THE NORTH AMERICAN MGB REGISTER The MCB Driver is the official publication of the North American blGB Register, a non-profit oryonization dedicated lo maintoining and expanding interest in Britain's most populur spans car-the IdGB. The opinions expressed within ore those of the individual authors and readers are warned that they attempt any mechanical or olher modifications described herein, enlirely at their own risk. w! Big thanks go out to blembership in the North American MGB Register is open to all, with no restrictions. Marcham Rhoade, Richard Ownership of an MC is not a condition of membership. NAMCBR Regional Chopters wjll be Liddick, and Rick Ingram for pleased to welcome you to theirevents. Membership dues are 525.00 per year. the coverage and photos of "MG '99" For membership details or further information write to: contained in this issue. What a con- NORTH AMERICAN MGB REGISTER vention! Hats off to Joe Carroll and P.O. Box MGB the membership of the Canadian Akin, IL 62805 Classic MG Club for organizing an Or call the toll-free holline: 800.NAMGBR-1 outstanding convention in a beauri- Or visit our wcbsitc at: http:/lwww.namybr.org/namgbr/ ful corner of the continent. OFFICERS OF THE NAMGBR CONVENTION/ lake 8 Ann Snyder In British MG news, we have a I AGM 505 E. North Avenue report from David Knowles on his namely that the successor to the MGF CHAIRMAN: Robin Wealherall COORDINATORS: Lake Bluff. IL 60044 first drive in the newest version of the model will indeed be sold in North 1326 Woldron Avenue I (847) 293-2753 St. Louis, MO 63130 MGF, the Steptronic. The updated America. So we rechecked. With all (3 14) 725-2892 TECHNICAL Rob Moson MGF now utilizes a continuously due respect to Mr. Robson, it still e-mail: [email protected] ADVISORS: 5 Leslie Courl variable transmission (stepped into appears that we will see MGs sold (When writing Fairhope, AL 36532 VICE-CHAIRMAN: Ron Tugwell lo o trciiniml (334) 928-5366 specific ratios by the engine man- here again. In the next few years. Of P.O. Box 2406 advisor, pleosr agement systems) with control pad- course this is subject to decisions 3 Oe Amarol Road be cerlorn to Bob Daniels (engines, etc.) include a (518) 372-4566 dles on the steering wheel tala F1 rac- made by BMW's leadership in Cormel Valley, CA 93924 stomped. self- (831) 659-2449 addressed ers! Hard to imagine from the per- Germany and Rover's at Longbridge. envelope for Glen Towery e-mail: tugwellQix.netcorn.com (302) 734-1243 spective of one who has a 20-year- Stay tuned. lhcir reply.) old manual box with two bad syn- Safety Fast! a SECRETARY: D Zirnmennan Norman Nock (209) 948-8767 chros as in my Midget. 811 S. DePeyster Street Those who attended Twist's last Kent, OH 44240 SERVICE Jerome Rosenberger (330) 678-9394 RECOMMENDATLON 306 E. Plum Street Summer Party were surprised to hear e-moil: enmy rCsZnet.com COOROINATOR: Renton, 11 62812-2315 from the special guest speaker, British TREASURER: Eric Kent (618) 439-6464 (phone/lau) automotive author Graham Robson, 2552 YZ Avenue Pleas fax 9am to 9 pm anly at the banquet that MGs will never Schoolcraft, MI 49087 MEMBERSHIP Oavid Deotsch again come to North America. A sur- (616) 679-5997 COOROINATOR: 81 Menick Avenue prising statement in that it contra- East Meadow, NY 11554 (800) NAMGBR-1 dicts rhe information we have previ- COORDINATORS OF THE NAMGBR ously been given by Rover sources- REGALIA Bill Hayes EDITOR Kim Tonry COORDINATOR: Quarten 0-2, Anhim DTLve MCtl Driver: 4904 Puffer Road Mechanicsbnrg, PA 17055 Downers Grove, IL 60515 (717) 591-9894 (630) 968-4347 ELECTRONtC Tom Biehl e-mail: NAMCBR [email protected] BILLBOARD: P.O.Box 681 Blue Bell, PA 19422 ADVERTISING Ian Pender NAMGBR [email protected] 177 Paxson Avenue Hamilton Square, NI 08690 WEBSITE Wayne Kube Page 10 Driving the MG:SCCA ProRally (609) 890-2959 COORDlNATOR: 3105 Glory [.one Phil Smith Fax (609) 890-9261 Plono, TX 75025 e-mail: [email protected] (972) 618-1984 e-mail: [email protected] Page 12 MG Discovers the Slush Box PUBI.ICJTY Richard Liddick David Knowles COOKDIh'ATOR: 5237 Glen Arm Rood CONCOURS Rick Ingram Glen Arm, MD 21057 COORDINATOR: P.O. Box 588 (410) 81 7-6862 St. joseph, IL 61873 Page 1 8 MG '%?