«»;;}r«tef 4 . t Town* Iwd-WUbenaBtMi. Iiiued Weekly. Entered u Second-Class Hatter at the Post, LIV.NO.28, offlco at Red Bank, Ni J, under tho Act of March tU.871). RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 6, 1932. $1.50 PER YJ lie were also treated with tarvla. Ing up the budget for the year 1032 Mayor of Begins Fourth "White road, WinDeld Gardens, Varied Activities Change in Rumson that the appropriations be reduced New Overseer of Foxwood. Park and Silver White in every way possible consistent Gardens—excepting Rumson place- Seabright Again Term as Mayor were all treated 'with a coat of as- of Woman's Club Police Committee with efficiency. If ever there was a Poor for Red Bank' phaltlc oil and Band. Rumeonpln.ce time when prudont economy Is a necessity, that time is. now and no- More Headi Governing Elias S. Block Enters Seventh and Silver: Side .avenue, from River Many Event* Planned for Janu- James C. Auchinclosx Replaces Elmer E. Carlile Appointed to View avenue to Occanport avenue, where Is this "more urgent than in iy, Having Served at Ma., - Year ai Mayor of-little Silver. were both treated with a coat ot tar- ary at Meeting of the) Execu- Andrew Zerr as Chairman- the expenditure of public, funds. Succeed James NorraanpT- 1 Before PhBip S. Walton— —Change in Borough Clerk vla -and sand. - . ' tive Board Monday Morning— Mayor and Three Other Offi- I would recommend to the council Other Appointive^Officiah Afe 'or their earnest consideration- in to Evade Tenure of Office. '.'The' borough, now has approxi- To Aid Unemployment Work. cials Sworn In. fhe Same as Last Year. yeral Appointment" Changes mately three miles of concrete road, sonnectlon • with the program of reorganisation of the council The Little Silver commissioners one.and one-half miles of tatada, At the executive board meeting of With one exception tlio,, appoint- iconomy the subject of somewhat al- Tho outstanding fcaturo of tho ro- tha Red Bank Woman's club Mon- tering tho practice •_ of having".Indl- Seabrlght was marked by the^re- reorganized New,Years with Mayor nearly five miles of..oil; and two and 1 ments of Mayor Van R,, HalBsyof oi*gan\zatlort meeting of the mayor rid Elian S. Black beginning his fourth a .half miles of gravel, cinders, etc • day morning , it was reported that' Rumson for 1832 wero the same as /idual bids made on tho larger items and council of Red Bank on New be ?or, and by BQveral changes .In consecutive term. Ha was sworn "When Uttle Silver was Incorpor- tho profits from the recent fashion 1031. Tho change was in tha ap- >f the ' departmental expenses. I Years day waa the appointment j of Into office, together with Councllmon ated In May, 1923, as' a thorough, show given by tho Junior Woman's pointment of James B. Auchlnclosg :ontemplate the possibility of obtain- Elmer E. Carlllo as overseer, of, the iale in tho truest Frank Dean and Oliver G. Frako, there was toott na. slnglnga l road In tthe club amounted to $100. Half 6f this as-chairman of tho police committee, ing blanket blda to covor a yoar'a poor to succeed James Norman. Mr. supply; In tho caso of our purchases ( It involves hun- who wero also re-elected. en or twelve miles that we took* money was given to Elvervlew hos- to succeed Andrew Zerr. The chair- Norman had held the position thir- for An unusual fcaturo of ,the meet- >vor that woe not absolutely lmpass- plEal and halt was given to theElkb' man of .this. committee is -cx-offlcio of road materials,- wood, coal- and teen years arid had declined re^&p- curi Footwear, now ing was the appointment of Edwin abla at times during the. winter and charity fund. »': head of the polico department. other Items upon which lump bids polntoient. Hd'was at one tima chief 8tor might be obtained, I feol that in j low that quick Hobbs as borough clerk. HlBswIfo, spring, Now there Is' riot a single Prof, Herbert R. ^Knlffen of the The Rumson commissioners com- of police b£ Red Bank. Mr. Carlllo fl Mrs, Elizabeth Hobbs, has been bor- foot of these roads that cannot bo New Jersey, collego for Women will pleted the year with a surplus of this way some economies might-be Is chairman of ther uriomploymont mty. If it's quality ough clerk. She has been an ef- traveled over at any' time without speak at! the next club meeting oh $4,200. At the reorganization meet- effected with no IOSB of efficiency nor ollef commission. .' ' price you seek . > • ficient clerk and her work has been any trouble. With roads never good Friday. His subject will bo "Modern Ing New Years day, Mayor Halsey. quality of material to tho borough. Christian Bergo was inducted Into very satisfactory, but tho change and at times so bad you could not Art and Furnishings." . Councilman Auchincloss and Robert !