THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL* FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1896. 3 Weyler has bad no engagement with the NEW TO-DAY—CLOTHING. insurgents. In fact, the Spanish scouts have not been able to locate the enemy, single PROCLAMATION CUBANS LOSE A and the position is not known of a one of the rebel parties. The last report received here stated that General Weyler MAJOR-GENERAL, and his forces were encamped near Los Palacios. OF RETALIATION £ Little Red Riding Hood 3 >-^ -a # The condition of General Gonzales gis always doing something Havana 3 £ IJT\^Z:|j "#^ffcl* Munoz, who recently returned to % the children on our sec- c ''%!'9 suffering with fever, has become worse for S. JLJB.Jj£L he will not v ond floor. Saturday Little Serafin Sanchez Killed in and fears are entertained that Germany's Unfriendly Con- Hood will recover. g Red Riding give % £+ an Engagement at duct Provokes the jo to all purchasers -on , the 3 @*^^' THE CRITICAL SITUATION. candy. tfi ! \u25a0\u25a0 £j a pretty'box of 3 M.R%*'±S Antici- President, y-J /"LAUS, \u25a0 wpir floor Events of the Greatest Moment M : amf keep ~ ; Las Damas. H^/^^s She wants to in touch tt ™ n i >;W One. £ 3n --» pated by Kvrry S allRaphael's patrons. 2Of our High-Class Sale ofMen 3 V., dispatch with < NEW YORK, N. Dec. 3.—A 0, +„ -\u0084,iii nnni;. <* Suits and Overcoats willbe en- Key West, r*>*\ m^.oClaus willreceive-*. a to the Herald from Havana, via B Santa « acted Saturday ;night. Itis a Reports of Spanish Victory a says: Vessels Under the Kaiser's Flag allwith open arms. By all « a Weyler £ sale that has created no end of It is known that General has )o the ;children : Days Ago no to Pay Duties in Ameri- means let oj. favorable comment for the Bi<* Few Also left Palmacios again for the hills, but spend Saturday with us. what he has accom- g 5 Kearny -Street Store. Confirmed. definite report of can Ports. a sale plished has reached here. \JLSLSLSLSLSLSLSLSLSLSLSLSLS^^ /*" made up exclu- Maceo's forces realize the gravity of the sively of, high-class fabrics, situation, but still they show no signs of high-class styles and garments The Death of Sanchez Is Regarded uneasiness. Tueir confidence in him is A Result of German Hostility to the tailored in a high-class man- by the Insurgents as a unshaken. Shipping and Export Articles ner. Itis believed that Maceo has met an ex- The sale has been made up of Calamity. pedition from Campeche, Mexico, at of This Country. Suits and Overcoats that other Punta Barreos, which brought him fresh ;of stores are getting $18 for; stores and an additional supply bona- 010 know, no tales'} dynamite. It is not thought that B'jSSSJ^r"~^S5S^-f^^K^l^^S \u25a0 fide,y fairy YORK, WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 3.-There NEW N. V., Dec. 3.—News was quit his position, but we never indulge in that sort. Maceo will is reason to anticipate a break in : received to-day from Cienfuegos, Cuba, willcontinue to occupy Pinar del Rio, as further •. friendly relations between the United by Julio de Castro of this city, to the any move out of the province would vir- ' the on~ this remarkable ' States and Germany. The President to- curtain .effect that Major-General Serafin Sanchez tually be a confession of his defeat. Maceo, 1/ WiP^^^^P^^^r^J^^S returned with new sup- day issued the following proclamation of was killed in an engagement at Las itis supposed, has retaliation for unfriendly of the Ger- ' .-. calmly awaiting an assault by acts •.. Damas, Santa Clara province. The dis- plies and is man Government: Weyler on his stronghold. .". patch, which is dated November 24, con- more Whereas, By a proclamation of the Presi- some 2000 swell Suits and The situation was never critical 26, H i .I|| L from '. firms the Spanish reports of a few days one is anticipating dent of tne United States, dated January Yf//'^^^^m .: than now, and every 1888, upou proof then appearing satisiactory \u25a0••ago, Cubans in city which the this be- events of importance. Allminor engage- that no tonnage or lighthouse duties, or any \u25a0 '\u25a0\u25a0'" lieved to be untrue. Thedeath of Serafin ments and Government reports of vic- whatever, im- ••-' the equivalent tax or tuxes were Sanchez is a severe blow to the insurgents. tories are lost sight of in tbe anticipation posed upon American vessels entering the LittleRed Riding Hood; who is a ports the empire of Germany, either by the clever little girl, conceived •, ". \ The battle in which he met his death ofgreater things. of the filling one her little Itis believed here that Gomez is march- imperial Government or by the Governments idea of of stockings withFrench Mixed .