■ •,■ i / Average DaOjr N et Press Ron The Weather F or H m Week Ended duly SI, IMtl C3ear, cool tonight after shower Mtlvity poeslbillty; low In 50a. Tomorrow sunny and 1 4 ,8 9 0 pleasant; high near 80. Wednes­ day's outlook . fair, cod. Manchester— A City of Village Charm VOL. LXXXX, NO. 275 (TWENTY PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, AUGUST 23, 1971 (Clnaetfled Advertlelne on Paco 17) PRICE FIFTEEN CENTS Ky’s Refusal to Run Prison Mutiny Triggers Crisis On In South Korea Viet Political Front 9ATGON (AP) — U.S. Ambassador Ellsworth Bunker Claims 30 Lives met in an extraordinary session with President Nguyen SEOUL (AP) — A band of South Korean prisoners Van Thieu tonight in efforts to find a solution to South staged a bloody getaway from their prison on a Yellow Vietnam’s gravest political crisis since the Buddhist Sea island today and made their way to a Seoul suburb uprising of 1966. before the.v were nearly wiped out in a gun battle with The meeting came 11 hours and this despite the fact that police. after Vice President Nguyen we had refused to fUe an ap- Defense Minister Jung Nae- boat near a popular Inchon Oao Ky refused to participate peal. hiuk said 30 persons were beach shortly after their 6 a.m. in the Oct. 3 presidenUal elec­ “ Once again It became clear killed, including at least 12 getaway. They were armed tion, which he termed dishonest that the law was Interpreted dif- prison guards and officials. The with carbines and revolvers. and a consdracy. This left ferenUy according to the needs mutineers broke out of custody The Coimter-Esplonage <^)er- TUeu as the only contestant. of each moment. The inevitable on Shllmi Island 15 miles off­ aUons Command announced Ky proposed as a solution conclusion is that under such rj shore from Inchon on the South soon after their landing that a that he and Thieu simulta­ circumstances the October elec- Korean west coast and later bus had been commandeered neously resign from office, pav­ battled mainland police from a by North Korean InfUtratora (See Page Nine) ing the «ray for a new elecUon. ccmmandeered bus. who had landed at Inchon. He said this was the way "to The defense minister said Jung said Lt. Gen. Kim Chae- avdd the proq>ect8 of dark they were 23 "special prisoners myungn who heads the counter­ days in the history of this na­ with civilian status’ guarded espionage command, mistak­ tion." by South Korean Special enly announced the mutlneera While there was no Imme­ Latest Trial Forces. The escapees wore Spe­ were Communist infiltrators be- diate comment from the Presi­ cial Forces uniforms when they dential Palace, sources said landed in a hljacke(( civilian (See Page Nine) TMeu met with his Cabinet and Under W ay with military commanders from the four military regions, before going into the night ses­ On My Lai sion with Bunker. San Quentin Em body. FT. MEADE, MD. (AP) — Rome stock market reopens today after being shut down for a week. (AP Photo) wcceasfully maneuvered Ky T^e court-marOal of Col. Oran back on the ballot after Gen. Henderson opened today W idow Authorities Seek Attorney Duong Van Mlnh’s withdrawal with a charge by the govern­ from the race left Thieu unop­ ment that he practiced “ a pat­ posed, Issued a brief statement O f Pardue tern of deceit. .by calculated After Jail Escape Attempt saying It regretted the vice European Exchanges Open; d:cW «'?‘ofSclai;‘;i SAN QUENTIN, Calif. (AP) necticut governor and U.S. sen­ the Western White House In reslstl^ clvlllMs at My Dal. Sentenced — Authorities said today they ator before his death in 1966. San Clemente, Calif., also ex- In opening argument be- Bingham, a University of Cal­ HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) — want to question an Oakland at­ pressed regret but Indicated Uie tore a Jury of two generals Mid U.S. Dollar Shows Strength torney who San Quentin prison ifornia at Berkeley law school U A government sUll hopes five colonels, the prosecutor, Nancy Pardue, the attractive graduate, worked writh the Ber­ francs, a devaluation of about Japanese government spokes­ authorities describe as the last TUeu WUl face more than token MaJ. Carroll Tlchenor, said By LOUIS NEVIN 25-year-old widow of an ac­ keley Neighborhood Legal Ser­ men continued to maintain that person to visit Soledad Brother opposition. Henderson was told of unneces- 1% per cent efr the dollar. cused bank robber slain in an vice until he joined an Oakland ZURICH — The official Swiss the yen would not be revalued, George Jackson before an es­ LONDON (AP) — The abortive escape bid, was sen­ law firm in private practice Radlo HanU