3402 ·CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. MAY 31, of the settlers on said land, with the appro,al of the Attorney-General of the United States; that afterdeterminin~ tlle amount of cosb> a.ncl expenses as aforesaid, the At­ IN SENATE. torney-General shall certify the said amount, and to whom due, to the Secretary of the Interior, and the Secretary of the Interior shall pay to the parties entitled WEDNESDAY, May 31,1876. thereto the sum so allowed and certified to. as afo, esaid, out of the proceeds arising from fifteen cents per acre on the sale of said lamls. Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. BYRON SUNDERLAND, D. D. SEc. 9. That ~d railroads, or either of them, shall have the right to purchase The Journal of the proceedings of Monday la twas read and ap­ such subdivisions of land as are located outside of the right of way heretofore proved. granted to them, and which were occupie~.l by them on said lOth day of April, hs76, for stock-yards, storage-houses, or any other purpose legitimately connected with EXECUTIVE COMl\fUNICATIONS. the operation and busine s of said roads, wheneYer the same does not conflict with The PRESIDENT pro ternpo're lairl before the Senate a communica­ a settler who in good faith made a settlement prior to the occupation of said lands by said railroad company or companies in tho same manner and at the same price tion from the Secretary of War, transmitting a copy of a letter from settlers are authorized to purchase under the proYisions of this act. the Quari ermaster-General relative to the loan of t-ents to tho National Association of Veterans of the Mexican ·war; which was ordered to The question was taken on the motion of Mr. GOODIN; and (two­ lie on the table and be printed. thirds voting in favor thereof) the rules were suspended, and the bill The PRESIDENT pro tempm·e also laid before the Senate a commu­ (H. R. No. 3ti:J5) was passed. nication from the Secretary of War, transmitting, in answer to a LEAVE TO PRINT. resolution of the Senate of the 19th inst:mt,, a copy of the report Mr. HOPKINS, by un:mimous consent, obtained leave to have made to the Superintendent of the Coa t Survey by Assistant George printed as pal't of the debates remarks on railroad combinations and Davidson, describing and illustrating methods employed for the irri­ discriminations. [See Appendix.] gation of land in India and Southern Europe; which was ordered to ORDER OF BUSINESS. lie on the table and be printed. Mr. PIPER. I am instructed by the Committee on Commerce to TAXATION IN THE DISTRICT OF COLID1BIA. report back a sub t.itnte for a concurrent resolution. I move that the The PRESIDENT pro tempore also laid before the Senate the follow­ rnles be suspended and that it be adopted. · ing communication; which was read: Mr. HOLMAN. I move that the Honse do now adjourn. OFFICE OF THE COMIDSSIOli'ERS OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, Mr. PAGE. I make the point of order that the gentleman from Washington, Mu.y 29, 1876. Indiana, [1\111·. HoLMAN] did not make his motion until ~Lfter my col­ Sm: We have the honor to request that the attention of the Senate may b called league [l'tlr. PIPER] bad been recognized. to the necessity of leP,slation providing for a jn t mea ure of taxation upou prop­ Mr. HOLMAN. I submit that a motion to adjourn is now in order. erty within the District of Columbia, an<l especially tho necessity of providing for The gentleman from California [Mr. PIPER] has offered his resolu­ a. tax to be levied for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1877, o as to J?l'Ondo the pub­ lic revenues without which the government cannot be carried on m the new ti cal tion; that he had a right to do; but when it is before the House I year which will ber.ID in le s than five weeks. The act of Congrc s le\j'ing a tru: am entitled to the floor to move to adjourn. for the support of the government for the fiscal year now ju t clo ing became a law The SPEAKER 1Jro ternpm·e. The gentleman from Indiana has the on March 3, 1875, and even from that date (three months earlier tlian the date of this communication) to the time when the tax becamo payable too short a period right> to make that motion. intervened for the efficient exer.ution of the provi ion of the law with reference to 1\!r. BURCHARD, of illinois. Have we not the right to hear read tho makin$ of assessment and of returns and the preparation of the profer books a resolution presented under a