Officers Report Planning Application No: 138971 PROPOSAL: Outline planning application for up to 9no. dwellings with all matters reserved LOCATION: Land east of Laughton Road Adj Irwin Road Blyton WARD: Scotter and Blyton WARD MEMBER(S): Cllr Mewis & Cllr Rowlings & Cllr Allison APPLICANT NAME: Mr Marris TARGET DECISION DATE: 23/4/2019 DEVELOPMENT TYPE: Minor - Dwellings CASE OFFICER: Martin Evans RECOMMENDED DECISION: It is recommended planning committee delegates powers to officers to approve the application, subject to conditions, following the expiry of the certificate B notice period (expires 16/4/19) and consideration of any resulting representation. This application has been referred to the Committee on the basis that Officers have considered it appropriate to do so, in view of the levels of opposition who challenge whether the development accords with the strategic policies of the Local Plan and a call in request from the Ward Member, Councillor Mrs P Mewis. Description: Outline application for residential development of up to 9 dwellings with all matters of layout, scale, appearance, landscaping and access reserved for subsequent approval (‘reserved matters’). Whilst the final layout is a reserved matter, the applicant has provided an indicative layout plan and a draft drainage strategy in the form of a plan. Where access is a reserved matter, the application for outline planning permission must1 state the area or areas where access points to the development proposed will be situated. The site is shown to take access from Irwin Road, a relatively new estate road connecting to the A159 to the west. The site is located on an agricultural field adjoining the north eastern corner of the village of Blyton. The site falls considerably to the south and east towards the north eastern corner of the site from approximately 15m AOD to 11m AOD at its lowest point. A field hedge wraps around the site to the north. To the south the boundary changes to 1.8m high domestic fencing where it adjoins existing houses to the Irwin Road estate. A shallow drainage ditch also runs to 1 Article 5(3) of The Town & Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015 the southern boundary that links to a similar one to the east. The site is open to the east and the remaining field. Adjoining the site to the south and west is an existing housing estate at Irwin Road with its access drive to the A159 Laughton Road. Properties facing the site to the west are generally two storeys in height with many having facing windows and doors. Some two storey properties also have dormer windows to the roof. To the south houses generally side onto the application site. To the north and east of the site is further open countryside. Although access is a ‘reserved matter’, it is likely to enter Irwin Road to the west of the development. This road is 5m wide with a pavement down one side. Street lighting is available on this access. Relevant history: 137789 Outline planning application for up to 9no. dwellings with all matters Reserved. Withdrawn by applicant 19/12/18. There have been a number of refusals on the actual application site although all relate to larger site areas and greater level of development than the present proposal. 137047 Outline planning application to erect up to 15no. dwellings with all matters reserved-resubmission of 134722 Refused 26th Jan 2018 The two reasons for refusal were as follows: 1. The proposed development of 15 dwellings would be constructed on a greenfield site on the edge of the village of Blyton, extending the village into open countryside. The quantum of development would be above that accepted on single sites within medium villages under policy LP2 of the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan. Exceptional reasons, justified by local circumstances have not been demonstrated to justify a development coming forward at a larger scale, and it does not have clear local community support. The proposal is therefore contrary to the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan, particularly policies LP1, LP2, LP3 and LP4 and the provisions of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). 2. The detail provided relating to the disposal of foul and surface water is insufficient to conclude that the site can be developed without unacceptable impacts on the existing drainage network leading to potential flooding, health and contamination concerns contrary to policy LP14 of the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan and the provisions of the NPPF. 134722 Outline planning application to erect up to 25 dwellings with all matters reserved. Refused 18 July 2017 The three reasons are refusal are as follows: 1. The proposed development of 25 dwellings would be constructed on a greenfield site on the edge of the village of Blyton, extending the village into open countryside. The quantum of development would be above that typically accepted on single sites within medium villages under policy LP2 of the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan. Exceptional circumstances, justified by local circumstances have not been demonstrated to justify coming forward at a larger scale, and it has not been otherwise demonstrated that the proposals have clear community support. In addition to this, there has been no sequential analysis of more appropriate alternative sites more central to the village which would better maintain the core shape and character of the village, potentially avoid the loss of greenfield land and would allow easier access to local facilities and services including recreational and health facilities. The proposal is therefore contrary to the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan, particularly policies LP1, LP2, LP4, LP9 and LP24, and the provisions of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). 