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The classes of pub- lished Avorks covered by this notice are Books and Pamphlets. Contributions to periodicals. Works of art ; models or designs for works of art. Reproductions of a Avork of art. Drawings or plastic works of a scientific or technical character. Photographs. Prints and pictorial illustrations excluding prints or labels used for articles of merchandise. Other published Avorks and all unpublished works are excluded from this notice. The request for the removal of any copyright deposit should be signed by the person entitled thereto or his duly authorized agent. Such request should identify the Avork by stating the title, author, copyright proprie- tor, registration number and year of deposit, and should bo addressed to the Copyright Office, Library of Con- gress, Washington 25, D. C. L. C. card, 6-35347 This number identifies the Library of Congress printed card for the complete series of the Cata- log of Copyright Entries. For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington 2.^), D. C. Price for this part : $.50 per issue, .$1.00 per year. Form I ' Preface The CATALOG OF COPYRIGHT ENTRIES is in section 215 of Title 17 of the United States Code, published by authority of sections 210 and 211 of are indicated by a zero immediately following the Title 17 of the United States Code. Section 210 alphabetical symbol in the registration number. provides in part: ''The current catalog of copy' For a more complete description of the contents right entries and the index volumes herein provided of this issue of the Catalog see p. vii. for shall be admitted in any court as prima facie Orders, payable in advance, for all parts of the evidence of the facts stated therein as regards any Catalog of Copyright Entries should be sent to the . ' copyright registration Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government The Catalog is subdivided to represent the classes Printing Office, Washington 25, D.C. Orders may of material listed in section 5 of Title 17- The be placed for individual issues, as subscriptions for table at the end of this preface shows the organiza^ one or more parts, or for the complete Catalog, and tion of the Catalog, the symbols used with the for periods of one, two, or three years. All orders registration numbers to distinguish the classes, and should state clearly the title and the inclusive dates the prices of the semiannual issues. The annual of the part wanted. Checks or money orders should subscription for each part is twice the price of a be made payable to the Superintendent of Docu- single issue and the complete catalog, including all ments. parts, may be secured on a subscription basis for The Copyright OfEce welcomes inquiries, sugges- $20 a year. tions, and comments on the content and organiza- The record of each copyright registration listed tion of the Catalog. Such communications should be in the Catalog includes a description of the work addressed to the Chief of the Cataloging Division, copyrighted and data relating to the copyright Copyright Of&ce, Library of Congress, Washington claim (the name of the copyright claimant, as given 25, D.C. in the application for registration, the copyright Table of Organization date, the copyright registration number, etc.). Each part Hsted in the table records all current Available information in the records of the Copy- registrations in the class or classes indicated by the right Office, including information relating to sub- alphabetical symbols given. In each case the first sequent changes of ownership, can be obtained letter of the symbol is that of the class under which upon request and payment to the Register of registration is made; the second, if any, is a designa- Copyrights of the fee specified in section 215 of tion added by the Copyright Office for the purposes Title 17 ($3 for each hour of time consumed) for of statistical analysis. A zero immediately following the conduct of a search of the records. the symbol (e.g., AFO, EFO) distinguishes a foreign In the case of each registration listed, except for work deposited under the waiver-of-fee provision. renewals, the deposit of a copy (or copies) of the The symbol "R" does not represent a class designated work has been made in accordance with the provi- by the copyright law, but has been adopted by the sions contained in sections 12, 13, or 215 of Title Copyright Ofiice to distinguish renewal copyright 17, or, in the case of published three-dimensional registrations. These are recorded in a separate works of art, there has been compliance with section of those parts of the Catalog which cover section 13 of Title 17, which provides for the the classes in which the works were originally deposit of identifying reproductions in lieu of the registered. Some parts also contain registrations work itself. Foreign works, two copies of which made under other symbols if the subject matter or were deposited with a catalog card and application type of material is similar to that generally included for registration under the waiver-of-fee provision in the part. Price per prke per semiannual semiannual issue issue Part 1 Books and Pamphlets, Including Serials and Parts 7-11 A Works of Art, Reproductions of Works Contributions to Periodicals $2. 50 OF Art, Scientific and Technical Drawings, A Books Photographic Works, Prints and Pictorial AF Books in foreign languages published abroad Illustrations $1. 00 AI Books in the English language first published GP Published works of art and designs for works abroad of art BB Contributions to periodicals GU Unpublished works of art and designs for works R Renewal registrations of art Part 2 Periodicals 1. 00 H Reproductions of works of art published in the B Periodicals United States BF Periodicals in foreign languages published abroad HF Reproductions of works of art published abroad BI Periodicals in the English language first published IP Published drawings or plastic works of a scien- abroad tific or technical character R Renewal registrations lU Unpublished drawings or plastic works of a Parts 3-4 Dramas and Works Prepared for Oral scientific or technical character Delivery 1. 00 JP Published photographs C Lectures and other works prepared for oral JU Unpublished photographs delivery K Prints and pictorial illustrations published in the DF Dramatic and dramatico'inusical works published United States abroad KF Prints and pictorial illustrations published DP Published dramatic and dramatico-musical works abroad DU Unpublished dramatic and dramatico-musical R Renewal registrations works Part llB Commercial Prints and Labels 1. 00 R Renewal registrations KK Commercial prints and labels Part 5 Music 3. 50 R Renewal registrations EF Musical compositions published abroad Parts 12-13 Motion Pictures and Filmstrips 50 EP Musical compositions published in the United LP Published motion picture photoplays States LU Unpublished motion picture photoplays EU Unpublished Music MP Published motion pictures other than photo- R Renewal registrations plays Part 6 Maps and Atlases. 50 MU Unpublished motion pictures other than photo- F Maps plays R Renewal registrations R Renewal registrations VI ; ^(p TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Current Registrations 1 Renewal Registrations 41 Name Index 51 INTRODUCTION PARTS 12-13 list motion pictures currently regis' together with the names of the employees tered in classes L and M, filmstrips currently- when given. registered in Classes A and J, and renewal registra' 8) Information contained in the application tions in Classes L and M. The motion pictures which relates to the registration of an earlier registered include feature pictures, cartoons, news' version of the work. reels, industrial films, classroom films, television 9) Brief statement of the new matter on which films, etc. Many of the recording scripts made to copyright is claimed, preceded by the abbre- accompany filmstrips are registered in Classes C viation "NM," if this information is given and D and are listed in Parts 3-4 of the Catalog of in the application and is not indicated else- Copyright Entries. where in the entry. Arrangement is by title. Each work is described 10) Copyright symbol ©. in a main entry which includes information pertinent 11) Name of the copyright claimant. to the copyright claim. References lead from other 12) For published works, date of publication as titles associated with the films.
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