May, 2017 THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE WOMEN SOARING PILOTS ASSOC. www.womensoaring.org IN THIS ISSUE PAGE 2 Badges June is WSPA dues’ renewal month President’s note Please pay on time From the Editor PAGE 4 Welcome new members Meet Chris Larson Virginia Gallenberger PAGE 5 My first solo WSPA committees PAGE 6 Famous women pilots: Melitta Schiller PAGE 7 100 years old woman celebrates her 100th birthday.. PAGE 8 Winter Soaring..Arizona Winter Soaing...Namibia This and That PAGE 9 NSM letter Shattered Dream A POH cannot be read too many times PAGE 10 Chris Larson soaring over Michigan The “remote” instructor Bronze Badge Process Nutmeg Open House ad PAGE 11 2017 WSPA Seminar page 2 May 2017 THE WOMEN SOARING PILOTS Badges ASSOCIATION (WSPA) WAS (reported through May 2017 A Badge FOUNDED IN 1986 AND IS Coleen Cameron, CO AFFILIATED WITH THE SOARING C Badge Maryam Ali, VA SOCIETY OF AMERICA Coleen Cameron, CO BOARD B Badge Mary Rust ,President Coleen Cameron, CO From the Editor 26630 Garret Ryan Ct. Recently, I got an e-mail from one of our members inquir- Hermet, CA 92544-6733 President’s Note ing why we need separate Charlotte Taylor, Vice President women contests or listing women Your newly elected WSPA Board Mem- 4206 JuniataSt. records separately. This also falls bers are off to a great start working on a St. Louis, MO 63116 into the category ‘why are there variety of projects! Though we have been so few women in aviation and in working on line together for 4 months, Joan Burn, Secretary soaring especially?’ WSPA and many of us have not met each other face 212 Marian Ct. Hangar Soaring discussed this to face yet. So we are looking forward to Hockessin, DE 19707 topic frequently without having a the upcoming WSPA Seminar at Chil- real solution on hand.. Looking howee Gliderport July 3-7, 2017, when we’ll all be there except Alexis Latner,Treasurer back into the early years of soar- for Elke from Germany. Elke had a conflict calendaring the 24009N Braeswood #333 ing, it seems the high point in US WSPA Seminar and some other events in Germany. I hope Houston, TX 77030-4345 women participation in the sport, you’ll all plan to attend and meet your Board Members! in contests and in records posted Since January, your Treasurer, Alexis Latner (TX), Laura Radigan, At Large reached a zenith during the 50es. has been doing a terrific job of tracking and recording all the 1632 Gable Ct. The women’s lib movement in financial records. Having had the job of Treasurer for several Meritt Island, FL 32953-3189 the 60es did not increase years, I know what needs to be done, and I will continue to train women’s participation in the and support her. Let’s all be nice to her and send our dues in to Lora Lewis, At Large sport, to the contrary: the num- her on time before our WSPA memberships expire on June 3910 Saywood Ct. bers dropped. 30th! I know that some of you are LIFE members or HONOARY Palm Harbor, FL 34685 When I started flying in the members and will not need to send in dues, but many of you do early 60es in Germany (BTW this need to mail your $20 in or pay $22 on line with PayPal. If you Elke Fuglsang-Petersen (Int) Easter weekend was my 55th use Pay Pal, send it to [email protected]. At Large soaring anniversary), we had Your Secretary, Joan Burn (DE), has been doing a Dorfstr.17 young women in the club but wonderful job of documenting our Board discussions, decisions, 24613 Aukrug they were mostly seen as pro- and voting on line. Documenting group discussions on line is Germany spective marriage candidates for quite different than the typical “taking notes at a sit-down meet- *** the soaring bachelors. In the ing,” but she has risen to the challenge and has adapted to it Phyllis Wells,Scholarship Chair Foreword to the book “Naomi the quite well. Joan will be coming to the seminar with her husband PO Box 278 Aviatrix” by Nick Thomas I Tim Burn, who has joined WSPA, also. Aguila, AZ 85320 quoted from several sources Your Vice-President, Charlotte Taylor (MO), has about attitudes toward women in jumped right into her job as seminar coordinator with great en- HANGAR SOARING IS the early days of aviation: “She thusiasm! She and I have been working with Sarah Arnold, PUBLISHED FEB, MAY, AUG, had to overcome almost insur- owner of Chilhowee Gliderport, and planning a fun and excit- NOV. mountable odds to make a living ing seminar. Charlotte has also been working with our Web- PLEASE SEND STORIES, in aviation as this field of occupa- master, Colleen Koenig to update our Women Soaring Pilots PHOTOGRAPHS, COMMENTS, tion