February 2016 CENTRAL VALLEY MUSTANG CLUB Bertone built a Mustang in 1965 ButBut itit hasn’thasn’t beenbeen seenseen since!since! “Factory 427” Mustang Myth Or Visit Our Website WEBMASTER CLUB INFORMATION Paul Beckley 323-7267 Central Valley Mustang Club, Inc. P.O. Box 9864 • Fresno, CA 93794 Phone: (559) 715-CVMC (2862) NEWSLETTER EDITOR Website: http://www.cvmustang.org Garo Chekerdemian 906-7563 ADVERTISING Club Purpose: To provide a common meeting ground for Talk to a Member at Large Mustang owners and further the enjoyment of ownership; to include workshops, discussions and technical meetings; to promote a more favorable relationship with the general motoring ADVERTISING RATES: public; to further the preservation and restoration of all Mustangs. Classified Ads (3 Lines) CVMC Members FREE Who Can Join: The club is open to all Mustang enthusiasts. Non Members per issue $3.00 Any individual or family can join. Ownership of a Mustang is not with Photo $10.00 essential, but enthusiasm is. CVMC embraces the practice of encouraging diversity within the membership and involvement of the entire family in its membership and at all club events. Business Card Ad CVMC Members FREE A Family Oriented Organization: As a part of promoting Issue $5.00 family involvement in the club, children are allowed and in fact Six Months $13.00 encouraged at all club functions. In deference to this family One Year $25.00 involvement and the driving of motor vehicles, consumption of alcoholic beverages is discouraged at club events except where the club is staying overnight and there is no potential Double Business Card Ad (1/4 Page) for any drinking member or guest to get behind the wheel. Issue $7.00 Six Months $20.00 Dues: For the first year only, $30 for a one year Active Half Page (One Year) $70.00 Membership, of which $5 will be an initiation fee and $25 for Full Page (One Year) $105.00 dues. For additional family members, Active Membership dues Half Page / Back Cover / One Year $80.00 are $5 per member. Renewals are due each January. Renewal notices are not sent out. The Central Valley Mustang Club accepts paid advertising from legitimate businesses. CVMC does not necessarily endorse or accept responsibility for the quality or integrity of our advertisers’ services. CVMC OFFICERS Mark Gardner • President (808) 721-2075 Ron Dupras • Vice President 313-9042 GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETINGS Carol DeLaPena • Secretary 453-0571 Last Thursday of Each Month Doug Deffebach • Treasurer 222-9160 YOSEMITE FALLS RESTAURANT 4020 N. Cedar Ave • Fresno, CA MEMBERS AT LARGE Dinner: 6 PM • Meeting: 7 PM Becky Bartee 276-7092 Chris Butterfield PAST PRESIDENTS Joseph Colvin Robert Whitley Jim Sanborn 2015 Paul Beckley 2012-2014 Compliments or complaints should be presented Allen Rasmussen 2011 to Members At Large. Ron Deubner 2010 Jim Sanborn 2009 MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE Karen Diaz 224-2492 Wanda Hamshar 2008 Michael Metz 2006-2007 ACTIVITIES & PUBLICITY COMMITTEE Jim Sanborn 2005 Laura Gardner 808-469-0515 Doug Deffenbach 2003-2004 Christina De La Pena 2001-2002 Suggestions for activities should be directed to the Activities Committee. Jim Sanborn 2000 Jay Sharmer 1999 CAR SHOW CHAIR Brian Massey 1997-1998 Dennis Harvat 492-1117 Jim Sanborn 1996 Ron Deubner 1995 MCA REGIONAL DIRECTOR Paul Beckley 1994 Paul Beckley 323-7267 Dave Rose 1993 Paul Beckley 1989-1992 2 PRESIDENTIAL RAMBLINGS FROM THE EDITOR Welcome once again! As we fnish of month two we have some exciting club events coming up over the next several months starting this coming Saturday the 27th with our visit to MB2 Raceway in Clovis located on the backside of Sierra Vista Mall of of Santa Ana Ave between Clovis and Sierra Vista Parkway. Make sure you are there at 10:45 am so we can all sign in together and get to race one another. REMINDER! If you are planning on racing YOU MUST WEAR CLOSED TOE SHOES. Member at Large Becky Bartee has set this up for us and should be a lot of fun. Afterwards we are going to the Home Town Bufet in Clovis for lunch at 458 W. Shaw and Peach so if you don’t make it to MB2 please join us at Home Town Bufet afterwards. Becky has acquired a group discount for this also. In March look for our “Blossom Trail” run once again organized this year on the 12th of March by Brandon Walker. In addition, make sure you A few weeks ago, I had to drive the Mach for a few days. Let me peruse the “Activities Binder” distributed by Activities Chair Laura tell you, it’s a lot of fun but also a lot of work. I find it hard to Gardner where you can fnd descriptions of other events coming up believe that when I bought that car in 1988, it was my daily soon. driver. Yet I had NO problem with that. Eventually, along with it being a daily driver, it became a “family sedan” and yes, you