suspension of the rule!:! before the ques­ and recoras. Since the assessment on which the tax for tho present fisca year was tion is put on adjournment~ made, taxable real e tate of the Disbict has, it is estimated, been incnm.sed by up­ ward of $3,000,000 by buildings which have been begnn, constructed, or complt:Jted Mr. RANDALL. I call for the regnlar order. during the past year. In orcler that such property mn.y bear its fair proportion of The SPEAKER pro tempore. The question is on the motion of the the bmden of t:na.tion for the new fiscal year soon to begin, prompt legislation is gentleman from Indiana that the House adjourn. absolutely needed. The motion was agreed t,o; and accordingly (at five o'clock and Furthermore, the pre~ent fii!cal year will close in le s than five weeks, and rev­ enue& must be providetl for the support of tho govermnont during tho fiscal year twenty minutes p.m.) the House adjourned until Wednesday next. which will so soon begin. The importtmce of having a woll-tlevised t.ax law, giving ample time within which it may be carefully execnteo, can.not b too strongly urged upon the attention of the Senate. The suh.ject is now before that branch of the PETITIONS, ETC. national Legislature for consideration, a. bill having passed the House of !Wpre­ sent.atives several weeks ago. The following memorials, petitions, and other pa,pers were pre­ In our jud~ent, it is expedient that the legislation upon this subject at the pres­ sented at the Clerk's desk under the mle, and referred as st.ated: ent session of Congre s shall t.'lke tbe form of a permanent law imposin~ a just measnro of taxation within the District and pTescribing the tax which shall here­ By Mr. ATKINS: The petition of E. St. Julien Cox, for re-imburse­ after be annually levied upon taxable property. In the absence of such a law the ment for expenses incurred in the contested-election ca e of Cox t's. property interests of the District are injured by tbe uncertainty both as to the Strait, second congre ional district of Minnesota, to the Committee measure of taxes and as to the property which is to be subject to taxation. The of Elections. whole system is liable to change in each sucl'eeding year. At the l!ame time, by a permanent law upon the subject, Congress will be reliev d from the labor of matnr­ By Mr. CUTLER: The petition of insurance companies represent­ mg every year a. measure for taxing Di trict property. There will be avoided al o jug 104,000,000 of capital, for a change of the postal rates on all the the injustice and inconvenieMe wlrich to some extent mu t alway re nit when a. varions partly printed documents used by iusurance companies to law upon such a subject is delayed or is hastily pr pared or executed. We trust, conform to the rate· charged on third-class mail matter, to the Com­ therefore, that it mar be practicable for the Senato at an early day t.o give its atten­ tion to legislation impo ing permanently an equitable mea ure of taxation on prop­ mittee on the Po t-Office and Post-Roads. erty in ilie District, indicating the property that is to be taxed and prescribing the By l\fr. HARDENBERGH: The petition of citizens of Washington molle of assessment and collection of taxes. City, District of Columbia, to the commissioners of the District of Very resnectfnlly, Columbia, that a sum be appropriated to be used in celebrating the W. DENNISON, J. H. KETCHAM, 4th day of Jnly, 1876, to the Committee for the District of Columbia. S. L. P liELPS, By Mr. HARTZELL: The petition of Hugh w·orthington, of Me­ Commissioners of the District of Oolumbia. t.ropolis, illinois, for a rehearing of his case di: a,Jlowed by the south­ Hon. T. W. FERRY, ern claims commission, to the Committee on War Claims. President of the Senate. By .Mr. HOLMAN: The petition of Isham Wehb, a soldier of the Mr. SPENCER. I desire to say that the Committee on the District war of 1812, for a pension, to the Committee on Revolutionary Pen­ of Columbia have been tor the last three weeks considering a tax bill sions. for the District. They have not up to the pre ent time perfected it, By Mr. HYMAN: A paper relating to the establishment of a post­ but have been working as industriously as their other duties would routefrom Weldon to Ringwood viaAurelina. and Brinklcyville, North permit, and in due time the committee will be able to report the bill Carolina, to the Committee on the Post-Office and Post-Road .
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