imi Committee and criticized by the listed as the predominant cau^ London, April 22.--^^— a 12-mile-wlde plain, ia just above al forces had occupied Thermopylae, where Spartan King Losses 'A re . Hfefivy. Democratic chief executive as a ' of the disputes. Heavy units of the British shortened line south of politically-inspired provision which Manhficld, Maas., April 22— (J') Leonidas in 480 B.C. threw up a fleet pounded the western Strike Again at England heroic defense In the pass of the a town on the lower side would “hamstring” the State De­ .^Gaunt chimneys and scattered Rome, April 22-^^P) —Italian fense Coimcil and himself in find­ Libyan port of Tripoli with: same name against the advancing advance into Greece along tha en­ the Othrys mountains and wreckage—reminly:ent o t scenes Today Through Thick legions of Xerxes. ing a man for the post. from bomb-wn'seked Europe —to­ 15-inch shells in a 40-minute tire Albanian fighting front was the northern edge of a nar Among chuiges which now must Heavy Taxes Mist; London Has The rugged Lokria mountaina day marked the path of a 31,000,- bombardment yesterday, the' riae on the south aide of the plain reported today by the Italian high plain. , be considered by the Senate were proviaiona terminating the exist­ 000 fire that raced through 460 Admiralty reported today. It Alarm; No Bombings. and it ma> be here that the Allies command. Thermopylas paas ence of the defense organization in said six transimrt or supply will attempt a new stand. Four hundred Fascist planes through the Lokria mo aeaaide homes yesterday In the If Congr ess The high command said the whose forbidding peaks rlM to 1943, and requiring the appoint­ ships in the harbor were seen London, April 32.—(Mi—German bombed the Greeks as they with­ ment of subordinate employes un- Brant Rock resort section. force reaching loannina swept drew Into Epirus, causing heavy south and command the ja to 1^ hit and added that other raiders strafed the south coast sea­ westward across the Plndua moun­ Greek coast. The pass, a few ; - der the merit syateni. For the moat part, the levelled Votes Levies losses, the war bulletin said. ' Says Charges Uajusttfled structures were summer cottages hits were observed on the port of Plymouth for hours last tains, blocking the Greeks' main Italian air raids on the porta of wide In Leonidas' time, i road of retreat. ranges in width from a mile . During a brief debate on the —soon to have been re-opened — quay, the Naval headquar­ night and struck again at England Preveza, Arta, Paxo and the Is­ measure. Republican Floor Leader but also amouldering were 25 year- ItoUana Pursuing Groska land of Corfu also were reported, a h ^ to three miles. Liter today through a thick mist over Th% lUUans, It added, are pur­ WUliltm L. Hadden contended that round homes. Catholic church, a Thousands to Pay Two ters, power station and a mili­ aa well aa on, the British base at Thermopylae means “the suing the Greeks from the north a pharge of "politics" against the beach casino,. atorea aijd a fire tary stores depot. The railway the Strait of Dover. London hiad a Suda Bay on the Island of Crete. gates.” and are encountering stubborn Only Boats fsr Invader House committee was unjustified. house. Or Three Times Pres­ noon-hour alarm. The- all-clear At Suda Bay, a steamer was station was reported set afire. Greek reaiatance. Borne strategists hold that it House passage of the defense bill . The conflagration started from a sounded a short time later, with­ said to have been burhed during wlnd-ahlpped brush fire that ent Income Tax; Major En routs to Tripoli, It waa amid, The advance, on the east, it waa the bomb attack. out any reports of bombings, it asserted, waa achieved after “ov (Coe tinned On Pag* Twotvs) (Conttaned On Page Too) spread Ita havoc over an area of Naval aircraft intercepted five was learned that a formation of Bombers Sink Taaker Provisions of Program more than a mile long and 200 German troop-carrying planes and German planes. had been seen The communique said ' German (Conttnued Ou Pngs Two) yards wide in less than four hours a)Mt down four in flames. southeast of the capital. bombers sank an 8,000-ton tanker despite the efforts of fir8 fighters BuHetiii! and another ahlp of 'j.edium ton­ Not Serioualy Molested 'Oile Nazi , bomber was said to from virtually every town between \ WasUngton, April 22—<iP) have been shot Into the English nage and damaged others Jn at­ Woman Found The British fleet waa said aot to the Cape Cod canal and the —^The House Ways aad Means Channel by an K.A.F.
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