TODAY'S LIGHTING-UP TIME Sunrise: 6.13 a.m.—Sunset: 6.36 p.m. TODAY'S WEATHER FORECAST Lighting-up time: 7.06 p.m. Rule of road: MORNING — Mainly Fine " KEEP LEFT—PASS ON THE RIGHT AFTERNOON — ditto 3Hj? Eopl (ffeifr att» #0lnmal Sattti INCORPORATING THE ROYAL GAZETTE (Established 1828) and THE BERMUDA COLONIST (Established 1866) VOL. 18—NO. 75 HAMILTON, BERMUDA, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 29, 1933 3o PER COPY—40/- PER ANNUM IMPERIAL AIRWAYS! DISASTER "NEAR ESSEN Lt. BAILLIE-STEWART I IN THE HOUSE | COLONIAL FINANCES INTERNATIONAL YACHTING THEYJAY Willing to Spend, But no Money FOUND NOT GUILTY The Forthcoming Sound Interclub Yachts Due That the minutes of the Corpora­ tion meeting contain much of In view of the present state of Monday interest. Election colonial finances, the following Free State Taxes Bread from North — Nazis * * * may be of interest to the public. j The four Interclub Yachts which Threaten Counter Boycott—Sugar Profiteer­ According to the last Treasury That the proposal to keep the lower Candidates to Put Up are coming to Bermuda to give verandahs on Front St. free from Reports, at the end of February battle to the Royal Bermuda Yacht ing Stirs Canada—Claim Foreign Steam­ there was in the Public Treasury a obstruction for the passage of £50 Deposit Club One Designs are due to arrive pedestrians may be the beginning debit balance Of £5,834-4-6 on gen­ on the "Queen of Bermuda" April ships Owe U.S. Half Billion—Western eral account for 1933 and a credit of bigger schemes. "Practically at its last gasp," 3. The se yachts are:'' Poppy'' saile d * * * balance of £19,l05-ll-o on Suspen­ by Briggs Cunningham, "Opal II" Union's Assets Decline—Winni­ to quote one member, the House That the Railway Company has sory Account, which latter amount sailed by E. P. Alker, "Bee" sailed of Assembly yesterday afternoon asked permission to name one of was made up of the f 13,066 carried by Clarence Smith and "Thetis" peg Grain Exchange Plan Re­ devoted its attention to two mat­ its locomotives "The City of to this fund from 1932 and £6,039 sailed by G. S. Gardiner. moval — Cuba Considers ters of importance—the policy of from previous years. During Jan­ Hamilton." the Board of Immigration and the uary and February of 1933 no pay­ Definite arrangements have been * * * Moratorium — Premier procedure for the forthcoming ments were shown from Suspensory made for the races to commence That this must be a locomotive for election. Account, though expenditure went on Thursday. April 6, and following an express train. Bennett Asks Sound The Immigration Bill, in its on as usual from General Account. week days. The yachts will sail as * * * a team, four Interclubs v. four original form placing upon em­ Since January 1st last the follow­ That one wonders what would have Financing ployers the onus of first ascertain­ Bermuda One Designs. Each race happened if the company had ing measures have been passed by will be scored on the point system. ing whether any person they em­ named it without asking permis­ MRS. "JIMMIE" WALKER GETS DIVORCE the Bermuda Legislature, on the The winning yacht will receive one ploy is in Bermuda legally, passed sion. understanding that tho money point for finishing and one point through committee, but not * * * was to come out of Suspensory for each yacht she defeats. The without amendment. As it finally That some one might have brought Account. second yacht will receive one point CAMPAIGN AGAINST SECESSION IN an action for libel. passed the employer who knowingly for finishing and one point for each * * * WEST AUSTRALIA. and wilfully employs a person to Suspensory Account Appro­ yacht she defeats and so forth. That a long time ago it was held Bermuda illegally is liable to a priation Resolve (No. 1), The team first to win three races that corporations "cannot com­ penalty. Similarly it will be an 1933, £ 428 will be the winner of the series. The mit treason, nor be outlawed, offence for an employer to bring T.s.s. Prince David Resolve races will commence at 2.45 p.m., such forestalling of taxation, he nor excommunicate, for they IMPERIAL AIRWAYS LINER anyone to Bermuda without the 1933, 140 start and finish to be in the Great said, but he added that the situa­ have no souls." Board's sanction. Hen Island Purchase Act, Sound. CRASHES; 15 KILLED tion must be enquired into, and if * * * There was long and sometimes 1933 450 a remedy could be found it should heated discussion on the Bill, the The yachts to represent Bermuda That the arrival of 1000 visitors in Four Leap From Flaming Plane be applied. will be as follows: "Cardinal" N. B. one day cheered many. .principal argument against it be­ £1 ,018 * * * ing that already the Board was Dill, "Longtail," E. C. Gosling, * * * But Parachutes Fail Them CLAIMS $600,000,000 DUE FROM "Starling," J. E. Pearman and That the bookings on the next four given ample powers by the amend­ In addition to these measures FOREIGN STEAMSHIP "Flirt", E. R. Williams syndicate. ing Act passed last year. This Act actually passed, the following are boats are good. DIXMUDE, March 28.