
The original documents are located in Box 26, folder “6/4-6/76 - California, Michigan (5)” of the Sheila Weidenfeld Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Copyright Notice The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Gerald Ford donated to the United States of America his copyrights in all of his unpublished writings in National Archives collections. Works prepared by U.S. Government employees as part of their official duties are in the public domain. The copyrights to materials written by other individuals or organizations are presumed to remain with them. If you think any of the information displayed in the PDF is subject to a valid copyright claim, please contact the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Some items in this folder were not digitized because it contains copyrighted materials. Please contact the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library for access to these materials. ....•: ...·. ': ,',·'. ~ .... ..../~/' ~ .~ :~·:"' ... .. ~.... ,,, ,, ' ··.'.'-' •/ 1.: .-........_ .. i' ... ::::.~ ...... .-.. ~·~·· •• . ") rl Digitized from Box 26 of the Sheila Weidenfeld Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library - 036 CPOL.TTICS) . - WASHtNGTO <UPD - - PRC:SIDE .H FORD HAILED fltS: LANO SL IDE VICTORY IN :t.H£ :R~ODt. I_Sl..1·um PRI:lAR Y fu~D AGAI . FOREC AST H I~f ?RE_ SIDE~TI AL . ·ilfiA:TtO• ~·~ TH~ FIRST ·~:Abl.OT AT THt. RE.PUBL I Ctd NAT!O{ AL CO.iYVtNTION A w·usr •. ,. , :r-k· ~P(£si" >.) CREThRY RO ·msew !OLfi.'~R$P.ORT!R$:: T u£SOA Y EVENI NG .FORD WAS • o-Vl'O:USL'Y.:· PLwA SE ~ BY H 0$: S:W£EP OF>At.l. 19·.·D~LEGA T ES H-1 ~.RtW,OE ISL AND " ,, .,, "IT APPEAR: THE PRES IDEN.! 'TU:. WIN .J GOOD SHARE OF .THE EG-AT s I SOUTH ff'A]{OlA A~D MONt A1 4" WHERJ:; PH'H!AR IES ALSO WERE LD . FORD W' $ PR PMl~~-..F'.OR il .f lN.~L rwo-pAY QA,~1PATGfi.··CSW I G !N NEW R~EY AhD OHIO tJf '.; ~i Nl.lAY "'AND f'JOND AY.:TO DR UM !OTES "JN JHt 'E£D y PR I 1 I ...-·· . 1'flRa . FOBO __..8 ; D 01HEJ:i. ME:M9ERS OF THE r~~tu¥" ARE \P RT 'G TO FLY IO CAL IFORJ'tA LAt£R fHIS WE~K IO CA~PA1 GN lit THE SiH~ CISCO lh1D ~os· ANGEL-., AREAS. < l~ s-' TOLD REPORTERS nlA.T .'.FORD " £X?£.Cl,~ TO ~'O "WELL I N !:~SE I AA" a'.S A,iD }(! ~R£'~A:T1*$ CO · ,FIDE NT HE. WIL{.'; 0 \f.l~ f::}'{i. NO · ! NA'tilJ.:N ON l' HE ST . B~LLOT. "'' , . ,.. ' ~.. -, ·.. · .. c 1PAIG ~ CiHAJRM _N R0~'5ft.S.-· MORTON SAit) hE tH~USTS 'lE~T~DA.Y' S RE:SULT;, -' ILL HA 1Jt. , EtF.tCT 0 Jt,EXT. JUESOPrY' S JHREE ?R !MAR lt,.'S~~~. =M'ORt o l~ Al.:.$0 F'OR£.CAST ·Wr~P. :l(l~""- I N -~-i CAL I FORlttt\ wHEnE HE 1 HE PHO':... A KS .. H()V"~ffl~. 'PRtS·tnf;Jtt " 1$. CLOS1 NG !HE GAP ." HE SA ID f0Rl"I OULD 1,fliQ THe. " L ·IO' :..~ltt\RE " tW·-#.EW JERSE Y A OHIO. - 0- ;I ..+'' I! ' lORD AS~IlatOI . <AP.