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FOSTERMUSIC Inc. #602, 2-381-4, Katsushika-cho, Funabashi-shi, Chiba, JAPAN 273-0032 small wind band repertory Streaming & Download iTunes Store / Apple Music / Amazon /YouTube Music / Google Play Music / Spotify / competitions for music.jp STORE / oricon ME! / KKBOX / うた パス / レコ チョク / mora / Media Do / e-onkyo music / LINE MUSIC / AWA / SMART USEN / dwango.jp / OTOTOY / Rakuten Music / mysound / DEEZER / 着信★うた♪by KONAMI / デ ィス カ バ リ ー・サ ー ビ ス / Gracenote / Shazam 1 - ROMEO and JULIET 1 - Atlas, a map to the futures dream e miraculous night of pedro / First time only / Festive Overture"e wings of prayer" / ROMEO and JULIET / Sha / Atlas, a map to the futures dream (Small Band Ver.) / Hotaru no Hikari (Small Band Ver.) / A pray nocturne Romance of New York / On e Palm Avenue / Le portrait d'une famille / Soaring rough a Dream / Opera"I VESPRI SICIL- (Revised Ver.) / e last letter from Murdoch (Small Band Ver.) / Forgotten Empire (Revised Ver.) / Puntan Dos IANI" Overture (excerpt) FMCD-0001 Amantes / To-tsu-Hito / Summerdream in Winter / e Sea of Nostalgia / ree American Landscapes 2 - SWAN LAKE FMCD-2001 e Lyre of Orpheus / Pictures at an exhibition / ree crowns of BENSURUDATU / Swan Lake / Rhapsody MATSURI Soul of Tsugaru / Sky Dream / Odyssey - Festive Overture for Band / Altar of Love / e Bronze Horseman / FURUSATO FMCD-0002 2 - Song of Stratus 3 - The last letter from Murdoch / Ma Mere L'oye Symphonic Poem Journey to the West (Small Band ver.) / Song of Stratus / Like a Vain Dream / Dowland Suite / e last letter from Murdoch - special edition / Petite Suite / Blaze e Trail / Ma Mere L'oye / Pulsatilla Cemua Which Flower Landscape for Symphonic Band / Alegria / Fluttering phantom ower / Patchwork Hills / Romanian Folk Loved by Kenji Miyazawa / Song of Annie Moore's Prayer / e Sea of nostalgia / Nutcracker Suite / IBERIA Fete Dieua Seville / Dances, BB 68 / Tears of the Princess KUSHINADA owing in Hii (Small Band ver.) March Man of War FMCD-0003 FMCD-2002 4 - CARMEN Spread Brilliant Wings / e Wind is calling me outside / Santos Dumont's dream of the sky / Symphonic Suite "Takachiho" I. e Pike of God / ree American Landscapes / HOU -OH - e Phoenix rhapsody / Deep Sky / Dolls Collection I - Pieces of 3 - Splendid Garasha My Toy Soldiers - / Highlights from Opera - "CARMEN" / La Speranza FMCD-0004 Splendid Garasha / e Fairy Forest / Escaping Cat / "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star" - Variations for a Little Wind Ensemble / Dream Dust in the Dark / Adventure Kids / Dream Flower - Fantasia on a eme of Sakura 5 - KOKYO Sakura / e Dignity of the Phoenix / Der Zigeunerbaron Overture A New Arrival / Songs without words - dedicated to the 3.11 / KOKYOU / Dwarf's Forest / Song of Lily, Long for Beauty / Under e SKYTREE II / 15 minutes of fame - Music for e Andy's Color / Tears of the Princess KUSHINADA owing in Hii / Once FMCD-2003 upon a time / Belkis, Regina di Saba IV. Danza orgiastica FMCD-0005 6 - Prayer of the innocence 4 - CHIHAYAFURU Adventure to a Dream / Paraphrase from " e Swan Lake " for Wind Band / ''Aetatis Novae'' Overture / e wind blows with a hill. for Symphonic Band / Himawari / e Earth from "e Planets" by Trouvere / e reepenny Opera / e Season of Fresh Shine - Towards the Boundless Sky / CHIHAYAFURU / e Norns / Variations on a eme of KAGOME Greenery / Prayer of the innocence / Symphony No.5 - I. Trauermarsch FMCD-0006 KAGOME / Innity / Prairie Waving in the Wind / Elegy for Wind Ensemble - Introduction and Fugue / Rhap- sody MATSURI - Soul of Tsugaru (Small Band ver.) / SYLVIA Suite d' Orchestre 7 - Tears of PRINCESS JOURURI Wisdom of Alexandria / Blue is A Far Way Color / HOTARU-NO-HIKARI / e Leaves and Sunshine / L'Être et le néant - Essai FMCD-2004 d'ontologie phénoménologique - (Jean-Paul Charles Aymard Sartre) / Blue energy / e Road to a Bright Future / Tears of PRIN- CESS JORURI / e Sleeping Beauty / O To Hear e Birds Singing FMCD-0007 5 - FUSHIKADEN 8 - I'm glad that I met you. e Ancient Sunset / I'm glad that I met you. / AUBADE for Wind Orchestra / "Medieval Renaissance Music Suite" for band or FUSHIKADEN / Invitation from the witch / Unknown Heroes / Rhapsody of Japanese Folklore “Kuzuryu” / ensemble / Profundum / Introduction and Dance for Wind Ensemble / ZELKOVA OF OHATA - Beyond eternal time / Eternal Unlimited / Twilight Amoroso / Suite No. 6, "Scenes de feerie" I. Cortege, IV. Bacchanale / MEGURUMONO - Velvet / Spinning song "Tomi wo motarasu itoguruma" John Mung English FMCD-0008 9 - Night on the Galactic Railroad FMCD-2005 In e Garden E-at / Capriccio by the theme of Toryanse / Night on the