清蒸游水顺壳鱼/金目鲈 Steamed Live Soon Hock / Seabass 顺壳鱼Soon Hock $7.90/100g 金目鲈Seabass $4.90/100g 油浸游水顺壳鱼/金目鲈 剁椒黄瓜鱼 Deep Fried Live Soon Hock / Seabass Steamed Ground Fish with Chilli $19.90 顺壳鱼 Soon Hock $7.90/100g 金目鲈Seabass $4.90/100g 照片仅供参考,菜肴以实物为准.价格另加10%服务费与消费税 Food pictures are for illustration purposes only, presentation may vary. Prices are subjected to 10% service charge & prevailing GST. 海 鲜 SEAFOOD 富有口感的冬粉,色泽红润的鲜虾,配上自制的蒜蓉 蒜蓉粉丝开边虾 酱,一起蒸制,成为本店菜肴中的一绝。 Steamed Garlic Prawns Steamed with minced garlic sauce on a bed of vermicelli, with Vermicelli the prawns are tender and succulent. $21.90 红烧鲍鱼(最少两份) Braised Abalone (Minimum 2 orders) $19.90 松菇鳕鱼(清蒸/油炸) (最少200克起) Cod with Mushrooms (Steamed or Deep Fried) (200g and above orders) $13.90/100g 金瓜奶油虾 叁巴炒啦啦 Pumpkin Creamy Butter Prawns Stir-fried Sambal Clams $21.90 $15.90 照片仅供参考,菜肴以实物为准.价格另加10%服务费与消费税 Food pictures are for illustration purposes only, presentation may vary. Prices are subjected to 10% service charge & prevailing GST. 海 鲜 SEAFOOD “水煮鱼”,也称“江水煮江鱼”,系重庆渝北风味。选新鲜生猛活鱼, 水煮鱼片或水煮牛肉 充分发挥辣椒御寒、益气养血功效,烹调出来的肉质一点也不会变 Sichuan Style 韧,口感滑嫩,油而不腻。既去除了鱼的腥味,又保持了鱼的鲜嫩。 辣椒红亮养眼,辣而不燥。 Sliced Fish - $29.90 One of the most commonly known Sichuan dish - the savoury and Beef - $23.90 spicy sauce complement each other and each individual piece is the perfect balance of the meat, sauce and bite. 玉米鱼 Deep Fried Corn-Shape Fish $16.90/ 半只 half $29.90/ 一只 whole 农家木桶鱼(金目鲈) 铁板叁巴苏东 Spicy FIsh in Bucket Hotplate Sambal Sotong $4.90/100g $15.90 照片仅供参考,菜肴以实物为准.价格另加10%服务费与消费税 Food pictures are for illustration purposes only, presentation may vary. Prices are subjected to 10% service charge & prevailing GST. 砂 锅 CLAYPOT 海参是八大珍品之一,不含胆固醇,可健脑,益智,长寿,增强 海参煲 人体免疫力。精选个大肉厚的自发海参,配以冬菇,板栗,煲制, Claypot Sea Cucumber 肉汁滋润鲜美。 Sea cucumber is one of the world’s eight treasures and it is cholestrol-free. with Broccoli & Chestnut Thick slices of sea cucumber slices, chestnuts, roast pork, broccoli and $39.90 mushrooms are well infused in rich stock for a rich delectable flavour. 因毛主席喜欢这道菜而得名。选用肥瘦相 连的三层肉进行烹制,以达到肥而不腻、 入口即化的境界。浓浓的肉香,混合香喷 喷的米饭,让你心生温暖,百感交集。 Red-Braised Pork Belly is a dish that is inseperably bound up with the memory of Chairman Mao’s favourite dish. A favourable amount of fat and lean meat is simmered for hours, resulting in a tender and tasty perfection - it is best consumed with a bowl of steamed rice. 毛氏红烧肉 Red Braised Pork Belly $14.90 凉瓜鸡翅煲 鱼香茄子煲 Claypot Chicken with Bitter Gourd Claypot Eggplant with Spicy Garlic Sauce $15.90 $13.90 *鸡中翅剃骨 Chicken is deboned 照片仅供参考,菜肴以实物为准.价格另加10%服务费与消费税 Food pictures are for illustration purposes only, presentation may vary. Prices are subjected to 10% service charge & prevailing GST. 汤 羹 SOUP 所为养生就是要食之有道。这一锅精选五种以上新鲜菌类,加上 养生锅 山芭鸡小火慢炖,对于调节肠道、提高免疫力以及美容养颜有着 Nutritious Stew-Pot 显著的功效。 Chicken with The slow-cooked tender and succulent kampong chicken is well infused with over five different types of mushrooms. This nourishing soup helps Mushrooms strengthen the body’s immunity and enhances beauty. $32.90 宫廷海鲜狮子头(最少两份) Seafood with Pork and Salted Egg Yolk in Chicken Broth (Minimum 2 orders) $12.90 / 盅 cup 福建闽北一绝,是南平最具特色的地方菜 肴。