AIIston-BrltfrtOn gets lis irish up THE -see page 12- For seniors, the hoUse callis back s.epage9- INSIDE THIS ISSUE 52 PAGES A Commonwealth Court, POLICE BEAT Brighton, woman was assaulted and robbed lastFriday nightbyawhile malewho burst into herapart. ment and attacked her as sheslept. The man escaped with $250. The Ward 22 Democratic Party caucus will be re­ BRIEFS held March 30,after a ruling thatthe original one violated party NIe8•..Hung's Food Factory has been 8OId. 'n=O SIeIion 14: Flynn aI10uld be held accountable... OPII;;, WI!ere's Myles?_ VInIage idlocyncracIesIn AIlIIton. Vol. 100, No. 11' PUBLISHED WEEKLY IN ALLSTON·BRIGHTON SINCE 1884 A PAID CIRCULATION NEWSPAPER. FRIDAY MARCH 15, 1985 35 CENTS Court ruling seen to be far-reaching By Joe Clements A recent Massachusetts Supreme Court decision against Allston­ Brighton landlord Harold Brown could have implications well beyond the reno tal housing market, consumer experts and officials involved in the case said this week. The court's ruling­ stemming from Brown's use of illegai clauses in tenant leases-is expected to cost the principal owner of Hamilton Realty well over $100,000 in damages and attorneys fees. In the decision, the court said that Brown is liable for damages because he included several illegal clauses in his leases during 1980. The novelty of it, according to tenant lawyer Harvey S. Shapiro. is that the court did not re- ~ ~ ~ Right here in Allston Brighton• .... 4, ~ Community residents are upset about the delays in Boston Mayor Raymond Flynn's pledge to reopen Station 14 in Brighton Center. The Mayor says money troubles are the reason. Inset: A piece of Ray's campaign literature from the 1983 campaign, a time when cash flow didn't seem like such a stumbling block. Is Flynn copping out? By Esther Shein force that had operated from there be­ Throughout it all, residents remained forehand. hopeful. As most people in Allston-Brighton In announcing his candidacy for But now, following a recent state­ are aware, Boston Police Station 14 in Mayor in front of Station 14 in 1982, ment from newly·appointed Police Brighton has been a mere shadow ofits Raymond Flyun pledged a commit­ Commissioner Francis M. Roache that former self ever since financial cut­ ment to seeing it reopened as the sta' there are insufficient funds to do so, backs caused by Proposition 2% forced tion it once had been. Flyun reiterated community members and civic leaders its closing back in 1981. When former that pledge again last year when he are more pessimistic. Mayor Kevin White reopened the sta­ announced-on the same spot-that a City Councilors Michael McCormack tion a while later, it was staffed with police sexual assault unit would be in­ and Brian McLaughlin, of Brighton, but a small percentage of the 100-plus creased and moved to Station 14. Some things get better with age' TheBAIA has By Joe Clements Hamilton Realty on Brighton Ave. March, ]980-/n a move that is send­ quire proof that the tenants were aware ing shock waves throughoutBrighton, of the clauses, or that Brown actually the officers and board ofdirectors ofthe ever tried to enforce them. Brighton Citizen's Association we'" "Thecourt ruled that with the state unseated Monday as a "'cord number legislature's 1979 amendment to the ofvoters turnedout to cast t1Iar votes State Consumer Protection Act...the for a new s14te. The composition ofthe legislature created a right to damages new board triggered cluJrges ofa city for the invasion of a legally protected haJJ takeover, with oust«d """"bers interest without a showing of actual charging that Boston Mayor Kevin' harm," Shapiro stated. "Here tenants White wanted to control the BCA by were given disinformation about their fWing its ktukrship with his sup­ rights which clearly had the tendency porters. to mislead or chill them in the exercise "/t's bossism and 17UJChine politUls," of those rights." . --. declared RobertTarpey, tkfeat«din his I BAIA members plan for the upcoming annual meeting and five-year anniversary. , 1 J > PAGE 2 THE ITEM March 15, 1985 POLleE, BEAT' Series ofrobberies hit A·B; woman assaulted in house BUSCH BEER 24 loo.e e8ns 87.95 + Deposit A Commonwealth Court, Brighton, woman was assaulted and robbed last GUINNESS 6 pack 83.99 + Deposit Friday night by a white male who burst into her apartment and attacked her as she lay sleeping. The suspect made off HARP case 814.99 +Deposu with nearly $250. According to the victim, her as· STOLICHNAJA 88.99 750m!. sailant broke into the apartment around 8:30 p.m. and, when she woke 1981 ROBERT MONDAVI up, began beating her about her face