Bibliography of Semitic Rhetoric (Arrangement by Studied Texts) ¾ The bibliographical references are abbreviated ¾ Full bibliographical references are inlcuded in the companion document: General Bibliography by Authors Passage Figure Publication Bible Genesis Gen 1:1 – 2Kings 25:30 ABCDEFGHIXIHGFEDCBA Christensen, Duane L., Deuteronomy 21:10–34:12 , WBC 6B, Nashville 2002. J Milgrom & Newing Gen 1:1 – Josh 24:33 ABCDEFGXGFEDCBA Newing, Edward G., «A Rhetorical and Theological Analysis of the Hexateuch», SEAGS 22/2 (1981) 1-15. ABCDEFGHXHGFEXDCBH Newing, Edward G., «Up and Down—In and Out: Moses on Mount Sinai», ABR 41 (1993) 18-34. ABA, ABCDEFGXGFEDCBA Dorsey, David A., Literary Structure of the Old Testament , Grand Rapids 1999. Gen 1:1 – Deut 34:12 ABXBA Radday, Yahuda T., «Chiasm in Tora», LingBibl 19 (1972) 12-23. ABXBA Di Marco, Angelico, Il chiasmo nella Bibbia , Torino 1980. J Radday ABXBA Christensen, Duane L., «The Pentateuchal Principle», JEvTS 39 (1996) 537-548. Gen 1:1 – Exod 19:2 ABCDCBA Dorsey, David A., Literary Structure of the Old Testament , Grand Rapids 1999. Gen 29:21–30:24 ABCDEFEDCBA Wilson, V.M., Divine Symmetries: The Art of Biblical Rhetoric , Lanham – New York – Oxford 1997. Gen 1:1–50:26 McEvenue, Sean E., The Narrative Style of the Priestly Writer , AnBib 50, Rome 1971. chiasm Radday, Yahuda T., «Chiasm in Tora», LingBibl 19 (1972) 12-23. chiasm Di Marco, Angelico, Il chiasmo nella Bibbia , Torino 1980. J Radday ABXBA Christensen, Duane L., «The Pentateuchal Principle», JEvTS 39 (1996) 537-548. Gen 1:1–11:32 ABXBA Christensen, Duane L., «The Pentateuchal Principle», JEvTS 39 (1996) 537-548. NTNTNTNTNT Fishbane, Michael A., Biblical Text and Texture , Oxford, 1998. ABCABCD Dorsey, David A., Literary Structure of the Old Testament , Grand Rapids 1999. ABCXCBA Christensen, Duane L., Deuteronomy 21:10–34:12 , WBC 6B, Nashville 2002. Gen 1:1–11:26 ABCDEABCED Walsh, J.T., Style and Structure in Biblical Hebrew Narrative , Collegeville 2001. J Rendsburg Gen 1:1–11:2 ABCDEFGABCDEFG Dorsey, David A., Literary Structure of the Old Testament , Grand Rapids 1999. Gen 1:1–6:8 ABCDCBA Dorsey, David A., Literary Structure of the Old Testament , Grand Rapids 1999. Gen 1:1–2:4 ABC/ABC/D Dorsey, David A., Literary Structure of the Old Testament , Grand Rapids 1999. J Cassuto Gen 1:1–2:4a ABCABC Habel, Norman C., Literary Criticism of the Old Testament , Phila-delphia 1971. ABCABCD Fishbane, Michael A., Biblical Text and Texture , Oxford, 1998. J Cassuto ABBA Kempf, Stephen, «Introducing the Garden of Eden», JOTT 7/4 (1996) 33-53. Gen 1:1–2:3 ABCABC, AABAAB Wenham, Gordon J., Genesis 1–15 , WBC 1, Waco 1987. Gen 1:1-31 chiasm Boccaccio, Petrus – Berardi, Guido, Bereshit–Gn 1–11 , Roma 1960. chiasm Di Marco, Angelico, Il chiasmo nella Bibbia , Torino 1980. J Boccaccio – Berardi ABCCABCCC Walsh, J.T., Style and Structure in Biblical Hebrew Narrative , Collegeville 2001. Gen 1:1-5 Borgen, Peder, «Observations on the Targumic Character», NTS 16 (1979) 288-295. Gen 1:1–3:24; 6:11–9:17 AabcAcba Wilson, V.M., Divine Symmetries: The Art of Biblical Rhetoric , Lanham – New York – Oxford 1997. Bernard Witek, Bibliography of Semitic Rhetoric (Arrangement by Studied