Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized E385 v10 rev m Theun 2 Hydroelectric Project Na & Management Plan Environmental Assessment March 2005 annexes List of Annexes List of Annexes Annex A: References ........................................................................................A1-6 Annex B: Contributors to the EAMP ....................................................................B1-2 Annex C: Project Key Technical Data ..................................................................C1-4 Annex D: Technical Drawings of Project Infrastructure ......................................D1-18 Annex E: Hydrological Data ............................................................................. E1-10 Annex F: Simulated Dam Operations ................................................................ F1-10 Annex G: Water Quality Modelling Assumptions and Results ................................G1-4 Annex H: Forest & Vegetation Types ..................................................................H1-4 Annex I: Mammal & Bird Species of the NNT Area .............................................I1-20 Annex J: Fish Species & Migration ..................................................................... J1-8 Annex K: Head Construction Contractor’s Environmental Requirements .............. K1-18 Annex L: Pest Management Plan ..................................................................... L1-18 Annex M: Public Consultation and Disclosure Events .......................................... M1-4 Annex N: Environmental & Social Panel of Experts, Dam Safety Review Panel & International Advisory Group ........................................................................N1-6 Annex O: Physical Cultural Resources Plan .......................................................O1-36 i List of Annexes ii EAMP Annexes Annex A: References Annex A AB Hydroconsult, 1995. Hydrology, Hydraulics, Erosion and Sedi- Boonratana, R. 1997. A State-wide Survey to Estimate the Density of ment Transport. Impact Studies for the Theun Hinboun Power Project, the Sumatran Rhinoceros, Asian elephant and Banteng in Sabah. New Lao PDR. Final Report. Submi�ed to Norplan, October 1995. York: WCS. Action Asia Magazine, 2002. Hong Kong: AAP Limited, June/July Boonratana, R. 1998. Nakai – Nam Theun Conservation Project [Phase 2002. 2]: Wildlife Monitoring Techniques and Participatory Conservation at Allain R., Taquet P., Ballail B., Dejax J., Richir P., Veran M., Nakai- Nam Theun NBCA. Vientiane: IUCN/WCS. 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Thakhek: DUDCP. Asian Development Bank, 1990. Environmental Guidelines for Boonratana, R. 2003. Training in Data Management and Analysis Selected Industrial and Power Development Projects. Office of the for the Staff of the Nakai – Nam Theun NBCA, Lao PDR. Thakhek: Environment. DUDCP. Asian Development Bank, 1999. Report of the Lao Primary Health Booth C.A., A.G. Church, W.D. Erskin, D.F. Hoese, S.W.L. Jacobs Care Expansion Project. Project Preparatory Technical Assistance. and A.J. Marr, 1998. Experimental Environmental Flows and related Ecosystem Monitoring and Research of the Cox River below Lyell Dam. Asian Development Bank, 2000. Lao PHC Expansion Project Report An independent Expert Panel Report to the Department of Land and and Round Table Meeting. Project Preparatory Technical Assistance. Water Conservation. Sydney, Australia: Centre of Integrated Catch- May 2000. ment Management, University of Western Sydney (Hawkesbury), Asian Development Bank/NACA, 1991. Fish Health Management Richmond. in the Asia-Pacific Region. Report on a Regional Study and Workshop on Boyd, C.E., 1979. Water Quality in Warmwater Fish Ponds. Alabama, Fish Disease and Fish Health Management. Bangkok: ADB Agricult. USA: Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station, Auburn Univer- Dep. Rep. Ser. No. 1/Network of Aquaculture Centres in the Asia- sity. 359 p. Pacific Region (NACA). Breazeale, Kennon & Snit Smuckarn, 1988. A Culture in Search of Australian and New Zealand Environment and Conservation Survival: The Phuan of Thailand and Laos. New Haven: Yale Univer- Council (ANZECC), 2000. Australian and New Zealand Guidelines sity Southeast Asia Studies, Monograph Series 31. for Fresh and Marine Water Quality. Brooks, S.M., K.S. Richards, and T. Spencer, 1993. Application of Australian National Health and Medical Research Council a soil loss model to logging in humid tropical catchments. Singapore: (NHMRC), 1989. Interim Guidelines on Exposure to 50/60 Hz Electric Singapore Journal of Tropical Geomorphology, 14, 15-27. and Magnetic Fields. Burnside, R., 1996. Land Capability Assessment of Rese�lement Sites. Baillie, J. and B. Groombridge, 1996. 