can FABULOUS FORDS FOREVER is coming up quickly in April 15-17. actually get a baby car seat in the back. Webmaster Paul Beckley has made room reservations for us again at the same hotel as last year, the Fairfeld Inn and Suites around the corner Moving ahead 28 years I find it a little more, shall we say from Knott’s. Please make sure to email Paul at [email protected] if “challenging”. With it being harder to get in and out of, rougher you are planning on going so we can get your name on the list and the ride, bumpy, wind blowing through worn weather stripping and hotel room changed to your name. To be fair to the hotel we must the list goes on. release our room block the 1st of April so please do this asap or sooner. On those days I had it a few weeks ago, you’d think I was driving Our meeting this month should be exciting since our VP and Merchan- the Batmobile (shhhh, I only drive that on some weekends). dise Chair Ron will be bringing the frst order of our new shirts with our Several people stopped and talked about it with lots of new logo! YooHoo! I look forward to seeing everyone start donning questions. I had a mom pull in from Shaw Ave to take pictures these. If you haven’t ordered your yet, please visit the website at because her son is a huge Mustang fan. cvmustang.org and check them out. I understand we are also going to have several laptops at our meetings to do this as well. It was nuts! For those of you who did not make the meeting last month, the club has After my running around that day, I somehow ended up at Lithia authorized the formation of a club sponsored car show with Dennis Ford. I’ve always wondered what the 2016 Mustang V6 would Harvat as General Chair of this event. As he makes progress on this he be like, so out we went. I’ve driven an EcoBoost which was will calling on us to take on specifc committees over the next several amazing for a 4-cylinder. It was waaaaaaaay to quiet, not to months. WE welcome your input and participation. This will require an mention I can’t really embrace a 4 banger Mustang. I’ve driven “ALL HANDS ON DECK” efort from the club so watch for updates from a 5.0 GT and well...it’s a 5.0 GT so what is there to complain Dennis as he rolls this out. about, beside maybe all the tickets you’d get in it. Obviously we have a lot going on so I’m glad we all drive MUSTANGS so So finally the V6. The salesman took off on the normal route we can keep up! north to Valley Childrens Hospital on 41, then handed it over to me. I told him to hang on because I was going to make a go cart Until next month, out of that V6 and really test the acceleration. Mark Gardner - President It was very, very smooth and when it came to show time, I wasn’t let down at all. It’s not a 5.0 but for what it is, it was a real nice car. Once we got back to the dealership, the Mach had an audience with a few asking if I was trading it in for the V6. I told them you don’t trade a car like that, you keep it till you die. Garo Chekerdemian - Editor 3 Recipe o the Month BIRTHDAY Mushroom Asiago Chicken Recipe Submitted By: Carla Chekerdemian Wishes to... FEBRUARY • Feb 2 Alec Chekerdemian Feb 3 Rebecca KuyKendall Feb 5 Paul Beckley Feb 6 Ben KuyKendall Feb 6 Susan Perrin Feb 8 Wanda Aaron Feb 11 Maryann Ward Feb 21 Virginia Colvin Ingredients: tMCCPOFMFTTTLJOMFTTDIJDLFOCSFBTUT Feb 23 Pete Logoluso t4BMUBOE1FQQFS Feb 25 Bob Anderson tDVQBMMQVSQPTFøPVS Feb 26 Bob Ward t5CTQVOTBMUFECVUUFS tMCTMJDFENVTISPPNT Feb 27 Cindy DeLaPena tUTQTBMU Feb 28 Agnes Tuska tDMPWFTHBSMJD NJODFE tDVQESZXIJUFXJOFPSDIJDLFOCSPUI tDVQMPXTPEJVNDIJDLFOCSPUI tTQSJHTGSFTIUIZNFPS£UTQESJFEUIZNFMFBWFT tDVQIFBWZDSFBN tDVQTISFEEFE"TJBHPDIFFTF Be sure to check out t1BSNFTBODIFFTFGPSTQSJOLMJOH .BLFTTFSWJOHT Directions: $VUFBDIDIJDLFOCSFBTUJOUPDVUMFUT-JHIUMZTFBTPOFBDIDVUMFUPOCPUITJEFT XJUITBMUBOEQFQQFSBOEESFEHFJOøPVS TIBLJOHPòBOZFYDFTT 1MBDFBMBSHFTLJMMFUPWFSNFEJVNIJHIIFBUBOENFMUBCPVU5CTQVOTBMUFE CVUUFS"EEBTNBOZDVUMFUTBTXJMMöUDPNGPSUBCMZJOUPUIFTLJMMFU CVUCFTVSFOPU UPPWFSDSPXEUIFQBO4BVUÏGPSBCPVUNJOVUFTVOUJMHPMEFOCSPXOPOUIFöSTU TJEF UIFOø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£DVQDIJDLFOCSPUIBOEUIZNF#SJOHUIFNJYUVSFUPBCPJM SFEVDFIFBUUPNFEJVNBOEDPPLGPSoNJOVUFTBUBSBQJETJNNFSVOUJMUIF MJRVJEJTSFEVDFECZIBMG 3FEVDFIFBUUPNFEJVNMPXBOETUJSJOIFBWZDSFBN4QSJOLMFUIF"TJBHP DIFFTFPWFSUIFUPQPGUIFTBVDFBOETUJSDPOTUBOUMZVOUJMUIFDIFFTFNFMUT/FTUMF UIFDIJDLFOCBDLJOUPUIFTLJMMFUBOEBMMPXJUUPTJNNFSJOUIFTBVDFKVTUVOUJMUIF DIJDLFOJTIFBUFEUISPVHIBOEUIFTBVDFIBTTMJHIUMZUIJDLFOFE4QSJOLMFXJUIB CJUPG1BSNFTBODIFFTFBOETFSWFSJHIUBXBZ FJUIFSBMMCZJUTFMG PSTQPPOFEPWFS www.cvmustang.org QBTUBPSNBTIFEQPUBUPFT&OKPZ Events - Calendar - Pics NOTE: Be patient with step 4 in the recipe! You'll want to let the sauce cook down until it is reduced by half before adding the chicken back in.
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