E P I P H A N Y C A T H O L I C C H U R C H Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 11, 2021 Vision Statement: “To offer every person in our community a life-changing encounter with Jesus.” several small communities scattered throughout the region of FROM POPE FRANCIS Galatia. Paul, when he arrived in a city, in a region, did not construct a CATECHESIS: PAUL THE APOSTLE great cathedral immediately, no. He created small communi- ties that are the leaven of our Christian culture today. He be- Dear brothers and sisters, good morn- gan by making small communities. And these small communi- ing! ties grew, they grew and they went forward. Today, too, this pastoral method is used in every missionary region. I received After the long itinerary dedicated to a letter last week, from a missionary in Papua New Guinea, prayer, today we begin a new cycle of telling me that he is preaching the Gospel in the forest, to peo- catechesis. I hope that with this itiner- ple who do not even know who Jesus Christ was. It is beautiful! ary of prayer we have succeeded in One begins by forming small communities. Even today this praying a little better, praying a little method of evangelization is that of the first evangelization. more. Today I would like to reflect on some themes proposed by the Apostle What we ought to note is Paul's pastoral concern, which is all Paul in his letter to the Galatians. It is a aflame. After founding these Churches, he became aware of a very important letter, I would even say great danger to their growth in faith—the pastor is like a fa- decisive, not only for getting to know ther or a mother who is immediately aware of dangers to their the Apostle better, but above all in considering some topics children. They grow, and dangers present themselves. As that he addresses in depth, showing the beauty of the Gospel. someone said, “The vultures come to wreak havoc in the com- In this letter, Paul makes many biographical references that munity.” Indeed, some Christians who had come from Judaism allow us to understand his conversion and his had infiltrated these churches, and began to sow theories con- decision to place his life at the service of Jesus trary to the Apostle’s teaching, even going so Christ. He also deals with some very important far as to denigrate him. They began with doc- themes for the faith, such as freedom, grace and “Today too there is no trine—“No to this, yes to that,” and then they the Christian way of life, which are extremely shortage of preachers denigrated the Apostle. It is the usual method: topical since they touch on many aspects of the who, especially through undermining the authority of the Apostle. As life of the Church today. This letter is very topi- the new means of com- we can see, it is an ancient practice to present oneself at times as the sole possessor of the cal. It seems to be written for our times. munication, can disturb truth, the pure, and to aim at belittling the work The first feature that emerges from this letter is communities. They pre- of others, even with slander. the great work of evangelization carried out by sent themselves not pri- These opponents of Paul argued that even the the Apostle, who had visited the communities of marily to announce the Galatia at least twice during his missionary jour- Gentiles had to be circumcised and live accord- neys. Paul addresses the Christians of that terri- Gospel of God who loves ing to the rules of the Mosaic Law. They went tory. We do not know exactly which geograph- man in Jesus, Crucified back to the previous observances, those that ical area he is referring to, nor can we state with and Risen, but to insist, had been superseded by the Gospel. The Gala- certainty the date on which he wrote this letter. as true “keepers of the tians, therefore, would have had to renounce their cultural identity in order to submit to the We do know that the Galatians were an ancient truth”—so they call Celtic population who, after many vicissitudes, norms, prescriptions and customs typical of the had settled in the extensive region of Anatolia themselves—on the best Jews. Not only that, those adversaries argued that had as its capital the city of Ancyra, today way to be Christians.” that Paul was not a true apostle and therefore Ankara, the capital of Turkey. Paul relates only had no authority to preach the Gospel. Let us that, due to illness, he was obliged to stay in think about how in some Christian communities that region (cf. Gal 4:13). or dioceses, first they begin with stories, and then they end by discrediting the priest or the bishop. It is