ISSN 2221-2698 Arctic and North Arkhangelsk: Northern (Arctic) Federal University, Named after M.V. Lomonosov «Institute of Arctic» 2011. № 2 (May) Arctic and North. 2011. № 2 (May) 2 ISSN 2221-2698 Arctic and North. 2011. № 2 (may) Electronic periodical edition © Northern (Arctic ) Federal University named after M. V. Lomonosov, 2011, 2011 © NOZ «Institute of Arctic», 2011 © Editorial Board of the journal «Arctic and North», 2011 Published 4 times a year The journal is registered like electronic periodical edition on Russian and English lan- guages. The testimony of the Federal service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technologies and communications (№ FC77-42809 from the 26 of November 2010.) The journal is registered in the system of the Russian Index of the scientific quotations (RINZ), where should be placed all the regular issues of the journal. A license agreement is № 96- 04/2011R on April 12, 2011.12. Founder: The federal state autonomous institution of higher education «The Northern (Arctic) Federal University» named after M.V. Lomonosov. Adress: 163002, Arkhangesk, Northern Dvina emb 17. Web page: http://narfu.ru/aan. The chef editor − Lukin Urii Fedorovich, Doctor of History, Professor. Tel./Fax: 8 (8182) 65-05-22. E-mail: [email protected]. Adress: Russia, 163000, Arkhangelsk, Lomonosova street, 58, room. 1-2, NOZ «Institute of Arctic, Editorial Board of the Journal Glazichev Vyacheslav Doctor of Art, Professor of Moscow Architecture Institute, member Leonidovih of the International Academy of Architecture, a member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation (Moscow) Dergachev Professor (Kiev, Ukraine) Vladimir Aleksandrovich Kefeli Igor Fedorovich Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Vice-President of the Academy of Geopolitical Problems, chief editor of the "Geopolitics and Security" (St. Petersburg) Kotlyakov Vladimir Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Geo- Mihailovovh graphical Sciences, director of the Institute of Geography, Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow) Kudryashova Elena Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Rector of the North (Ark-matic) Vladimirovna Federal University (Arkhangelsk) Mihalchuk Ilya Filippovich Governor of the Arkhangelsk region, PhD (Arkhangelsk) Neelov Yriy Vasilievich Ph.D in Technical Scieces, winner of the State Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology. Member of the Federation Council Committee on Natural Resources and Envi- ronmental Protection Agency (Moscow) Selin Vladimir Stepanovich Docotr of Economy, Professor, honoured worker of RF, the head scientific worker of the Kola scientific centre центра РАН (Аpatiti) Arctic and North. 2011. № 2 (May) 3 Fedorov Governor of Nents autonomous District (Naryan-Mar) Igor Gennadievich Chilingarov Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doc- Artur Nikolaevich tor of Geographical Sciences, deputy of the State Duma RF,President's Special Envoy for International Cooperation in the Arctic and Antarctic, the Hero of the Soviet Union, Hero of Russia (Moscow) Ydahin Corresponding Member. Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Feliks Nikolaevich Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, the Chairman of the Presid- ium of Arkhangelsk Scientific Center of UB RAS (Arkhangelsk) Editorial Board Vertishin Aleksey Doctor of Political Sciences, Associate Professor. Executive secretary of Ivanovich the journal "The Arctic and the North."Tel. 8-909-552-21-24. E-mail: [email protected] (Arkhangelsk) Vostryakov Lev Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor SZGAS, chief editor of "Manage- Evgenievich ment Consulting" (St. Petersburg) Dregalo Aleksandr Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Honoured worker of the High educa- Alekseevichk tion of Russia (Arkhangelsk) Zalivskiy Nikolay Doctor of Economy, honoured economist of Russia Pavlovich (Arkhangelsk) Kudryashov Yriy Doctor of History, Professor (Arkhangelsk) Vladimirovich Okunev Yriy Doctor of Culturology, Professor (Arkhangelsk) Pavlovich Sokolova Flera Doctor of History, Professor (Arkhangelsk) Harisovna Toskunina Vera Doctor of Economy, АНЦ УрО РАН (Архангельск) Eduardovna Uliyanovckiy Viktor Doctor of Sociology, Professor (Arkhangelsk) Ivanovich Shraga Moisei Doctor of Medecine, Professor (Arkhangelsk) Haimovich Shubin Sergei Doctor of History, Professor (Arkhangelsk) Ivanovich Fedorov Pavel Doctor of History, Vice President for R & D of Murmansk State Human- Viktorovich ities University (Murmansk) All issues of the journal are freely available on the websites: http://narfu.ru/aan/; http://narfu.ru/aan/article_index_years.php; http://arctic-and-north.com/. The money from the authors, including graduate students are not taken for the publication of the articles and other materials; fees are not paid. The editorial council considers it possible to publish the articles and the theoretical positions of the authors that are debatable. Published materials may not reflect the views of the publisher. All manuscripts are reviewed. The Editorial Board reserves the right to se- lect the most interesting and relevant materials, which are published in the first place. Infor- mation for authors published on the site (A) FU: http://narfu.ru / aan / author.php. Making ref- Arctic and North. 