THE LIFE. VOLUME 1. NUMBER 8. PHILADELPHIA, JUNE 3, 1883. PRICE, FIVE CENTS. Ihomas Eaves, Si'! Callowhill street; Frank 'rott. Munscll. McClcllan. Muffed (lies Hanlon, McClellan. Passed bulls Ringo 1. Double play LATE NEWS. Ciormley, KKf'i Locust, street, and all other 'crgnson, MeCletlan und Farrar. Time 1:40. CRICKET. sporting resorts. Frank Gormley, referee; Jmplro Mr. Furlong. George Turner, pistol tirer; .lames Dawson, Facts for Cricket Plim'rs and By Telegraph, for Our Readers' Infor­ manager and bandicapper. Mr. Makinson A SURrKISlNG DEFEAT. News and mation. is in no way whatever connected with the Clubs. getting up and handicapping of these events. The Athletics lieaten by the Columbus. The Athletic Club was yesterday taken into The Rnceii Yesterday Pugilistic and Miscel­ TWO RKGATTAS. camp by the Columbus Clnh. The playing A Number or <>amen Played Yesterdav Th« laneous News. if the home team was interior to that of their Results. The Vesper and Pennsylvania Club Re­ ipponents, while their batting was light, hey being unable to hit the now pitcher of gattas. THK TUKF. he Columbus Club, who is a deaf mute, At Harrowgatc on Wednesday the tirst. The Vesper Hoat Club held its ninth annual strickerand Moynahan played wretchedly, elevens of the Young America and (Mrard IjoulBville Races, regatta on the Schuylkill yesterday after­ heir numerous errors being mainly respon­ Cricket. Clubs commenced a cup match, sible for the result. Two thousand live Iniu- The races were continued yesterday at noon, over the mile course, from the Goose \rhieh wascdiicludeil yesterday. The (iirard Ired people were quiet and subdued spectators made I4H in the tirst inning* to ISfi for the Louisville. The attendance \vas good and Pen to Turtle Kock. The first event, for Junior Singles, was won of the contest. Young America. The game was stopped at the track in first-class condition. Tlic fol­ by A. J. Cottingbam in the Venture in 7:47, The pitching of Blakoly was exceedingly (i..'!0, when lluMJirard had live wickets down lowing is a summary: coming in seven or eight lengths ahead of ild and gave O'Bricn heaps of work. Stovey for (i!» runs. When the. game was resumed on at tirst also played poorly. The Athletics FIRST HACE. 114 milcn. Qlcnganiic, 102, flirt; L. K. Snowden in the I'era, who finished ill Saturday the Young America* succeeded in Munlton, 108. second; MutruuuliK, ill, third. Six 8:1:2. scored a run in the tirst inning, <»i a three- disposing of the Cirards for ill. The Young ran. Time, ifcllj^. The four-oared gig race was won after a baser by Slavey, and by the umpires unin­ Amerieas then went 10 the wickets and iniuk- SKOO-VU RACE. 1 luilo. rVllon|ilay, 118, flrdt, very close contest bv the 1'oi/el, maimed by tentional interference with the ball. Knight r>0 runs for three, wickets, thus winning the Ous Matthews, 114, awend: Checkmate, llx third. F. A. .Mitchell, stroke; Marry Warner, N. also made a hit, but was put out at the home match by two runs and seven wickets to fall. Five ran. Tluiv, 1:4314. plate. The Columbus were retired for nothing. TSIKD RACK. 1!^ mile. Pearljeunlngs, 75, first K. Jenks and F. lihodes, Geo. F. Heusel, Following is tlie score: Ballimt, SO, Buuond; Lord LoMC'Ma,'third. MMR coxswain, with the Vagabi o'ft.only half 'ft' In the third inning the Columbus Club also ran. *»Wr length behind. Time, 7:i't aim i':'J7. scored a run on safe hits of Wheeler and nning. FOCIITH U,v<:K. '., mile. llrldKct, S8, llrst; Lloyd for double sculls was won l>y A. ROBERf .MATTHEWS, Brown, while the Athletic Club was blanked. II. Margrave, «. W. L. Flro The race Ualy, »5, second; Uoiduu Venture, 1)3, third. J. Cottingham and Geo. F. Hcnsel in the Athletic Base Ball Club Neither side scored again until the sixth in- Hrown. I). K. W ran. Time, 1:17^. Pitcher of the ning, when the Colnmbns Club got in six Clark, Jr............. ] st. Van Kensselucr. b. Frpxji WAI'K. StcepU-olmm'. Florence I). ISO, r<((ii(;/ in 7::10, easily beating C. K. Simons iro. Mil. He Hrst inuclc a F. E. Brewster........ 1 4int;i'u.tC.raK!iii,i:«>. second; Wttlo.loe. 120, third. and L. U. Snowden in the Volunteer. Was bom In H.UtlB runs by taking advantage of the dreadful national repiitntloii i pitcher f.'i tlu- Kuklonga Strickcr, Stovey, and Moynahan. H. I.. Fitzgerald, h. 1). ( "Iveran. Time, 3:08%. The race for working boats was a close Club, of I'ort Wuym id.. In lliilj the following errors of S. Ncwhall...........24 C. A. Ncwhall.......... 