APRIL 2011 THE MAGAZINE OF THE SOUTHERN BICYCLE LEAGUE, INC. LinkingLinking thethe bicyclebicycle communitycommunity ttogetherogether ���������������������������������� ����������������������� Southern Bicycle League pro- ticipate in programs to help their ers rural countryside and offers vides a range of activities and cycling knowledge. All members options for all levels of riders. benefits that help riders of all receive the SBL’s monthly maga- If cycling is already an impor- levels to learn and get more out zine, FreeWheelin’, which features tant part of your life, or if you’re of cycling. The club’s extensive an extensive ride calendar, regis- just getting started and want to ride calendar lists both volun- tration forms for rides through- learn more, you are encouraged teer-led and registered rides in out Georgia and the southeast, to join SBL and get involved. and around metro Atlanta and along with information on fit- There are rides, tours, and vol- the southeast. There are also sev- ness, technique and upcoming unteer opportunities for cyclists eral overnight tours conducted events. Additonal rides and more of all levels, from beginner to over the course of the year. information is online at www. advanced. You’ll learn more In addition, club socials allow BikeSBL.org. about cycling in Georgia, get a new and old members alike to SBL also conducts the annual monthly magazine filled with meet in a casual atmosphere to Wilson 100 each September. The upcoming rides, and make some exchange cycling stories and par- new course, out of Senoia, cov- great friends along the way. Join now! Simply fill out and return the membership form below, or use a credit card to join online at www.BikeSBL.org ������������ � ���������������������������� �� � � � ❏ Individual Annual Name ___________________________________________ Membership...........................................$25.00 Address _________________________________________ RENEW ❏ Family Annual Membership.......................................... $ 38.00 City_____________________________________________ (includes unmarried children to 21) Print Membership ❏ Optional Contribution State _______________________ Zip________________ Number SBL Operations Supporter .................... _____ (top line of mailing ❏ Phone ___________________________________________ label) Optional Contribution Public Affairs Supporter........................ _____ ❏ New Email ___________________________________________ ❏ Change label Total Enclosed ......................................... _____ Do you want your name and address listed in the $10 of SBL Membership dues are used for a one-year subscription to FreeWheelin’ SBL Directory? ❏ Yes ❏ No Yes! I’d like to volunteer: NOTICE: THIS APPLICATION IS A CONTRACT WITH LEGAL ❏ Special Activities Committee CONSEQUENCES. READ IT CAREFULLY BEFORE SIGNING. ❏ Public Affairs Committee ❏ Web site In consideration of my membership, I agree not to hold the Southern ❏ Safety Committee ❏ Wilson 100 Bicycle League, Inc., or any of its members, the board or directors, or ❏ ❏ volunteers liable for any injury or damage, however caused, which may Photography Graphic Design result from participation in any event sponsored by the League. Further, ❏ Tabling at events ❏ Publicity I pledge to abide by Georgia traffic law and ride in accordance with the standards of courtesy and safety as subscribed to by the League. ❏ Monthly FreeWheelin’ mailing ❏ Ride leader ❏ Drop magazines at post office Signature _____________________________________________________ ❏ Organize overnight tours Parent/Guardian if under 18 ____________________________________ Comments and/or suggestions for club activities or events:________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Mail form to: Southern Bicycle League • P.O. Box 88550 • Atlanta, GA 30356 • 678-418-2330 SOUTHERN BICYCLE LEAGUE April 2011 Dedicated to the Promotion of Bicycling Volume 39, No. 4 PRESIDENT ............Joanne Massey 404-375-6789 .................... [email protected] Southern Bicycle League BikeSBL.org VICE PRESIDENT ...Rob Weaver 404-933-5918 4 Origins & Destinations / Joanne & Walt Massey [email protected] SECRETARY ...........John Cowart 6 Letter from the Editor / Teresa Sylvester [email protected] 8 The RealCyclist Report / Jackie Tyson TREASURER ..........Jim Leeper [email protected] 9 President’s Challenge Results 2010 MEMBERSHIP ....... Sydney Weaver 770-851-7727 10 To Share Or Not To Share / Arlen Gray [email protected] 12 Don’t Get Angry / Brent Buice WILSON 100 .........Margaret