precisely the way of The path of evangelization does not always depend on our will the evil one: of these people who divide, who do not know and plans, but requires a willingness to allow ourselves to be how to build. And in this letter to the Galatians we see this shaped and to follow other paths that were not foreseen. process. Among you there is a family who greeted me: They say that they have to learn Latvian, and I don’t know what other lan- The Galatians found themselves in a situation of crisis. What guage, because they will go as missionaries to that land. The were they to do? To listen and follow what Paul had preached Spirit continues today to bring many missionaries to leave to them, or to listen to the new preachers who accused him? It their homeland and to go to another country to carry out their is easy to imagine the state of uncertainty that filled their mission. What we do see, however, is that in his indefatigable hearts. For them, having come to know Jesus and believe in work of evangelization, the Apostle succeeded in founding the work of salvation accomplished by His death and resurrec- Continued on Last Page Page 2 Epiphanyparish.com FROM THE PASTOR CELEBRATING OUR FAITH PAUL THE APOSTLE SACRAMENTS SCHEDULE Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Mass Schedule Paul is one of the two great Apostles Incense is used at 9:30am Sunday Mass. All Ministers have Glu- ten-free Hosts. 7:30 am Sunday Mass is Broadcast on Facebook of the Gospel and pillars of the Church, at Epiphanyparish.com, with drive up Communion till 8:30am together with Peter. At the heart of (Canopy). Covid-19 protocols remain in force at two Masses. their story, Pope Francis recently said, is not their own gifts and abilities; at Sunday, July 11, 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time the center is the encounter with Christ 4:00pm Tom Van Deven that changed their lives. They experi- 7:30am * Kathy Albee enced a love that healed them and set 9:30am Theresa Voirol them free. They then became apostles 11:30am* Therese Lootens and ministers of freedom for others. *Masks and Social Distancing Required The Apostle Paul also experienced the Monday, July 12, Weekday freedom brought by Christ. He was set free from the most op- Lector: Deacon Cleary and Karen Overby pressive form of slavery, which is slavery to self. From Saul, the EME: Deb Willenborg name of the first king of Israel, he became Paul, which means 7:00am Diane Bussan “small”. He was also set free Tuesday, July 13, Weekday from the religious fervor that “Like Paul, we are called Lector: Kris Angles had made him a zealous de- to be set free from hyp- EME: Dorothy Meier fender of his ancestral tradi- 7:00am Albert, Roma and Robert Humenick tions (cf. Gal 1:14) and a cruel ocritical outward show, 8:15am Elroy Wirigers persecutor of Christians. Set free from the tempta- Wednesday, July 14, Saint Kateri Tekawitha, Virgin free. Formal religious ob- tion to present ourselves Lector: Chris Niebur servance and the intransigent with worldly power ra- EMEs: Lynda Arnold, Ed and Newze Nnakwe, defense of tradition, rather ther than with the weak- 7:00am Kenny Flener than making him open to the 8:15am Jerry and Nancy Overby love of God and of his broth- ness that makes space Thursday, July 15, Saint Bonaventure, Bishop ers and sisters, had hardened for God, free from a re- Lector: Jennifer Kamradt and Mike Lootens him: he was a fundamentalist. ligiosity that makes us EME: Darly Menke God set him free from this, rigid and inflexible; free 7:00am Gene and Patrica Kernes yet he did not spare him the from dubious associa- 8:15am Robert Pioli frailties and hardships that Friday, July 16, Weekday tions with power and rendered his mission of evan- Lector: Mathew and Katrina Kinate, Aidan McCoy gelization more fruitful: the from the fear of being EME: Aggie Hatch strain of the apostolate, physi- misunderstood and 7:00am Special Intention cal infirmity (cf. Gal 4:13-14); attacked.”—Francis Saturday, July 17, Blessed Virgin Mary violence and persecution, Lector: shipwreck, hunger and thirst, EME: Barb Burdett, Mary C. and Keith Walljasper and, as he himself tells us, a painful thorn in the flesh (cf. 2 Cor 7:30am All Souls’ Day Memorial Society 12:7-10). Sunday, July 18, 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time Paul thus came to realize that “God chose what is weak in the 4:00pm Anthony Valone world to shame the strong” (1 Cor 1:27), that we can do all 7:30am * Matthew and Craig Shevokas things through him who strengthens us (cf.
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