2011. № 2 (May) 4 erence in accordance with GOST R 7.0.5-2008 "bibliographic reference" and the requirements of the author. The thematic section of the journal "Arctic and North" publishes the articles and analysis in the following fields: 03.00.00 Biological Sciences including. 03.02.08 «Ecology» (according the branches) 07.00.00 Historical Sciences and Arheology 08.00.00 Economical Sciences 09.00.00 Philosophical Sciences icluding 09.00.11 «Social Philospohy» 22.00.00 Social Sciences 23.00.00 Politology 24.00.00 Culturology 25.00.00 Science about the Earth including 25.00.24 «Economical, social, political and recreotinal geography». Materials for publication should be sent by e-mail ([email protected]) or in electronic form or by ordinary mail. In the same file, together with the article necessarily provided in Russian and in English: 1) The author's note: © Author (s): surname, first name, middle name in full, degree and rank, position and place of employment. Photos necessarily. E-mail, phone number 2) abstract - a brief and concise statement of the main points of the entire contents of the article, the basic idea of the results 3) keywords. Article provided by the author, as a rule, in Russian of up to 2.0 pp, to graduate students and 0.5 pp The text of Article A4 typed in a word processor Microsoft Word: font Bookman Old Style, size 10, line spacing 1.5. Page margins - 2 cm from each edge. Graphics, pictures, tables, footnotes references are included in the text. At the end of the paper, a biblio- graphic list (References, Notes). Links used by the authors of books, articles, theses and other sci- entific publications are given in the text in square brackets, indicating the pages or the year. For example, [1, p. 6], [2, 2011], etc. These authors cited literature is given at the end of article only once, and has a number. In the repeated references to the same publication indicated the same room. Such a procedure is needed to determine the Science Citation Index referred to in the text of the authors works. In addition, can be used in addition to the bibliographic list subscript refer- ences to laws, archives, statistical compilations, the media, the Internet, information, updates, comments and other materials. Footnotes references are at the bottom of the page. The number- ing of all citations in the text solid in order (eg, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ... 25). To indicate the e-mail address on the Internet are used uniform resource locator: acronym URL - Uniform Resource Locator. The articles of the journal "The Arctic and the North" have also been placed in the Google Re- search system on the search query, "Arctic and North": http://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=ru&newwindow=1&biw=1440&bih=809&q=%D0%B0%D1% 80%D0%BA%D1%82%D0%B8%D0%BA%D0%B0+%D0%B8+%D1%81%D0%B5%D0%B2%D0%B5 %D1%80&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=ws Arctic and North. 2011. № 2 (May) 5 Content From the editorial board 2 Geopolitics of the Arctic regions Zalyvskiy Nikolai. About the continuity of the northern concept of M.V. Lomonosov in selecting of geopolitical model to protect the economic interests of Russia in the Arctic. 7 Komleva Natalia. Arctic strategy of the subarctic states: general and especial. 19 Konov Alexander. The Problem of design and implementation of the development of strategy of the Russian Arctic in terms of theory of I. Adizes. 25 Khramchikhin Alexander. Military-political situation in Arctic regions and the scenario of possible conflicts. 34 Moskalenko Maxim. Military-defense calls for Russia: geography and the historical out- look. 48 Lukin Yury. The contract between Russia and Norway − a step to peaceful repartition of Arctic sea space. 56 Economy and Management Tsvetkov Alexander. Strategic management of the Solovetsky islands sustainable devel- opment. 91 Zueva Marina. Ecological-economic preconditions of politicians transition to alternative source of the energy. 109 Gjertsen Tor, Golubeva Valery. Thematic network of University of Arctic on regional and local development on the basis of University college Finnmark. 114 History Galanin Alexander. Bjarmland – Russia Belomorsky. 120 Butorin Michail, Butorin Sergey. Development of the provincial press on the Arkhan- gelsk north in the reform period. 153 Social philosophy Dregalo Alexander, Ulyanovskiy Victor. Territorial explication of the North
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