Race Dirt 1600M TWO−YEAR−OLDS Course Record:14Oct.17 1:36.2 MIX DES,WEIGHT for AGE,MAIDEN

Race Dirt 1600M TWO−YEAR−OLDS Course Record:14Oct.17 1:36.2 MIX DES,WEIGHT for AGE,MAIDEN

TOKYO SUNDAY,NOVEMBER 29TH Post Time 9:30 1 ! Race Dirt 1600m TWO−YEAR−OLDS Course Record:14Oct.17 1:36.2 MIX DES,WEIGHT FOR AGE,MAIDEN Value of race: 9,680,000 Yen 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Added Money(Yen) 5,100,000 2,000,000 1,300,000 770,000 510,000 Stakes Money(Yen) 0 0 0 Ow. Koichiro Yamaguchi 0 S 00000 Life10001M 10001 1 1 55.0 Hironobu Tanabe(9.9%,68−77−73−468,9th) Turf10001 I 00000 Meliodas(USA) Dirt00000L 00000 .Uncle Mo(1.34) .Giant’s Causeway C2,b. Toru Kurita(11.3%,25−12−18−166,38th) Course00000E 00000 Wht. /Fifty Foot Woman /Path of Thunder 3May.18 Fred W. Hertrich 111 & John D. Fielding Wet 00000 13Sep.20 NAKAYAMA NWC T1600Fi 9 9 13 1:39.3 12th/16 Norihiro Yokoyama 54.0 484" Avanos 1:37.7 <1/2> Smart Legrand <3 1/2> Love Valed Ow. Satoru Takamatsu 700,000 S 10001 Life10001M 00000 1 2 55.0 Yutaro Nonaka(2.2%,11−20−24−454,70th) Turf00000 I 00000 Lune de Neige(JPN) Dirt10001L 00000 .Swept Overboard(0.70).Harbinger C2,g. Hiroyuki Uehara(5.0%,12−11−20−195,130th) Course10001E 00000 Wht. /Harmonic Soul /Koiuta 3Feb.18 Shadai Farm Wet 00000 7Nov.20 TOKYO NWC D1300St 13 13 1:20.5 5th/14 Hiroshi Kitamura 55.0 484$ Lemon Pop 1:18.2 <3> Satono Mustang <1/2> Yamanin Violone Ow. Ryoichi Otsuka 1,800,000 S 00000 Life10010M 10010 2 3 55.0 Mirai Iwata(8.8%,62−60−63−518,11th) Turf00000 I 00000 Silent Night(JPN) Dirt10010L 00000 .Leontes(0.40) .Suzuka Mambo C2,d.b. Eiichi Yano(4.1%,10−20−23−190,139th) Course10010E 00000 Blk. /Three Aphrodite /I Like Suzuka 28Mar.18 Arai Bokujo Wet 00000 7Nov.20 TOKYO NWC D1600St 7 6 1:40.1 3rd/16 Mirai Iwata 55.0 490# Igniter 1:38.3 <7> Ginger Blood <4> Silent Night Ow. Chizu Yoshida 1,100,000 S 00000 Life10001M 10001 2 4 54.0 Mirco Demuro(12.4%,63−46−51−347,10th) Turf00000 I 00000 Tapitail(USA) Dirt10001L 00000 .Tapit(1.13) .After Market F2,g. Yoichi Kuroiwa(6.5%,14−10−19−172,110th) Course10001E 00000 Blk. /Lady of Fifty /K. D.’s Shady Lady 28Jan.18 Teruya Yoshida Wet 10001 10Oct.20 TOKYO NWC D1600Sl 4 4 1:39.0 4th/16 Mirco Demuro 54.0 508! Diluculum 1:38.5 <3/4> Takeru Pegasus <2 1/2> Gold Breeze Ow. Yoshie Naito 0 S 10001 Life20002M 10001 3 5 55.0 Hiroto Mayuzumi(2.4%,8−12−9−301,83rd) Turf10001 I 00000 Mariachi(JPN) Dirt10001L 00000 .World Ace(0.36) .Scatter the Gold C2,b. Eiji Nakano(5.1%,13−19−14−208,114th) Course00000E 00000 Red /Get Out My Way /Muhybh 7Apr.18 Kiyotake Bokujo Wet 00000 10Oct.20 TOKYO MDN T1400So 16 17 1:28.1 14th/17 Ryota Kobayashi 52.0 470+ Kala Patthar 1:25.6 <4> Ecoro Tetchan <1 1/2> Suzuno