r THE MACARONI JOURNAL Volume 64 No. 12 April, 1983 Tht' . , DOU@ [})[P@ OUOD@[P [})[)~D[) M(lC(lrOtl i [})[)GOG[)[j@o 0 0 ,' , 'j .... .. " J, ' 1/',/' "" \ .,1 .... " I",.,., '. \. '1. 1" If, '/fl .. ,I, \' . ' 1"li,,', '" 1/1, .,.- I .. ,t o" , " ff " ". ' I ' ",.f. 'I•• ·. · ~· ., • ./I.h· . Io l "· ' rl'~ / ' " ,.11 " "lI,-.. ,/, Ii "." , \I I , ." ", / ,/. 1, " " If 0' / ' " ' ' 1'.,1.";1", /'1 )' 98 3 1'1 ' •• , • " , ~" .7~;J .9J,Ju.·; ",. \I \I I' ",. " , " ,. • " " \ " " \I , " " ", " " " , '" " ," , , " . "" " " \I , \I \I" , , \I 1'1 .... , . \I t •• ,' " \I " , , , I ,( .. " '" ' " 11 11 iI, ,. , \I " ~";" ' I Im-,I " \\ II \ 1 1\ . " 1 1, 11. ,,, I I".,' I, ,I 'II ~ ' , , \I , , \ 1111 . II f. -I \I I \ I '. " ·11 ' II II . " ", , \I ":' ' ! , 1< , .. \I ., I . I I •• ', ., \ 1. I' • • \ 1 " , .~ ., ' \I , 1( . b, I, .. ",.'" .. " " , " " ,. ,,, " "" \ \ , h., \I I ' ,. ; . ~, I ' \ " " \I ,. " II \\ \I 1 \I I ,' ,. U \\ ,~ , ,'" '.. , ".. , , \I ", " '" \I I, , " " b., : "., \I " ,,, I' " I \I ' .. \I ,. " \I , ;; .. , " " ii, .. ~' " I, \I , '" , .. \I " , " A t.I ' , . ... ': ' . • ' .1'" -."t -t., ... I· .. , " ,I," \I , , \I • I ~ •• ,tI" . - ',.,' • I • (1 I . ,~ 10, 'h' ,' ,I .. .1. , JI;) ' " " " .. : ', 'I 't. • ,., , 'h l , " ,. ,1,',,- .. .. \\", " .. H " ;. lmCIIy .aIcuI.led. .. ;, upccl<d AT TN. OLD TIMIU' PAITT ENTHUSIASTIC WINTER MEETING lit ' ItIC GAIT panel will respond 10 D. by on: !han 200 dcltp... made lhe .c complaints sprine. buI there T"-" A_ ;. 10 rcal clue as to disposition of M autndancc II the Winter Mm· Anlhony 0 ... 0I1ht T echnlea' A • Marco lhe 11>_. Ina held AI lI<och. Aorida lain Council Inlroduced Mickey Ski . best ncr in IC'VtfIJ ytan. Cobert Roamni had a dilplay 01 ner of the Standanb Commitlec . .. I ,J ... It 26 Impor1<d producII btin, !Old 0Wrman Joe Viviano noIcd that reponed lhe ....._ Oft lid wei,: I ill lhc nonheastcm market al kwter this lilendanc:c wu a 'ymbol of loss lIudy hu btJUft wilh ..mph. pri.'CS by chain stort'\, He notc..J thai in lhe A"""iolion diana< - chan,. beina collected at Skinner's pllnt In 4it ~"Ct containen to chain warehou~ and che,. in !he new mc:mbcnhip Omaha and Mueller', plant in Nfl\ -.1 lOphislic:ated ml&fketin, plans are mix whh and dift'ftenl poinls new Jcney as .'CII as warehousn in Min. a I'art of the import effort. He stated 01 he views. "The challen",.- lOki. neapolis and New York. Ra~lIls in !hi. Is trul)' an irklu5lry prublrm wilh "is 10 _ chan",.- The A"""la­ moisture lou will be tabulaled by Ihe thr pcnctralion utendin, now into lhe lioa it ,tronac' Ihan nu due 10 plan· facult)' 01 North Dakota Slalc Uni. Middle West. He caUN for unified Dina. and ...... he, we . i ll develop vcnily, and a facully member . .. ill lCtioa, a unUled IndUJIry. 111m has hem lJaIiIyIna _ lrom voIun,"" wrile a paper on lhe sHady al Ihe Mr. Silvenn.an rccommcrMkd t.'O end ol !he year. counts of action: I) an industry ",r­ _, a unified Ind ....ry . There hI' H. abo reponed rt<OlllJ1l<ndo· \f)' on injury. 