Archdiocese Holds Own Six Nctv Priests In Priestly Personnel T o Be Ordained •.. BY MARTY THARP Richard Hanifen, vice chan­ cial ministry. An example of this is the Capuchin Fa­ The worry today is that cellor, said. BY JAMES R. SENA He points out that many thers. three of whom now priests are leaving the Arch­ have come to serve in a spe­ Six new priests, five for service in the Arch­ diocese. But not much has (Continued on Back Page) diocese and one Jesuit, are to be ordained at been said about the priests Immaculate Conception Cathedral Saturday. who are coming to Denver by choice. Archbishop Casey, who will officiate at the or­ It is true that several Ordinatiipus Bedieait^d dination rites, renewed and simplified a la Vatican priests have left the active To Popo'.s* J iib ifo o II, said he felt both gratified and joyful at the ministry. Several have re­ opportunity to add to the roster of Northern Colo­ tired and three priests died rado priests the five new names. within the past year. But an Pastoral Bulletin They are: equal number have chosen to ennis (irabrian • Dennis Grabrian, 26, native Denverite, son of come to Denver. Dear Family in Christ: On Friday, May 29, our Holy F’alher, Pope Mr. and Mrs. Martin Grabrian, of Evergreen, Colo. The priests coming to Den­ • John Grabrian, 26, native Denverite, son of ver include a number of Paul VI, will commemorate the fiftieth anniver­ Mr. John J. Grabrian and the late Alice, of 4251 Order priests and some from sary of his ordination to the Sacred Priesthood. Clay Street, Denver. other dioceses. They come not On the following day, five young Deacons will • William Joseph Husson, 25, born in Toronto, to replace other priests be incorporated into the same Priesthood of Ontario, Canada, son of Mr. and Mrs. William C. whose assignments have Christ through my instrumentality in our Cathe­ Husson, of Arvada, Colo. been changed but to carry dral Church of the Immaculate Conception. They out a new ministry. • Paul Jennings, 25, born in Cortland, N.Y., son are to be ordained for the service of the People A box score for the diocese of God in the Archdiocese of Denver. of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jennings, of Cortland. would look like this. Three • Robert James Kinkel, Jr., 26, native Denver­ It is with deep joy that our five Deacons have priests died in the past year decided to dedicate their Ordination to the John (irabrian ite, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Kinkel, of and five retired. Twelve have 5612 South Spotswood, Littleton, Colo. left the active ministry. That Priesthood in honor of the Jubilee of His Holi­ • John J. Treloar, S.J., 33, native Denverite, totals 20. ness and in gratitude to God for the Priesthood son of Mr. and Mrs. John Treloar, of 162 South of Christ which they will share with the Holy During the same period 14 Father. Decatur Street, Denver. came to Denver, four more are here on temporary as­ These two events are truly an occasion of See Biographies on Page 2 signment. Two priests were happiness for the universal Chui'ch and in a spe­ ordained Dec. 19. 1969. in cial way for the Church of our Archdiocese as Rome and are now in Den­ together we meditate prayerfully over the mys­ • • • A.nii O ld ev ver for assignment. That to­ tery of the priesthood of Christ. tals 20. It is my, request that, at all Masses in all our Priests Cofntnent parishes and chapels next Sunday. May 31. there William Husson IN ADDITION, five dioce­ should he a special and prayerful commemora­ Father David M. Mangum, director of the Arch­ san priests and one Jesuit tion of the Jubilee ol' our Holy Father. Let us are being ordained this diocesan Vocations Office, said in anticipation of week. pray to Christ, the High and Kternal Priest, to Saturday’s ordinations; Why do priests select Den­ hless Pope Paul and our five newly ordained “We’re very happy with the six new priests, ver? priests and grant them long years of priestly even though their service will hardly meet the ”We like to think and to service to the Church. needs of all the people of God in Northern Col­ hope it is because they feel orado.” thes' can carry out a rel­ Devotedly yours in Christ, Speaking of the priestly training that is now evant apostolale here. We behind the five young diocesan priests. Father hope it is akso because of the Mangum observed; attitudes of the Archoishop Paul Jennings and of the diocese. Ana let’s Archbishop of Denver / face it. the physical