+ SECTION A, PAGE 4 MARC DANN RESIGNS THE BLADE: TOLEDO, OHIO t THURSDAY, MAY 15, 2008 + DANN’S MARC DANN: FROM COINGATE STATEMENT SCANDAL TO SEX SCANDAL ASSOCIATED PRESS Marc Dann’s statement April 18, 2005 — Then-state Sen. Marc Dann was the first yester day announcing his state elected official to pounce on Ohio Republicans after resignation as Ohio attor- The Blade began reporting on problems with the Ohio ney general: Bureau of Workers’ Compensation’s rare-coin fund ‘‘Twelve days ago I came managed by former GOP fund-raiser Tom Noe. before you to admit mis- “I think they are at the point that they don't even know it’s takes, to take responsibil- wrong anymore,” Mr. Dann said. “As one-party ity, and to announce steps leadership in the state gets more incompetent and toward giving the offi ce of arrogant, they get more sloppy.” Dann attorney general an admin- istrative backbone worthy of the great legal work May 26, 2005 — Two days after the state sued Tom that we were doing in this Noe to gain control of its $50 million rare-coin fund, offi ce. Mr. Dann said former governor Bob Taft, former attorney general Jim Petro, and former state auditor I sincerely viewed it as my Betty Montgomery “were accomplices in Tom Noe’s fi duciary responsibility to stealing from small businesses and workers in the fi x the problems on my state of Ohio.” watch, especially as it con- cerned my own actions. “If I were them, I would resign in embarrassment,” Unfortunately it is now Mr. Dann said. Dann clear that the last step I must take to fi x these Nov. 14, 2005 — Marc Dann announced he was running for Ohio attorney problems is to resign as general. attorney general effective immediately. March 6 and 7, 2008 — Two It is my belief that this will employees of the attorney general preserve the great work being done by the offi ce of office — Cindy Stankoski and COLUMBUS DISPATCH/FRED SQUILLANTE attorney general. Vanessa Stout — file sexual Marc Dann submitted his resignation hours after investigators from Ohio Inspector General harassment complaints against We must continue to make Tom Charles’ offi ce descended on his offi ce and confi scated computer equipment. effective use of Ohio’s law Anthony Gutierrez, a top Dann enforcement, consumer aide who shared a Columbus protection, and bank regu- Perhaps more than any other condo with the attorney general. Stankoski Stout Gutierrez latory machinery to aggres- THE WINTERS FILE successful Democrat in 2006, sively take on predatory Mr. Dann rode that scandal into Dann tNAME: Thomas R. Winters May 2, 2008 — A report of the sexual harassment complaints cites Marc lenders and their co-con- offi ce, beating former Repub- spirators who have deci- Continued from Page 1 tPARTY: Democratic Dann for his “poor judgment.” He holds a press conference announcing he lican Betty Montgomery, a for- mated the neighborhoods t was firing two top aides and accepting the forced resignation of a third aide. He fi red that aide, Anthony EDUCATION: mer attorney general and Wood of our state. Bachelor’s de- He also admitted to having an extramarital affair with an employee. Gutierrez; dismissed commu- County prosecutor. gree from Ohio “Because Ohio needs an at- We must continue to bring nications director and longtime “I have not conducted myself in a way that has been consistent with my environmental and con- Dominican Col- torney general and an attorney values as a husband, a father, and my responsibilities as attorney friend Leo Jennings for alleg- lege, Columbus, sumer protection cases in general’s offi ce which is focused general,” Mr. Dann said. edly trying to convince another Ohio; law degree this state to make sure that employee to mislead internal on its mission and the needs of from Capital Ohio, and because these em- the quality of life is second investigators, and accepted the University Law May 4 — Gov. Ted Strickland, U.S. Sen. to none here in Ohio and forced resignation of chief-of- ployees as well as the citizens School, Colum- of Ohio deserve better, I believe Sherrod Brown, and other top Democratic that law-abiding business- staff Edgar Simpson for failing bus, Ohio. es are protected. to act swiftly on the harassment Winters Marc Dann has done the right officeholders call on Mr. Dann to resign. t complaints. EMPLOY- thing by resigning,” she said. “I And we must continue to But Mr. Dann vowed at the MENT HISTORY: Former know this is a very diffi cult time make nonprofi t healthcare May 5 — Mr. Dann refuses to resign. institutions more account- time that he would stay at work partner at Columbus-based for him. I wish him and his fam- law fi rm Vorys, Sater, Seymour ily the best.” Governor Strickland says he and other able and healthcare more and try to regain the