Nadeshiko 3Oct.20 NAKAYAMA NWC D1200St 14 13 1:15.4 9th/16 Hiroto Mayuzumi 55.0 470, Cipher City 1:12.9 <1 1/4> Fire Dancer <1 1/2> Tiger Snake Ow. Tetsuhide Kunimoto 2,570,000 S 10010 Life20011M 10001 3 6 54.0 Yasunari Iwata(9.3%,46−42−47−362,20th) Turf00000 I 00000 Shonan Navi(JPN) Dirt20011L 00000 .Makfi(0.43) .Daiwa Major F2,ch. Masahiro Otake(9.5%,21−17−22−162,52nd) Course20011E 00000 Red /Shonan Mao /Shonan Happiness 8Feb.18 Tetsuhide Kunimoto Wet 00000 14Nov.20 TOKYO MDN D1600St 3 2 1:41.2 4th/12 Hironobu Tanabe 54.0 502! Masahaya Sun 1:39.8 <4> Kotobuki Alnilam <NK> Steady Chouchou 25Oct.20 TOKYO NWC D1300St 10 9 1:20.2 3rd/16 Hiroshi Kitamura 54.0 510! Self Made 1:19.8 <1/2> Frost Edge <2> Shonan Navi Ow. Nobuo Egawa 0 S 00000 Life20002M 20002 4 7 53.0 Ikuya Kowata(4.0%,19−17−15−425,51st) Turf20002 I 00000 Last Shuttle(JPN) Dirt00000L 00000 .Taiki Shuttle(0.68) .Sakura President F2,b. Yoshikatsu Sato(1.0%,2−6−6−181,185th) Course00000E 00000 Blu. /Yama Hototogisu /Hokuto Garland 17Apr.18 Nobuo Egawa Wet 00000 21Sep.20 NAKAYAMA MDN T1600Fi 14 14 13 1:38.4 12th/16 Toshiki Akiyama 51.0 418, Glorious Capella 1:35.6 <1 1/4> Ginestra <7> Western Epona 9Aug.20 NIIGATA NWC T1600So 16 15 1:41.1 15th/18 Ryota Kobayashi 51.0 424- Infinite 1:37.5 <2 1/2> Belle Vogue <3 1/2> Tosen Melanie Ow. Dearest Club Co.,Ltd. 0 S 10001 Life40004M 30003 4 8 B 54.0 Takuya Kowata(3.9%,23−37−36−489,45th) Turf20002 I 00000 Bless Rogar(JPN) Dirt20002L 00000 .Deep Sky(1.50) .Kurofune F2,g. Masatatsu Kikukawa(3.2%,8−2−12−227,157th) Course00000E 00000 Blu. /Tokino Meigetsu /Aconite Roman 16Apr.18 Daiten Farm Wet 00000 20Sep.20 NAKAYAMA MDN D1200St 3 4 1:14.9 10th/13 Yutaro Nonaka 54.0 446' Nishino Lightning 1:12.9 <1 1/4> Be My Baby <4> Tosen Arles 12Sep.20 NAKAYAMA MDN D1800St 12 12 12 12 1:59.6 9th/16 Yutaro Nonaka 54.0 448* Gratt Eldingu 1:55.2 <5> K Two Marka <6> Kitano Shinsuke 1Aug.20 NIIGATA MDN T1600Go 13 14 1:36.4 13th/17 Teruo Eda 54.0 444) Foteinos 1:34.1 <NS> Carolina Reaper <4> Donauwellen 27Jun.20 TOKYO NWC T1800Fi 4 6 6 1:51.9 9th/16 Teruo Eda 54.0 440+ Slyly 1:49.7 <3/4> Gemini Tesoro <3/4> Kaito Genie Ow. Naoto Kitajo 2,000,000 S 00000 Life20011M 20011 5 9 54.0 Kyosuke Maruta(3.4%,12−15−20−303,68th) Turf00000 I 00000 Peisha Owe You(JPN) Dirt20011L 00000 .I’ll Have Another(0.87).Consolidator F2,ch. Tatsuhiko Ishikuri(1.1%,2−5−8−159,186th) Course00000E 00000 Ylw. /Real Earnest /Primo Lady 6May.18 Grand Stud Wet 00000 7Nov.20 FUKUSHIMA MDN D1700St 11 11 10 8 1:48.8 3rd/12 Kyosuke Maruta 54.0 452& Claro Imeru 1:48.7 <HD> Well Done <NK> Peisha Owe You 18Oct.20 NIIGATA NWC D1800St 6866 1:56.95th/13KyosukeMaruta54.0452( Heavenly Gift 1:56.0 <1> Kazu Laureato <2 