SEE EDITORIAL, 6 Cloudy and Cool Cloudy and COQ! today. Clear THEDAM FINAL and cool tonight. Sunny and Red Bank, Freehold 7* cool tomorrow. Branch EDITION (Set Detain, Fan 2). Monmouth County3* Home Newspaper for 92 Years VOL. 93, NO. 86 RED B^JVK^ , N# J#, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1969 20 PAGES TEN CENTS i lIUlBHHiiilllllllBIU Beirut Fighting Flares, U. S, Oil Tank Blasted BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) — Hassan. An army post at Ai- house received a direct hit. san brings to 32 the number peace talks with the leaders •The Lebanese government re- ha also was raided, the . Intermittent fighting con- of localities where they have of the guerrillas. ported new attacks by Arab government said. tinued this morning at the been reported. Since the pres- Huge flames hit the night guerrillas on Lebanese vil- One Lebansese soldier was Aiha army post, five miles ent crisis began, the guerril- sky in the oil port of Sidon af- lages and army posts during reported killed and four from the Syrian border. las have occupied four vil- ter two bazookas, apparently the night. The attacks wounded. Three guerrillas Guerrillas occupying the lages in eastern and southern fired by Arab guerrillas, dimmed hopes for negoti- died, three were wounded village oE .Yanta brought in Lebanon. blasted big holes in a 100,000. ations to settle the week-long and four were taken prison: reinforcements Monday night Earlier in the night, ba- barrel oil tank of the Ameri- crisis. er, the government said. It to consolidate their hold, the zookas hit an American oil can-owned Transarabian Oil The attackers used rockets also reported that in the government said. Yanta was Pipeline Co. It took firemen and heavy mortars in their rocket attack on Rachaya, 30 overrun. Friday night. tank, and shooting and bombs 1lh hours to extinguish the strikes on the town of Rach- miles southeast of Beirut, a The presence of guerrillas erupted in Beirut as Leb- blaze. aya and the village of Mashta woman was killed when her SL. at Rachaya and Mashta Has- anese officials prepared for In Beirut, unidentified men opened up with machine guns oh a police station in the Mos- THE CLEANUP BEGINS — An army tank clears a Banja Luka, Yugoslavia, street lem Basta area. Reinforce- of debris, yesterday, as emergency forces begin a cleanup operation in tho city ments were rushed to the scene, and the attackers re- following the devastating earthquake which struck there on Monday. Yugoslavia treated after a 15-minute ex- officials report that almost every building in tha city was. either destroyed or Death Penalty Test Set change. There was no report of casualties or arrests. damaged by the quake. (See story below.) (AP Wirephoto) TRENTON (AP) - The itself into the constitutionali- lin's lawyer to file within 30 William Lee Maxwell, 23, of •convicted murderer of an el- ty of the death penalty. days legal papers challenging Hot Springs, Ark., a convict- derly South Jersey coUple The court, in a 7-0 deci- the death - penalty on consti- ed Negro rapist. The NAACP has been given a chance by sion, said that it had original- tutional grounds. legal defense fund is present- the State Supreme Court to ly decided to reject an appeal A knowledgeable source ex- ing a broad challenge to the challenge the constitutionality by Robert T. Conklin, a 30- plained that the ruling would constitutionality of the death of the death penalty. Jailed Candidate Starting year-old father of six who permit Conklin to receive penalty in the case. A source close to the was convicted with two oth- speedier consideration on a The New Jersey Supreme state's highest court said the er men in the brutal slaying new appeal In the event that decision yesterday was pri- Nov. 21,1968, of Oliver Clark- Court is holding off decisions the death penalty is in a handful of related cases, marily procedural to protect son, 66, and his wife Ethyl, overturned on constitutional the defendant's rights. The 64. pending the outcome of the Week-Long Hunger Strike grounds. Maxwell decision. source said the' move did not But the high court, .in an • The. U.S. Supreme Court is signal an attempt by the court unusual procedure, amended The state Public Defend- [FREEHOLD — John W. will undertake her husband's the fracas. They claim th« currently reviewing the death Davis, black candidate for to open a broad new inquiry Its decision to permit Conk- penalty in a case' involving er's office,. which is repre-, campaign, beginning today. fight was started by tlia senting Conklin argued among governor on the Liberty and 'Natural Duty' white men. Prosperity Party (LPP) write- '"Mrs. Davis says she does No