Vol. XVII. APRIL, 1915. No. 49. I 1 I S H A N E GRAIM AR SCH()() L JMAG(AZIN IE. t Isblnt:h II I I I II I N I I Ill U IMa-- i IillAIRI------ II I I I II I The Outridge A i -ii Self-filling SGENUINEI E Ig Fountain Pen SAVER. I I SI Simple Syringe Action, Actual Lenlgth 6t inches. 14ct. Gold Nib. Manufactured Specially for * Outridge Printing Co. Ltd. I SPECIAL OFFER of Free Trial and Guarantee iThiis I'en will h- vnlt you DostagLe Paid ,n receipt of P'ostl Note f(or 5' (Stamnl s will be accep)ted I4 ifmore convenient) Yno, ill I. Pleased " ith the pen. hut we 'lw;rante.. t, s4en you' Money back if ynu ire niol Satisfied, pr)vide', .,t -etrnt it w ithin 7 days SHow to order. -nrI \I,,,r n;time antd a(tlre~s with )otalI order The I'en ~ill ibe in uor huauid., IIcy I. net mril Order Now. IOutridge Printing Company Ltd. 38 Qu*n *tr*t, Briebma. * -- - - - r Brrshane Grammar School M agasint. 8 BRISBRN Grammlar School flDasa3neI Index to No. 49, Vol. XVII. Page Page School Institutions . .. .' State Publie Service Examination 22 Editorial . .. 7 Our University Scholarship Winners 22 Speech D)ay, 1914 . ('ricket Notes .. .. .. 23 I" ignis IDetur Honos " .. .. 10 Rowing Notes .. .. .. 28 The IRoll of Honour .. .. II Swimmning Notes .. .. .. 30 W\ar Notes .. 13 Football Prospects .. .. 32 Mr. R A. Kerr. M..\.. H.S. .. 14 Cadet Notes . .. 33 \\ilson-t('ha)man11Memorial Tablet 1 Junior ('adet Notes . .. 3 hr Four 'niversitv Ist ('lass Hlouse Notes .. .. .. 35 Honour M.1en .. .. l Library Notes . .. 37 Ihe Rhodes Seliolarshiil .. .. 1i ()Old loy-' Association . 37 S(c.cesses Won by Boys .. .. 1i .hlttings .. 40 'niiversit y and O)ther I)istin.t ion, IS Marriages .. 42 l'niversity Sluccesses of ()Oi lHov I Births .. 42 ('niversity S holarshilps .. .. I9 Deaths . .. 42 l'niversity of Queensland .. 19 D. J. CLARKE, barnaceatical Cbcntitt FINNPYv' OI D BUILDINGS. F DWA STRFI' T BRMISHANE. 4 Advertisements, We supply S)ANEll-SEW SCHOOL AS, any size, from 5/6, as shown on sketch, guaranteed to last during the full period of your I Presentation Bags ;Loathe SpGatlng eedg 31mg a 1r MIss NL, IlLN SONS Siagie alanes aes, glum St., Pstri Siht. Gardening, For Boys and Girls is one of the moat healthy and interesting hobbies that can be indulged in out of school hours. There is something new to attract the attention every day, and the f! delight in watching the growth and expansion of the seed you have taken so much trouble to nourish and tend. But to properly work your ground you must have good Garden Tools, such aa Hoes. Rakes. Forks. Spades. Garden Shears. Hand Forks, &c., &c. These you can get at our Store, and the goods are all of the highest quality, durability, and efficiency, and suitable alike for the amateur or the skilled gardener. Make a point of calling, and let us show you our collection of Garden Tools, as well as other serviceable goods. B. O. WILaSON t& CO,, SI(Opposite Pavilion Picture Show) Ironmongers, &c. 162 QUEEN STREET. UiJ Brisbane Grammar School Magesine. 6 SeAhoo Institutions School Committee. SPORTS' MASTER .. .. .. MR. S. STEPHENSON HON. TREASURER .. .. MR. R. E. THWAITES CRICKET CAPTAIN .. .. .. K. B. FRASER FOOTBALL CAPTAIN .. .. .. A. J. HAMMOND COMMITTEE .. K. B. FRASER, H. W. JONES, P. W. HOPKINS, A. J. HAMMOND, E. B. FREEMAN DELEGATE TO Q.L.T.A. .. .. MR. A. MOTTERSHEAD OTHER CAPTAINS :-2nd, R. S. H. BROWN; 3rd, MACDONNELL; 4th, RHODES; 5th, COLLEDGE ; 6th, DUNNE ; 7th, JOHNSTON ; 8th, ROBERTS. Librarians.-E.G. WAGNER, R. K. KNIGHT. House Pre/fects.-E. B. FREEMAN, K. B. FRASER, H. W. ANDERSON, A. J. HAMMOND, S. FRASER School Prefects.-K. J. (;. WILSON, S. L. ROBINSON, O. F. BLAKEY, E. FOSTER, T. HEIN B.G.S. Magazine. HONORARY MANAGER .. .. .. MR. A. J. MASON EDITOR .. .. .. .. T. HEIN Cadet Corps.---6TH BATTALION, SENIOR CADETS. OFFICER COMMANDING .. .. CAPTAIN F. S. N. BOUSFIELD F. COMPANY. SUBALTERNS .. 2ND LIEUTENANTS H. W. JONES, L. MICHELI COLOUR SERGEANT .. .. .. \W. \'. WILSON SERGEANT .. .. .. .. C. YOUNG CORPORAL .. .. .. .. .. K. B. FRASER G. COMPANY. OFFICER COMMANDING .. .. LIEUTENANT I. A. DAKIN SUBALTERNS .. .. 2ND LIEUTENANTS K. WILSON, E. GEE COLOUR-SERGEANT .. .. .. R. K. KNIGHT SERGEANT .. .. .. .. S. L. ROBINSON M. COMPANY. OFFICER COMMANDING .. .. LIEUTENANT A. J. MASON SUBALTERNS .. .. 2ND LIEUTENANTS P. HOPKINS, E. B. FREEMAN, A. E. MASON SERGEANTS .. O. F. BLAKEY, O. HIRSCHFELD, T. HEIN Band. BUGLERS W. CAMPBELL, THOMPSON, C. CLEGHORN, AUSTIN, SUESS, W. T. ROBERTSON PIPERS .. .. .. LAWTON, A. R. CLEGHORN DRUMMERS SERGT. EARNSHAW, M. J. MORGAN, PARNELL, CARR Junior Cadets. OFFICER COMMANDING .. .. .. IIEUT. I. A. DAKIN INSTRUCTOR IN PdrYS;CAL EXERCISES .. .. MR. BETTS B.G.S.O.B.A.: Hon. Sec. MR. J. G. NOWLAN, Bris. Grammar School, and Treas. ) or " Ky-vam," Bismarck St., Clayfield. P.G.F.C. Hon. Sec., Mr. B. SHAW, c/o Harringtons Ltd., Queen St. IF i_ ' t i !t ' ii i i , i ! ii :1I I SI !:jf4 i , ii Brisbane Grammar School -" .