—Fifteen COMPANIES requires employers to fill in forms This series furnished a major * * * passengers on the Imperial Airways still bstore tbe Legislature at var­ sensation last year as it was one giving particulars of all employees ious stages, approval of the expen­ That one or two prospective candi­ liner, "City of Liverpool," en route WASHINGTON, March 28.—Sen­ who are non-Bermudians. of the closest contests ever sailed dates are reconsidering their de­ ator Wheeler, of Montana, has in­ diture having been given by the and was won by the Bermuda from Cologne and Brussels to The Bill was amended after the cision to stand. troduced a resolution, requesting an Assembly in every case:— yachts only after the full five races Croydon, were killed when the committee had rejected a motion * * * aeroplane crashed in flames near investigation of charges that former had been sailed, the issue being in That many candidates stand but that the committee rise, and "a Suspensory Account Appro­ Essen. Secretary of tbe Treasury Mellon, doubt until the finish line had been few members sit. motion striking out the first portion priation Resolve' (No. 2), At least eight of the passengers and •other U.S. Treasury officials, crossed. * * * of the Bill. 1933. £ 38 are known to be British, three failed\to collect $600,000,000 to It is to be hoped that some en­ That the general tendency just Supplementary Appropria- - Germans, and one Belgian are taxes due from foreign steamship terprising transportation company now is to try and get the best ELECTION MATTERS tion Resolve (No. 2). 1933. 600 accounted for, and there were companies. The charges were made will provide a steamer to follow possible House. four women on the list. The by David Olsen, former Secretary Increase fer Hamilton Fife .*-" these races as there will be a great The Bill introduced by Col. Dill * * * "City of Liverpool" was in charge of the Stock Market Investigation Brigade (£600 to £1,200) 600 many disappointed yachting en­ on the last day of "meeting, requir­ That for this reason there will not of Pilot Leleu, and Flight Engineer Committee, which filed suit to Salary of District Medical thusiasts if there is no boat avail­ ing election candidates to furnish be so many changes as some Brown, and Wireless Operator February seeking to recover $220,- Officer, Eastern District. 450 able for this purpose. a deposit of £50 before a nomination, thought. Stubbs were among the crew. 000,000 from the United States Gov­ Purchase of Property for such deposit to be forfeited should Following an explosion of one of ernment. Whitney Institute, 3,000 THE PRINCE OF WALES' CUP the candidate poll less than one- That strangely enough the chances the engines, the airship burst into * * * Charges on Statues and "lions" 106 eighth of the total votes, met with are that there will be changes flames. Repairs ia 1932 to channel The Prince of Wales' Cup will be WESTERN UNIOH COMPANY'S strenuous opposition. It finally to the conservative and patrician buoys. 52 sailed for by the Six Metre yachts That some of the victims attemp­ ASSETS SHRINK passed through committee with parish of Paget. Personal allowance for 1932 of commencing April 18 and following ted to escape by leaping from the several amendments which do not * * * Attorney General 40 week days, one race each day. liner is proved by the finding of four NEW YORK, 28th March.—The affect the actual principle of it. That St. George's will also see netf bodies at distances of from one annual report of the Western Union Scoring will be as last year on the members. * * * Mr. A. C. Smith led the oppos­ Colonial expenditure is. of course, j hundred to three hundred feet Company shows assets of $14,610,- point system; that is, a yacht re­ That the Yale University English ition against the Bill, moving that dependent on Colonial revenue, from the spot where the wreckage 516, as against $17,427,273, a year ceives one point for finishing and Rugby team arrives tomorrow. it be read this day six months, and the Budget for 1933 was framed descended. It is believed that ago. one point for each yacht she de­ * * * which, for the purposes of the on an estimated revenue of £409,- t hey had donned parachutes which * # * feats, the yacht aggregating the That Bermuda will give the mem­ present House, would have killed it.
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