-Topless in Vancower (21 7) 469-2007 e-mail: Mowogldaol.com Report on Our Annual Convention FOR REGISTRAR INFORMATION, PLEASE SEE PAGE 49 Plus: Letters, Technical Talk, Where to 'B and much more! The North American MGB Register is ahiliared to the MG Car Club of England. me MC Car Club was founded in 1930 and is the 0t-i inal, factory supported, and approved or anization for all M3. with the Club Headquarters sinatel in Abingdan-on-Tharnes close by the bii\place of 011 MGs. MGB DRIVER-September/October '99 3 rrom the vlce hairm man -rom the secretor y This summer has been an excep- ell ...I don't know about you, 1 tionally great driving season for but this has been a very busy I me. Although one of our larger driving season for me. But jf local events, Moss Motors' annual you're from the northern U.S. or summer meet at the 'Flag Is Up Farms' Canada you take advantage of every horse ranch in the Buellton/Solvang, one of the top-down driving days you California, had to be canceled this can, occasionally even pushing the year, it was offset by the fantastic envelope a bit. My last drive of the NAMGBR convention in Vancouver, season is ALWAYS top-down. Our lit- "MG '99-For the Drive of Your Life". tle cars seem to be put away almost as The trip my wife, Niki, and X took fast as they get out. So far this season for this event lasted for a complete an hour to tell me what they found. Bob and 1 have seen Champaign, We are always downing the Post month dr~ving around in the No thanks! Illinois for the Prairie Octagon Club Office and refer to anything sent that provinces of British Columbia and As you will see in this issue, I am annual blow out, Vancouver, British way as snail mail, but X have to re11 Alberta, back down to Vancouver standing for the office of Chairman Columbia for the 8th Annual NAMG- you obout something good. Seems Island, and then back to the U.S. in the next election at the Annual BR International Convention, Grand that a gentleman named Stuart through the San luan Islands of General Meeting to be held in St. Rapids, Michigan for John Twist's last Farmer had joined the register a cou- Washington State. As stated earlier, 1 Paul, Minnesota. party, and England to catch the MG ple years ago. He lives on Florida will be doing an article about the trip, ' In past issues of the MGB Driver International Carnival and some Street in Longview, Washington. as the experience was too good not to my articles, and also my cover letters sightseeing, and we will soon be off to When the membership listing came share with you. to the Affiliated Chapters when ( send St. Paul for the Annual General out for the second time and he was The LE ran superbly all through out their copy of the MGB Driver, have Meeting in October, to which you are not in it, he e-mailed askjng why. Ar the trip until the last two days, which requested that the membership look invited. What a busy year. BUT it beats the end of the e-mail he added a P.S. caused us to be towed home the last 99 within their respective club's rnember- being glued to the house. that his wife had just found him-list- miles due to excessive oil consump- ship and provide candidates for the As fall and winter start to creep in ed under Florida. Seems that when we tion I finally was able to find the time elections of future Executive we tend to find things inside to do. entered him, somehow the state to get the cylinder head off and dis- Committee officers. This year it is my goal to get the data- ended up being Florida. But for all covered that the intake valve seat for Hopefully, I hope you are doing base up to date. But I need your help. that time the Post Office was getting the No. 2 cylinder was recessed this or have considered this request As you receive your renewal cards, him his mail because of his zip code. approximately ,030'-,040'deeper into for future elections. As an organiza- please check your mailing label and The moral of the story is to check your the head than the rest causing the tion, we need fresh ideas and con- make any corrections that are needed. mailing label and send in your correc- intake valve not to seat at all. cepts to make ours a successful oper- Check your e-mail address, your 9- tions. Hey, and when you send me Next, the pistons get removed to ation. As one of our members has digit zip, and telephone number if those cor~ections,send along a note see if any damage has been done to stated recently, we do not wunl to be they have changed. It will be time letting me know what kind of MG the pistons, rings, or cylinder walls.
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