Application Number 19/00873/FUL Proposal Construction of 23no. houses at site of former Heritage House Nursing Home, Huddersfield Road, Stalybridge together with associated access road and hard and soft landscaping. Site Site of the Former Heritage House Nursing Home, Huddersfield Road, Millbrook, Stalybridge, SK15 3JL Applicant Toto Worldwide Properties Ltd Recommendation Members resolve to grant planning permission subject to completion of a section 106 agreement. Reason for Report A Speakers Panel decision is required because the application constitutes a Major development. 1.0 APPLICATION DESCRIPTION 1.1 The application seeks full planning permission for a residential development comprising of 23 dwellings and associated infrastructure. Negotiations on the application have resulted in the loss of a dwelling from that initially proposed. 1.2 The accommodation would comprise of 1 x 2bed, 11 x 3bed and 11 x 4bed properties including terrace blocks, semi-detached and detached units measuring from 81 to 129sqm. All of the properties would have private in-curtilage parking with 2 spaces for the 3 & 4 bedroom units and 1 space for the 2 bed unit. 1.3 The dwellings would be constructed on land previously occupied by Heritage House Nursing Home. Access would be taken from an existing un-adopted road which extends along the boundary of St James Church to Huddersfield Road. 1.4 The application has been supported by the following documents: Design & Access Statement; Heritage Statement; Archaeology Report; Crime Impact Statement; Ecology Report; Drainage Strategy; Flood Risk Assessment; Utilities report; Tree Survey Full Plans Package; 3D Montages. 2.0 SITE & SURROUNDINGS 2.1 The application relates to land located to the rear of the Grade II listed St James Church Millbrook, Stalybridge. The site was previously occupied by Heritage House nursing home. The building was subject to a fire and the land has been cleared of the former buildings with only areas of hardstanding and associated building material remaining. The unoccupied nature of the site is attracting incidences of fly-tipping. 2.2 The site is rectangular in shape and measures approximately 0.5ha in area. The redline extends to the west where it meets Huddersfield Road. The access road is un-adopted and serves as the access to a car park located to the rear of the church in addition to field entrance to the north. The site is located just within the Millbrook Conservation Area boundary which ends along the northern boundary. Electricity pylons cross the agricultural fields found to the north and east but all supported cables do not cross the site boundary. 2.3 Levels fall across the site to the western boundary with Huddersfield Road, the fall from the eastern boundary is in the region of approximately 6m. Tree cover is mainly limited to the sites boundaries particularly that along the access road and St James Church all of which are subject to a group Preservation Order. The nearest residential properties are those which front Shakespeare Avenue across the southern boundary, the majority of these are separated from the site by a former builders compound. No.s 21 & 23 do however share an immediate boundary to the south. Farmland abuts the sites northern and eastern boundaries. 3.0 PLANNING HISTORY 3.1 17/00294/CON - Demolition of the fire damaged building known as Heritage House – Approved 07/06/2017 4.0 RELEVANT PLANNING POLICIES 4.1 National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) 4.2 Planning Practice Guidance (PPG) 4.3 Tameside Unitary Development Plan (UDP) Allocation: Unallocated within the northern boundary of the Millbrook Conservation Area. 4.4 Part 1 Policies 1.3: Creating a Cleaner and Greener Environment; 1.4: Providing More Choice and Quality Homes; 1.5: Following the Principles of Sustainable Development; 1.6: Securing Urban Regeneration; 1.11: Conserving Built Heritage and Retaining Local Identity; 1.12: Ensuring an Accessible, Safe and Healthy Environment; 4.5 Part 2 Policies H2: Unallocated sites H4: Type, size and affordability of dwellings H5: Open Space Provision H6: Education and Community Facilities H7: Mixed Use and Density. H10: Detailed Design of Housing Developments OL4: Protected Green Space. OL10: Landscape Quality and Character T1: Highway Improvement and Traffic Management. T10: Parking T11: Travel Plans. C1: Townscape and Urban Form C2: Conservation Areas C4: Control of development in or adjoining Conservation Areas N4: Trees and Woodland. N5: Trees Within Development Sites. N7: Protected Species MW11: Contaminated Land. U3: Water Services for Developments U4 Flood Prevention U5 Energy Efficiency 4.6 Other Policies Greater Manchester Spatial Framework - Publication Draft October 2016 Residential Design Supplementary Planning Document Trees and Landscaping on Development Sites SPD adopted in March 2007. 