Appeal other points that it was un- in ticket, begins a week-long constitutional to subject a this to'enlighten the establish- "There is no chance for ap- hunger strike today in Mon- ment ^out'the natural duty peal and, if there was a murder suspect to the death rhouth County Jail. penalty because of his willing- of black women to their chance for an appeal, he (Da- Davis announced yesterday men, Mrs. Randolph said. vis) would only accept it if Immunity Offered ness to stand trial before a through his.campaign direc- jury. Meanwhile, pickets from the trial was moved out-of tor, Mrs. Norma' Randolph, Concerned Citizens of Great- the Freehold area and heard Under New Jersey law, a that he will fast until Elec- er Freehold (CC), an inter- by a jury and .a judge that defendant can escape the pos- tion Day (next Tuesday) is racial group,!.-and several would not be from this area," sibility of the. death sentence over "because of the injustice black organizations will com said Mrs. Randolph last night. For Dix Testimony by pleading "nonvult," or no that exists in Freehold courts tinue to picket the jail for an Mrs. Randolph said Mrs. defense. If he takes such a at all levels and to show the hour a- day until Davis' re- Davis, who led weekend pick- FT. DIX (AP)1-A two-star In a rare appearance by a Defense attorneys for Pvt. course, the maximum possi- world what black people must lease, said Mrs. Randolph. eting in front of the Hall of general who took the stand at general officer at such a Klug dad requested that the ble penalty is life imprison- endure in their fight for equal- Davis was convicted of two Records, will attend kaffee- a pre-trial hearing in the case hearing, Collins said he want- general be disqualified as the ment. ity." charges of assault arising klatsches "in and out of the oi. a private accused of riot- ed to "expedite" the investi- convening authority for He is serving a 30-day jail from a fight outside Sorren- county" on her husband's be- Conklin, a bartender from term imposed Friday by Mon- half and will participate in ing, says he authorized an of- gation and,was therefore will- Klug's court martial on the Strathmere, was convicted of to's Delicatessen, South St., fer of immunity to soldiers in- ing to offer immunity from grounds that Collins had used mouth County Court Judge last July 25, when OC mem- the Liberty and Prosperity volved, to testify in the case. brutally beating and murder- M. Raymond McGowan, who . bers were picketing to pro- Parade scheduled Sunday at prosecution to other prison- • "command influence" to prej- ing the Clarksons and setting Maj. Gen, .Kenneth W.. Col- ers involved in the. riot in re- . udice Klug's case. earlier had upheld two Mu- test alleged mistreatment of 2 p.m. in the borough. fire to their, home in Tucka- nicipal Court convictions of lins, the commander of Ft. turn for testimony. Attorneys for the Army an elderly black customer by The parade will begin at ' Only Certain Cases hoe in Cape May County. Davis on assault charges, the proprietor, Richard Wei- John W. Davis Dix, made his statement Mon- however, argued that no im- Two other defendants, Mat- Robertsville Road, proceed up day in testimony at the pre- He said he told his subordi- 'Mrs. Randolph, who visited nick. • ' that they were being discrim- Broadway to Main St., con- munity had actually been thew Sheridan, 20, and David Davis at the jail yesterday, trial hearing of Pvt. Terry nates he would grant immuni- granted to anyone. WiUetts, 17, pleaded no de- Davis, who has received the inated against because they tinue to Manalapan Ave. and Klug of Fort Wayne, Ind., one ty only in individual cases said the candidate's wife, harshest sentence, and other were punished more severely wind up at the parking lot at of four soldiers who face a After Collins' testimony, the fense and were sentenced to Belle, six months pregnant black defendants charged at 1 and denied he had allowed life in prison. than white men armed with a 25 Broad St., where a cam- general court martial on investigators to offer reduced Army judge, Col. Thomas J. with the couple's eighth child, the time of their convictions hatchet arid a night stick in paign rally will be held. charges stemming from a riot sentences to prisoners, for of- Nichols, denied' the defense In the Ft. Dix stockade last fenses they had already com- motion to disqualify the gen- June 5. mitted. ierai from the case. '', In his ruling, Col. Nichols said the key, issue in the de- if) Dead, Hundreds Say Pentagon's Cutback fense's motion was ."has Gen. Collins', interest in the case gone beyond his official con- 90 Pet.
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