Galactic Railroad / Golden Gate / BU-GA-KU / "TUBARAMA" Fantasia on Yaeyama folk songs / Montage / "e Bronze Horseman"Ballet Suite, Op.89 for small Band FMCD-0009 10 - Everlasting Voice Thanks for subscribing to our channel! Beyond the Horizon / Everlasting Voice / Usori no Kazaguruma / I. e death of King Duncan from Macbeth / Madame Butter- y Highlights / Neomodernic / Siren - Yell of the sea / Jeu Chimeriqu FMCD-0011 11 - A Variable Undercurrent A Knight of Fiana / A Variable Undercurrent -for Symphonic Band / Challenge of Young Hero "Knight 4d" / Pray for Peace / Unlimited Blue / First Carol / Light of the faith / November 19 (Revised Edition) FMCD-0011 ADACHI, Tadashi - FOSTERMUSIC Inc. 2019/12/05- 2 - ADACHI, Tadashi Graduated from Kunitachi College of Music, Department of Music. Studied Tuba under Fumitaka Takahashi, Kiyoshi Oishi and Eiichi Inagawa. 1990 T.U.B.A. International Tuba Conference Sapporo Tournament Jazz Improvisation Competition 2nd place. "Rhapsody for brass band" was adopted as the theme song for the 2002 All Japan Brass Band Competition. There is other major works include "Sunny Side Street Parade" (2006 JBA Shimotani Prize winning work), "Beautiful song for brass band" Jujumu "" (2012 All Japan Wind Music Competition theme song), etc. Grade 3+ NEW!! Neomodernic FML-0214 ■Time:06:30 ■Price (RENTAL):Score&Part set \30,800 (Study Score \2,860) ■Recording on FMCD-0010 Grade 2+ NEW!! Shining Hero - Rhapsody on Irish Folk Song FML-0243 ■Time:05:57 ■Price (RENTAL):Score&Part set \30,800 (Study Score \2,860) ■Recording on WKCD-0117 ZELKOVA OF OHATA - Beyond eternal time FML-0159 ■Time:06:17 ■Price (RENTAL):Score&Part set \26,400 (Study Score \2,860) ■Recording on FMCD-0008 Grade 2 Jongleur FML-0191 ■Time:05:52 ■Price (RENTAL):Score&Part set \26,400 (Study Score \2,860) ■Recording on WKCD-0094 The Sea of Nostalgia FML-0067 ■Time:05:57 ■Price (RENTAL):Score&Part set \22,000 (Study Score \2,860) ■Recording on FMCD-0003 AMANO, Masamicz Born in Akita City, in 1957. He graduated from Kunitachi College of Music at the top of the composition department and finished postgraduate work also at the top of his class. In his university days, he began writing for diverse fields including jazz, rock, folk music, and pops as well as classical and modern music. After graduation, he mastered C.M.I. (Computer Music Instruments) in Australia, becoming a wizard of computer music in Japan as well as the country’s first CD recorded artist. Grade 5 L'Etre et le neant - Essai d'ontologie phenomenologique - (Jean-Paul Charles Aymard Sartre) FML-0139 ■Time:08:14 ■Price (RENTAL):Score&Part set \33,000 (Study Score \2,860) ■Recording on FMCD-0007 Grade 4+ NEW!! Paraphrase par 《Statique et Extatique》 avec un prologue et l'epilogue (version alternative) FML-0216 ■Time:08:09 ■Price (RENTAL):Score&Part set \30,800 (Study Score \2,860) ■Recording on WKCD-0103 NEW!! Jeu chmerique FML-0197 ■Time:08:07 ■Price (RENTAL):Score&Part set \30,800 (Study Score \2,860) ■Recording on FMCD-0010 Paraphrase par 《Statique et Extatique》 avec un prologue et l'epilogue FML-0196 ■Time:08:36 ■Price (RENTAL):Score&Part set \30,800 (Study Score \2,860) ■Recording on AMCD-6001 KOKYOU - Original edition FML-0115 ■Time:12:38 ■Price (RENTAL):Score&Part set \35,200 (Study Score \2,860) ■Recording on AMCD-6002 Grade 4 NEW!! pour [Comfort] FML-0247 ■Time:08:17 ■Price (RENTAL):Score&Part set \30,800 (Study Score \2,860) ■Recording on WKCD-0117 Profundum FML-0155 ■Time:07:48 ■Price (RENTAL):Score&Part set \30,800 (Study Score \2,860) ■Recording on FMCD-0008 Le portrait d’une famille FML-0012 ■Time:09:08 ■Price (RENTAL):Score&Part set \37,400 (Study Score \2,860) ■Recording on FMCD-0001 It is current information on 2019/12/05 - Prices and availability subject to change without notice. AMANO, Masamicz - FOSTERMUSIC Inc. 2019/12/05- 3 - Grade 3+ Amabile FML-0167 ■Time:06:10 ■Price (RENTAL):Score&Part set \30,800 (Study Score \2,860) ■Recording on CACG-0248 KOKYOU FML-0097 ■Time:08:26 ■Price (RENTAL):Score&Part set \30,800 (Study Score \2,860) ■Recording on FMCD-0005 EHARA, Daisuke Daisuke Ehara was born in Tokyo in 1982. After graduating from Tokyo College of Music and Toho Gakuen University, he completed a master's degree at Tokyo University of the Arts and began his career as a composer. He studied composition under Reiko Arima, Shinichiro Ikebe, Fumiko Kayaba, Akihiko Gondai, and Akio Araoka. His representative work, "The RESTLESS SOUL", won the first prize at the 1st All Japan Brass Band Composition Competition held in 2008 and was adopted as a set piece for the 2009 All Japan Band Competition.
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