由竹笋混合龙口粉丝、冬菇、蟹肉、苏 东、瘦肉和鸡汤一起小火熬制,慢慢吊出鲜 味。鸡汤除了保留原有的鲜甜味道,更萃取 了竹笋和冬菇等多种配料的美味。浓郁的香 味扑鼻而来,令人食欲大开。 One of Nanping’s most unique regional dishes – the ingredients such as bamboo shoot, vermicelli, mushroom, crabmeat, sotong, lean meat and chicken stock are boiled at constant fire to extract maximum flavour. Boasting well-balanced flavors of sweetness from the ingredients, it is a sheer joy to your taste buds. 剑津笋宴 Bamboo Shoot with Vermicelli Seafood Thick Soup $16.90 照片仅供参考,菜肴以实物为准.价格另加10%服务费与消费税 Food pictures are for illustration purposes only, presentation may vary. Prices are subjected to 10% service charge & prevailing GST. 汤 羹 SOUP 花蟹的营养价值高,含丰富的蛋白质和微量元素。蟹的鲜味和白菜的 大白菜炖花蟹 甜味一起融入到汤里,既保持了食物原有的营养又清鲜美味。 Braised Cabbage The soup is endowed with all the natural goodness and flavours from the combination of flower crab and cabbage. Remarkably flavourful, Soup with Flower Crab this wholesome soup is a favourite among our diners. $26.90 原味鱼汤 Deep Fried Fish Soup in Claypot $26.90 原味炖盅排骨汤 原味炖盅鸡汤 Double-boiled Pork Rib Soup Double-boiled Chicken Soup $9.90 $9.90 照片仅供参考,菜肴以实物为准.价格另加10%服务费与消费税 Food pictures are for illustration purposes only, presentation may vary. Prices are subjected to 10% service charge & prevailing GST. 手 工 拉 面 点 心 HANDMADE NOODLES & DIM SUM 新加坡人最喜欢的面点,本店的招牌面食。选用肥瘦新鲜猪肉,纯手工制 原味小笼包 作,现制现卖,以体小汁多,皮薄味鲜,形美著称。 Steamed Pork One of Singaporean’s favourite dish and signature dish of The Good Trio Dumplings - the soup-filled dumplings are delicately handmade. The aromatic filling pork is wrapped and neatly pleated with translucent dumpling skin. $6.90 / 6pcs 新鲜的虾肉和肉碎等调味料,拙出圆圆的肉 丸,滚上雪白的米粒一起蒸制,是一道主食 与点心相结合的菜肴,体现出厨师非凡的创 意和精湛的烹饪技术。 Freshly handmade, each rice ball consists of shrimp and minced meat rolled on glutinous rice. Steamed to perfection – it is simple snack food at its best. 雪花丸子 Steamed Glutinous Rice Balls with Shrimp and Meat $13.90 / 6pcs HANDMADE NOODLES & DIM SUM 北方水饺 流沙包 Steamed Chives & Pork Dumplings Golden Custard Buns $6.90 / 10pcs $5.90 / 3pcs 另加Additonal 1pc / $2.00 照片仅供参考,菜肴以实物为准.价格另加10%服务费与消费税 Food pictures are for illustration purposes only, presentation may vary. Prices are subjected to 10% service charge & prevailing GST. 手 工 拉 面 点 心 HANDMADE NOODLES & DIM SUM 仅挑选排骨中的精华部分,再经两小时的密 原味排骨汤面 原味鸡汤面 封蒸制。慢火熬煮的原味汤头,配上滑顺弹 牙的纯手工拉面,绝对令你回味无穷! Handmade Handmade Noodle Noodle served served with Boiled for at least two hours over slow heat to fully extract the goodness of the pork with Double-boiled Chicken Soup ribs. Served with a bowl of springy hand- Pork Rib Soup $10.90 made noodle. $10.90 炸酱面 Handmade Noodle with Minced Pork in Bean Sauce $7.90 红烧牛腩面 担担面 Braised Beef Noodle Soup Handmade Noodle in Spicy Sauce $10.90 $7.90 照片仅供参考,菜肴以实物为准.价格另加10%服务费与消费税 Food pictures are for illustration purposes only, presentation may vary. Prices are subjected to 10% service charge & prevailing GST. 手 工 拉 面 点 心 HANDMADE NOODLES & DIM SUM 纯手工制作,那火辣辣的红剁椒,盖着白嫩嫩的温吞,色香味俱全, 剁椒云吞 肉嫩且饱满,香辣可口。 