THE CITY RECORD. VOL. XXXVI. NEW YORK, MONDAY, AUGUST 17, 1908. NUMBER I0728. THE CITY RECORD, July 31, Donnelly, 'Margaret, dropped, Hospital Helper, New York City Training School, $240 per annum. July 9, Dowdell, James, appointed Hospital Helper, Cumberland Street Hospital, OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. $300 per aiintim; certified July 9. Reported under date of August 3 as having been appointed at Kings County Hospital. Published Under Authority of Section 1526, Greater New York Charter, by the July 31, Duff, Elizabeth M., dropped, Pupil Nurse, New York City Training School, BOARD OF CITY RECORD. $i8o per annum; course finished. August i, Dunn, Patrick J., appointed Engineman, Municipal Lodging House, GEORGE B. McCLELLAN, MAYOR. $4.50 per diem. FRANCIS K. PENDLETON, CORPORATION COUNSEL. HERMAN A. METZ. COMPTROLLER. July 31, Dunn, Harry T., dropped, Engineman, Municipal Lodging House, $4.50 per diem; transferred to office of the President of Manhattan Borough. August 3, Gass, Anna, promoted, Assistant Cook, Metropolitan Training School, PATRICK J. TRACY, SUPERVISOR. $300 per annum, from $Iro, Hospital Helper. Published daily, at 9 a. m., except legal holidays. August 5, Gass, Anna, dropped, Assistant Cook, Metropolitan Training School, Subscription, $9.30 per year, exclusive of supplements. Three cents a copy. $300 per annum ; Owtt request. August 6, Glennon, Nora, appointed Hospital Helper, New York City Home, $i8o SUPPLEMENTS: Civil List (containing names, salaries, etc., of the city employees), 25 cents; per annum; certified August 6. Official Canvass of Votes. to cents; Registry and Enrollment Lists, 5 cents each assembly district; July 31, Hayes, Josephine V., dropped, Pupil Nurse, New York City Training Law Department and Finance Department supplements, Io cents each; Annual Assessed Valuation of School, $180 per annum; course finished. Real Estate, 25 cents each section. August I, King, Lizzie, appointed Hospital Helper, New York City Home, $i8o per Published at Room 2, City IIa]] (north side), New York City. anntiin. Entered as Second-class Matter, Post Office at New York City. August 4, Knauff, Edythe D., appointed Hospital Helper, Metropolitan Training School, $3(30 per annuet; certified August 4. July 31, Lloyd, Catherine V., dropped, Pupil Nurse, New York City Training TABLE OF CONTENTS. School, $LØ per annum ; course finished. August I, MacCallum, Archibald R., appointed FIisptta1 Helper, Metropolitan Training School, $i8o per annum ; certified August i. Assessor, Board of— L'ulice ])epartment (Ca,,/inucd)- 1'ublie Notices ..................... 5846 Rep.,rts of Sanitary Coutpany (hoiler Jttly I, Mulligan, John J., appointed Painter, Kings County I-Iospital, $.4 per diem; Bellevue and Allied Iluspitals— Squad) for Joh 30, 3t, August certified by Civil Service June to. Reported under date of July 6 as having been Propolals.......................... 8847 t. 3 aud ., t9uY............... 8841 appointed at Cumberland Street hospital. Board Meetings ........................ 88.17 Public Chanties, ])eparttuet,I of— Bronx, Iturough of— Proposals .......................... 8847 August I, Murphy, Maurice, dropped, Hospital Helper, Metropolitan Training I'roposals .......................... 8849 Report for the \Neck Ending August School, $t8o per anti urt; own request. Brooklyn, liorottgh of 8, 19o8 ....................... 8833 July 14. O'Brien, Charles, appointed Hospital Helper, Randalls Island, $24o per I'roposals .......................... 8845 ['ublic Service Commission for the First annum ; certified July 13. Change of ( ra,le 1)antagc Commission— I)istrict- calendar of llcaring............... August i, O'Connor, Ellen, appointed hospital I-Ielper, New York City Training I'nh lie Nut ie . ...................... 8848 8833 Changes in I>epartlncnts, etc........... 88.}2 tiale of I.uilclings and Appurtenances School, $240 per anuutn. i)ockc and Ferries, I)r iartment of— "Therein on City Real Estate... S July 31, O'Leary, Gertrude M., dropped, Pupil Nurse, New York City Training 1.'roposals .............. ......... ... 8851) nuccns, ]Soruugh of- Educatinu, llcpartmcnt of— I'ro p•.)sals.........• ................. 8547 School, $18o per annutil; course finished. 1,101 ..sals .......................... 8846 Ric1m„nd. Borough uf— July 31, Picard. Clara, resigned, Seamstress, Randalls Island, $204 per annual. 'ropusal. .......................... 8849 1 inanec, Department of— State Water Supply Commi0siun- July 3r, Robertson, C. Rhoda, dropped, Pupil Nurse, New York City Training Nutices of Assessments fot• Opening I'ublie , lice ..................... 8849 School, $i8o per an ti urt; course finished. Streets -incl Parks ............. 8847 Sfr -it (kaning, I)clmrtwcnt of- - N(tic(s tu Uwtices....... 