AAAI News AAAI News Spring News from the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence AAAI Adopts organizations and entities that attend Kiri Wagstaff (Jet Propulsion Laborato- ry, USA) Code of Ethics and AAAI conferences and events are sub- ject to the standards of conduct set This honor was announced at the Professional Conduct and forth in this document. AAAI expects recent AAAI-19 Conference in Honolu- Code of Conduct for all community members to formally lu, Hawaii, USA. Senior Member status endorse this code of conduct, and to is designed to recognize AAAI members Conferences and Events actively prevent and discourage any who have achieved significant accom- The AAAI Executive Council unani- undesired behaviors. plishments within the field of artificial mously adopted two new important Both codes are available on the AAAI intelligence. To be eligible for nomina- documents at its recent meeting in website via the About Us link. The tion for Senior Member, candidates Honolulu, Hawaii. The AAAI Code of Code of Conduct for Conferences and must be consecutive members of AAAI Ethics and Professional Conduct is Events will also be linked directly from for at least five years and have been designed to inspire and guide the ethi- all AAAI conference and meeting web- active in the professional arena for at cal conduct of all AI professionals, sites. Please address all inquiries to least ten years. including current and aspiring practi- [email protected]. tioners, instructors, students, influ- Congratulations encers, and anyone who uses AI tech- AAAI Announces nology in an impactful way, and is to the 2019 AAAI New Senior Members! particularly intended to act as a stan- Award Winners! dard of ethical and professional con- AAAI congratulates the following indi- duct for all AAAI members. Additional- viduals on their election to AAAI Sen- Yolanda Gil, AAAI President, Rao ly, the Code serves as a basis for ior Member status: Kambhampati, AAAI Past President and Awards Committee Chair, and Bart remediation when violations occur. Bo An (Nanyang Technological Uni- The Code includes principles formulat- versity, Singapore) Selman, AAAI President-Elect, present- ed as statements of responsibility, ed the AAAI Awards in January at based on the understanding that the Roman Barták (Charles University, AAAI-19 in Honolulu. Czechia) public good is always the primary con- sideration. Each principle is supple- Yiling Chen (Harvard University, USA) 2019 Feigenbaum Prize mented by guidelines, which provide AAAI established the Feigenbaum Prize Cristina Conati (University of British to recognize and encourage outstand- explanations to assist AI professionals Columbia, Canada) in understanding and applying the ing artificial intelligence research principle. This code is adapted from Minh Do (NASA Ames Research Center, advances that are made by using exper- the Association for Computing Ma - USA) imental methods of computer science. chinery (ACM) Code of Ethics and Pro- Eric Eaton (University of Pennsylvania, AAAI is pleased to announce that fessional Conduct and expresses the USA) the 2019 recipiemt of the prize is Stu- conscience of the AI profession. art Russell, University of California, Vincent Ng (The University of Texas at The Code of Conduct for Confer- Dallas, USA) Berkeley. He is being honored for his ences and Events sets forth expecta- high-impact contributions to the field tions for behavior at all AAAI events Marco Valtorta (University of South of artificial intelligence through inno- and provides a mechanism for atten- Carolina, USA) vation and achievement in probabilis- dees to report any behavior that falls Yevgeniy Vorobeychik (Washington Uni- tic knowledge representation, reason- outside these expectations. All persons, versity in St. Louis, USA) ing, and learning, including its Copyright © 2019, Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence. All rights reserved. ISSN 0738-4602 SPRING 2019 83 AAAI News application to global seismic monitor- ing for the Comprehensive Nuclear- Test-Ban Treaty. The Feigenbaum Prize is supported by a grant from the Congratulations to the Feigenbaum Nii Foundation. Stuart Russell received his B.A. with 2019 AAAI Fellows! first-class honors in physics from Oxford University in 1982 and his PhD Each year a small number of fellows are recognized for their in computer science from Stanford unusual distinction in the profession and for their sustained con- University in 1986. He then joined the tributions to the field for a decade or more. An official dinner and faculty of the University of California ceremony were held in their honor during AAAI-19 in Honolulu, at Berkeley, where he is a professor Hawaii. (and formerly chair) of electrical engi- neering and computer sciences, holder Vincent Conitzer (Duke