> -'•• FIRST LADY BEnY FORD LEFT TODAY :OJ. ·~~ : THREE- DAY AlGI TR.IP. TO' .CALlFORllA TO MAKE A LAst•MlllUTE APPEAL FOR HER . AID, 'WHO· HAS RULED OUT ·ANY FURTHER APPEARANCES IN THE STATE BEFORE ·PRIMARY 01 tfJESPAY. · RS. FORD VAS .SCffDULED .?O ARRIVE AT OAKLAND IrtTERRATIONAL AIRPORT ARLY ArtERIOOf • .HER. FIRST EVEIT IS A PUBLIC RECEPTION SPONSORE D BY BAY AREA REPUBLICAN ALLIANCE II OKLAND'S CLAREMONT HOTEL. WHEN SHE COMPLETES CAMPAIGNING MONDAY, MRS, FORD WILL TRAVEL TO AND :RAPIDS, !ICH., TO ATTEID COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES AT CENTRAL HIGH OOL II HER HOMETOWN, WHERE SHE WAS A MEMBER or THE CLASS OF 1936. 4-76 • .,,... ........ .• -.t'l<'.$< .. - • ·" . .._United Prcu la~ . f'i... La4J Betty Font gives it all she's got as she ~al· ..: Presidential prelea!eDCe primary OD Tuesday. Tbe .ocm- 1enges callfoinla Republicans to choose her busb-1d., . ,:IJIOD wu a r= at Berkeley•.· As .confident • Gerald R• Ford, over Ronald Reagan In tbe ltat,,';s,: . ~ . tile p . tlaat .._• . President,~Ill . wla. · · . .... ·. .. ~ . · · .. ~-· ·. .. · ~ ~-· , .' · ·"~r.'.: rf ; r.: ~ ..1 · ~ :, . • i .), ''· " ...... x:.· .-........ t• . , ••, ...· .. ' ,.. .., •.t t ' ' !."'.!: . I .. ,., ::... ... ~· ~ ... .. { ~·~ f " .. " .- '.. .;,. .. ;. '!!" , ' ,,_. • It f 1 tat' If l:J: r t ! 'f . - _,,,,,, ·.. A-2 ··Tht Washington Star WldMsdoy,J111e 9, 1976 .. Names/Faces . A lock 'Was on the Way Singer Connie Francia broke down and sobbed uncontrollably as, testify­ ing in. New ·York, ihe ·de:. scribed bow, she was ·raped in a. motel room after a man put a knife to her· throat and said, "Kiss' me or I'll kill you." The at\ack occ~d \ in 1974 while the singer, 37, was appearing afthe West­ bury Music Fair on Long Island. Francis iJ suing the Howard · Johnson's Motor Lodge where sh~ sta)led for $5 million. She claims the attack shattered her. ent~r- , tainment comeback. _ ThoaiM, Kirk, an attorney for Howard Johnson's, .said the.r4lpe :wu unforseeable. And he added a sµoike by United ~~1;l had delayed delivery of saf~y locks · tended~ \bi motel doors. siioddng~News From Grand Rapid$· 'Be\W Ford and her •.taff spent mo11. -thaft ·:an· hoUJ'. (!)' lft a .bft::tn. Grand Rapids singing liona· with • · s;>iano . j>layer. "TUJ'nS out she' once worJced' .~ith the piano player, Charles Anderson, in a depUtment store - but in Grand Rapids and not Chic~go. The ~irst Lady ,was showing off the to)m to her staff .r~er she addres~ed commencement exercises for Union High School where she graduated In 1936. Some me~bers of the party reportedl) were drinking beer which .11 often help~ul, some feel,.when sbigh1~. Tbe • long.. I • ·" Wait~ 1- ' Begins, ~plro T. Agnew, the former:Veep who hal tak~n up writing, reports he pla.ns to begin wrlting his memoirs this -year 'and expects tO spend two years before the task. He was asked by reporters if lt will o0ntaip any surprises. He said: "Why would a person of.average intelligence go on the air'on three networks in Califor· nia and positively declare he would not resign and then leu tball 10 ~ya later ie~&n? There is. Jl .re"'son for this and ttt.t rtuon bu• be tblcl" ~ lq.. -a faster wnter;, t1*aW be well blto bfr hfstO;j ot fyplq 1n major world ~.,by &MD. ·~: ... .. •.. .. ,.... '· •, ~ •' ., t . n,s·sanr rm 7' · "*-. i , 2 I r t Ir lfla~l.ilfl If•• t:~J~'U:!t.n~~ri :.!Wo~1.1 have got .the. wrong jd~"·· The 28-year-ol<l . Je?e~r was ~ne of several g'\1ests _Wha had din­ ner with, tile· '46-:yeat-01(1 , prm"' · cess at . her home. ,·,Monday night. Her · 16-year marriage to LORD ·sNOWDQl'l' ~ncl!d - iru-, a'. sepa!