'-, ._.RA._-. fflee I grgi ro- :. The .411 -Wave Radio Log Authority November 1939 No. 133 CONTENTS Hearing South American Stations, Uruguay 2 British War News Broadcasts 5 Letters To The Technical Editor, B. Francis Dashiell. 7 Radexing With the Radexers, by Ray LaRocque 11 Turner Dial Says- 16 Among The Clubs 16 Video Varieties, Television 17 The Radex Club 18 DXers' Picture Gallery 20 On The West Coast, by Anthonynthony C. Tarr 21 Ham Hounding, by Hugh Hunter?? 25 Amateur Calls Heard 30 Canada's Friendly Station, by John Beardall, CFCO 32 High Frequency Globe Trotting, by Ray LaRocque 35 Shortwave Broadcasting Stations 4q. DXers' Appointment Calendar 53 Radio Stations of the World 54 Applications to the FCC 62 The Month's Changes in Station Data 63 North American Broadcasting Stations by Frequencies 64 The Saine List Arranged by Locations 84 And By Call Letters 90 FIFTEEN ARTICLES SEVEN INDEXES RRSS RADEX READERS SHOPPING SERVICE OFFERS YOU '- r THE NEW ' F HALLICRAFTERS SKYRIDER DEFIANT SX-24 3 BAND RANGE. Tunes from 540 kcs. to 43500 kcs. in SX-24 - 1939 four bands. Band 1, 540 to 1730 kcs. Band 2, 1700 to 5100 kcs. Band 3, 5000 to 15700 kcs. Band 4, 15200 to 43500 kcs. Skyrider Defiant BAND SPREAD. The band spread dial is calibrated so Cash that the operator may determine the frequency of the J $69.50 Price signals to which he listens in any of the amateur bands. ' The outer edge of the dial is marked off in 100 divisions for additional ease in logging and locating stations. TUBES. There are nine tubes. 6SK7 R.F. Amplifie'. Matched Speaker 6KR 1st Detector -Mixer 11.F. Oscillator. 6SK7 1st I. F. Cash Amplifier. 6SK7 2nd I. F. Amplifier. 6SQ7 2nd Detector, $12.00`P Price A.V.C., 1st stage of audio. 6F6 2nd audio output stage. 6116 Automatic Noise Limiter. 76 Beat Frequency Oscil- lator. 50 Rectifier. R. F. GAIN CONTROL. Adjusts the sensitivity of the Combination receiver. $81 X50 Cash SELECTIVITY -A. V. C. SWITCH. Provides a means P Price of bringing the signal through varying conditions of inter- ference. AUTOMATIC NOISE LIMITER. Effectively mini - Term Payments mizes ignition and similar types of interference. O OTHER CONTROLS. Other controls provided are a Down Band Switch, Tone Control. Crystal Phasing Control. $12.60 (land Spread. A. F. Gain. Pitch Control and Beat Fre- a a Phone 8 Months $8.97 ea. quency Oscillator, Send -Receive Switch and Tack. 12 Months $6.10 ea. "S" METER. When the "S" Meter is in use a switch automatically lights the meter scale. Other Hallicrafter Receivers Available On Time YOUR NEW RADIO 12 Months Cash Down R Months the at Price Payment Payments Payments Mayy be bought through RrsS crystal and the lowest prices and best terms avail. S X-23, complete with tubes, able. Your purchase through the RrsS speaker in cabinet $'.°8 assures you unexcelled service and a re- $127.50 $19.40 $14.11 liable product, and helps you by helping crystal an I SX-16, complete with tubes, DX Magazine. speaker in cabinet your $123.00 $19.60 $13.47 $9.16 Shipments made f.o.b. New York or 1 SX-17, complete with tubes, crystal an Chicago to assure you lowest transporta - speaker in cabinet Lion costs. $149.50 $22.60 $16.T3 $11.25 p Buy Benefits You - Benefits Your Magazine RRSS Through \/ Please refer to Order Form on Page 11 A GLOBE FOR 4.00! A BIG GLOBE AT A LITTLE PRICE! This is a full 12 inch globe, beautifully made, and as up-to- date as the Worlds -air! The new streamlined semi -meridian is made of hammered -metal, and the base is a Duncan Phyfe of walnut fin- ished wood. Orders are filled on the day of receipt, and we pay the shipping charges. RADEX 362 Cedar Lane Teaneck, N. 1. 'THE CLOCK THAT CAN BE SET AT ANY OF THE WORLD'S 24 TIME ZONES Tells time like an ordinary clock and automatically shows au- thentic time in every other zone around the world. Actual size is 51/4 inches high by 43/4 inches wide. Modernistic Design of Brushed Brass Just plug it in and set it for the correct time. No further ad- justment nor calculation is re- quired. What DXiersshed HaveFor! Always For AC 110-120 volts, W fHE$ Ei-ECTRIC WORLD 6o cycles TIME CLOCK RA DE X, 362 Cedar Lane, Teaneck, N. J. A 4-> Reg. U. S. Patent Office SIXTEENTH YEAR NOVEMBER 1, 1939 No. 133 Page Taylor, Editor Ray LaRocque, Eastern Editor B. Francis Dashiell, Technical Editor Anthony C. Tarr, Western Editor SOUTH AMERICA HO! Now the radio spotlight moves to generally announce in Spanish only, South America. The coming of winter but a knoweldge of the Spanish lang- naturally improves