THE WEATHU iffiODTTOWN Eancaal of O. a Weathev Boward Bojd l«ft today for Partlx. eleady and colder lanighti Pa^ wharo be baa been Tneedny colder followed by onow la tbe critical lUneaa of his afternoon or night. ProMcotor PoinU to Life of iianrly^Bt^r lEtif tting fjeralb la will ba away from bii I fo r aareral daya. Alexander Kaminski in Em­ phasizing His Point. A m aetiof a t tba Junior Daufb- MANCHESTER, CONN., MONpAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1933. ^TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS : ta n o f Italy U caUad for Monday Prosecuting Attorney WUllsm J. Temple Chapter. Order of the ^ anraoiaa la Tinker ball. Tbe bual- Shea of tbe local police court gave Eastern Star will entertain Hartford naaa aeaaton will baaln at 7:80 and an Intereating talk on the subject, . tw o candldataa will be Initiated. A "Clean Speech" before the Boy Chapter, O. E. S., at Its meeting good turn out of tbe membera fa Scouts of Manchester, In conn^tlon Wednesday evening In the Maaonlc hoped for. with the observanceof the 26tn an­ Temple. A chicken pie supper will niversary of the organization of the be served at 6 o'clock and it will be Hoaa Company No. 1 of tbe Man- Boy Scouts of America, at a meet­ necessary for all local membera to FILMS Are department will meet ing In High school ball last night. make reservations before Tuesday OEVEMiPEU AND Monday nlfbt at 8 o'clock at lire Mr. Shea spoke of tbe Influence at the latest to any one o f tbe com­ PRINTED AT HAUPTMANN TRIAL beadquartera. Main and Hilliard that the wrong kind of talk and evil mittee. Mrs. Lula Bldwell, past 24-HOIJK SERVICE atreeta. A eodal time with refreah- aasoctations bad on Alexander matron o f the chapter, has been ap­ menta will follow the meeting. pointed chairman. She will be Kaminski during his early life, and Film Deposit Box At New Funeral Home—142 East Center Street how It resulted In hla life of crime assisted by Mrs. Ethel Mohr. Mrs. Chicagfo Calls For Big City Waysl Married June 14. 1930. and de- which will end in the electric ebair Rose Strant, Mrs. Minnie Richards, Store Entrance. TEL. Office S171. House 7494. aerted a year later. Mra. Flora Feb. 17. He urged the boyt always Mrs. Mina Olson and Mra. Amy Thrall Muraakl o f'‘ thla town waa to control their manner of speech, Neill. ITALY IS MOBILIZING STATE SAYS EVIDENCE grant^ a divorce from Henry D. particularly while In High achool Paat Matron Mra. Anna Crocker Muraakl on tbe ground of deaertlon and after graduation when they go will have charge of the dining room KEMP'S by the Superior Court In Hartford forth into tbe walks of life. and the others on her committee are yesterday. The deaertlon occurred Following Mr. Sbea'a talk there all past matrons and patrons. Tbe May 24. 1931. William S. Hyde ap­ was a program of games enjoyed. reception committee is also com­ peared for the plaintiff. Mra. Ruth The attendance waa large. posed of past matrons, Mrs. Beatrice 250,000 TROOPS FOR ALL POINTS AT BRUNO G. Wadsworth of South Windsor Wake Up Manchester won her freedom from George Wad-sworth on the ground of Intol­ erable cruelty. They were married HAVE YOU TRIED Labor Men and Women January 6. 1932. Mra. Catherine V. THE NEW 193.5 Ballseiper of Manchester was given ABYSSINIAN TROUBLE ™ S 'RHLLY s a y s m a i d , a divorce from Paul R. Ballseiper PLYMOUTH of Manchester on the ground of TONIGHT Support The desertion. They were married April 28; 1928, and separated March 10. DE SOTO T e tf Call us and let ua 1930. For a real good time come to " 7 * fl^ T i ' Believed Kidnaped, B Y W M BUTLER INVOLVED show you wbat they will do. Democratic Party Orders Bui Clashes There; w n r Frank Parker, proprietor of the Depot Square Parker Tavern in South Coventry THE asked today that a statement Issued Why la the Cnited States of Am erica the greatest Onion In Held Responsible - Sea MtSS M cLlTOy IS Safe Garage the world T First Believed Hoax Now l^^ckires Ladder Was Used as a Plant and Dog in Nursery by the State Police to the effect Depot Square Tel. 8151 that the Von Deck-Mitterholzcr Why Is the Chamber o( Commerce making a fine drive for Fighters and Fifty Air­ fight took place in his establishment SILVER GRILL mcmberahlp ? Kansas C31ty. Feb. II.— (A P) — ^coirnty director of public works, left Seth Parker Reports Rig 1^^ Kidnaper— Asserts Child Conld Have Lived be corrected. He said that the fight Miss Mary McEIroy—victim of a for the airport to make the trip to Why dors Father Coughlin auk you to Join a Onion T took place at Coventry LalCe. State planes Induded. aensational ransom kdinaping in Springfield. The telegram did not Police reported to the Herald that Modern and Old Fashioned Dancing BECAOSE IN ONION THERE IS STRENGTH! 