University, USA) of the Smith-Zadeh Chair in Engineer- ing, and director of the Center for For significant contributions to the advancement of Human-Compatible AI. artificial intelligence through integration with eco- nomics and philosophy, including game theory, mech- He has served as an adjunct profes- anism design, social choice, and ethics. sor of neurological surgery at the Uni- versity of California, San Francisco Luc De Raedt (Katholieke Universiteit and as vice-chair of the World Eco- Leuven, Belgium) nomic Forum’s Council on AI and For significant contributions to learning and reasoning Robotics. He is a recipient of the Pres- through the integration of logical and relational repre- idential Young Investigator Award of sentations in machine learning and probabilistic models. the National Science Foundation, the Kristen Grauman (University of Texas at Austin IJCAI Computers and Thought Award, and Facebook AI Research, USA) the World Technology Award (policy For significant contributions to computer vision in category), the Mitchell Prize of the visual recognition and search. American Statistical Association, the Feigenbaum Prize of the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Charles Isbell (Georgia Institute Intelligence, and Outstanding Educa- of Technology, USA) tor Awards from both ACM and AAAI. For significant contributions to the field of interactive From 2012 to 2014 he held the machine learning, computing education, and for Chaire Blaise Pascal in Paris. He is an increasing access and diversity in computing. Honorary Fellow of Wadham College, Oxford, and Fellow of the Association Huan Liu (Arizona State University, USA) for the Advancemnt of Artificial Intel- For significant contributions to feature selection and ligence, the Association for Computing social computing. Machinery, and the American Associa- tion for the Advancement of Science. His book Artificial Intelligence: A Jiebo Luo (University of Rochester, USA) Modern Approach (with Peter Norvig) is For significant contributions to the fields of computer the standard text in AI; it has been vision and data mining, and particularly pioneering translated into 13 languages and is work on multimodal understanding for sentiment used in over 1300 universities in 119 analysis, computational social science, and digital countries. His research covers a wide health. range of topics in artificial intelli- gence including machine learning, Peter Stuckey (Monash University, Australia) probabilistic reasoning, knowledge For significant contributions to logic programming and representation, planning, real-time constraint programming. decision making, multitarget tracking, computer vision, computational physiology, and philosophical foun- dations.He also works for the United Nations, developing a new global seis- mic monitoring system for the nuclear-test-ban treaty. His current concerns include the 84 AI MAGAZINE AAAI News © iStock Photo ICWSM-19 Registration Opens in March! The Thirteenth International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media will be held at the Conference Center at Kolpinghaus München-Zentral GmbH in Munich, Germany from June 11–14, 2019. This interdisciplinary conference is a forum for researchers in computer science and social science to come together to share knowledge, discuss ideas, exchange information, and learn about cutting-edge research in diverse fields with the common theme of online social media. This overall theme includes research in new perspectives in social theories, as well as computational algorithms for analyzing social media. ICWSM is a singularly fitting venue for research that blends social science and computational approaches to answer impor- tant and challenging questions about human social behavior through social media while advancing computational tools for vast and unstructured data. ICWSM-19 will include a lively program of technical talks and posters, and invited pre- sentations. The ICWSM workshop and tutorial programs will continue in 2019, and will be held on the first day of the conference, June 11. For complete details about these programs, please see icwsm.org/2019. Registration information will be available at the ICWSM-19 website (www.icwsm.org/ 2019/attending/registration). The early registration deadline is April 15, and the late registration deadline is May 10. For full details about the conference program, please visit the ICWSM-19 website (icwsm.org) or write to [email protected]. SPRING 2019 85 AAAI News AAAI Member News In Memoriam, Alan Schultz AAAI is sad to report that Alan Schultz, former Director of the Navy Center for Applied Research in Artificial Intelligence and the Laboratory for Autonomous Systems Research at the Naval Research Laboratory
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