•;'• occured on November 20. An expedition of the German maritime states, and that ves- Candies; hanging our corner window. ing down from Matanzas Province to and itin ;•"•was expected from Jamaica and part of Province, sels belonging to the United States of America are to guess in Guinea, in Havana and from cargoes required Ger- You the number of candies the stocking. It's . the forces of Generals Carillo and Sanches He did once, and and their were not in 'an ordinary stocking, as or years ' "... there to Qnivican. this man ports to pay any fee or duly of any kind such alllittle children 8 9 of : started for the coast to receive it. The in- it is admitted that he can do it again of nature, or any import due, higher or other age wear. \u25a0:: .. „ .-.surgents numbered about 1200 men, but while so many troops > are occupied with than was payable by German vessels or their LittleRed Riding Hood thinks that coin willbe more accept- ••" before reaching the point where the expe- Maceo. His object is to harass the troops cargoes in the United States, the President able as the result your qualities ' * thereby and proclaim from j of guessing than ordinary trifles, . crition was to disembark the column was and distract attention from Maceo. ; did declare as with coin you can purchase anything to suit your own ; "; by Spanish Of course this is the Cuban's side of the and after date of his proclamation of tastes attacked 3000 soldiers under January 26, 1858, the suspension of the what story, any case they point out that so here's Little Red Riding Hood will to the best :.. General Luque. A desperate battle en- and in collection of the whole of the dutyof 6 cents -' offer . hours, Maceo can cross the trocha at any time guesser: :\u25a0__-_!:•_ . sued which lasted five darkness per ton, not to exceed 30 cents ser tonper -;.:,. it to the Managua and sea. i /nrToTroTTb'TrbTroTrb'TroTr^^ - • making impossible continue fight. he wishes between tbe annum, imposed upon vessels entered, in the \u25a0..)*.\u25a0 .'*\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0:.•.... .-..\u25a0.\u25a0.\u25a0 \u0084-...- oc .... Formerly swamp not be crossed, any ."' In tbe battle the Spanish suffered a loss the could ports of the United States from of the jo The First Nearest Quesser willReceive $50. = of 170 killed and ninety wounded. The but now itis said it is strong enough to ports of the empire of Germany by section 2 of 3 .."• 1886, 5 The Second Nearest Quesser willReceive $30. '." 3 .."\u25a0•\u25a0 .Cuban loss was forty-three killed and bear cavalry. the act of Congress approved June 19. - twenty-six Cuban General Lacel, in Matanzas, entitled "An act to abolish certain fees lor C The Third Nearest Quesser willReceive $20. :" wounded. vessels and 3 •: official services to American to The Nearest Quesser General Sanchez, mounted on a small sends word that he has had notice that relating Shipping || Ftjprth 'will'Receive $10. 3 ••.horse, coming amend the laws to was in the thick of the battle. A General Gomez is and has pre- Commissioners, seamen and owners of g The Fifth Nearest Quesser willReceive $5. 5 column of Spanish soldiers surprised the pared everything for him in the way of vessels for purposes," and ' and other £ And the Twenty Next Nearest Guessers will 3 •.-_•. insurgents by an attack from the rear and provisions and support. Generals Delgado whereas, The President did further de- -" - Each \u25a0;'. General Sanchez received a bullet in the and Diaz have been doing mo-t of the ad- clare and proclaim in his proclamation of }| Receive a Coaster. 3 26, 1888, suspensions \u25a0 •;•\u25a0 -back. He remained on his horse, how- vance fighting for Maceo inPinar del Rio. January that the said SLSLSLSLSLSLSLSL&SISLSLSJI!) ever, although compatriots tried Itis reported that General Weyler will should continue so long as the reciprocal ex- OLOJLSLSL£iLSIPJLSUIJLPJ^^ •'. and his citizens opened 30th, to induce retire, refused, saying issue a decree on Few Year's day calling emption of vessels belonging to Contest November and closes Christmas Eve'' . him to he of the United States and their cargoes ';'.; out for military every male Span- December 24th, at 8:30 o'clock. -...*';,[';. ."'\u25a0 that he was not badly wounded. Ten service should be continued in the said ports of the - -^. \u25a0 willbe under the . minutes later he fell from bis hor.-e and ish subject on the island between 18 and empire of Germany and no longer: and The distribution immediate- supervision of years report Riding soon expired. His last words were "Viva 45 ofage. The is generally whereas, it now appears upon satisfactory LittleRed Hood, Santa Claus and -Representatives the '\u25a0 of Cuba Libre!" discredited, but ithas caused great con- proof that tonnage or lighthouse dues, or '• '\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0'-:\u25a0 '\u25a0 ' = ;' Press.
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