Dear friends, 2016 was a very strenuous and eventful year both for the country as a whole and for Ukraine's science sphere. We all witnessed a lot of changes. Yet, our desire to conduct research in compliance with high international standards and promote the innovative development of the national economy and social life remains unfailing. Studying modern problems of fundamental science, Academy researchers continued their proactive efforts in such important areas as energy engineering and energy efficiency, information technologies, new sub- stances and materials, machine building and instru- ment making, medicine and health care, agribusiness and food security, mineral and raw-material resources, nuclear safety and environment protection. Responding to emerging challenges, we significantly intensified our work aiming at novel developments and technologies to strengthen the defense potential and security of the explained the nature and frequency of emerging muta- country. tions; they also developed basic principles of formulat- I'd like to mention some important results of basic ing novel medicines that demonstrated high activity research. Specialists in mechanics and mathematics for against multidrug resistant strains of tuberculosis. the first time ever obtained an analytical class of Scholars in social sciences and humanities worked out Maxwell equation solutions in the field of a rotating a methodology to assess socio-economic impacts of black hole. Cybernetics scientists developed new pio- implementing Ukraine's international energy and envi- neering high-precision and high-speed technologies ronment commitments as well as their effect on the for content recognition of large-volume texts. Physicists energy balance of the country; they also substantiated and chemists found new physical properties of the trends of Ukraine's strategic neo-industrial develop- nanocomposites based on carbon nanotubes with ment. It should be noted that in the previous year major polymethine dyes. Carbon honeycombs — a new 3d publishing projects were continued, and quite a num- form of graphene with unique properties — were discov- ber of fundamental studies were published, in particu- ered. Astronomers calculated the probability of Earth lar, those prepared to mark the 25th anniversary of collision with potentially hazardous asteroids that could Ukraine's Independence, to commemorate the 150th endanger the existence of many life forms. Materials birth anniversary of Mykhailo Hrushevsky, the 160th scientists studied the electrical and optical properties of birth anniversary and the 100th death anniversary of the unique graphene-like semiconductor material — Ivan Franko. The abovementioned facts give convinc- super-thin nanofilms of laminated indium monoselenide ing evidence that the Academy maintains rather high, crystal. Chemists synthesized a number of new hetero- and in some areas international, standards of research. cyclic compounds and studied their biological activity. That is demonstrated, in particular, by the stable num- Researchers working in the field of life sciences pro- ber of papers published by our scientists in high-rank- posed a new hypothesis of genome instability which ing professional journals abroad and by the number of grants won to do research under international scien- tific programs. © National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2017 Besides, a lot of worthwhile results of applied 1 © Akademperiodyka, design, 2017 research and development were produced last year. SUMMING UP THE YEAR For one, mathematicians in collaboration with medical domestic medical preparations. Last year our special- scientists worked out a procedure to synthesize algo- ists in plant genetics and breeding created 6 new plant rithms for processing ultrasound images of human varieties; 3 of those received author's certificates. The carotid arteries. Specialists in cybernetics, using SKIT-4 areas sown with winter wheat varieties amounted to 2 computer, developed 3d models of archeological million hectares or 30% of the areas under this crop in excavation sites, metro stations and passages. Land- Ukraine. cover maps of 10-meter resolution were compiled and Along with significant achievements of the previous the radionuclide mapping of the Transcarpathian year, one cannot but mention several important events reserves was carried out alongside with the evaluation in the life of the Academy. Undoubtedly, that was, first of the so-called 'radiation weather' factors, radon dis- and foremost, the adoption of the new version of the tribution in particular. Significant results of materials sci- NAS Statutes by the NAS General Meeting. This entists are represented by the technology of acoustic guideline document contains a number of important emission monitoring; it is intended for continuous diag- innovations introduced to harmonize it with changes in nostics of industrial pipelines of hot reheat steam and the national legislation (primarily, the new version of for controlling the process of growing profiled single the Law of Ukraine 'On Scientific and S&T Activities'), crystals of metals, specifically tungsten and molybde- improve the management of the Academy and its in- num. Among noticeable achievements one can also stitutions, ensure the essential democratization of mention the technology for conversion of brown coal Academy's inner life. One should also remember that from Ukrainian Olexandriya deposit. In 2016 our sci- 2016 was rich in jubilees of the national scope, which entists also developed a number of products for medi- will make our Academy's history as well. I mean, cine: new antimicrobial polymer composites, a diag- specifically, the 25th anniversary of Ukraine's Inde- nostic test system for quick identification of pneumocys- pendence (the August jubilee session of the General tis that causes pneumocystis pneumonia, and a new Meeting of the National Academy of Sciences of technique for prognosticating the rate of liver fibrosis Ukraine and national sectoral academies was dedica- progress in patients with chronic hepatitis C. Biologists ted to it) and the 25th anniversary of the Referendum implemented a pilot project, which is the first in on Ukrainian Independence, which was also honored Ukraine and Europe, and created a special site and by a Grand Session of NAS General Meeting. electronic database of all plant species in gardens, Among other memorable events of 2016 was the arboreta and parks of this country. Applied achieve- decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine to ments of scholars engaged in social sciences and establish a higher education institution of a new type humanities were enriched with recommendations on within the NAS structure — Kyiv Academy University. Its improving the legal framework of reintegration policy foundation was initiated by the NAS of Ukraine and as an element of the state ethno-national policy of the MES of Ukraine. It is to become a true research uni- Ukraine, and with a technology for compiling the versity, as its education process will be based on the national system of linguistic resources. so-called "Phystech system", i.e. its second- or third- It is important that the Academy furthered its defense year students will take part in actual research. We hope R&D, namely, technologies, materials and facilities for that the foundation of this university will, among other producing modern armament and military equipment, things, strengthen the scientific potential of the information protection systems, camouflage coatings, Academy and enrich it with young talents. Other meas- as well as various medical products to meet the needs ures are taken to involve gifted young people in the of both the military and civilians. activities of NAS institutions, e.g., various forms of sup- One should mention that last year our specialists port, the financial one included. We do everything we implemented a number of developments that had can to stop brain drain and the flight of talented youth already proved their utility and showed a significant from science, though, the decisive role in this undoubt- actual or expected economic effect. Among them, in edly belongs to the state. particular, was the continuation of long-term works to In 2016 the Academy also tested a new procedure extend the operation lives of power-generating units of for evaluating the performance of its institutions, which Ukrainian NPPs beyond the designed time. To manu- was developed relying on German experience (in par- facture parts of aerospace vehicles, wide use is made ticular, that of the Leibniz Association — Leibniz of state-of-the-art materials with high mechanical prop- Gemeinschaft). We propose that this procedure, which erties and performances — heat-resistant and refracto- received positive expert appraisals during Peer Review ry multi-component niobium-based alloys proposed by of the Ukrainian Research and Innovation System, our scientists. In 2016, a new research-and-production should be used in the future — in the public evaluation of unit of the Ukrainian 'INTERKHIM' pharmaceutical research institutions, and its results are to be taken into plant was launched in Odesa (in co-operation with account by the Ministry of Education and Science. 2 NAS O.V. Bogatsky Physico-Chemical Institute). That A very significant event of 2016 was the September will allow a four-time increase in the production of meeting of V.B. Groysman, Prime Minister of Ukraine, SUMMING UP THE YEAR with scientists. It addressed the reformation of the sci- Ukraine',
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