24— MANCHESTER HERALD, Wednesday, Dec. 6, 1989 [ g j ] HOMES J g T I h o m es CONDOMINIUMS CARS FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE STORE/OFFICE {CARS I FOR RENT FOR SALE FOR SALE MANCHESTER- Priced Spcciolls# SOUTH Wlndsor-Unlaue to sell, two fomllv. New LAST Model Available. CHEROKEE Jeep, 1977. CHEVY-1975, El Camlno. In the air New era Poisoning evervthinol Bus line, 3 bedroom Townhouse, This 7 room, IV bath Runs excellent. $1,500 3 full baths, fireplaced 2 With 1985 motor. $3,500 center of town. Mallard View Unit Is ELLINGTON or best otter. 646-2358. or best otter. Call 871- $149,000. Broker, 529- living room, dining only $141,9001 Call us DclitI MEADOWVIEW 0014 otter 4pm. room, kitchen, 1 car DODGE - Omni, 1984. One 8 2 7 6 .______________ today. Blanchard 8, FORD, 1971, Maverick. garage. Immediate oc­ Rossetto Realtors," PLAZA owner. Air condition­ Funds for van UConn basketball Fish tmlikely source Come view this beoutl- cupancy. $168,000. U 8, ing, A M /FM Cassette, Needs body work. fully decorated 3 bed­ We're Selling Houses" Runs. $99. Call 647-1824. R Realty, 643-2692.a 646-2482.0 cruise, sunroof. $2375. hinge on testing/3 room raised ranch. CARPENTRY/ 1000 s q . ft. 646-5652.____________ must rely on Smith/11 of fobd sickness/10 Living room, eat-ln- Acres to Roam - Lovely ELECTRICAL kltchen, IVa baths, roc REMODELING Busy Rte. 83, new lOXIsq. ft. 1979 concord. 2 door, home located on 2 plus fLOTS/LAND rental area. In attractive excellent, fully loaded. ITRUCKS/VANS room area, deck, main­ acres In delightful Bol­ shopping plaza. Ideal for re­ tenance free exterior, I FOR SALE DUMAS ELECTRIC Radial tires, new I FOR SALE ton setting. Lots of HANDYMEN/CARPBITERS Service changes, tail, office, professional, serv­ brakes. $1500.00. 649- attached garage, beau- trees, shrubs, flowers LAND-$85,000 approved CleanlnQ. HauHnj, Catpenhy, Ftomodeing additional wiring and ice. 4931._______________ FORD 1985 - F150, long tlfullv landscaped. and privacy. Great Reasonaby Priced Call $157,000. Henry Asso- building lot. Forest Free EsHmalea repairs on existing 1980 DATSUN 210, four ” bed, V6, standard. 61K, views of the yard. Call Hills; $115,000.1.5 acre James J. Gessay Cap. Excellent condl- clates, Inc. 644-4723. Anne. RE/MAX East of A l C a k Answared homes. Quality work at door sedan, 113,000 the River, 647-1419. approved lot. Forest Rick's Handyman & affordable prices. 875-0134 miles. Clean, excellent tlon. 646-2439.________ SOUTH WINDSOR - Hills. Build using your condition. Call 647-9382 $168,500. Owner anx­ Carpentiy Service Entirely owner operated. DODGE - 1986. '150', 318 Reduced to $139,900. plans or sellers. Sentry onytime.____________ CIO, automatic, bed ious to sell this Large Colonial-Cape. Real Estote, 643-4060.O 646-194S 27 years exp. Call beautifully decorated 3 PONTIAC, 1980, Gran liner, tool box, 50K, Vintage woodwork. APPROVED Building Joseph Dumas {INDUSTRIAL $5500. 742-8669. bedroom ranch. New Modern kitchen. FHA- Prlx-6 cylinder, excel­ carpeting, new rec Lots-Private land PAINTIN6/PAPERIN6 64B-S2S3. PROPERTY lent condition, original VA. Buyers welcome. loans available on lots room. Living room, RE/MAX East of the owner, garaged. Call formal dining room, River, 647-1419_______ In Coventry and He­ MANCHESTER-2 large 568-4269._____________ bron. Lots start at McHugh Himself ''e a s y d o e s i t " is the garage bays and office. CARS iMatirliPHlpr Mprali fireplace. Mainte­ We'll MULTI - Level charm, $65,000. Some owner Painting & wallpapering at to describe placing a 1,100 square feet. 647- help you word your od. FOR SALE nance free exterior, 2 convenient location In car garage. A must see. financing and sweet 9976. 643-2711. Cheney Historic Dis­ equity programs are itsbestFraeEstlKs.Fully Z ’w?dot?er«tt^^"" Henry Associates, Inc. trict. Charmingly up­ 644-4723.____________ available. Call for de­ Insured. Establisheed 1974. CLEANING dated. Squeaky clean tails. Flano Real Est­ Thursday, Dec. 7, 1989 Now construction - Gor­ Interior. Soper family ate, 646-5200.0 643-9321 SERVICES Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm Newsstand Price: 35 Cents geous new Garrison room. Asking $134,700. MISCELLANEOUS CLYDE 1990 VOLKSWAGEN Colonial, available for Call Barbara for more SERVICES POLISH woman will CHEVROLET-BUICK, INC. JEHAGL Immediate occupancy. Information. RE/MAX BUSINESS YOU CAN enjoy extra clean your house. For ROUTE 03, VERNON 4 door, 5 speed Great family room. East of the River, 647- vacation money by ex­ more Information call 84 Line. Continental $9,995 PROPERTY changing Idle Items in Quality throughout. 1719. 644-2835, 644-4663. 