and body. The woman suffered several CABERNET 89.35 bruises in the incident, police said. The suspect was described as 30'years-old, MANISCHEWITZ CONCORD 5'10" tall, and with blond hair and a moustache. GRAPE 81.99 750 ml. Also last Friday night, a 25·year·0Id & Allston man was robbed of a camera 2 for $5 Wine Sale Many Selections and lens as he entered his apartment on Scottsfield Road. The victim told police Bordeaux Sale that two unidentified males came up to him from behind, one of whom put a COORS Beer Available in 1/4 and 1/2 Kegs sharp metal objoct to his neck, and said to "Give me your money or I'll kill you." The victim handed over $20 cash and the camera and lens. The 35 mm Olympus camera was valued at $400, while the lens was valued at $50. The two suspects fled up Commonwealth Avenue. Two black males robbed a Litchfield Street, Brighton, woman lastThursday night as she left the Bay Bank electron· assault and battery with a dangerous Use ic teller machine on Western Avenue. weapon. Tremblay was arrested after The victim said the pair ripped her poliee responded to a report of a fight black pocketbook from her arm and fled outside Tremblay's apartment. There in a maroon automobile with another they spoke to another reSident of the I black male and a white female. The bag apartment build1ng, who oJiarged our that Tremblay bit hit repeatedly In contained a pair of gold earrings with a'diamond. and was valued at about the face and body, plus struck him $200. with a frying pan. Tremblay was One suspect was described as placed under arrest at the Bcene and toreduce 25·years·0Id. 5'10'" tall, and with a transported to Area 'D' headquarters medium build and large afro. for booking. A 15·year·old juvenile was pla.ced your1984 under arrest at Ca.ldor's Department Store on Western Avenue In Brighton last week after a specla.l police ofrtoer placed at the store a.llegedly SaW her taxes! under ring a frIend of hers for some Items the friend WaS attemptIng to There's still time to get a good tax break for 1984. If purcha.se. The juvenileand two ofher you open a Greater Boston Bank IRA before April friends were placed under arrest and oharged with oommlttlng larceny 16th. YOUr contribution can be deducted from your over $100. The Items were va.lued at taxable income. You'lI pay less in taxes this year and $260, polioe sa.!d. the interest you earn. year after year. is tax·deferred until distribution. lemee Offteer'. :aepon There are other advantages to having your IRA Community Servloe Offloer Joseph a( Greater Boston Bank. All you need to open an Parker reports that thers wsre 23 account is S10. Additional deposits can be made residenoes entered In Allston· \\'henever \'ou \\'ant. And. of course. there are no In another unarmed robbey last Brighton last week with a.rtloles start·up ch'arges or annual fees associated with a week, a 17'year-old youth told police he taken, as.well as nine motor vshloles was accosted by five black males at the entered with a.rtloles taken. Ala.o, Par· Greater Boston Bank IRA. corner of Parsons and Arlington ker reports, there were 15 automo· Iiyou \\,ant to gt't a tax break for 19H4 and make Streets in Brighton Wednesday even· biles towed for varIous VIolatIons, a sound investment in your financial future. visit or ing and robbed of $7. All of the sus· and eight stolen Oars recovered. peets were described as 18· to In addition, Parker announced that call any oi our oiiices today. 19·years-old, 5'10" tall, and with black Boston dog licenses are now being Is· jackets with white fur collars. The sued at District 14 In Brighton IRA IS-Month Certificate thieves fled on foot towards Brighton Center. The lioenses are ava.l1able Center, the victim said. from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., Monday 510 ;\1inimum through Saturday. The cost of the lIoenses Is: $4 for ma.le and spayed Arreeb anlma.le, and $15 for fema.le dogs. 11.52% Allan P. Tremblay, 23, of Common· Certlfloa.tes must be shown to prove Annuall'<.'rcentagt· Rate Effective Annual Yield wealth Avenue, Allston, was arrest· that an anima.! has been spayed and AU. m;.'oSITS ISSl:RI;n IS ITI.I. ed Sunday evening and oharged with has gotton Its rabies shots. I I I Community Spotlight I I ani< bringing you l t\ moprrall\'t' hank Main Office: Brighton 414 Washington Street 7R2·5570 Branch Office: Allston 157 Brighton Avenue 7R2·5570 the news you want li • • Branch Office: Jamaica Plain 675 Centre Street 524·4666 only In the ITEM PAGE 4' "THE ITEM' March 15, 1985 ON LOCATION Publisher and President Frederic N.
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