Texts) 1 Gen 1:1–3:24 ABCDCBA Wilson, V.M., Divine Symmetries: The Art of Biblical Rhetoric , Lanham – New York – Oxford 1997. Gen 1:1; 2:4a ABBA Walsh, J.T., Style and Structure in Biblical Hebrew Narrative , Collegeville 2001. Gen 1:1.5 chiasm Kogut, Simah, «On Chiasm and Its Role in Exegesis» [in Hebrew], Shnaton 2 (1977) 196-204. Gen 1:2 ABB Ouro, Roberto, «The Earth of Genesis 1:2 Abiotic or Chaotic? Part I», AUSS 35 (1998) 259-279. Gen 1:3-31 ABCDDBCA Di Marco, Angelico, Il chiasmo nella Bibbia , Torino 1980. Gen 1:14-18 ABCDDCBA Wenham, Gordon J., Genesis 1–15 , WBC 1, Waco 1987. Gen 1:20 chiasm Wenham, Gordon J., Genesis 1–15 , WBC 1, Waco 1987. Gen 1:20ab chiasm König, E., Stilistik, Rhetorik, Poetik in Bezug auf die biblische Litteratur , Leipzig 1900. chiasm Di Marco, Angelico, Il chiasmo nella Bibbia , Torino 1980. J König Gen 1:24-26; 6:7 ABCCBA Levinson, Bernard M., «The Right Chorale», Bloom-ington 1991, 129-153. Gen 1:24-25 ABBA Wenham, Gordon J., Genesis 1–15 , WBC 1, Waco 1987. Gen 1:27-28a ABBA Walsh, J.T., Style and Structure in Biblical Hebrew Narrative , Collegeville 2001. Gen 1:27 ABBA Bühlmann, Walter – Scherer, Karl, Stilfiguren der Bibel , Fribourg 1973. ABCCBA Trible, Phyllis, God and the Rethoric of Sexuality , Overtures to Biblical Theology 2, Philadelphia 1978. ABBA Di Marco, Angelico, Il chiasmo nella Bibbia , Torino 1980. J Bühlmann – Scherer ABBA Welch, John W., «Criteria for Identifying and Evaluating the Presence of Chiasmus», JBMS 4 (1995) 1-14. Gen 1:27ab ABBA Wenham, Gordon J., Genesis 1–15 , WBC 1, Waco 1987. Gen 1:27a chiasm König, E., Stilistik, Rhetorik, Poetik in Bezug auf die biblische Litteratur , Leipzig 1900. chiasm Di Marco, Angelico, Il chiasmo nella Bibbia , Torino 1980. J König Gen 2:3b chiasm König, E., Stilistik, Rhetorik, Poetik in Bezug auf die biblische Litteratur , Leipzig 1900. chiasm Di Marco, Angelico, Il chiasmo nella Bibbia , Torino 1980. J König Gen 2:4 chiasm Kogut, Simah, «On Chiasm and Its Role in Exegesis», Shnaton 2 (1977) 196-204. ABCCBA Wenham, Gordon J., Genesis 1–15 , WBC 1, Waco 1987. ABCCBA Kempf, Stephen, «Introducing the Garden of Eden», JOTT 7/4 (1996) 33-53. ABCCBA Walsh, J.T., Style and Structure in Biblical Hebrew Narrative , Collegeville 2001. Gen 2:4b–3:24 ABCDCBA Walsh, Jerome T., «Genesis 2:4b-3:24: A Synchronic Approach», JBL 96 (1977) 161-177. ABCDCBA Dorsey, David A., Literary Structure of the Old Testament , Grand Rapids 1999. ABCDCBA Walsh, J.T., Style and Structure in Biblical Hebrew Narrative , Collegeville 2001. Gen 2:5–3:24 ABCDCBA Wenham, Gordon J., Genesis 1–15 , WBC 1, Waco 1987. Gen 2:7-8 ABCAB Trible, Phyllis, God and the Rethoric of Sexuality , Overtures to Biblical Theology 2, Philadelphia 1978. Gen 2:7 AABB Meynet, Roland, L’Analyse rhétorique , Paris 1989; = L’analisi retorica , Brescia 1992. Gen 2:8-17 ABCAB Trible, Phyllis, God and the Rethoric of Sexuality , Overtures to Biblical Theology 2, Philadelphia 1978. Gen 2:8 chiasm Testa, E., Genesi 1–11 , Torino 1969. chiasm Di Marco, Angelico, Il chiasmo nella Bibbia , Torino 1980. J Testa Gen 2:18-25 ABCABCA Walsh, J.T., Style and Structure in Biblical Hebrew Narrative , Collegeville 2001. Gen 2:23 ABCCBA