1996 IUCN Red List of Threat- Vientiane, Lao PDR: NTEC. ened Animals. Gland, Switzerland: IUCN. CARE International, (Chamberlain, J.R., C. Alton, L. Silavong, Berkmüller, K., S. Southammakoth, and V. Vongphet, 1995. Pro- and B. Philavong.), 1996. Socio-Economic and Cultural Survey: Nam tected Area System Planning and Management in Lao PDR : Status Theun 2 Project Area. Vientiane, Lao PDR. Report to Mid-1995. IUCN/Lao-Swedish Forestry Cooperation Pro- Cavendish, M.G. and M.I. Duncan, 1986. Use of the Instream Flow gramme, Vientiane. Incremental Methodology: a Tool for Negotiation. Environ. Impact Bernacsek, G., 1997. Large Dam Fisheries of the Lower Mekong Coun- Assess. Rev. 6: 347-363. tries - Review and Assessment. Mekong River Commission, GR/R Chamberlain J R; Alton C; Silavong L; Philavong B, 1996. Socio- 97023. economic and Cultural Survey, Nam Theun 2 Project area. CARE Inter- Berwick, S., 1974. The Community of Wild Ruminants in the Gir For- national/Lao PDR.61pp. est, India. Unpub. Ph.D. dissertation. Yale University, New Haven, Chape, S., 1996. Biodiversity Conservation, Protected Areas and The CT, USA. 226 p. Development Imperative in Lao PDR : Forging the Links. Vientiane, Berwick, S., 2000. The Biodiversity of Mammals in the Se San Catch- Lao PDR: IUCN-The World Conservation Union. ment of Vietnam. Unpub. report to Seatec International/SKM and Claridge, G. (compiler), 1996. An Inventory of Wetlands of the Lao Worley Consultants, Ltd. Bangkok. 38 p. PDR. Vientiane, Lao PDR: IUCN-The World Conservation Union. BirdLife International, 2003. BirdLife’s online World Bird Database: Colani, M. 1932. Recherches dans la Province de Cammon. Bulletin the site for bird conservation. Version 2.0. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife de l’Ecole Francaise d’Extreme Orient (BEFEO), XXXI, pp. 273-278, International. Hanoi. A-1 EAMP Annexes Corbe�, G.B. and J.E. Hill, 1992. The Mammals of the Indomalayan EDF, 2001b. Modelling of Dissolved Oxygen in the Nam Kathang and Realm. Natural History Museum Publications and Oxford. Oxford Sé Ban Fai Rivers (Laos). December, 2001. A University Press. EDF, 2002a. Forecasted Impact of the Nam Theun 2 Project on the Water Davies, A.G. and Payne, J.B., 1982. A Faunal Survey of Sabah (IUCN/ Quality. Synthesis Report. March 2002. WWF Project #1692). Kuala Lumpur: WWF-Malaysia. Annex EDF, 2002b. Study on a Physical Model of the Labyrinth Weir. NT2 de Beer, J.H., 1992. Sustainable Harvesting and Marketing of Non-tim- Hydropower Project, Lao PDR. Report No. HP-75/2001/063/A. ber Forest Products in Lao PDR. EMDP, 2002. Ethnic Minorities Development Plan for the Nam Theun Delacour, J. 1929. On the birds collected during the fourth expedition to 2 Project Area. Nam Theun 2 Hydroelectric Project Social Development French Indo-china. Ibis (12)5: 193-220, 403-429. Plan. Delmas, R., 2000. Estimate of Greenhouse Emissions from the Projected Evans, T. D., Duckworth, J. W. and Timmins, R. J. 2000. Field obser- Nam-Theun 2 Reservoir Compared to Emissions from Thermal Alterna- vations of larger mammals in Laos, 1994-1995. Mammalia 64: 55-100. tives, at a 100 year time-scale. Laboratoire d’ Aerologie. Evans, T. D., Robichaud, W. G. and Tizard, R. J. 1997. The White- Delmas, R., and C. Galy-Lacaux, 2000. Emissions of Greenhouse winged Duck Cairina scutulata in Laos. Wildfowl 47: 81-96. Gases from the Petit Saut Reservoir Compared to Emissions from Ther- Evans, T. D. and Timmins, R. J. 1998. Records of birds from Laos dur- mal Alternatives, Submi�ed to Global Biogeochemical Cycles. ing January-July 1994. Forktail 13: 69-96. Driessen, P.M. and R. Dudal (Eds.), 1991. The Major Soils of the Evans, T., K. Sengdala, O.V. Viengkham and B. Thammavong, World. Lecture Notes on their Geography, Formation, Properties and 2001. A Field Guide to the Ra�ans of Lao PDR. Royal Botanic Gar- Use. Wageningen, The Netherlands:
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