• . , - _ t lEG~''. ,. .... ".'"~',,.~ i.?,:Y:.?.'{, C,.'.~P.77/78 .. p/~R[,I,:~,',E',/ :'~. Y!.i,lt~:i.;, ' ' VTeT('~.I/ .:,(,~,, #6]. ]l 555S.TAX,:__, •TERRACE'KITIMAT RUPERTSTEEL & ] " rald • SALVAGELTD, ] 24 HOUR SER,,vicE . i • SealOovb Rd., Pr. Rupert | .s.ssss. ss, s s . • • sum. • / " ' ' . 635-5050 • WE BUY oopper, brmss, all metals, | batteries, elo, Call us - We are | • LIGHT DELIVERYSERVICE I Voimne 1-~ No 11'5 Thlm~lay, June 14, 19711 ?penMen. through Sat., 8 a.m.-li p,m..| PIaneloads• fleeo. .. :, . f.rom Niearagua ',: :-. _ MANAG~JA'(AP) -- Two and the Sandinlato Natiomu plahei~ds of Americans Liberation Front, whose ,jq flow 'iXit of elvll war:torn "final offensive" launched Nlcaragu~ owl Wednesdsy,~ two weeks ago is aimed at hia~og- b~id scenes of • ousting the, right-wing DO£K'STRIKE furious ne~"flghtin~ sad Somasa regime. caraguans. ~ KEY SAID Government air force evacuated to Panama plan'es tryin~ .~'.~Toot out aboard a U.S. Air Force C. Sandinista gue~ltas fired 130 transport plane. In the ONE CLAUSE rockets and strafed eastern firstsuch flight Tuesday, er and southern naishborbooda Americans were flown to VANCOUVER (CP) -- men's and of the capital city, resldentd Panama. Many wore wives A .key to astUins the Warehousemen's Unlm, reported as thoy tried to flea sadchlldrenofU.S.emhaasy lo~sfioremen's strike at ' also will have the rlght to • staff mamhon. sovsa West Coast ports is • strike "after two years, whether the dock workers Cunnlngham said. m wulangion, u.S. Sis~e About :¢4,mdiaus, in- accept a' new clause The wage offer in the ..... .. •::i:'~ :~:::'~.~:," "Sec[etary Cyrus Vance el~ding m~in~aries and. written into the tentative proposed pact hi the same ' ~:,/ ~ii~." called for k medint[be effort empioyess '~,:.intea~atimai sattiemsat reached last as the last offer, rejected .... ' i: 'by.' the Organi~atton of corporations, 'kre 5elbved weekend, the preslednt of by me vote. which calkd ::-.Al:dericanStatmtssettlethe still in Nic'aragtm. A" the Britlch Columbia for increases of 90 cents ' conflict betwnen Nicaraguan Canadian dlploma~ hal, Maritime Employers' an hour in each year o~ a President Anastasto ~mosa advised them to leave. Association said Wed- three.year contract, he nesday. said. The current base Norm Canaingham said pay is *9.10.an hour. 'the clause, designed as He said the wage off-or :, Port Angeles s.aid additional protection coupled with the . agalust, hnflaiisa for the reo~aing elsuse msaas 3,500 workers, tails for e longshoremen are renegotinting wages and "having their cake and • °"", best port for oil other lasues H inflation eating It too." exceads ~0 per cent in the • Also included in the " '!":' : VICTORIA (CP) ---Port . '.~i W,/ $. iWeallkke, first two years of the csatrant is a ceat.~-llvi~ . Angeles, Wash. appears to '. ~ eandUCtiql/studies thras-year contract which allowance which takes • bethebestslteiutheJuanda ~ct~e~ disintep~/lon of is retroactive to last Jan. effect two years into the L. FucaPnget Sound area for a petroleum through natural 1. eontra~ if Inflation has • ". tanker terminal because its means, told the Canadian Results of the excesdadl6 percent by ~k " " harbor can dissolve some oH Society of 'Mierohioiogkts ratification vote on the then, Cunnl~ said. spills naturally, a that ,no effective natural ".% tentative settlement were The lcagchoremsa .. microbloiogist said Tuesday, means have been foe', to be announced today, would get five cents an however, to deal with a velu. The strike, which began hour more for each one- • able crude oil imputed by I0 days ago, has halted half-per-cast Jump in the tanker from-Sumatra past vital shipments through inflation cate after Jan. I, Threetop Victoria to a refinery at major B.C. lsrta. 1961, he said. Ananertes, Wash. Imgaberomun, The union, negotiating Wesllake. ~whose members, of the In- i:ommlttee is recom, ::/r/jobless termiti~ai•: , :.L0qshore-,',mending :p~epto~ ~ i'-":'. ":':i ~!:~.':':~:~::~-'2,~,.~'?A',;,~?:."/'~'~'~%,,~r/'~:~! "~ ....~[ 4 ve been financed • ~ , . : " . United States were among by United States interests, Some youngsters looking for alternative income ': c~ntrieswlth the highest said a criterion of an 011 port PhOtO by .Greg Middleton unemployment in the first should, be its abilty to dis. Still no job but quarter of 1979, says a report solve ell spills. issued Wednesday by the He said Port Angeles U.S. Bureau of Labor Stafb- harbor from Edis Honk to tics. Green Point has this ability he got new home FloUride: poisoning exposed •'Canada, with the highest but beyond GreeQ Point the unemploymentrateofallthe waters lose this capeci~,. KAMLOOPS, B.C. (CP) -- .rioted of possession of stolen CORNWALL ISLAND, and to take their children to. h'om prevailiog winds. Spokesmen for the depart- countries