mazing ging! A For Seniors and Those WhoA Love Them A free publication of the Jayhawk Area Agency on Aging, Inc. Advocacy, Action and Answers on Aging for Shawnee, Jefferson and Douglas Counties FALL 2006 Our Mission Jayhawk Area Agency on Aging, Inc. ad- vocates on aging issues, builds com- munity partnerships and implements programs within Shawnee, Jefferson, and Douglas counties to help seniors live independent and digniÞ ed lives. ● Is a 501(c)3 non-proÞ t organization ● Is funded by tax-deductible contrib- tions, federal funds, under state gen- eral funds and funds through local governments The Center for ● Does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, national origin, age, religion, or disability Senior Independence Inside this issue: Giving seniors a safe and accessible facility catering to their unique needs A Message from the Board Chair ...........................2 (The address for our new building is 2910 SW Topeka Blvd) JAAA Awards $1.2 Million to Organizations....................3 Kansas Silver-Haired Legislature ............................4 Congressman’s Corner.........5 Kansas Legal Services .........6 Jest for Grins .........................7 Caregiver’s Corner................8 newsletter mailing list, pease give us a call a us give pease list, mailing newsletter Quiz Time...............................9 free our on be to want not do you If JAAA Sponsors Second Annual [email protected] Email: Fax: 785-235-2443 Fax: Independence Day ............. 10 961 NO. PERMIT Phone: 785-235-1367 Phone: Older Americans Month a KS TOPEKA, US POSTAGE PAID POSTAGE US Success! ............................. 11 66612 Kansas Topeka, 1720 SW Topeka Blvd Topeka SW 1720 t Org t Þ Non-Pro www.jhawkaaa.org Inc. Aging, on Agency Area Jayhawk JAAA Board of Directors A Message from the Board Chair Douglas County JAAA to move to new location Marsha Goff Center for Senior Independence will provide space for new initiatives Vice Chair Lawrence, KS While summer may be a time to sit programs on: constrained. back and relax, Jayhawk Area Agen- • Nutrition Classes (demonstra- Please help us provide a safe, con- Seat Vacant cy on Aging was hard at work. JAAA tions can be prepared in the ample venient and accessible place for se- worked to educate, counsel and en- kitchen on the lower level) niors to exercise and learn skills to John Hope roll over 1,000 Medicare benefi cia- • Age-appropriate exercise such as remain independent by sending a Lawrence, KS ries in Medicare Part D, celebrated Yoga and Tai Chi contribution to The Center for Se- May as Older Americans Month, • Support groups nior Independence. Thank-you! educated policy makers about in- • Educational seminars on topics City of Lawrence home services during our second an- such as health and wellness, safety, Sincerely, nual Independence Day Visits and nutrition, etc Deborah S. Burns launched our website! Clearly, the types of activities the Lawrence, KS It is amazing to me how we were Center for Senior Independence can able to accomplish so much during provide will promote physical, men- Marian Brown the summer as the agency is also get- tal and emotional health. And, thus, Lawrence, KS ting ready to move! By October 2nd, prolonged independent living-par- Tom Ryan JAAA will be moved in to our new ticularly among low-income indi- Board Chair, location. The Center for Senior In- viduals whose options are severely Jayhawk Area Agency on Aging Jefferson County dependence, located at 2910 SW To- peka Blvd. will provide so much to Martha Skeet the community. The most recogniz- Secretary able benefi ts will be: Lawrence, KS • Privacy for personal consulta- Jayhawk Area Agency on Aging tions Tom Ryan-Chair • More accessible parking • Twice the space—the lower level IS ON THE MOVE! Valley Falls, KS will be devoted to offering a wide range of activities and programs for Look for us in our new location Gary Fowler seniors October 2nd! Valley Falls, KS With retirement of the babyboom- ers looming, demands on JAAA and 2910 SW Topeka Blvd City of Oskaloosa its community partners will be enor- mous. In spite of the challenge, our Topeka KS 66612 Linda Reiling purpose remains clear—we must as- sist seniors to live independently in Oskaloosa, KS their own homes for as long as pos- sible. Shawnee County With collaboration from other or- ganizations and donations from the Emily Yinger community, The Center for Senior Silver Lake, KS Independence will provide space for new initiatives that will sup- Paul Monhollon plement in-home services including Treasurer • Amazing Aging is a quarterly publication of Jayhawk Area Agency on Aging, Inc. Topeka, KS • Funded by annual contributions from readers like you, and advertising Shirley Biller • Copies distributed: 4,500+ Topeka, KS You are encouraged to write us at: City of Topeka Jayhawk Area Agency on Aging, Inc. 1720 SW Topeka Blvd. Karen Peterson Topeka, KS 66612 Topeka, KS (800) 78-1366 or (785) 235-1367 George Thompson Annette Thornburgh, editor Topeka, KS