said the Su- oary killings In the Infantry aa- but uncertainty pushed prices cape attempt in which Jackson U.S, dollar Showed unex­ exchange remained clcsed. But tenced Monday to 10 years In last year, the paper said. preme Court’s reversal putting sault on the Vletnamew ^ la g e banks handled normal oper- on the Tokyo stock exchange prison on charges related to the and five others died. Ky back on the ballot was a on March 16, 1968, but did not pected strength today as The Marin County police net­ In sin Interview writh the Los aUons at 3.995 Swiss francs to down again. The exchange in­ attempted break. Angeles Times today, San “ farce ordered by President report It to higher command. Europe’s foreign exchanges the dollar, a devaluation of dex closed at 160.65, down 4.19 The sentence was handed work broadcast an all points bulletin for Stephen M. Bing­ Quentin Warden Louis S. Nel- Nixon In a vain attempt to give "Nor did he order the killing about 1.75 per cent. per cent, but trading was only down by senior U.S. (District opened after a week-long ham, 29, saying he was wanted the appearance of legality” to be stopped," Tlchenor said, It was still too early to say moderate. Court Judge Thomas Murphy. (See Page Eight) shutdown brought on by for questioning In connection the Section. Henderson Is charged with what might lie ahead. Heavy She had been charged with a President Nixon’s n ew In Frankfurt, wMch has had with the breakout try Saturday •Nixon has already declared wlUfuUy falling to InvesUgate seUlng of dollars could bring a free market since the mone­ total cf 10 offenses in the April that TUeu Is to be re-elected," the reports of a massacre and monetary policies. the value of the currency down. afternoon. WMle the dcllar eased in tary crisis last May, the dollar 8 breakout effort of John R. violating a regulation to report This would achieve the U.S. ad­ San Quentin business man­ Hanoi said. "But to madie It such Eluropean markets as Lon­ fell back to about the level It Pardue. "incidents and acts thought or ministration’s objective of mak­ ager Irwin Ritter said Bingham Counsel’ s K in look Uke a true and leg;al elec­ don, Zurich and Brussels, the held on Aug. 13—3.4250 marks The alleged escape bid tion Nixon had to have two can­ alleged to be war crimes." ing American exports cheaper was the last person to visit declines were relaUvely minor. compared writh 3.4225. This In­ came during a lull In his The trial judge. Col. Peter abroad. Jackson before the escape at­ didates. So he ordered the pup­ Dealers were cautious and dicated a sharp strengthening Bridgeport trial for the three pet regime court that had Wondolowski, ruled today, be- If the volume of dollar sales tempt. Prominent In turnover was relatively light, of the dollar In West Germany explosions and the bank rob­ remains low, then the U.S. He said Bingham was thrown Ky out to put Ky beck fore the Jury camedn, to allow as seme of the experts had pre­ compared to the rate of 3.3876 bery that created a brief reign campaign to restore a favor­ searched before he entered the In." evidence on two additional dicted. Uncertainty was the marks that banks and travel of terror In Danbury Feb. 13, [Despite Ky’s refusal to cam­ able balance of trade would visiting room but "not the Connecticut charges-two counts of lying to a reason. agencies were gliring tourists at 1970. briefcase that he brought writh paign, his name will a^iecu* on blue ribbon Army Inquiry Into face the threat of failure. Many By official account, Pardue ,__ In midaftemoon, rates in the the close of business on Friday. , ' , , ,, _him. He said Bingham also SALEM, Conn. (AP) — Step­ the ballot in accordance with the events three years ago. American exports would re­ leveled a sawed off .308 caliber , .._____^ _ leading markets were: Frankfurt dealers said trad­ walked through a metal detec­ hen Bingham, sought by Cali­ the election law’s provision that Henderson could receive a main noncompetitive in world rifle at the guards near Ms LONDON — $2.4375 for a ing was very slow. tor “ but not writh the brief­ fornia authorities in the prison "candidates do not have the maximum sentence of six years markets. lockup. pound. That amounted to a de­ ■ Some countries decided to case." shootout that left six dead, la right to withdraw" after the Su­ Dealers said trading was qui­ A ycung guard, Anthony Dl- If convicted of the charges. valuation of the dollar of about postpone dealings until trends Bingham, grandson of the described by Ms father as a preme (Court’s final posting of et and hesitant.
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