Mammals BEARS EARS NATIONAL MONUMENT WILDLIFE Highlighted in the 2016 PROCLAMATION PREPARED BY JONATHAN BARTH & THOMAS MEINZEN Tim Peterson “ The diverse vegetation and topography of the Bears Ears area, in turn, support a variety of wildlife species . Protection of the Bears Ears area will preserve its . diverse array of natural and scientific resources, ensuring that the . scientific values of this area remain for the benefit of all Americans. NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA . hereby proclaim the objects identified above that are situated upon lands and interests in lands owned or controlled by the Federal Government to be the Bears Ears National Monument.” Excerpts from Bears Ears National Monument Proclamation, December 28, 2016 1 cover photo: Bears Ears from Valley of the Gods, by Tim Peterson cover photo inset left to right: James Marvin Phelps, Thomas Meinzen, Greg Schechter, National Park Service, Steve Jurvetson Seventy-six WILDLIFE SPECIES were noted in the Proclamation that established Bears Ears National Monument. This booklet, as well as the Proclamation, are intended to help all of us acknowledge wildlife as one of the many values Bears Ears National Monument offers our nation. The wildlife species are grouped first by class (mammal, amphibian, etc.), then by large and small animals (within acknowledgements mammal, bird and reptile classes), then by family (cat family, raptor family, etc.) and subsequently by common name. Jonathan Barth and Thomas Meinzen, skilled volunteer Mammals (3o species) and intern (respectively) have compiled this booklet with Page 5 the guidance of Mary O’Brien. Many photographers (listed below each photo) have generously given permission for Birds (25 species) Page 10 their images to be used; a number of which are available under the “creative commons”: https://creativecommons. Reptiles (10 species) org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/. Joan Carstensen did the Page 15 beautiful design and layout. We recognize President Amphibians (6 species) Barack Obama for designating the Monument where these Page 17 extraordinary wildlife live. Crustaceans (3 species) Page 18 Insects (2 species) Page 19 2 3 Mammals Wildlife listed as “near threatened,” “threatened,” or “endangered” are species at risk of global extinction according to the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, or the U.S. Endangered Species Act in the case of subspecies such as the Southwestern Willow Flycatcher and the Mexican Spotted Owl. The moth species noted as “endemic” is only found within the Colorado Plateau region. black bear bighorn sheep bear family (Ursidae) bovid family (Bovidae) Ursus americanus Ovis canadensis N. LEWIS INGRID TAYLAR name from Proclamation Mexican spotted owl true owl family (Strigidae) common and bobcat cougar Strix occidentalis lucida scientific name cat family (Felidae) cat family (Felidae) scientific name threatened THOMAS MEINZEN of family of species Lynx rufus Puma concolor MALCOLM NATIONAL PARK SERVICE special classification photographer We recognize that there are many more wildlife species in Bears Ears National Monument than those listed here. This document merely presents the animal species that were highlighted in the Proclamation. We hope that soon a complete list of the wildlife of Bears Ears National Monument will be developed. elk mule deer deer family (Cervidae) deer family (Cervidae) Cervus canadensis Odocoileus hemionus FOOTWARRIOR NICK MYATT 4 5 Mammals Mammals coyote gray fox Botta’s pocket gopher canyon mouse dog family (Canidae) dog family (Canidae) gopher family (Geomyidae) new world rat family (Cricetidae) Canis latrans Urocyon cinereoargenteus Thomomys bottae Peromyscus crinitus U.S. FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE JAMES MARVIN PHELPS CHUCK ABBE STEVE MLODINOW north american porcupine ringtail desert woodrat North American deermouse porcupine family (Erethizonidae) raccoon family (Procyonidae) new world rat family (Cricetidae) new world rat family (Cricetidae) Erethizon dorsatum Bassariscus astutus Neotoma lepida Peromyscus maniculatus J. GLOVER ROBERT BODY JULES JARDINIER NATIONAL PARK SERVICE striped skunk American badger pinyon mouse black-tailed jackrabbit skunk family (Mephitidae) weasel family (Mustelidae) new world rat family (Cricetidae) rabbit family (Lagomorpha) Mephitis mephitis Taxidea taxus Peromyscus truei Lepus californicus DAN DZURISIN OREGON DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND WILDLIFE SALLY KING/NATIONAL PARK SERVICE THOMAS MEINZEN 6 7 Mammals Mammals desert cottontail dwarf shrew white-tailed antelope squirrel big free-tailed bat rabbit family (Lagomorpha) shrew family (Soricidae) squirrel family (Sciuridae) free-tailed bat family (Molossidae) Sylvilagus audubonii Sorex nanus Ammospermophilus leucurus Nyctinomops macrotis JAREK TUSZYŃSKI VLADIMIR DINETS JAREK TUSZYŃSKI M. SIDERS Merriam’s shrew Abert’s squirrel pallid bat silver-haired bat shrew family (Soricidae) squirrel family (Sciuridae) vesper bats family (Vespertilionidae) vesper bats family (Vespertilionidae) Sorex merriami Sciurus aberti Antrozous pallidus Lasionycteris noctivagans STEVEN MLODINOW NATIONAL PARK