•wiah to record'here iny appreci- Bico for, a Bccond terni as council-, was made to evade tho tenuio of travel over them, your tax rate was Mrs. Leon de la Reussllle will V. Wh!ts_.and,..Collector Charles ation of the loyalty and efficiency of n and Harold S. Allen was sworn office act, which would have become $2.06, the last township rate in 1923, teach patchwork at the arts and crafts Ward were.sworn""into office. Dan- those employed In the borough' ser- as a councilman to succeed Rob effective In her case if she had been and now with every road (except classes to be held each Monday.af- iel Naughton was not sworn in an vice in its various departments as :f A. Kennedy, who had held th' appqlnted again for another year. Hanco road) in condition for travel well as those who; have voluntarily at all times, your tax rate la only 82 ternoon, under tho direction of Mrs. assessor because his, new term does ositlon four.'years. Mr.'Bergo.wn Tho appointment ot Mr. Hobbs will at an times, your tax rate is oniy^n chnrioa.J. McClaskey, not begin until July "1st: Lewis-T. and without remuneration-Borvod ilected president' of , the council ti I. the citizens of Rumson so faithfully bo only temporary. Ho--^virl sorve cents higher; or $3.28/ and this In- MrtMrfijHermaaH(,rmBnn AmAsendor*'r f called at- Wilson was re-elected president of ucceed James S. Parkes. Ever sln«,OW i eludes all the other Improvements tention to the fact that George Balno, the council. ddrlng the past year. I wish also to ted Bank became a borough It naif since we formed Into a borough. In- Jr., hail won tho cup offered by the "sincerely thank my -many friends en.customary-to nhnnge:the_coun- stead ot Increasing-ouc^road appro- Officeholders re-Appointed were as who have enough confidence Jn rife club in,tho,garden contest and that follows:"'.. ' -;-- 11- president each -year.—?-;—=——— priation this year, we have reduced It would bo .presented by MrB. C. and in ray administration to return Mayor Charles R. English has been it by (2,000. Boad superintendent—Alfred Brighton. two councllmen and myself to office W. Humphrey, tho club president, at Mnrnuvh attorney—Attorney Genera m a vacation In Florida nnd ho was "Tlio flro and water dopartmonto the high scbooli William A. Stevcna. last November, and I pledge those ibt'at tho Now Years meeting. The have been enlarged the past year, Borough engineer—George. K. Allen. friends now that wlth-all the power uncll for 1931 heYd a short meeting and have, been extended to give eorv- rt.c-td party-will bo held Friday Follce clerk—Jerc. J. Caretf. that lies witfiin me71 will devote my eglnnlng at half-past eleven o'clock lco to most parts of the borough. Mo of this week at tho Woman's club- Building inspector—Elmer Fearsall. best efforts toward giving tho bor- one expected that such an extension house. On Friday, January 29th, a Health Inspector—Dr. 'Edwin P. Stew- t which Mr. Parkes presided. At art. ' ... ough of Rumson an honest, efficient loon the council for 1932 convened could seven be made a year ago. concert will be given at the Elks Motor mechanic road department—Rob- and progressive administration, dur- Flro protection has been afforded to clubhouse. ert Wllaon. • : ind Mr. Berge acted as mayojr. Mr. Motor mechanic flio department—Daniel ing the term upon which I today en- Ulcn was escorted to his seatlby Mr, .WILLIAM It. FOWLER, SB. almost every home in the borough. A letter of thanks was ordered Shea. ter. Whatever may have rbeen tne We havo installed 34 hydrants since sent to Mrs. Edythe Greisenbeck for Kennedy and there was a shprt sea- Jnnitor borough hall—Walter Neu- discouragements of tho past twelve on-of" speech making: It was voted snort address In which ho asked last January. ; •;". her hospitality at the candlelight tea hauser, f| months, I sincerely feel that for- unity and harmony and for the ". "Tho police department has been at her home lost month. Stanley Farrar and Porter Hoag- o send a NeW Years telegram of ward-looking citizens, will recognize reetlng to Mayor English. • ~ al support and co-operation of kept to' its usual high standard, and The Woman's club has been asked land were reappolnted members of that the future faced with fortitude iry taxpayer during the coming as there is only one regular officer, to form a team for follow up work tho zoning .board of adjustment.
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