Wenham, Gordon J., Genesis 1–15 , WBC 1, Waco 1987. Gen 2:23a ABAB Walsh, J.T., Style and Structure in Biblical Hebrew Narrative , Collegeville 2001. Gen 2:23b ABCXCBA Fokkelman, J.P., «Genesis», Cambridge 1987, 36-55. ABCCBA Walsh, J.T., Style and Structure in Biblical Hebrew Narrative , Collegeville 2001. Gen 2:25–3:8a ABCDEEDCBA Trible, Phyllis, God and the Rethoric of Sexuality , Overtures to Biblical Theology 2, Philadelphia 1978. Bernard Witek, Bibliography of Semitic Rhetoric (Arrangement by Studied Texts) 2 Gen 2:25–3:7 ABCDCBA Trible, Phyllis, God and the Rethoric of Sexuality , Overtures to Biblical Theology 2, Philadelphia 1978. Gen 3:1-24 chiasm Boccaccio, Petrus – Berardi, Guido, Bereshit–Gn 1–11 , Roma 1960. chiasm Di Marco, Angelico, Il chiasmo nella Bibbia , Torino 1980. J Boccaccio – Berardi Gen 3:9-19 ABCCBA Boys, Thomas, Tactica Sacra , London 1824. Gen 3:9-17 chiasm Lund, Nils W., Chiasmus in the New Testament: A Study in Formgeschichte , Chapel Hill 1942. chiasm Di Marco, Angelico, Il chiasmo nella Bibbia , Torino 1980. J Lund Gen 3:16 chiasm König, E., Stilistik, Rhetorik, Poetik in Bezug auf die biblische Litteratur , Leipzig 1900. chiasm Di Marco, Angelico, Il chiasmo nella Bibbia , Torino 1980. J König Gen 3:19 ABBA Boys, Thomas, Key to the Book of Psalms , London 1825. ABBA Bullinger, Ethelbert W., Figures of Speech Used in the Bible, Grand Rapids 1968. ABBA Bühlmann, Walter – Scherer, Karl, Stilfiguren der Bibel , Fribourg 1973. ABBA Di Marco, Angelico, Il chiasmo nella Bibbia , Torino 1980. J Bühlmann – Scherer ABA Meynet, Roland, L’Analyse rhétorique , Paris 1989; = L’analisi retorica , Brescia 1992. Gen 3:19ab chiasm König, E., Stilistik, Rhetorik, Poetik in Bezug auf die biblische Litteratur , Leipzig 1900. chiasm Di Marco, Angelico, Il chiasmo nella Bibbia , Torino 1980. J König Gen 4:1-16 ABCDABC Dorsey, David A., Literary Structure of the Old Testament , Grand Rapids 1999. Gen 4:1-5 ABBACDDC Boys, Thomas, Tactica Sacra , London 1824. chiasm Boccaccio, Petrus – Berardi, Guido, Bereshit–Gn 1–11 , Roma 1960. chiasm Di Marco, Angelico, Il chiasmo nella Bibbia , Torino 1980. J Boccaccio – Berardi Gen 4:1-2 ABBA Boys, Thomas, Key to the Book of Psalms , London 1825. Gen 4:2b-16 ABCBA Wenham, Gordon J., Genesis 1–15 , WBC 1, Waco 1987. Gen 4:2b ABBA Wenham, Gordon J., Genesis 1–15 , WBC 1, Waco 1987. ABAB & ABBA Walsh, J.T., Style and Structure in Biblical Hebrew Narrative , Collegeville 2001. Gen 4:3-4 chiasm Wenham, Gordon J., Genesis 1–15 , WBC 1, Waco 1987. Gen 4:4b-5 ABBA Boys, Thomas, Tactica Sacra , London 1824. chiasm Wenham, Gordon J., Genesis 1–15 , WBC 1, Waco 1987. Gen 4:4b.5a chiasm König, E., Stilistik, Rhetorik, Poetik in Bezug auf die biblische Litteratur , Leipzig 1900. chiasm Di Marco, Angelico, Il chiasmo nella Bibbia , Torino 1980. J König Gen 4:8 ABBA Boys, Thomas, Tactica Sacra , London 1824. Gen 4:23-24 ABBA Bühlmann, Walter – Scherer, Karl, Stilfiguren der Bibel , Fribourg 1973. ABBA Di Marco, Angelico, Il chiasmo nella Bibbia , Torino 1980. J Bühlmann – Scherer Gen 5:1-32 Barnouin, M., «Recherches numériques sur la généalogie de Genesis 5», RB 77 (1970) 347-365.
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