trust of Democratic leaders will lead the march to and Pease. Served as top as- She ruled out another run this Strickland Brown accessible to uninsured Ohioans. impeach the attorney general. “I apologize and accept re- sistant and chief of staff to the fall to replace him. Ohioans. speaker of the Ohio House. sponsibility for failing to give Replacing Dann And we must continue to an administrative backbone May 13, 2008 — House Democrats file articles of impeachment against Mr. save the state money in the worthy of the great legal work Ironically, Mr. Winters, a When asked what character- Dann for allegations including gross neglect of duty. The House and Senate offi ce of attorney general, being done,” Mr. Dann wrote in former lobbyist, once counted istics he most wants in the next pass a bill giving state Inspector General Thomas Charles the authority to by maintaining an objective the letter of resignation handed former Toledo-area coin dealer attorney general, Mr. Strickland investigate Mr. Dann’s office. Mr. Strickland signs the bill into law. and nonpolitical process personally to Mr. Strickland. “I and GOP fund-raiser Tom Noe as quickly and emphatically said, for assigning legal work apologize and accept respon- a client. Noe hired Mr. Winters, “Maturity!” The governor insist- both inside and outside the sibility for not conducting my a Democrat, in the late 1980s to ed he had not decided whether Yesterday — Mr. Dann appears at a news conference with Mr. Strickland to offi ce. personal life in a way that is convince the legislature to ex- he will name a permanent or announce his resignation, effective immediately. It has been my priority consistent with the important empt investment coins and bul- temporary replacement, let THE BLADE over the past few weeks to mission of the offi ce.” lion purchases from the state’s alone who that person might be. try to restore those pri- Mr. Dann’s fi rst assistant, sales tax. Conjecture has included such name most often mentioned . administration was in support of orities to the forefront of Thomas Winters, will head the Years later, Noe was convicted names as Treasurer Richard Cor- the offi ce’s work, and the attorney general’s offi ce until of stealing from two rare-coin dray and Lt. Gov. Lee Fisher, a “The Democrats would love it.,” Mr. Strickland said. to divorce themselves from this “Now that he has [resigned], vast majority of the 1,400 Mr. Strickland decides whether investments he operated for the former attorney general. Repub- employees of the attorney he will exercise his authority to state Bureau of Workers’ Com- licans are likely to aggressively scandal, but Marc Dann is only it is my role as governor to keep the latest in a growing list of a hands-off stance toward that general’s offi ce have been appoint a replacement going pensation during Republican seek to reclaim the seat with doing outstanding, nation- into a special election on Nov. 4. Gov. Bob Taft’s administration. former U.S. Sen. Mike DeWine’s Democrat offi ceholders caught investigation, let it proceed, in their own culture of corrup- and let the chips fall where they ally recognized work. tion,” said Ohio Republican Par- may,” he said. I thank them for the incred- ty Chairman Bob Bennett. “Last He noted that Mr. Dann ex- ible service over the past week it was Matt Barrett. This pressed concern over the work 17 months. week it is Marc Dann. I wonder of the attorney general’s offi ce They deserve both to be who will be next.” and its employees during their recognized and to continue Mr. Barrett, an Amherst at- conversation as well as concern their work without the dis- torney and another 2006 Demo- for what would happen to him tractions that the political Thethingswedofor cratic success story, recently and his family. Before becom- situation that I fi nd myself was forced to resign as state ing attorney general less than in has caused them. representative after admitting 17 months ago, Mr. Dann was a he’d misled fellow Democrats Youngstown-area attorney and a It is now clear to me that about how nude photographs state senator. the only way to protect of women ended up in a com- His former colleague, state these priorities for the of- puter presentation he acciden- Sen. Teresa Fedor (D., Toledo), fi ce of attorney general and tally showed to a Norwalk High called Mr. Dann’s resignation a for the people of Ohio is School government class. “relief.” to remove myself from this He initially blamed his son, “What makes this so ironic is situation. but eventually he admitted he that there was a different stan- It is now my highest priority personally knew the women in dard once he was in offi ce,” she to focus on my family.
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