broadcast band uage is not necessary for one to iden- reception so that many of the reg- tify Spanish - speaking broadcasters. ular South American broadcasters can The names of the cities and countries, be heard, and also the winter time is pronounced in Spanish, are similar to the most ideal time for reception of the English pronunciation. If the the rather long shortwave lengths DXers will listen just a little more that the Latin Americans use. Since carefully when lisening to Spanish an- their time, too, is the same as ours, nouncements, he will neary always be their evening programs are broadcast able to catch the name of the city during our evening hours, enabling us and country. All the Spanish that is to tune in on their best programs at required, then, is the alphabet, which our most convenient listening time. is easily learned. Knowing this, you This year, more than ever, interest are fully equipped to tackle any South should center on South America. With American that may come along, ex- some of the major European nations cept probably a Brazilian, since Port- at war, and others desparately trying ugese is spoken in Brazil. Neverthe- to remain neutral, their radio pro- less, the Spanish and Portuguese lan- grams now can hardly be called "en- guages are similar enough that the tertaining." Heavy censorship, even in Spanish alphabet will do, in a pinch, the "democratic" countries," colors even in Brazil. the news broadcasts, and programs of Here is the Spanish alphabet: an entertainment nature are frequent- A-ah N-en-nay ly side tracked to make way for news or discussions. The South American B-ba y O-oh stations, however, still present enter- C-say P-pay taining and lively programs. Some D-day Q-koo minor restrictions are in force, such E-ay R-air-ray as the one in Colombia which prohib- F-ef-fay its the use of a foreign language, but S-ess-say radio listeners, we are sure, will find G-hay T-tay plenty of music and plenty of DX if H-ah-chay U-oo they point their aerials southward. I-ee V-vay The language difficulty is the only J-ho-tah W-doo-ble-vay one that American DXers have to contend with when listening to La- K-kah X-ek-key tin Americans. These stations, broad- L-el-lay Y-yay casting usually for only local listeners, M-em-may Z- wed KADEX The Spanish nuerals, also very im- portant, are: 1-oo-no 6-sase 2-dose 7-say-tay Cet the 3-trace 8-oh-cho 4-koo-ah-tro 9-noo-ay-ve TRUE 10-deeayth 5-theeng-ko PICTURE There is your "open sesame" to South American catches. Take a fairly with the good radio, a good aerial, most any Sensitive Tuning Chassis fall or winter night, mix them with of the alphabet and your knowledge WORLD'S a little careful tuning and careful lis- tening, and you will turn up some MOST. good listening from interesting and romantic places, such as Uruguay, POWERFUL which will occupy our attenion for a RADIO few moments. Super Power Ampl'fier The Banda Oriental USED IN 154 COUNTRIES FOR ITS of the South Ameri- AMAZING DISTANCE AND TONE The smallest SCOTT CUSTOM BUILT RECEIVERS are can republics, slightly larger than the treasured now more than ever. Throughout the State of Oklahoma, is Uruguay, civilized world, they are giving a TRUE PIC- TURE of fast moving events in Europe, with known to Uruguayans as Banda Ori- a degree of short wave performance which we ental del Uruguay. The chances are believe is unapproached by any other radio receiver in the world! Scott Radio has pio- that if you hear one of her radio sta- neered fine long distance receivers and superb tions, it will be announced simpy as tonal reproduction of broadcast and recorded music. for 15 years. Almost 90% are bought "Uruguay," pronounced OOr'-u-gwai. "SIGHT UNSEEN" through recommendation. The capital of Uruguay is Monte- Sheer merit al -ne has gained the distinction of "World's Finest Radio". video, and other important cities MANY FAR ADVANCED FEATURES which have radio stations are Pay- Many exclusive, advanced features devel--pad in our own laboratories are included in SCOTT Sandu, Colonia, San Jose, Canelones. Radio design. A few of many amazing features Minas, Duranzo, Salto, Mercedes, are: 6 noise reducing systems 6 wave bands Rivera, Tacuarembo. from 3.75 to 2000 meters, including ultra high Florida, Rocha, frequencies Overall fidelity 30 to 16,000 Melo, and Maldonado. i.ycles - 40-63 watts undistorted Class "A". Montevideo was founded in 1726, power output Continuously variable Selectiv- ity from 6 to 16 Kc.
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