stayed a male domain for Association webpage, www.womensoaring.org. Charlotte is an ETC TO more than 150 years with argu- expert at organizing and brainstorming ideas! [email protected] ments against women aviators Your Director of Scholarships, Lora Lewis (FL), OR like ‘it is unknown what effect the has been focusing on our Scholarship Process, and she is now Frauke Elber, Editor change in air pressure has on involved in updating the materials we use while we support our 1002 Old Denbigh Blvd #206 female organs’ or ‘Women will Scholarship Recipients. She will work hand in hand with Alexis NEWPORT NEWS, VA 23602 never be as successful in avia- setting up each individual scholarship recipient’s funding proc- tion as men. They don’t have the ess. Each scholarship is set up differently, and having Lora to Colleen Koenig, Webmaster right nerves’. help with this process is a blessing! We are looking forward to [email protected] This was then but even in learning the names of the new scholarship winners while at the our enlightened time women had WSPA Seminar. Lora has also come up with a great new idea to overcome male prejudice. for supporting our scholarship recipients! Each recipient will be When Doris Grove, a US and May 2017 page 3 World Record holding glider pilot and the first woman to fly past working with a WSPA Mentor, who will serve as a big sister to her, the 1000 km mark in a glider, approached a flight instructor during encourage her to achieve her goals, and to give her some ideas the mid 70es with the request of instructions, she was rebuked and answers when she needs help. Please consider signing up as with “ I don’t teach women to fly.” In the past women, although a WSPA Mentor. You don’t have to live near her to do it. It can being national champions in their own countries where they com- be done via phone calls and Emails. You’ll hear more about this peted aside the men on the national level, were denied a berth on new program at the Seminar and in “Hangar Soaring.” the National Team ( UK, Australia and Germany) and thus from Your Director of Membership, Laura Radigan (FL), participation in World Championships. has been working on printing new WSPA banners, brochures, This attitude obviously left a deep (maybe even unconscious) business cards, and flyers. She has already set up a WSPA booth inferiority complex to the point that I hear often “I can’t do THAT”. at the recent “Sun N Fun” in Orlando, FL, where she handed out This is especially true for women in the US. WSPA flyers, membership apps, and brochures. She attracted a Recently, Irit Abramovitch , WSPA member from Israel, lot of attention by showing off her own impressive aerobatic glider pointed me to a web page called FLY like a GIRL, where I found that she will be flying in the Senior Championships. Laura’s enthu- the following quote: “A recent story in Science Magazine found siasm is contagious! Laura, hurry up and retire from NASA so we that young girls are less likely to think their own gender is smart. In can have you all the time! J order to change that narrative it is crucial that girls and women see Your International Director, Elke Fuglsang-Petersen people like themselves achieving great things in their fields.” (Germany), is a huge blessing to our organization! Most of you https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/fly-like-a-girl-documentary-film have seen her work, as she writes about WSPA and is published -women#/ in Soaring Magazine and other journals around Europe and other overseas countries. Elke is proficient in English and German, and Once these young women find the confidence in their abilities she has help spread the word about WSPA all over Europe amongst other women (My heroine was a famous woman aviator) through her writings and her live presentations to various groups they find the confidence to move on to gender neutral contests. and glider clubs. Elke, husband, and kids lived in Colorado for a But you still have to look through a magnifying glass to find them. time, and while she was here, she won our coveted WSPA Anne Just look at the monthly badge column in SOARING: most of the Morrow Lindbergh Challenge Trophy, which is given to the months no women are listed at all. Or when they show up one WSPA Member with the longest Cross-Country Flight in the US, a usually finds them under A,B, C, badges. When was the last time a handicapped contest that any WSPA member could win in any female record or higher achievement badges were listed there? type of glider.
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