climate “THE PRIESTS to be ordained Saturday are is good here, too,” Father y much better trained than we were in our day — that is, .theologically, pastorally, and sociological­ ly, they’re ready.” “In the ‘new look’ in seminary training,” said Father Mangum, “men become deacons almost a year before they are ordained — they get a whole year of what might be called on-the-job training. “When they are finally ordained, they have al­ Robert Kinkel ready performed such pastoral tasks as preach­ ing, baptising, teaching. And in the future, dea­ cons even will be allowed to officiate at wed­ dings.” It’s a real sign of hope, said Father Mangum of the ordinations, “in these times of tension and change. “If Christ taught us anything, it is that the purpose of pain and suffering is not punishment but rather the creative principle of growth and change. IN .\N OPF.N AIK leremony in St. Peter's S<|uaie. Pope Paul VI ordains young pri.'sls. Tlie Pentecost Suiulu.v eereinony marked tin- .'>Otli anniversar.v fJohn Treloiir (Continued on Back Page) the Pope’s ordination to the priesthood. The Pontiff exhortc-il the young men. came from .*1.1 countries. iu*\er to <loid)t their voe;ition and never lu'tri»\* it. lAaisaii JIan i Vicar for Priei^ts Aainccl by Archbit^liop A Vicar for I’ Father that similar fK»sitions are sor to the |)ersonnel board time being he will continue The Per.sonnel Board which tions for (irlesls’ appoint­ Leo Horrigan. has been ap­ being created in other and as advisor to the Arch­ in the administrative post. he headed is the top adviso­ ments. Falhei’ Robert Nevans pointed by Archbishop James dioceses currently. bishop. As Vice C’hancellor he He has a masters degree ry gn»up to the Archbishop on first headed the group. V. C’asey. It seems to In.* a trend. At bccome.s a member of the in guidance and coun.seling per.sonnel matters. Called "a .Members of the Board in­ two workshops s|Minsored by Chancery stafl’ and will take and has l>een chairman of ni()st effective group” hv Fa­ clude Father R o Ih t I Kekei- Father Horrigan is also the National Kwleration of up residence at the Cathe­ the archdioce.san per.sonnel ther Hanifen, th<- l>oard stud­ 1 named Vice ('hancellor of Priests ('ouncils they recom­ board for the past year. ies and makes recommenda­ n ’urn to Page 2) / the Archdiocese. dral. mended the appointments Father Horrigim expre.s.sed Archbishop ('a.sey said at a although the titles are often a great hesitancy at leaving recent preshyterate meeting different, he explained. parish work. He has lK*en ^ that this was a concrete ex­ The new Vicar is oxpecttKl pastor of St. Philornona’s pression oi' liis c(nicern lor to work closely with the Parish and administrator of the welfare of priests of the the newly formed Psych(»loai- ^ di*. and the Arch- diocesim Personnel Board, cal Services ( ’enter. For ine Father Horrigan explained according to Father Richard t h e . C. Hanifen. \’ice Chancellor. (Turn to page 2 for contin­ .S'cc Spet'ial AS VK’AK. Father Horri­ uation and bulletin story on £0208 00 a3AN30 Kl Pamttr gan will serve as counselor Father Richard Hanifen who IS iav3d LLl and advisor to priests, as was appointed Chancellor of Seetian inside liaison het\vcH.*n the priests the Archdiocese after the dH3A r NvSdn A3d isow and the Archbishop, as advi­ BegiaU'rs deadline Tuesday.; d S 0 3 00WH3A000 0£0 ]\ew Priests’ Backj^rounds Varied vicar for Priests 'f ’lir #f<*r. Trinity Parish. Westmin.ster, (C'ontiniii‘d From I'aj'c* 1) in the winter of 19B9. STATEMENT OF ARCHBISHOP CASEY The Kev. .Mr. (irabrian sen, pastor of Our I.ady of W niiii.v (irubvittn REGARDING PRIESTLY PERSONNEL tiraduated from Re^is High L(»urdes Parish; Father Har­ ”As one of tomorrow's ,Sch(M)l in I9B2 and attended IN THE ARCHDIOCESE priests I want tti Ih,* a holy ley Schmitt, pastor of All St. Thomas Seminary from Saints parish; Mst<r. Kols^rt man. one who is in touch 19B2 to' 1970 receiving de­ Jloflrnan. pastor of' St. Mary with (lod. If I am not a holy It is deeply gratifying to be able to say grees in philosophy and a Parish, (’oloraclo Sf>rin^is; man, then I am nolxMly and that I will be ordaining five men to the masters degree in theology Hishoj) (H*t)rj^e Kvaris. and ril he wasting' my time priesthood in the service of the Archdiocese in 1969. Father I.awrence Freeman, trying to lead you to <i(kI,” on May 30th. In addition to the two men assistant pastor at ( ’athedral the Kev.
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