~n_yu _t~~ ,m~~t114· •~it!'= '" ;i.,.- • • ~·-"" • - ....- . >Chicag:o ' . ..!.... Seulp~,-- CLAES"~ . OLDEN~~RG, . ~:Q~~ '.,11'.Q'1fs ·. lndude ;a 45-focit'. cfothelpln· and ' a .::.t4..root -:-1ipffiek,- ·18 creating a 100-foot , ~l bat .for Chicago's new: ~cial Security Administra~ _ ~j. , tng. The $100,000 steel ·at.rue• : _ tur~ called ''Batcolumli,~ iii 1.2,, 1eet wide et its broadea£ l)oint ·and was commissioned under. the .Jeder.J government's art- , In-architecture program. .-•"'- . ~ New . Haven. Colli) .. ,: ::... EL-SIE TYLER, a New Blil'en widow, is making a s)gn re_ad­ ing "I did rour father's laup­ Jlry" for display , on July 10 when Britain'& ;.. QUEE]'o{ ELIZABETH arrives here on I he!' bicentennial Yisit. It won't be a joke. In 1911. Mrs. Tylel' . was 18 year-old Elsi& Blank;1 and ':she worked hi a laundry at Dartmouth; England, where clothes for the Royal Naval Academy . were washed. The queen's father, the late KING , GEORGE VI.. was an, academy atudent at-the..... tbne..: ,Jl:I ( .,It ....... ., . .. •... "'\. ·· -'~, I • ,. ... .. ·;,. --•-""'...:........ ""'.~""· - . ..:'""#e!'"'t.~...,..~---""'·'_.,,.w-,..,,,...,...._._ __._.._ _____.._._.._.__... ___ ""'·i ..... , ...:-'. ;4,...""\ ....... ~~·-· .,.,_..., f Seq. '.gdward W. Brooke ·<R·Milss.> Elllabeth Taylor, ijle office of~ - 1 said in. a Boston Globe mtei-view yes- and· information said. • ' • t~ that he· is "stunned" at hi8 ' BurtOn was sCht!Quled to·return to wife.. announcement that she will Hollywood Wednesday ani:l arrive<l in contest the iio-fault divorce aCtion he· Port-au·l'rince y;ith an · vriidentified filed.' ' woman. · Brooke also said be. pays iriore thari In New York, a spokesman for 'l'IP'- balf his net monthly· Senate' s8laey of · lor-refuled t~ confirm tbe div~ w $2,200 to h1- wife in cash and expen;.· po\.t or'-inake anY other comment. Tay· ses. Bemiria Scacco Brooke, who said .lor i,s in NR" .Yolk· to receive an she: was recovering from · .,U..gecy on awar.d today from the: American Jew. the West Indies island· of .St. Martha, ish Congress·as "an artist andhUIJim. said i9 a telephone' . lnte':'Vl~, : '.'He iiarian." · · do~sn't give ~e eno~ · money" for Two weeks ago, as she left.on·' jq~ .~ 4',!fCdhl~ •r-, .. · ket. to Iran, Taylor said, "Don't ask me . · -~ ~ it. He's ~e~ti~g the diyorce." ' ~.. ~i;g~= -:· ..:.~~-, ... • ,,..... ~ .. tia OUJMd;· ~:g.:- her· dau,lhter, __. ........ ~PM- - ~-1tiroaktatiit, .B m.~~-~ . : ·~.ut..'# ·. ··-- ~~ti:: ·. ta • -®r-mvis on· women .. in higli .office." from.· er) • ,. 11o-.1eacaD.·Prielctent Fontis op· .!ll"Owi'd the . movi~~-t.. f. ·} ;"- L · jxih..M_?' ~ - ~6rhta 1te1>oblican Filming 9n · iqca~ ~ ·Val/ ¢~,,- n~ Tuesday, lµls ·reporte.dly 1art11, MexicOy.
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