0 KaciiiK at Jerome Park. contest between NY. Ii. Jenks, in the Vrtlette, year ho pluved with j ntniims Lord Baltimore After the Athletics bad been retired in one- James Myers, c. Clurk, fwo-thrce order, Mann reached lirst on b. 1>.S. Ncwlmll...... Ii ..14 The attendance at Jerome was large yes­ Harry Warner, in the Vim, and W. H. Alc- t-'lub; In lS7:!-7J-7r,-7 le pitched lor ilio Mutual t>. K. K. Hrewstcr.. Donnell, in the rioltttr. McHonnell won in Club. In 1X77 and LUlucInn 11 and Woi-ei-ster a fiimbh by Strickcr; Kcimnlcr bit an I H. Tv«ni, b. Hn wslor..2«i [bw. l>. llrewster.. ..W terday, and the track being in good condi­ received his service*** |n 1S71J his pitching i lulilcd easy oiK! to Moynahan, which thatthat, I H -., "I'rgruvo, b. Mc- tion tine racing was witnessed. 8.34'-^, Warner coming in second in H.;i!>>,4 , tile Providence Club rill lliocliuiiiplollslil|i<jfllio c. Dlxon. b. C. A. and Jenks a half-length behind in H.40.' 4 . 1KHO hr spent In San Fran- player fumbled, thus preventing"K a hall.............. FIRST HACK \% mile.", TrafalKiir, 08,1; Nlmrod, League. The seli double play. Pierce struck out; MaMann »8, 2; Biiokstone, 103, 3. Time 2:03. The race for six-oared barges ended the Cisco. In IHKl he \vilh the Providence Clnh T. H rgravo. c. C. A. Mmmia 1, u^aln, but during ison ohtalnod Ills relcnse stole third very cleverly and reached home Newhull. h. K. W. SKCOM> HACE 1J4 inileH. (ieiienil regatta anil was won by the I V»p«r, manned Clnh. with whom he re- Clurkc, .lr............38st. Van Rcnssulacr, b. Free Gold 2, Maubetii 3. Ton run. Time 2:14. by C. H. Klliott, F. Uhodes, A. K. Parsons, and joined tho Bi on a hit by Fields to Slricki-r, which the mile. lien. Kenny, llrst; I'lu- miilm-d clurliiit 1KK2. lls yeiir tliuls h.ln us "star" Kemmler to reach C. A. Newhull........ L Till it i> HACK. 1 Thomas Winn, \V. K. Jenks, G. S. James, ,1. Jli.b, mid much Is expected "Cub" fumbled, allowing J. J. Can-In, run out... 3 h. F. K. llrewster...... .27 uro, fucoud. Troinhone,:). Four run. Time, 1:45. pitcher of the Athiot second. Diuidon was put out at Hrst with Foi'wru RACE. % mile. Reveller, llrst; Hur- M. Ucnnett, coxswain. The I'tjiiT, stroked of him In the way of ;hlni{ to eiiiil>;e the Clnh to W. Vornon, b. C. A. win the pennant. S Ir ho hns done exceedingly Strickcr's assistance. Wheeler hit a short Newhull............. i c. Dlxon.b. 10.W. Clurk. 4, tou, -neuond; Leo, third. F.luht run. Time, 60 by W. U. Thomas, came in second, with the 11. .Illllgknrth, h. C. A. iiecoiida. I'ui/rant a poor third. Time, 5.22, 5.33, and Trcll. All his merit ill Ills pitching UK lie is a Hy to Stovey, which lie muffed, thereby let­ YonkerH, 140, llr«t; poor huttiT and tuxi r, beln^ of slight phy- ting in two more runs. Itichinond hit safely Nowliull..............ieh. C. A. Ncwhull.. FIFTH HACK. Steenlechane. li.OO. 10 very popular in this W. .lurvl*. c. MBI-NUU, Kanircr, 137, miuoud; Iinelda, 137, third. Four run. (li|Ue. lie has u ' ' to right Held, and Wheeler scored. Brown l> 11 *j Kr««.t... it , Time, 4:27. While the Vesper crews were struggling on ol ty. b. l>. S. Nowhull..... o not out... the upper course, the Pennsylvania Club was hit safely to short left Held ami advanced Illoud. not out...... 1 h. K. VV. Clark.... holding its annual regatta over tho course Richmond to third, from where begot home Jtye I,h'K-byos S.wlde, 1. 7jbycii 3, leg-byes 2.. cove, and re­ onawild pitch by Blakely. llrown stole third from the boat bouse slip to the on a fumble Total................143 Total............ turn. No time was taken. The tirst event DAY. and crossed the home-plate Mltehell Knocked Off Ills Finn. VOUMI AMKIIICA. for Junior Singles was won hy J. H. Kock; by Bradley of Smith's easy grounder to AMIANY, June -'. A match with glores short. Mann then hit safely lo right. Held, " W. Clark, .lr.,b. W. .lurvls................ W. K. Hc.ximer, .second, and J. K. Kldcr, | Philadelphia Clubs settled F.. llrewslcr, b. It. Margrave.............. was fought here Friday night at Levantine's Tho race for Senior Singles was won The Athletic at advancing Smith to third. kcmmler third. the inning by going out on strikes. S. Newhull, e. und h. 11. Margrave........ IK Lynch, a stonecutter, by Geo. W. Stat/ell; W. If. Cobb and F. W. Bated. A. Newhull. h. II. Ilurgr.ivu............... 19 Theatre, between Ned In the eighth inning the Athletics bettered .
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