![F on ECHU Uiged )Wm Hmul](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Graduati IRATION S; h r in e f o o t b a l l A CENTENNIAL CHI;h u r c h i nON CELEBF Local team s battle Kimberly Methodisilste^eU a : Twin Falls High) SctioolS seniors gel[et their diplomas. it out this weekenc j ■ new building fpr|l? SEE MAGIC VALLEY, B I SEE! sponis, Cl I SEE RELIGION. DI Good Morning High: 88 SATURDAY ■ Low: 57 June 2,2007 Unseasonably warm and 50 cents ^ mostly sunny. Details: B4 ——es-P H lagcM tey.com — Politiei hit thef OnECHUUiGED)wmHMUl paradee | H I [ 2 X 3 G ay an d lesbian floib a t ■ denied entry in W estern Days paradrade By Joshua Palmer Tlmo»News writer__________ TWIN IvMlS - Ifs Ihcle firstfi H iH ite i float to be denied entry intoito diei ‘' VVesicrn Days parade. w M i W W iiilc so m e say die dedsi!Cision was made in defense of cons'onser* \-aiive values, oihers say it w as Im sim ply discrim ination agaiiigainst mm gays and lesbians. T lie W estern DD; ays Committee rejected a gayly anda n Gomzalezmur ider suspt)ecthac lesbian group's request to0 par-p: •* lid p a ic in Uie annual Westc'estem Days p a ra d e ihai cakes ph:place today, Tlie commiiiee said dru|[convicticon earlierr in week • . den ied th e fioai entr^- by ldie p S outhern Idalio Gay. Lesbi; Bisexual and Transgcnc ByJaredS.Hopi(lrillns . held w ithtthoui bail. nninmm of five years in prison, (GLDT) Community Gen Timos-Nows writrlter___________ _ I’o lic e e : say GonZaleZ was iiriciric GonZaleZ is not related to because it was inapproprii slioi muiitiple ul limes at -liil ihevie v ictim . fo ra family event. ^ 'n v iN FALLS-S — A ’l\v in I’alls Fourth AvAve. W. a l a b o u l 1 : 2 0 I’reliininaryl’r( hearings are ■"Jliis is a very conser\’ai man convicteded of drug pos- a.in. Thutluirsday, the result of schecheduled for the four men region w ith stro n g religici session earlierler in (lie week an alteliercaiion ' beiween lune.me II at a.m. values," said Lisa Cuell c h arg ed Fridayl-ri with mur- Gon/ale/.,eZ and a friend »f TTh h e c h arg es catiie <me clay chairw om an of Western1 D;Days . — J der over Thurstrsday morning's Naranjo's.f)'s. afterfter police surrDtnitleil a CommiitCL’. "It’s nothi i n o r m w b M faia l sh o o tin giofanoiher'l\vln o Three i;o otiier men — broth- Maillain Avenue West home forr asaia<« th e group Itself, butijiit w e from left Ihony N tf^ i^ B e n u ^ o Duran, ReytssDuranand Dui _ ^Rillb tiinn. ers Bern;rnardint) Diiraii, .'12, seveiL'ven h o u rs u n til th e D u ran s felt that it w as in cveryboclbody's &icCona!ei,»l]ofT«i;T«in FaDj, during Uielrrwpecthe courtIippearsnccs’ api ' Janies Anilioilony Naranjo, 27. and Reyesyes Duran, 27, and Eric surrciirrendered. Fleveii children b est interest n o t (n allowv thth o ir Friday. Naranlo, 27, wa:was chsised wtth UrTt^degm munler forforthe tl w a s c h a rg e tlbby y tlie'iwin I'alls GonZaleZ,eZ. 22 — were charged wlio,iio had been in the hi)iise ; prosecutor's office were/ere iinhartiied. float in d ie pam dc." IhursdiynionilnsfsttIrtal shootlns of \nctt:{e Moliiu Gonialu,^29,dWn 2S Coiiniy ptohcsecutor in the by the \ , m u r d e r o f ViVicente Molina with acceccessory to murder, a :e wtrt charged nitii acteuory to munler. V Please see PARADE. Page=eoA3 • Gf^nZalcZ, 2‘J. and Is being charge th;thal can carr>- a maxi- PleasePI se e CHARGES. Page A35 N E W B L M MANAGERt New Jayyeo plantIt wJJJ brillngincres ased clasw . ellsayshecaian balance wjobs toI 1M ^ cV jalley uid management,It, development product:tion, nev ByTodTodd Dvorak n ByCiirhStsInbsch M Production of Assocsoclated Press writer H TImoft-Nows writer_________ trarel trailers 30ISI; — The man ® TWIN FALLS-WorkcRiHn- jsident Bush wants lo M E Monday at the ished putting productionn tiilines L'rsee th e U..S. Bureau of B together Friday in thee nnew new Jayco Inc. Landnd M a n ag e m en t say-s ih e r a U -W plant on fcder:leral governm ent, in an era W GG.OOO-square-foot Jayco:o Inc.I • - ’■Tm IH p la n t w here crews ivill be;begin 1 ^ Hankins Road o f rl<irising prices and ever- ra building travel trailra ll.,s I P I In east Twin (^rowi:nving deniaiul for oil and ^ cannot ignore ihe UI Falls. Jayco's '^ “Jou^can Unemploymet