1/2> Narita Forte Ow. Mill Farm Co.,Ltd. 0 S 10001 Life30003M 20002 5 10 55.0 Junji Shimada(2.4%,4−8−15−137,100th) Turf20002 I 00000 Yakumo(JPN) Dirt10001L 00000 .Hokko Tarumae(0.32) .Spicule C2,d.b. Yoshihiko Ishige(2.0%,4−7−12−175,180th) Course00000E 00000 Ylw. /Pororoca /Silk Raffine 14May.18 Mill Farm Wet 00000 12Sep.20 NAKAYAMA MDN D1800St 14 14 14 14 2:01.2 13th/16 Junji Shimada 54.0 476+ Gratt Eldingu 1:55.2 <5> K Two Marka <6> Kitano Shinsuke 25Jul.20 NIIGATA MDN T1000Go 0:58.9 15th/16 Ikuya Kowata 53.0 460* Pure Yell 0:55.8 <1 3/4> Ukiuki Holiday <NK> Gobekli Tepe 13Jun.20 TOKYO NWC T1400So 11 13 1:30.8 13th/13 Junji Iwabe 54.0 460( Knock on Wood 1:26.8 <NK> Leo Tesoro <4> Sterling Worth Ow. Takashi Domori 0 S 00000 Life10001M 00000 6 11 54.0 Kazuki Kikuzawa(2.2%,10−16−32−399,73rd) Turf10001 I 10001 Go Straight(JPN) Dirt00000L 00000 .Eishin Flash(0.60) .French Deputy C2,br. Takanori Kikuzawa(6.7%,15−20−17−172,95th) Course00000E 00000 Grn. /Red Lips /Orange Blossom 2Feb.18 Shadai Farm Wet 00000 30Aug.20 NIIGATA NWC T2000Fi 1112 2:07.79th/17Kazuki Kikuzawa 53.0 496% Black Latte 2:06.0 <2> Purple Lady <NK> Hishi Chouchou Ow. Hiroyuki Sonobe 0 S 10001 Life10001M 00000 6 12 55.0 Katsuharu Tanaka(5.1%,13−12−19−210,65th) Turf10001 I 00000 Weight Judge(JPN) Dirt00000L 00000 &Daiwa Major(1.15) &Symboli Kris S C2,d.b. Yoshitada Munakata(9.1%,24−21−16−202,39th) Course00000E 00000 Grn. 'Veiled Chris 'Behind the Mask 28Feb.18 Shadai Farm Wet 00000 23Aug.20 NIIGATA NWC T1200Fi 12 13 1:13.4 13th/17 Kyosuke Maruta 54.0 548" Friend Pal 1:11.7 <NK> Fine Rouge <1 1/4> W Snatch Ow. Godolphin 0 S 00000 Life10001M 10001 7 13 B 55.0 Kosei Miura(12.6%,70−59−60−368,8th) Turf00000 I 00000 Tuition(JPN) Dirt10001L 00000 &Discreet Cat(0.29) &Pyro C2,ch. Mizuki Takayanagi(6.7%,13−13−7−161,117th) Course00000E 00000 Org. 'Smoldering 'Aquarist 20Feb.18 Godolphin Wet 00000 29Aug.20 SAPPORO NWC D1700St 7788 1:50.36th/14HayatoYoshida54.0460! Pictor Tesoro 1:49.3 <2> Thank You Letter <1/2> Justin Star Ow. Tetsuo Koshimura 0 S 00000 Life10001M 10001 7 14 55.0 Takeshi Yokoyama(12.4%,81−49−59−463,6th) Turf10001 I 00000 Iwana(JPN) Dirt00000L 00000 &Rulership(1.08) &Falbrav C2,b. Takashi Kubota(6.8%,16−17−21−180,89th) Course00000E 00000 Org. 'Dance Fame 'Dance All Night 12Feb.18 Shoji Arai Wet 00000 15Aug.20 NIIGATA NWC T1600Fi 18 18 1:39.7 16th/18 Genki Maruyama 54.0 470# Elusive Panther 1:37.0 <1 1/4> Meiner Douglas <1> Londonness Ow. Masaaki Kumeta 1,800,000 S 00000 Life10010M 10010 8 15 54.0 Hiroyuki Uchida(4.6%,28−33−33−510,39th) Turf00000 I 00000 Logi Deep(JPN) Dirt10010L 00000 &Kinshasa no Kiseki(1.15)&Deep Impact F2,b.

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