4.7 National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) Section 2 Achieving sustainable development Section 8 Promoting healthy and safe communities Section 9 Promoting sustainable travel Section 11 Making effective use of land Section12 Achieving well-designed places Section14 Meeting the challenge of climate change, flooding and coastal change Section 15 Conserving and enhancing the natural environment 4.8 Planning Practice Guidance (PPG) This is intended to complement the NPPF and to provide a single resource for planning guidance, whilst rationalising and streamlining the material. Almost all previous planning Circulars and advice notes have been cancelled. Specific reference will be made to the PPG or other national advice in the Analysis section of the report, where appropriate. 5.0 PUBLICITY CARRIED OUT 5.1 In accordance with the requirements of the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015 and the Council’s adopted Statement of Community Involvement the application has been advertised as a Major Development within a Conservation Area and Setting of Listed Building: Neighbour notification letters to 48 addresses (issued on two occasions to reflect amendments) Display of a site notice Advertisement in the local press 6.0 RESPONSES FROM CONSULTEES 6.1 Arboricultural Officer – Site has been amended to reflect previous comments to ensure the retention of TPO tree on the western boundary, the root protection and canopy area of which will not be constructed within. Removal of trees to facilitate the access road can be tolerated subject to a condition securing replacement planting within a high quality scheme. 6.2 Coal Authority – Site falls within a low risk area therefore further investigation into coal mining legacy is not required. Recommend that standing advice is applied as an informative in the interests of Health and safety. 6.3 Contaminated Land – In recognition of the former development there is potential for contamination to be present at the site associated with the former building. No objections subject to a contaminated land condition in order to ensure all risks posed by contamination are appropriately addressed during any development of the site. 6.4 Environment Health Officer – No objections recommend restrictions on the hours between which works should be undertaken. 6.5 Greater Manchester Ecology Unit – No objections. Note that where possible boundary vegetation, and particularly the trees and shrubs at the southern / eastern boundaries should be retained. Also advise; That a Construction Management Plan be prepared for the development, with particular attention paid to the need to prevent any contamination of the small watercourse adjacent to the site from surface water discharges. That no tree felling or vegetation clearance required to facilitate the works should take place during the optimum time of year for bird nesting (March to July inclusive). All nesting birds their eggs and young are protected under the terms of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981. 6.6 GMAAS – Confirm that the Archaeological Desk Based Assessment has been prepared in accordance with agreed professional standards and meets the objectives set-out in National Planning Policy Framework (2019) paragraph 189. The DBA concludes that there is a very low potential for any archaeological interest to remain in this site. GMAAS accepts the conclusions and are satisfied that the proposed development does not threaten the known or suspected archaeological heritage. On this basis there is no reason to seek to impose any archaeological requirements. 6.7 Highway Authority – Are satisfied that the size of the development and the number of car journeys predicted would have a negligible impact on existing vehicle trips on Huddersfield Road. In addition they are satisfied that Tameside Parking Standards have been met under the Residential Design SPD RD8 and all turning heads required for site traffic/refuse vehicles /emergency service vehicles to enter/leave the site in a forward gear comply with Tameside Highway Standard Details for adopted roads and Manual for Streets Requirements. 6.8 Lead local Flood Authority – Recommend that full drainage details are conditioned which will require full investigation into the drainage hierarchy. 6.9 TFGM – Note that the quantum of development falls below TfGM’s requirement for a highway impact assessment. Consider that the number of trips likely to be generated by the development would be negligible. Comment that: The access serving the development should be able to accommodate two way traffic flows and the access junction should have dropped kerbs and tactile paving. Adequate sightline
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