tapjied resources stored see weVe dips to L9 iieath millions of acres of M T.taF.ll! g o t tire s p e rc e n t In Mj blic lands across the West. U b a c k th e re . In Twin Falls S m At\t t,the same time. Janies I. H W e've g o t --------------- I h Increase fnm Caswcswell, a veteran foresier H axles ba ck See page C6 m ill trailers a tiotniim in aied by Hush this week there," IB day to 41 bead the oft-maligned yjj,Veteran forester James L Caswell •nc>', believes balance is . Dave Yoder, Jayco gene,en eral 1 ... ■•., 1 ^ when the plant ■'Kcijc stands In front of his office near manager, said during a tout I key to managing public . d and ihai lechnology can the‘‘’® Idaho Statehouse In downtown th e new plant. , i'™ i» P^ operational. • sen the effect drilling, log- BoliBoise, Friday. It is o n e o f tw o buildings i Indiana-based company I g and graZing can have on built on Hankitis Rond In eeast ' lliela: la t n d sca p e a n d wildlife. can'icai just w rite th is stu lf off. li’s a terribly imporlanl activ­ 1\vin Falls a t a cost of S919 nmil- someofjayco'smostcit expensive is a key add itio n toJayco'sT\vinto J . In I\vln Nills,Fal Jayco o p e n e d "WeWe just ha\’e to develop Il’s lion. I iaif of the 57,000-sqiiaquare- trailers. Tlie remaindin d e r o f th e I'alls operations., “Tliat“Ti will give in early 2005i5 w idi 10 em ploy- llw're:■'resources ibat we have," ity for the good of the coun- foot second building willvill b e b uilding i.s for supportlort services us the ability to introincr d u c e n e w ees ai 621 WWashington St. S. O iswiwdi i told The Associated tr)-.iTy." used (0 laminate wallsIs a n d for o th e r Jayco operatirations. models’on the W'estV\'i C oast," i’ress•ss d u rin g a n in te r\ie w floors that will be installedlied in T lie la m in a d n g dej-depariment Voder said. , Please seese JAYCO. Pago A3 fromin Ibis oiUce Friday. "You . PIcaso see BLM, Poeg A3 Workiiigorm the week]end:lin5tak(ke laptops onn vacation, StS ta y i n t o u c h1 'with work ByAIanFrsm s arc inter- The credit —— or culprit, indude nan expectation that 7 ------- :----------------1 Ap-ipsospoi Associated Press writer ______ rupting their unwiminding time depending on oiieOlio’s view — is they b e available;av a worry to c heck in' at th e: oloffice and, in part today’s arrayarn o f devices a b o u t missiniing im portant infor- Stilltill connected while omin vacation W/CSHINGTON— Sunbic[block, even more so, to keeicep up with that can easilyy kkeep people madon; orr inii so m e case s th e About>out ono in five poopio said thoy didjid 5z omewor1< laY oa . Beach umbrella. Laptop. th e so c ial buZZ; digitally teibered:red to work- enloyment.o...of slaying involved, ' I thoir most recent vacation. to analysis and O ne in five people toteded Ilap- About one in fiveI'e said they places, friends and family. Tlie according t i you do tho following on yourmosmost rocont vacotJon? top computers on theirr m o st d id so m e w ork w hilelie vacation- electronic gear waswa; most com- some of thos ma work Call v recent vacations, an /\P-Ip?-Ipsos ing, and about the sasame num- m'only brought;ht along by Nineteen1 pe| rc en t said ihey Som# :allworK to check In poll released Friday said.. Al<Along b er c h ec k ed oRice messagesme or younger people; — one in four worked ondieir d vacation even P_mIBSKIBHi Ba wiUi the 80 percent who10 ssaid ' called in to see hohow tilings below age 40 brourouglit laptops, though theyey w ere technically Checkackw orkm ettagat Taka'ake youf laptop workvolcB mall g r they brouglit along their3lr >cell w ere g oing, th e pollloll show ed, c o m p ared to 1515 p e rc e n t o f ofT. TVvcntyy |percent said they or wor phones, the survey sheshow s 'I\vice a s m a n y checkceked their e- those 50 lo &J andnd eveni less for checked vorkwo messages like l!^'l going on wcation no Ionlonger mail, while 50 percen:ent kept up older people, volcc mail,1, a n d a n o th e r 15 NQ-rg.,TE; Poo ot 1.000 o M t Uk<m May Sfr17, 2007;?00 ol etiw 13 po'Coni means being out of diee cldec- wilh other personalal imessages Reasons vacaticationers per- -percent sailaid they called to ----------- tronicloop.
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