1933— telegraphed her father. City revesd Miss McElroy’s whereabouts ging Gone and the Boat Four or Five Days Some Place and Might Have FaUen the fight took place in Parker's Tonr Local Dealer Manager H. F. McEIroy, today that there. Tavern. To the Tunes of the Section 7A of the N. R. A. gives the working people the right she was safe at Springfield, III., The Best by law to organize. It was understood here that Miss from Crib— Claims Police Bungled the Case. BULLETIN- after disappearing mysteriously McEIroy sent tbe telegram to her Leaking Badly. The Manchester Mothers’ Club 1 maintain that It U the duty of the Mothers. Wives, and W o oro.horo to aorro you — todor. tomor­ Bome, Feb. 11.—(AP)—A from her home here last night lather from the bus station in had a successful-bridge party at the Blue Flame Range Oil Sweethearts to Join with the men folks, the Onion of their govemment apokesmaa declared The message said: Syrlngfleld, calling a measenger boy Masonic Temple last evening. The row AND YEARS TO COME. Wo ore local tonight, "the altoatlon Is grave Flemlngton, N. J., Feb. 11.—Re­ HAITTMANN WORRIED Moonlight Serenaders trade, so the children may, have an adequate and equal chance "Sorry, but I am too frightened to take I t San Francisco, Feb. 11.— (A P ) door prize waa won by Mrs. Arthur with the rich. and It Is impoSalble to state to know what 1 am doing." I t waa believed that she may have verting to an original contention of HIS GUARD DECLARES,. Bendall. Potted ivies were given merchants. Jealous of our reputation, pre­ — An SOS call from the American what will be done If Ethiopia It was signed "Mary." continued on toward Chicago 'oy an "inside job", coimsel for Bruno to the holders of highest scores at WATCH FOR THE PNION NOTICE OF EVERT LOCAL Ignorea our protest," as Italy ‘adventure ship" Seth Parker, sent 8 v 2< pared to stand behind the quality of the Miss McEIroy recently has been bus. Richard Hauptmann today accused Flemlngton. N. J., Feb. 11.— each table. After play coffee and Everyone who has ever visited the Silver Grill ONION IN MANCHESTER AND ATTEND! mobilized more than one-quar­ the recipient of abusive and threat­ Police here were checking a re­ the grey British Cruiser HMS Aus­ sandwiches were served. Much Betty Gow and the late Ollle (A P ) — Hovey Low, the special cool we selL ter million fighters ready for ening letters and telegrams and tel­ port that she was seen boarding an credit for the success o' the affair has had an enjoyable evening and has gone home Help Manchester to be the best place to Uve. Wo will lead, African duty. tralia through a gathering south sea Whatcley of complicity In the kid­ deputy who has spent more time ephone calls concerning the 1933 eastbound bus at a downtown sta­ waa due to Mrs. J. E. Elliott and Midland not follow, other towns. Watch the labor vote at the Capitol storm .early today to the rescue of naping and murder o f Baby Charles with Bruno Hauptmdnn than any satisfled because we have the best and largest and at Washington. kidnaping, for which the convicted tion about midnight. A Lindbergh Jr. other guard, said today "I believe her committee. Filling Station When next you consider buying fuel, ask Rome. Feb. 11.— (A P)—Premier leader, W alter McGee, la under the battered old schooner. dance floor in town. Charles Conner, an employe o f a Pleading to save Hauptmann from he thinks things look very dark.” 811 Main St. W. 8. Grant, Mgr. A Democrat and Onion Representative of Labor, an American Muzaollnl today mobilized 250,000 sentence of death. hat ahop here, told detectives he It was the second time In 24 the electric chair as the perpretra- "F or the first time he asked me Elmer A. Weden of Boulder Road Tel. 8961—Station first, last and all the time! yourself "Can this man give me the assur­ She haa had several nervous waa called to Boston today on ac­ aoldlers, called out three claaaes of saw Miss McEIroy buy a ticket in hours that the cn:lser, with Royalty tor of the crime, Edward J. Reilly what I thought the outcome Tel. BOSS— Houie THEODORE C. ZIM5IER. breakdowns since her horrifying ex­ a bus station about I I:I 5 o'clock count of the death of his mother, ance of honest weight I demand of my Italian sea fighters, and ordered a aboard had .steered toward the of Brooklym, chief of the defense would be," Low said.
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