2) a reconskkration been .,.,lIyin, mpomc Irom voIun­ the lions sodium labclin. had bC'cn of a counkrVailin, duty case . 'hkh ICOn amon, !he mc:mbtnhip. Three tor .uukl rcqui" updatin, dala on in­ new mtmbtn wm dtC'ted to lb: sent out in • buJletin aDd that • """ jwy 10 the induslry. A political .ac. 1IoanI: Norman Weckerly 01 Hunk­ ltel levd leI.er com:lalin, paUl ok· tedS with wheat levels has betn tion P'oaram would hel,htCII natiun· liNd. Nonh Oak"'a. will re_nl draIItd. aI aWIl'CntU of lhe problem and poli' !he dlUllm "owen. Newly oppoinled ~y act support lrom Con,""s. Prnidtnl Joe Llehlenbtra will have An Instron Tatin. Instrumenl h btin, pwdwed lor Oak .., a sal. Sltv< Brody 01 Ronco Enler­ NOfIh -'.- 10 priscs rtpIa<es Andy Andtnon who utilizts 1.'0 carousels Dnd • star mi •• State Uoivcnily as a memorial A fin' VOl' Marco 0ptnI--Doane reporttd Ihal the ehe laic Jamft Winston. i, ,"IriD, AI !he end 01 M"",h. cr to make a wry prolaliotW JnKft­ Pbnl Opcnttions Seminar scheduled la'iun. The Itripl will he reponed riel)' of dW'\lm was "Icued January "In !he world 01 paUa lor 1982'­ 13 and will bt named "Uoyd" in lor lhe Toronto Hilton Harbour CHile Mid, dalo ....... in !he Macaroni Journal. and lhe olide. Mr. Viviano "SAMI honot 01 Mr. Skinner. ia Toronto, Onlario, March 21·24. an increuc of .. 10 4.S percent in will be available at 5500 a sci or .. ould fealure t".. o morninp of lalnl ranal basis 01 550 for fh'C-day Darla TuflO with the Nutrition Re· IOn .... wllh dollar uIts up , per­ on a a ilfoonalion on pachJin, cquipmenl perind. scardt and Educalion CommiUce fl.' . ...... The Indullr)' mull ",lIlhe ,row:h from supplien to the: industry plw. porIed ..... 0 ..orch had btm mad, rcconJ of tome 12 percent in five Oint Menid.: I'Cpor,ed that the pbnl loun in the afternoon rollOVlo'cd of .he USDA World Food Bant dal I )'Ors wbc1c all OCher ,rocnies are lood edilOn .. ""am had btm Il>0l1 by a halr.... y ltUion on o.olilY and a KCOnd draft wriUtn. but Itl ": up only 3 percenl. suc:ceuful-"one 01 the bat ICCn in f'11c1es before adjoummcnl al noon information occds tiplmin, up all 1 \he food industry." The electronic 011 Thursday. Marth 24. Rcctstralion Now .......... ..... dc ..1opcd on cooked paUl. media provam has prncrcd two net­ n ' feN the .eminar. includin, meals. mao committee will ha\'C a I'Clenc by Jul' Newly .ppoinkd Praident Joe v.'Ofl placements for tome 6 miUion In als. and tran~portillKm is $100 for Lichtcnbcrl was inuodumJ by Mr. audience Impressions, si. local plACe­ c.,_ A_ lilt. ~bcrs and rooms my~ be ;»btained Viviano. He obitrved lhal tM N.· ments (or some ) million imprcuions Reponin, lor the Government A pt. mplly. bc:cauK our block h.n been lional Puta li.uoc:ialiot1 had been :a plus some 83 stations that ulCd the ftl 'llN. )caWn, trade ISiocialior, for MHnC' 80 NPA television kit fain Council. Rick Silverman sa ' yean n:rrncntin. a b.nN:. lOIid, IUM.I there is a continICncy statement , A"''-1 C_ Elinor Ehrman of Bur5lon-Mantrl. very compclilive tMnjneu. He al~ pact.,. lamperinl lor !host mcmbt ohn Wnterber, of the Industry noted thl. the Auodation had tilken ler rcporled Ih.. !he major mruaSC ..ho waD' I copy. Thl. ;, av.uab. Al \'isory Council reponed thilt Con· bein, communicated 10 the prns action, in nt.bli~inl irs rrom !he Auocialion oIIice. On II AI a. General M~s, and Pillsbury will touch "fl· throuJh our product promcuion mcnt - "'C mUllt cope - bUI you can. lqic:: plan and incrfasin, dun for dlC pro­ mailer of imports.. he pve the bad ad to the millen' rontribulion 10 the Pal' Pr.. iden'l Honored cram is: ''Your family can cal palla not Ih'c wilhoul lItren, Too much bcndit 01 the .,'hole indUllry. He lI.id pound on the European COlIUn(' 19 \) bud",• • c. W. Jock Wolle 1'J41-1'J4M wrcss for 100 long C3U)O wear. E •• cvny day. beeauK it is low in cal. Market pndicc of common pricin iorman Weckerly. newly elected he: Joob upon hi, appoinlDXnI as a C. frederick Mudlcr 1t,l~O·I'J52 ('('uil'c ""car or burnout is thr de· penonal opportunity and thai mem­ .. nbtr 10 lhe Board. reponed Ihcn: Uoy~ E. S~in""r 1956-195M plelion or oneself uhauilin: the \'i,­ ben can elpect rdum on investment s...., CImoIodoo Ud be a stron, shlfl 10 Iprin, wheal ,­ .1 Peler J, Vi"iano 196M-19711 ible OInd mental rnourccs, POly ,,'­ on their quantrly dues payments wdth 107 COMWnCt ....ptinn ill Jurum country this year as durum ))6.l".17. Vincenl OcOomcnK."u 1972-'974 lenlion In Ihr si,nals OInd leOirn tu a specific plan 01 ""OIk caphaJizjn, on III Ne"''flllptt Syftidiurn ca f}O\U will be 151 perttnt 01 diup­ "<.m')" Paul A, Vermylen 197M·19KII "OIY "nil." comillee acdvilits and bc:in, f'CSron­ ftfajor Matttt 8 /W N",tpapn 461.CXMI.OOO pt ,raDC:C, the hiJhcsI for any class " Lester R. Thunton, Jr. 19MU-It,lKl sive 10 Induslry ntfiIs, • Subumaa Hc"""pcn )0,_ cI wheal. He pmlicced a dtcrtut 01 e .....1o~ S<uIoa 7 S,..sicaacd Sunday Suppkmmlt H.214.,,, 10 'It )' percenl In pianlinp. C_ 51 .... 50_ Frank BUlrtd., bUllineu conllullitnt. A_ NC'lnpaocr Color han " .111.409 1..<1 Th"",on reported lho. !he '" had Ihese ~rvations on cOish now Coopcralh'c Publicil)' and II ConfoWnCr Council Chairman Paul Com".,.... Orpniulioer " ~ 1tI1 Indu5lry Council is ;alive and Jim .00 hine C~rtrr 'I\'e ~timu · managcmcnl. E"ery f~ssion iii fol· " . i ~ .1 UICI Vermyltn introduced Tc..J Sellann)' lil. .. ;oJ. Tbey have a problrm of con­ lalin, .eminar on SlrC10S and burnoul. lov.. ed by good timcll which in tum are Ihe Trade Rclation~ CommiUcc. Ted VI.dnt in dcYe1opin, consumer mn­ Sims was defined lUi any area of dif· follo\\'C(j by .anolhcr r«enion, AdjUit 000 - pasta l. not f,aurnin,." 80x commodit), prcfelalCC', and common ii· prncnted a 7~ minute sJide prnen. ytn backed b)' nutritional meareh. ficulty. Habits arc oflrn communica· accordingly, Mml bU5innsn do not iCOI'e for consutnl:r pu~icalions. 1982: naDC.... The 301 C&IC &rJU<S Ih,' latioo the p;ma "ory to CUS. Basic rneardl on conlumer attillades tion blocks. and we impose impos. dial do,.'n fasl rnough.
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