TUESDAY,AUGUST2,2016 €1.20 LIMERICK AND PROUD facebook.com/limerickleader @limerick_leader www.limerickleader.ie WHERE SOLD OUT&ABOUT PICTURE SPECIAL ANOTHER GREATLONG WEEKEND IN LIMERICK CITY SEE PAGES18-19 WASTEPROJECT COUNCILLORS DIVIDED ON NEWPLANS FOR DOCK RD PLAN PARKWAY SITE sets, whichhas an office in the NICK RABBITTS e-mail: [email protected] Riverpointcomplex. Twitter: @nick468official Now,withany fresh applic- PAGE 16 ationfor out-of-townretail THEParkway Valleysite– unlikely to succeed, and the once slatedtobehome to a IDAidentifyingalackofclean ANNIVERSARY officespaceinthecityasabar- massive€100m retail park– rier forfirms investing here, is instead being linedupas multipleparties have indic- FAMILY land forprime office space. ated theParkway Valley site Limerick Cityand County will nowsee ready made ac- REMEMBERS Council is settohold meet- commodation foranother big ings withthe newowners of employer. SLAIN DAD theDublin Road land, Cap- Auctioneer PatKearney ital Assets, to establish its – whose firm Rooney’s Auc- exactplans forthe area. tioneers hadbusiness deal- Withthe permission to ingswithMrSharma build ashopping complexin – says office spacehas been effect expiringonAugust14, “mooted” forthe site, while it is impossible this partic- MayorKieranO’Hanlon ular plan – whichwould have added: “It looks like it will be brought Limerick’s first officeaccommodation there, Marks &Spencer and a whichisbadly needed.” claimed 2,000 jobs – will ever “Thereisademand for see thelight of day. large office complexes. You Sarah Jane turns headatbig race meeting PAGE 10 The man spearheading can see that whereNorthern this project, Belfast-based Trust is located[at the developerSuneilSharma is BallysimonRoad],moredevel- LIMERICK'S Sarah-Jane Moran took part in Friday’sFairLadycompetition at Galway reportedlynolongerinvolved opmentisbeing planned. Of- Races, which concluded overthe weekend. Twoweeks ago, Sarah-Jane won€2,000 cash at thesiteafter Danske Bank at Roscommon Racesafter winningthe SuperValu best dressedladycompetition there, sold theassociated loans to but despiteher eyecatching outfit, did notwin at Galway CONTINUED ONPAGE investmentfirm CapitalAs- NO WATCH OVER 100 TV CHANNELS FOR FREE BILLS NO BILLS EVER!!! TV SKY DISHES ALIGNMENT REPLACEMENT 9LOWER GERALDGRIFFIN ST.|061-596018 /085-1455629 |www.satcity.ie 2 LIMERICK CHRONICLE Tuesday, August 2, 2016 YOUR CHRONICLE WEATHER CONTACTUS Check updateson limerickleader.ie PICTURE OF THE WEEK 54 O’Connell Street,Limerick www.limerickleader.ie EDITOR Eugene Phelan TODAY 061-214503 VERYWARM BUT [email protected] GENERALLYOVER- CAST WITH A HIGH OF 21°C SPORTS EDITOR StevenMiller 061-214514 [email protected] @steven_miller12 TOMORROW ● Main switchboard forour office at WETAND DAMP 54 O’Connell Street,Limerick Call us on WITH TEMPERAT- 061-214500 URESFALLING BACK TO 17°C ● Tell us your story E-mail us at [email protected] ● Place an advert E-mail us at [email protected] ● Photographic sales THURSDAY Copiesofpictures takenbyour photo- graphersaswell as the archivephoto- MORE OF THE graphs in all our editions can be ordered SAME WITH from our office at 54 O’Connell Street, Lim- SHOWERSAND A erick. Theycan also be orderedonline from HIGH OF 17°C [email protected] or through our website www.limerickleader.ie The policyofthe Limerick Leader is to provide our The Limerick Chronicle hasthe readerswith anewsand proud distinction of being Ireland’s information service that oldest newspaperand hasbeen is fair,accurateand bal- publishedcontinuously since 1768, anced. This newspaper adherestothe Code of morethan 120years before its Practice setout by the sisterpaper the Limerick Leader PressCouncil of Ireland first appearedin1889. Formany and is committedtothe yearsthe twotitleswererivals but highest standards of re- the Chronicle was boughtbythe porting.Ifwemakea All that jazz: Free musicattheHunt Limerick Leader in the 1950s, since mistake,wewill en- when theyhavebeenpart of the deavour to correctitat same newspaper‘stable’, and the earliest opportunity. MembersofMusic Generation PeterHanagan on bass, John Daly,drums and Ian Thomas, guitar performing at the lunch time In such instances,please broughttoyou by thesameteamof writetothe editor at 54 jazz session in the HuntMuseum. The free seriesofconcerts have taken place all summer on Thursdays in the museum. The last award-winning journalists. The O’Connell Street, Lim- of the serieswilltakeplace this Thursday, August4at1pm. Formorepictures from last week's performance see pages32-33. Chronicle shares its sisterpaper’s erick, or email ed- PICTURE: ADRIAN BUTLER highly popular website [email protected] www.limerickleader.ie Alternatively youmay contact the PressCouncil of Ireland at 1-3 Westmo- reland Street, Dublin 2. Tel: (01) 6489130. Email: INSIDE YOUR CHRONICLE TWEETS OF THE WEEK Since 1768 [email protected] Limerick’sGot Talentfinal @GoToIrelandUS Limerick rising starsvie for Modern as Limerick Cityis, its his- the topspotatthe finale of torical architectureisavery Limerick’sGot Talentthis pretty plus to anytour Saturdayinthe Lime Tree http://bit.ly/29OB8Ep Theatre See page 17 W We want to hear your news andviews @limerick_leader NEWS .................................................... 