84 Buick ContU \Afag $5,995 Call Ron for more In­ your home for cash ... SNOW PLOWING 7 NEW office building for RAINBOW Carpet 84 Bonneville 4 Dr. $6,895 formation. RE/MAX with an ad In classified. Commercial and Residential Cleanlng-$19.95 per 1st sale or lease. 5,300 85Electra4Dr. $9,995 Indictment East of the River, 647- CONDOMINIUMS Call 643-2711 to place your Snow blower services available. room. Call 291-8185. $10,244 1419.0 ______________ square foot building ad. 85 Caprice Wagon $6,695 I FOR SALE has twin office suites Cal Mike 6494304 Free estimates. Price reduced - 3 bed­ having many special Mon-Sat 9am-9pm 65 Buick Somerset 4 Dr $7,295 room Colonial, over­ CHFA Approved. Excel­ features. Priced to sell {PAINTING/ 65 Celebrity Wagon $6,695 sized lot, roomy WEKLFS PAMTWG Ca LOW RATES lent 3 room, IV2 bath or lease with build outs Quality work at a PAPERING 86 Honda Civic 2 Dr. $5,695 comfort abounds. Im­ Included. For Informa­ raaaonabls pricsl 86 Delta 88 2 Dr $9,995 ORDER YOURS TODAY produces Townhouse In new con­ maculate Inside and Need repdirs around the dition! Flowing lay-out tion call 646-4464. The Interior a Exterior PAINTING - Interior. 86 Bonneville 4 Dr $6,995 1990 VOLKSWAGEN out. A lot of home. Call with spacious, open de­ Lozier Group._______ Free EAlmatee home? Call an expert. Barbara for more In­ Reasonable rotes. Free 86 Century lA^gon $7,495 . FOX sign. Fireplace and all You'll find the help you 2 door coupe formation. RE/MAX LOCATIONI Location! Call Brian Weigle estimates. Excellent 86 Chevrolet Celebrity $7,195 am enities! $109,900. Location! Newer office need In Classified. 643- East of the River, 647- 6 4 5 -8 9 1 2 ' 2711. work performed. 646- 86 Chevrolet Nova 4 Dr $6,395 Strano Real Estate, suite conveniently Ico- 2149 otter 5pm. 1419.0 ______________ 66 Chevrolet Spectrum $4,995 19 arrests 647-7653.0___________ ated to Route 84. In­ Lots of Room - Charming ONLY Four Units Re­ cludes 2 offices, one on LAWN CARE 86 Chev Cavalier 4 Dr $6,895 3 bedroom Colonial, CONCRETE {MISCELLANEOUS maining. Seclal builder the 2nd floor and 1st 86 Pent Grand Am SE $8/495 By Larry Rosenthal large living room, ex­ financing. 2 bedrooms, floor. Or storage! Also {ser v ic es $7,690 tra large fireplaced quality built Town- wall-to-wall carpeting, 872-9111 The Associated Press family room. Attrac­ Get that chiiriney repaired YARD MASTERS houses. l '/2 baths, gar­ elevator, approxi­ before winterl Call now GSL Building Mainte­ tive lot. Home Is a age with opener. Su­ mately $40.00 a month LEAVES RAKED &REMOVEC nance Co. Commercl- NEW HAVEN — Law officers today arrested the beauty. Very very for heaf. Very Impres­ for a free estimate. Fully Trees cut, yards clean^, perb location. 201-203 ol/ResIdentlol building S ch aller's OROFR YOURS TODAY reputed boss of the Connecticut faction of the Gambino clean. Call Barbara. New State Rood. sive building. Ideal for nsured. Lawns, Brush removal, repairs and home Im­ RE/MAX East of the crime family and 18 other members of the organization Strano Real Estate, attorney's, accoun­ TALAGA MASONRY gutters cleanedi driveways provements. Interior Quality River, 647-1419. 647-7653.0 tant's, Insurancel Take sealed. and exterior painting, on racketeering, illegal gambling and extortion charges, a look. $123,900. Anne 643-8209 Pre-owned Auto HUGE Duplex. S170's. 7-6 MANCHESTER-Priced 643-9996 light carpentry. Com­ 9.9%* federal authorities said. to sell. Immaculate, Miller Reol Estate, 647- plete lanitorlal ser­ Value Priced with newer heating sys­ 8000.D Federal, state and local police officers acted on an in­ tem. Front and rear spacious 3 bedroom, vice. Experienced, rel­ ON ANY iable, free estimates. 83 Olds Ciera dictment handed up Wednesday by a grand jury in porches. 2 car garage, 2'/2 bath Townhouse. ONE OF THE good habits Home offers large kit­ WANT ADS are worth 643-0304. ATA/C.PS $2,900 NEW VW IN Hartford and unseal^ today. and more. Must sell. ROOMS thrifty people hove deve­ Blanchard & Rossetto chen, separate, dining looking Into when you're The indictment named 22 people, 16 from the Stam- room, central air, full FOR RENT loped is dolly reading of looking tor a place *0 86 Ford Tempo STOCK ford-Greenwich and greater Bridgeport areas of Connec­ Realtors," We're Sel­ the ads In classified. AT.A/C.PS $ 4 4 9 5 ling Houses" 646-2482.0 basement, freshly live...whether It's a home, FURNITURE ticut and six from Westchester County, N.Y. Three of the painted. Move right In. MANCHESTER - House That's where they find on apartment or a mobile PRE-OWNED to share. Bus line. $350 value buys. 86 C hew /'^/a suspects were still being sought late this morning. Don't miss this one. home. 10 piece living room set, $142,900.
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