SERVICE U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY MADAME LAZONGA Colorado chipmunk Gunnison’s prairie dog spotted bat Townsend’s big-eared bat squirrel family (Sciuridae) squirrel family (Sciuridae) vesper bats family (Vespertilionidae) vesper bats family (Vespertilionidae) Neotamias quadrivittatus Cynomys gunnisoni Euderma maculatum Corynorhinus townsendii LARRY JOHNSON TOM BENSON PAUL CRYAN/U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT 8 9 Birds Birds American kestrel peregrine falcon northern harrier red-tailed hawk falcon family (Falconidae) falcon family (Falconidae) raptor family (Accipitridae) raptor family (Accipitridae) Falco sparverius Falco peregrinus Circus cyaneus Buteo jamaicensis GREG HUME CHRISTINE LANDES LINDA TANNER THOMAS MEINZEN bald eagle ferruginous hawk flammulated owl great horned owl raptor family (Accipitridae) raptor family (Accipitridae) true owl family (Strigidae) true owl family (Strigidae) Haliaeetus leucocephalus Buteo regalis Psiloscops flammeolus Bubo virginianus MURRAY FOUBISTER MIKE LOCKHART JIM BURNS THOMAS MEINZEN golden eagle northern goshawk Mexican spotted owl Merriam’s wild turkey raptor family (Accipitridae) raptor family (Accipitridae) true owl family (Strigidae) turkey/chicken/quail order (Galliformes) Aquila chrysaetos Accipiter gentilis Strix occidentalis lucida Meleagris gallopavo merriami ROMAN LACOBUCCI NORBERT KENNTNER threatened THOMAS MEINZEN ANDY REAGO & CHRISSY MCCLARREN 10 11 Birds Birds pinyon jay sage thrasher cliff swallow violet-green swallow crow family (Corvidae) mockingbird family (Mimidae) swallow family (Hirundinidae) swallow family (Hirundinidae) Gymnorhinus cyanocephalus Oreoscoptes montanus Petrochelidon pyrrhonota Tachycineta thalassina U.S. FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE DOMINIC SHERONY ANDY REAGO & CHRISSY MCCLARREN ALAN VERNON canyon towhee sagebrush sparrow white-throated swift ash-throated flycatcher new world sparrow family new world sparrow family (Emberizidae) swift family (Apodidae) tyrant flycatcher family (Tyrannidae) (Emberizidae) Melozone fusca Artemisiospiza nevadensis Aeronautes saxatalis Myiarchus cinerascens ALAN D. WILSON DOMINIC SHERONY CALEB PUTNAM THOMAS MEINZEN common nighthawk mourning dove southwestern willow flycatcher Williamson’s sapsucker nightjar family (Caprimulgidae) pigeon and dove family (Columbidae) tyrant flycatcher family (Tyrannidae) woodpecker family (Picidae) Chordeiles minor Zenaida macroura Empidonax traillii extimus endangered Sphyrapicus thyroideus THOMAS MEINZEN U.S. FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE JIM RORABAUGH/U.S. FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE FRANCESCO VERONESI 12 13 Birds Reptiles rock wren gopher snake night snake wren family (Troglodytidae) colubid snake family (Colubridae) colubid snake family (Colubridae) Salpinctes obsoletus Pituophis catenifer Hypsiglena torquata WOLFGANG WANDER THOMAS MEINZEN GARY M. STOLZ striped whipsnake western rattlesnake colubid snake family (Colubridae) viper family (Viperidae) Masticophis taeniatus Crotalus oreganus J. MAUGHN/FLICKR BILL BOUTON Utah night lizard eastern fence lizard night lizard family (Xantusiidae) spiny lizard family (Phrynosomatinae) Xantusia vigilis Sceloporus undulatus CHRIS BROWN GREG SCHECHTER 14 15 Reptiles Amphibians ornate tree lizard sagebrush lizard Great Basin spadefoot tiger salamander spiny lizard family (Phrynosomatinae) spiny lizard family (Phrynosomatinae) spade-foot toad family tiger salamander family (Ambystomaditae) Urosaurus ornatus Sceloporus graciosus (Scaphiopodidae) Spea intermontana Ambystoma tigrinum tiger NATIONAL PARK SERVICE JERRY FRIEDMAN NATIONAL PARK SERVICE MATT REINBOLD side-blotched lizard plateau striped whiptail red-spotted toad Woodhouse’s toad spiny lizard family (Phrynosomatinae) whiptail lizard family (Teiidae) toad family (Bufonidae) toad family (Bufonidae) Uta stansburiana Aspidoscelis velox Anaxyrus punctatus Anaxyrus woodhousii JUDY GALLAGHER ALAN VERNON U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY NATIONAL PARK SERVICE canyon treefrog northern leopard frog tree-frog family (Hylidae) true frog family (Ranidae) Hyla arenicolor Lithobates pipiens NATIONAL PARK SERVICE U.S. FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE 16 17 Crustaceans Insects clam shrimp fairy shrimp (no English common name) pothole beetles clam shrimp order (Conchostraca) fairy shrimp family (Branchinectidae) leafroller moth family (Tortricidae) predaceous diving beetle family Conchostraca order Branchinecta spp. Pelochrista navajoensis (Dytiscidae) Dytiscidae family TIM GRAHAM CHRISTIAN FISCHER DON WRIGHT CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FISH & GAME tadpole shrimp tadpole shrimp family (Triopsidae) Triops spp. STEVE JURVETSON 18 19 TO READ THE PROCLAMATION, GO TO: obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/the-press-office/2016/12/28/ proclamation-establishment-bears-ears-national-monument This booklet is available on the Grand Canyon Trust website. grandcanyontrust.org/bears-ears-wildlife BEARS EARS NATIONAL MONUMENT WILDLIFE Highlighted in the 2016 PROCLAMATION .
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