Jayhawk Area Agency on Aging does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or Berniece Smith handicap. If you feel you have been discriminated against, you have a right to fi le a complaint with the Agency. In Topeka, KS accordance with ADA regulations, every effort will be made to accommodate people with disabilities. If you need special assistance, please call Jocelyn Lyons at Jayhawk Area Agency on Aging, Inc. 2 • FALL 2006 AMAZING AGING! JAAA awards $1.2 million to organizations Area Agencies on Aging were de- • Caregiver counseling and refer- • Douglas County Senior Services and Jefferson Counties, Inc. signed to be the primary resource for ral • East Topeka Senior Center • Meriden Adult Services Plus, information and services for older • Client assessment • Jayhawk Area Agency on Aging/ Inc. adults and those who care for them. • Case management IIIB & IIIE Direct Services • Midland Adult Day Programs The Older Americans Act of 1965 In addition to federal funds for • Jefferson County Health Depart- • Papan’s Landing Senior Center charges area agencies on aging to social services, State funds are also ment • Shawnee County Health Agency “be the leader relative to all aging provided through the Kansas De- • Jefferson County Service Orga- • TEACH, Inc. issues on behalf of all older per- partment on Aging for nutrition ser- nization • Trinity Respite Care sons in the area.” vices. In addition, JAAA will once • Kansas Assoc. of Area Agencies/ • Title III-E FLEX and BATH Ser- On July 21, Jayhawk Area Agency again receive State funds for 2007 Caregiver Campaign vices on Aging, Inc. awarded $1,211,889.00 to continue Senior Care Act services • Kansas Legal Services/Jayhawk Consumers and organizations to agencies and organizations in and Targeted Case Management for Legal Services may address questions, concerns Douglas, Jefferson and Shawnee Shawnee, Jefferson and Douglas • Lawrence Meals on Wheels or suggestions to Jayhawk Area Agen- counties for the purpose of providing counties. • LULAC Senior Center cy on Aging at 800-798-1366 or services for the elderly for the period In applying for funds, JAAA yearly • Meals on Wheels of Shawnee 785-235-1367. of October 1, 2006 to September 30, develops a document known as the 2007, in accordance with the Older Area Plan which outlines goals for Americans Act of 1965 as amended. programs funded under the Older Jayhawk Area Agency on Aging re- Americans Act, to be achieved for fi s- Congratulations! ceives federal funds from the Ad- cal year 2007. (Oct 1, 2006 through ministration on Aging, through the September 30, 2007) and to meet the JAAA Employees of Kansas Department on Aging to fund need of consumers in Shawnee, Jef- social services such as: ferson and Douglas Counties. Also the Month! • Title III-B Supportive Services included in the Area Plan are the that include, but are not limited to, budgets for the Older Americans Act MARCH Rebekah Pitts transportation, legal, health screen- Programs. APRIL Vanessa Merillatt ing, outreach, information, visiting Organizations Receiving MAY The Medicare Part D Team: and personal care services Older Americans Act Janell Collins, Mellany • Title III-C Nutrition Services that include home-delivered meals Funding for FY 2007 Martin, Vanessa Merillat and and congregate meals • Catholic Community Services/ Tiana Jackson, Betty Newell • Title III-D Disease Prevention Friendly Visitors Program and Leah Watts • Community Action and Health Promotion Services JUNE Jean Stueve that include, but are not limited to, • Community Resources Council/ information-age related disorders, Older Citizens Information Pro- JULY Sharon Sturgeon routine health screening, and medi- gram cation management education • Title III-E Caregiver Services that include services to a caregiver of a recipient 60+ years of age or a 60+ relative/grandparent providing care to children under the age of 19. While playing a direct role in as- sessing community needs and de- veloping responsive programs and awarding funds, JAAA also provides services. Examples of Direct Services pro- vided by JAAA: • Information and referral assis- tance • Health insurance counseling such as Medicare Part D Do you like to knit? Join JAAA’s Knitter Club! Knitting hats for the Head Start kids, our group meets periodically at the JAAA offi ces. Come join us for good conversation and knitting! For more information, call Janell at 235-1367. AMAZING AGING! FALL 2006 • 3 Kansas Silver-Haired Legislature What is the Kansas Silver Haired Legislature? The Kansas Silver Haired Legisla- cess. ture (SHL) is a unicameral legislature • To Inform - Actions of the SHL Thanks to the following area delegates composed of 125 representatives. All inform the public and the Kansas Leg- are over 60 and elected from their islature on concerns of the elderly. for their time and dedication! county residence. Wyandotte, Johnson, • To Involve - The SHL provides Jefferson County: Bette M.
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