Bokros [email protected] 13 Where’s The Tiger 2 / Nancy Wylie SPECIAL ACTIVITIES............Walt Massey 14 Balme’s Way / Kathleen Moore 404-375-6789 [email protected] 16 Ye Olde Ride Calendar WEB SITE ..............Chris Barnash 22 The Vintage Fixie Fix / Robert Berry ..............................404-384-3042 [email protected] 24 History of the SBL / Kevin Fitzgerald PUBLIC AFFAIRS ...Nancy Wylie 28 Bike Wars 2 / Richard Waggoner 404-256-1172 [email protected] 30 Coaches Corner / Drew Jordan ADMINISTRATOR & DISTRIBUTION 32 Bikes, Chics, Farms and Fuel / Michelle Osborne ...........................Julie Barnash ..............................404-384-4886 [email protected] 36 Stake Your Claim / Mike Campbell 38 Featured Ride - 3 State/3 Mountain / Dawn Sayler eNEWSLETTER.......Dan Heisel [email protected] CONTRIBUTIONS Call for subscription questions and The SBL welcomes unsolicited contributions of interest to bicyclists from members and non-members. Let- general information or send change of ters and articles should be sent directly to the editor (Teresa Sylvester, emailed to freewheelineditor@gmail. address requests to: com with subject “FreeWheelin Copy”). Original articles are preferred, but reprinted articles may be P.O. Box 88550 Atlanta, GA 30356 considered. In such cases the source of the reprinted article must be clearly identified. FreeWheelin’ Staff SUBMISSION PROCEDURES Articles should be received by the editor no later than the 5th day of the month prior to the issue date CO-PUBLISHERS (i.e., March 5 for publication in the April issue). With the exception of artwork and short notes or letters, Teresa Sylvester all material should be submitted with a hard copy and on disk or via email. All disks will be returned Richard W. Waggoner upon request. If articles are not submitted on disk or via email, publication may be delayed. We may edit submissions for length and/or clarity. We prefer that ads and ride applications be forwarded digitally in EDITOR a PDF format, but a hard copy is acceptable. Teresa Sylvester REPRINTS AND ARTICLES USE IN OTHER CLUB NEWSLETTERS 678-641-1570 Material in FreeWheelin’ may be reprinted by magazines, newspapers and cycling club newsletters for [email protected] informational purposes, provided that the author, the SBL and FreeWheelin’ grant permission. Material may not be reprinted in commercial publications unless written permission is obtained from the Editor ADVERTISING in advance. Russell Colton 678-410-6801 RIDE REGISTRATION/APPLICATION FORMS [email protected] Ride registration forms should be submitted to advertising at [email protected] LAYOUT AND DESIGN Free Wheelin’ (USPS Publication # 1077-8535) is published monthly by the Southern Bicycle League, Richard W. Waggoner Inc., 6 Avondale Road; Avondale Estates, GA 30002-1319. $10 of the $25 annual membership fee 770-622-2490 is a subscription charge for the magazine. Non-member subscriptions are available for $20 per year. [email protected] Periodical postage paid at Decatur, GA and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes and membership applications to SBL, PO Box 88550; Atlanta, GA 30356-8550 SOUTHERN BICYCLE LEAGUE, INC. P.O. Box 88550, Atlanta, GA 30356-8550 THIS MONTH’S COVER: Vintage Fixie photos by Lee Starnes / RealCyclist www.BikeSBL.org photos by Tommy Chandler FREEWHEELIN’ April 2011 3 including the first multiple day overnight tour in 1975 (Decatur, GA to Panama City, FL in four days) and additional overnight weekend tours. Lots of hard work by many, many individuals, couples, and families have resulted in a club that survives to this day, and which still provides the companionship, advocacy, and good health benefits that the Last evening, I had the pleasure of catching club’s founders envisioned back in 1970. up with a long time, loyal friend of the SBL. Kevin Fitzgerald, our “SBL Historian” shared Once again, thank you Kevin for contribut- the early history of the club. Back in May ing and sharing the early history of the SBL of 1970, 10 bicyclists from different areas of with us. Metropolitan Atlanta decided to start a bike club. The SBL continues to grow and evolve from * Network with like-minded bicyclists those early years. As the club started before The original vision was to enjoy the compan- we used computers, rides were only found * Enjoy the companionship of riding in ionship of group rides. Mr. Jan Cox, the first within the Freewheelin’ publication each a group SBL President was interested in promoting month. the
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