Steamed Wanton Encased in a delicate handmade dumpling skin, the succulent with Chilli filling is made with a combination of pork, prawn, water chestnut for a balanced medley of textures and flavours. $7.90 特制锅贴 Pan-fried Dumplings $7.90 / 6pcs HANDMADE NOODLES & DIM SUM 手抓饼 海鲜烧卖 Crispy Bread with Floss Steamed Seafood Pork Dumplings $7.90 $6.90 / 4pcs 照片仅供参考,菜肴以实物为准.价格另加10%服务费与消费税 Food pictures are for illustration purposes only, presentation may vary. Prices are subjected to 10% service charge & prevailing GST. 主 食 MAIN COURSE 一锅好汤成就一碗好面。将劲道十足的生面和新鲜的食材如海 南平焖面 鲜、肉类以及蔬菜融合在一起焖煮,让面充分吸纳配料的香以 及海鲜的甜。吃起来口感Q香而滑,让美味挑战你的舌尖。 Braised Nanping The flavourful broth is well infused with bountiful ingredients such as seafood, Noodles pork and vegetable – immensely tasty and sweet. The springy thin-strands of $9.90 (S) $13.90 (M) noodle absorb the goodness, making every mouthful a delight! $21.90 (L) 南平炒面 草包饭又名草袋饭,其历史悠久,发源于广西及福建南平等地区,是客家山 区里的一种传统老旧米饭的做法。如今的草包饭,由大米、珍珠米、糯米、 Nanping Fried Noodles 糙米、玉米和绿豆这六种健康食材混制而成,然后被装进一个个精巧的草袋 里。食客一人一袋,是一种老少皆宜既健康又营养的米饭。 $9.90 (S) $13.90 (M) $21.90 (L) “Straw Bag” Rice has its origins from Guangxi and Fujian Nanping – a traditional Hakka’s cooking recipe in the mountainous area. A combination of six different ingredients - white rice, pearl rice, glutinous rice, brown rice, corn and green beans – the “Straw Bag” Rice is a healthy choice for a nutritious meal. 原味草包饭 “Straw Bag” Rice $2.90 三人行炒饭 家乡焖年糕 San Ren Xing Fried Rice Hometown Braised Rice Cake $9.90 (S) $13.90 (M) $21.90 (L) $9.90 (S) $13.90 (M) $21.90 (L) 照片仅供参考,菜肴以实物为准.价格另加10%服务费与消费税 Food pictures are for illustration purposes only, presentation may vary. Prices are subjected to 10% service charge & prevailing GST. 甜 品 DESSERT 本店的特色甜点之一,香郁甜润的宾椰芋泥与清爽可口的原椰汁融 原味椰子芋泥露 为一体,香甜细腻,值得尝试。 Hot Yam Paste The crowd-pleasing yam paste is made perfect with the coconut in Coconut milk and sweet coconut juice - fragrant, sweet and creamy. Served in a young coconut husk, it lends an extra richness to it. $8.90 四川冰粉 手工黄糖糍粑 Sichuan Style Jelly Handmade Sweet Glutinous Rice Cake $4.90 $6.90 芒果柚子冰淇淋 马蹄糕 Yuzu Ice Cream with Mango Water Chestnut Cake $5.90 $5.90 / 6pcs 照片仅供参考,菜肴以实物为准.价格另加10%服务费与消费税 Food pictures are for illustration purposes only, presentation may vary. Prices are subjected to 10% service charge & prevailing GST. 果 汁 饮 南瓜沙冰 Ice Blended Pumpkin 料 $6.90 JUICES & BEVERAGES 蜜汁百香果 (冰/温) Passionfruit Juice with Honey (Iced/Warm) $5.90 红毛榴莲汁 鲜榨西瓜汁 Soursop Juice Watermelon Juice $4.90 $4.90 其它饮料 Other Beverages 老虎啤酒(罐) 可乐 Tiger Beer (Can) Coke $6.90 $2.90 喜力啤酒(罐) 白开水 Heineken Beer (Can) Iced Water $7.90 $0.30 依云矿泉水 Evian Water 玉米汁(温) $3.50 Corn Juice (Warm) $5.90 茶 Tea 菊花/普洱 菊普 Chrysanthemum Tea Ju-pu Tea Pu-er Tea $2.50 / 每位 per pax $1.50 / 每位 per pax 白酒 蜂蜜柚子茶(冰/温) WHITE WINE Yuzu Tea with Honey (Iced/Warm) Old Coach Road Sauvignon Blanc $59.90 $5.90 红酒 RED WINE Tanguero Shiraz $39.90 Levorato Nero d’Avola $59.90 其它 Others 开瓶费 纸巾 Corkage Wet Towel $13 per bottle $0.30 芦荟薏米水(冰/温) 白米饭 Barley with Aloe Vera Steamed White Rice (Iced/Warm) $1.20 (一碗 / per bowl) $4.90 照片仅供参考,菜肴以实物为准.价格另加10%服务费与消费税 Food pictures are for illustration purposes only, presentation may vary. Prices are subjected to 10% service charge & prevailing GST..
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