2. Insufficient detail has been provided to conclude that the site can be constructed without unacceptable impacts on the natural environment and ecology contrary to policy LP21 of the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan and the provisions of the NPPF. 3. The details provided relating to the disposal of foul water/ waste is insufficient to conclude that the site can be constructed without unacceptable impacts on the existing foul drainage network leading to health and contamination concerns contrary to policy LP14 of the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan and the provisions of the NPPF. The only other entries to the relevant planning history on the actual site also relate to a wider site area to include the current housing estate to the south and land to the east at well. W8/1381/89 Outline application to erect 75 dwellings - Refused 9 Feb 1990 M00/P/1044 Outline planning for residential development – Refused 23 Aug 2001 Appeal Allowed 26/7/2002 There are however other application sites to be considered relevant to the application and these are as follows: Land off High Street Blyton 137616 Outline planning application for up to 4no. dwellings with all matters reserved. Approved 12th June 2018. 136431 Outline planning application for the erection of 7no. dwellings with access to be considered and not reserved for subsequent applications – Granted 27th September 2017 132782 Outline planning application for the erection of up to 19no. dwellings-access to be considered and not reserved for subsequent applications – Granted 10 February 2016 Representations: Chairman/Ward member(s): Cllr Mewis requests the application be determined by Planning Committee for the following summarised reasons: Overwhelming and widespread local opposition. Blyton Parish Council objects. Three petitions with more than 200 signatures against proposal. Contrary to LP2- would not be appropriate location or retain core shape and form. Would change shape of the village creating further linear ribbon development away from core services. Contrary to LP2 and LP4- outside developed footprint which specifically excludes agricultural land on the edge of the settlement, hedge forms boundary to countryside. Contrary to LP14b- Irwin Road flooding and drainage problems will be exacerbated. Contrary to LP14e- it will not reduce flood risk overall and will not provide solutions for the wider area. Residents fear exacerbation of flooding and drainage problems on this uphill site. Residents were concerned about previous application. It is not acceptable to reserve all matters because drainage will not be addressed in a location with drainage and flooding problems. Contrary to LP14- SUDS not provided. The application should not be determined until SUDS is demonstrated. Blyton Parish Council: “Blyton Parish Council strongly objects to the above numbered application which proposes 9no dwellings at land east of Laughton Road, adjacent to Irwin Road for the following reasons. The proposal is contrary to policy LP14b} of the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan. Irwin Road which has a history of flooding and long standing drainage issues is adjacent and immediately downhill from the site. The application has not satisfactorily demonstrated how this application will not exacerbate drainage and flooding issues by creating further surface water runoff and other drainage problems caused by additional development. The very real need for this is highlighted in the response by the Scunthorpe and Gainsborough Water Management Board. The proposal is contrary to LP14e) of the CLLP. The application has failed to demonstrate proposals to reduce the overall flood risk and potential to contribute towards solutions for the wider area. Blyton Parish Council has grave concerns as stated in previous responses that development of this site will exacerbate flooding problems and increase the risk of flooding.” Local residents: Objections have been received from 1, 2, 3, 8, 10, 11, 20, 22, 23, 26, 28, 29, 33, 34, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 48, 52 and 53 Irwin Road; 10 Laughton Road and 93 High Street in Blyton which are summarised as follows: Application almost identical to previous refusal. Previous reasons for refusal not overcome. Applicant could appeal previous refusals. Council shouldn’t support new applications pending outcome of appeals.
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