- MAGAZ IN E. Published Three Times a Year. Vol. X VII. APRIL, 1915. No. 49. Subscriptions, Is. 6d. per annum, or is. qd. posted, are payable to tihe Business Manager, A. J. MASON. Ioys' Grammar School The Ediior will welcome contributions or correspondence from present or past members of the School. Subscribers are requested to inform the Insiness Manager of any change of Address. Cditorial " Scholars come and scholars go, The School goes on for ever." The above remark is a truism, but, nevertheless, apt even if it is a parody on " The Brook." All of last year's Upper Sixth, and many of the Upper Fifth have left us, but still, owing to the influx of some two hundred new boys, the average attendance of the School is higher than it has ever been. It has therefore, been found necessary to erect ne\w buildings, which are now in course of construction, while a new playshed has been completed. The teaching staff has also been enlarged by the addition of Messrs. Kaeppel, Clark and Fischer, and we take this opportunity of welcoming them to the School. The cricket season has now closed, and although we have not done quite as well as we might in the fixtures, we succeeded in defeating Toowoomba for the first time in five years. Since the commencement of the University year, we have lost our captain, A F. Paton, who, juding by his recent performances, should be even more successful with the University XI. than with the B.G.S. XI. He has been succeeded in his captaincy by K. B. Fraser, who, juidging by his popularity and knowledge of the game. should prove a worthy leader. 8 Brisbane Grammar School Magasine. Football will now take the place of cricket, and judging by the keenness of the younger members of the School, the season ought to be very successful for the various XV's. Since last year, the football captain, L. A. A. Forbes, has left the School, and his place has been taken by A. J. Hammond, who, we have no doubt, will prove an enthusiastic and persevering captain. On February 23rd, the " Trial Fours " was rowed, and medals have since been presented to the winning crew, by Mr. Bousfield. We offer them our sincerest congratulations. Drill has again started, and owing to Captain Bousfield's appointment as Battalion Commander, F. Company is now com- manded by Lieutenant Kaeppel. The work is now entered into with enthusiasm, as every day we see men who ere long will go to the front to defend the Mother Country. We are publishing in the present magazine a list of Old Boys who have offered their services in defence of liberty, and the Empire which is itself the personification of liberty ; and the least we can do is to wish them a speedy and safe return. The list now includes one hundred and seventy three names. We offer our congratulations to Aitken, Byth, Horn, Cooling and Mott, on winning their University Scholarships, and also to those who were successful in the Senior and Junior University Examinations. We are pleased to report that Mr. J. N. Radcliffe has gained the Rhodes' Scholarship for this year, and that Messrs. Molesworth. Gillies, Mursell, and R. M. Wilson have attained the high distinction of First Class Honours in their Final Degree Examinations at the Queensland University. Out of six first class honours awarded by the University this year, no less than four fell to Old Boys of this School. We offer them our hearty gratulations. With the large increase in numbers for 1915, we have reason to believe that this year will be even more successful than previous years. We beg the more youthful members of the School to remember the School motto, " Nil sine Labore," and to increase the reputation of the School in scholarship and sport, so that the proud father when asking, " What shall I do with my boy ? " will he answered by all, " Send him to the B.G.S. ! " In conclusion, we want to remind the scholar of the B.G.S. that he is not to sever his connection with the School after his three or five years' stay there. It is his duty to keep in touch with the School and old friends by becoming a member of the Old Boys Association. Owing to his increase of studies, last year's editor, E. B. Freeman, has been obliged to resign his position. We cannot estimate his success too highly, and his work for the Magazine has been appreciated by all.
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