1-16 THE GUIDE .......................................... 17 OUT &ABOUT .............................8-19 @GardaTraffic @willleahy CINEMA ............................................... 20 Car towedLimerick for Donald Trump hassaid YOUR LOCALNEWS-ONLINE FASHION &HEALTH .......... 21-26 causing obstruction to that if he’s elected Pres- READERS’PICTURES.............. 27 pedestrians crossingthe identhe’sgoing to ban the Thewebsitefor theChronicle’s sisterpaper, ILOVELIMERICK ................28-29 road,parked on D/yellow sale of pre-shredded www.limerickleader.ie providesthe most comprehensiveand up MOTORS ........................................ 30-31 line.€125toget back cheese.Hewants to make to date news and sports service forthe people of Limerick, at PICTURESPECIAL ...............32-33 Dress to impress: America grateagain home andabroad, sevendaysaweek. Logonfor thelatest CLASSIFIEDS........................... 34-36 Patrick McLoughney developments broughttoyou by our unrivalledteam. SPORT.............................................. 37-39 latest column Page 24 Tue sday, August 2, 20 1 6 LIMERICK CHRONICLE 3 N EWS FA R E W E L L : BRAVE WIFE PAYS MOVING TRIBUTE GET 25% Jockey JT is EXTRA laid to rest CACASH OR CREDIT ÁINE FI TZG E R A L D W:232.52pt H:169.38pt e-mail: a i n e. f i t zg e r a l d @ l i m e r i c k l ead e r. i e Twitter: @ A i n e F i t zg e ra l d A When you recycleyour old unwanted gold this weekatLimerick’s Luxury THE wife of the late JT Mc- Namara paid a heartfelt Three Level JewelleryStore tribute to her beloved hus- band at his funeral Mass e telling mourners how Up to 37.00 he bore his injury with “strength and courage”. perGram “Youalways knewwhere you stood with John. He wasstraight, witty and h o n e s t ,” Caroline Mc- Namara told the hundreds The coffin carrying the remains of the late JT McNamara being of mourners who packed carried from Manister churchPICTURE:MICHAEL COWHEY into St Michael’s Church in Manister for the final son Harry, standing on a passed away last week. farewell to the renowned small stool to reach the mi- JT, 41, wasleft paralysed jo c key. crophone, read a prayer of following a fall at Chel- “There were many, many the faithful. He utteredthe tenham threeyears agoand difficult days buthis sheer words, “We ask the angels to hadsuffered ill healthsince, determination and strength take good care of you. We with frequent admissions to of character gave him three love you Dad.” h o s pi ta l . years and four months to- Jockeys from across Ire- Speaking outside the gether with us,” she said. land and Britain stood si- church, racehorse owner JP At thestart ofthe funeral lent, shoulder to shoulder, McManus in whose racing Mass whichwas celebrated outside St Michael’s colours JT enjoyed many by Canon Garry Bluett, JT’s Church, as the coffin of their wins,paid tributetoCar- JEWELLERS &ANTIQUES two sons, Dylan and Harry brother in racing wascar- oline, describing her as “a walked forwardto their ried to his final place of rest wonderful woman”. f ath e r ’s coffin on which they on Friday. Mr McManus mingled placed his redand white AP McCoy, Ruby Walsh, with many who had trav- GOLD & 9ct to 24ct riding hat and whip. Barry Geraghty,Davy Rus- elled to Manister for thefu- Gold &Silver Canon Bluett described sell and Nina Carberry were neral including Jonjo (CashPayment) JT as “a heroto many among thousands of O’Neill, Enda Bolger, Willie SILVER p e o p l e”. mourners who paid their re- Mullins, Gordon Elliott, There were emotional spects to the renowned TomTaaffe, Mouse Morris scenes when JT’s youngest jockey from Croom who and Ted Walsh. We Buy, Sell or Exchange Office space on the Horizon Your ▲ Jewellery CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 bad impression for business He said this will “i m pac t people and tourists.” positively on our Limerick fices have been mooted at the Cllr James Collins, who 2030masterplan in terms of -Safe &Secure *Discreet -Totally Confidental Parkway Valley, with the sits on the boardof Innovate creating new jobs, homes and -Cash or Chequeonthe spot whole place landscaped Limerick, the local au- community facilities in this n ow,” Mr Kearney said. th o r i ty ’ s development arm, part of the city.” -Weweigh your Gold &Silver
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