8847 July 16, Smith, Joseph, salar- increased, Kings County Hospital, $240 to $480, and Troperiv Ames. etc., f Pilling in Lands... SSi7 Sureties Hequired on Various (bose; Supreme t',nvt. Pirat 1)ePartment- title changed to Cook. Reported under date of Anglist 3 as Hospital Helper. of (.untraetc ................... RS.t8 :Asquiring 1-ille to Lands, cic....... 3$50 Altgust I, Snyder, J. B., appointed hospital Helper, Storehouse, $18o per annum; Fire I)epartnient— Suprenit- (omit. Second 1)cl)artnient- I'rolmsals .......................... 8841, temporary. .\squiring 'fitle to Ltids. ete....... 8891 August I, Spahr, Minnie E., reappointed Hospital Helper, Metropolitan Training Miiraiilpal Civil Sircice ('ommission--- Stu perute ('nuet, Thírvt _Judicial 1)i'trict- 3linutc5 of \feelings uf June z.t ,\cquiring fitle I, Lands, ete....... 8852 School, $300 per annum. and July ,, t9o8 .............. 88t4 Supreme (',,Li rt. Ninth Juiicial Di trict- July- 31, Tyacke, S. Martha, dropped, Pupil Nurse, New York City Training School, 1'ublic NOlice ...................... 8837 X„tices .~f .Applicalicins for the Ap. $iSo per annum t ;• course finished. Nutier to (nlltfURno .................. 8856 ot)iiiliIICllt <,f (ommissiroters of )fficial lioruogft Papers ................ 8849 :fppraitial .. .... .... .. 8852 Jtdy 27, Vienot, Il cure, dropped one day, Painter, Randalls Island, $4 per dier); official i )irectory ...................... $842 "I'axce aud .Asscssiileiits, 1)cl)artment of- absence without leave. Olficial 1'apero ......................... 885u Public•. Notice...................... 8849 JOTIN A. CONNOLLY, Parks. Department of-- Afater Supply, linavl of- JR., Assistant and Acting Secretary. I'r oposals .......................... 8848 I'rumosal ,.......................... 88 Police Department— AV'aler Supply, (;as aud Electricity, Dc. :\ Iorgtte, Owners \Varsted for T.sst I'ruperty. 88.17 partnícnt of- Foot of East Twenty-sixth Street, r I'roccedings of August t. igu8...... 8883$ I n polals.......................... 8849 New York, August 3, 19o8. i Description of unktinvm utan from Ifouse of Relief—Age, about 6a years; height, 5 feet 4 mehe.,; weight, about 145 pounds; color, white; eyes, brown; hair, gray; mus- PUBLIC SERVICI' COMMISSION FOR THE FIRST tache. gray; beard, none. Clothing: Black herringbone striped sack coat, dark gray pants, ltlack stripe;; white suspenders, blue stripes; black outing shirt, white cotton under- DISTRICT, shirt, white fleece-lined drawers, gray socks, black lace Blucher shoes (Waldorf), 10. 15-I \o5.\l Sierr \rtr 1(iulc City. uanllaiina handkerchief. Condition of body, good. Remarks : Tattooed on right upper arm the figure of the Goddess of Liberty holding a staff; old scar on throat; nearly all tipper and lower teeth missing. No. X784. Coroner Barburger. Geo. W. Meeks, C.AL1N1).AR OIE IIEARINGS. Superintendent. Morgue, The following hearings svill be heId <liir ing the week beginning Monday, August Foot of East Twenty-sixth Street, 17, 1908: New York, August 4, 1908. J Tuesday, August 18—io :3o A. \L—Room 305.—Order No. 658.—N.\ss:\u ELECTRIC Description of unknown utan from foot of Desbrosses street, North River—Age, R. R. Co.—Sarah Emmons, Complainant.—"Why Company does not about 35 years ; height, 5 feet 5 inches ; weight, about 161) pounds ; color, white ; eyes, stop cars at north end of bridge crossing Coney Island Creek."—Conl- can't tell; hair, sandy, eitt ..hort; mustache, sandy; beard, none. Clothing: Black pants, ntissioncr McCurroll. while shirt, black check stripes; white linen wing collar, size r~%; blue four-in-hand 1 i A. AT.—Room 305.—Order No. 6fí$.—IlNOUrr.V , Qt:EENS COUNTY AND tic, light check stripes, balbriggan underwear, laundry mark F. K. it, white cotton socks, SrhiTRIr.\e R. R..Co.--"RL hearing after Final Grdcr No. 99 regarding black lace Blucher shoes, tag narked Sommers & Kaufman, San Francisco. Condition s(•rticc hetvuccn Cypress hills and Jainaica."—Commissioner of body, decomposed, about six days in water. Reniarks : Bald on top of head ; long \IcCarri ll. Old scar on right side of groin. No. 7786. Coroner Harburger. Geo. W. Meeks,. Superintendent. :,;o P. M[.—Rootu 303.—Order No. 6,14.—EAST Rivi-at TER.NtIN.\I. Ry. Co.- Morgue, ".Applicatiun for certilicate of convenience and necessity."—Conuuis- Foot of East Twenty-sixth Street, sioner McCarroll. New York, August 5, 19x8. J Wednesday, .Aegnst 19-2:30 P. AI.—Cr iniit issioucr I assctt's Rooms.—Order No. 6t,5.- Description of unknown titau from Twenty-sixth street and Thirteenth avenue— (iENE5:v. R,\ll,l(oAb TNVl•a71UAT1On.—"Inrtniry into alleged nonfttllill- Age, :tbc>ut 45 years; height, 3 feet 6 inches; weight, about 140 pounds; color, white; iiicilt of franchise of New York and P1)rlclicstcr R. R, Co."—Com-
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