compared, was .TheadJacsatDungenessSp/t A. 21-year-old New West- property. OnL (CP) -- White pines are swimming pools in nearby "I don't think the reasons ment of Indian and northern symbek of peace to the Aown to 7.9 per cent for the is an environmentally minster, B.C., man wbe stole Court was told that Sporsr Cornwall. were every really affairs refused comment first three months of this sensitive area which in. a ldck-up truck to drive to and Willinm Edward Simsa, Mohawk Indians. But the -~e 5ave me of the most stipulated, Lickers said. Tuesday on. any connection white pines on this island in year, compared with 8.2 per clu.de9a bird sanctuary. It is Alberta to search for" a job 19, aisb of New Westmineter,i beautiful rivers in the world, "But I know we made a case between the. planned school cent at the end of 1978. 36 kllometres south of Vic- was sentenced in provincial were intoxicated when they the St. Lawrence River are in the heart of Canada .and for it -- the reason was and the fear of fluoride • turin. " court Wednesday to 45 days stole the truck in New. dead or dying. the States," Lichern said because the present school is poisoning. "The needles of the trees Sweden, Japan an~i West All other beaches in the in jail. Westminster earlier this Tuesday, "and rve got to tell in the critical zone of con. But Carnow shares the Germany, were among the. waterway exhibit no self- James Patrick Sporar was month and headed for don't grow as fast ~s they. my kids tboy,can,tswim in •tamination.offluorideon the 'fear of Cornwall •.Island.• .countries showing the best clsausing ability, .Wesrlske also pla~ed on probation f0Y" sh0uld, ''~ says Henry Alberta. They were appre- it, Whea ~tbey do, I despair; inland?' residents. records, said. 19. months after being'eon- handed near Chase, B.C.. Li~ers, an Indian biologist the river is like a sewer." working with the St. Regk Lickers said people come Indian band. "Some will to him every day to discuss grow long, some short. It fluoride. U.S. pathologist cuts the efflcieacy of the Lennart Krook estimates tree. In the end, the tree there is an atmospheric dies." concentration of fluoride of q larks move into their new home It is a fate that people on 107 micrograms per cubic OTTAWA (CP) -- Joe Turfed out of office by which Trudeau once said Clsrk caneotswlm because, waiting for repairs and visited~4SuuexDrive with the Island widch straddles metre of air, far above the Clark says goodbye to the voters on May 22, Trudsau made being prime minister he says-- "My head sin.ks." ;. fumigation at 68-year-old friend and interior decorator theOntario, Quebec and U.S. ecceptabie provincial level silverfish and skunks of loses not only his home of 11 worthwhile. Trudeau and hla children Storuoway, which has I0- Cecilia Humphreys who is borders fear for themselves. of 8.6 micrograms per cubic Stornoway today and hello to years, but. his controversial The $200,000 swimming are spending at ieaai three bedrooms, cathedraieetiings expected to get a govern- Reports thla week from metre, although the the gold china and hand- swimming pool .and the pool, paid for by anonymous weeks at Harrington Lake sad ene acre of hedged ment contract next week to U.S. environmental and 'Reynolds plant is operating embroidered Madiora linen beloved summer cottage at donors, will be of little use to and then going on vacations gardens, redecorate the prime health authefltles show the within state and U.S. sheets that come 'with 24 Harrington Lake in Quebec, the new prime minister, somewhere in Canada while Ms. McTeer has already ministerial residence. island Is being inundated guidelines. Sussex Drive, the prime with fluoride conhiminatlen . The worst risk is for minister's official residence. from theReynolds Metals children, says Dr. Bertram No longer will Maureen Co. near Maasana, N.Y., just Cot~new who, with another Mdreer, Clark's'wife, have 13 kilomotrns, away. Chicago environmental to rush home from her hw Indkus on this part of the authority, examined the office to fix dinner -- there t. Regis' reserve say bees fluoride danger on the will be a staff of eight or 10 to have disappeared from their island. cook and serve the meals, island; their children are Camow and Dr. Shirley make the beds, lock after losing their teeth; more two-year-old daughter neighbors aresum¢l~ from Csaibear were asked by the Indian council to assess a Catherine and keep the four- arthritis. And everyone lives acre yard groomed. in fear of cancer. study by Health and Welfare Canada, which concluded . The move to the Ill.year. .They have been warned old, 35-~om house furnished not to eat heh from the river that island residents face no immMlste health risk from with antiques is a deftaito fluoride contamination. - improvement from nearby Their 1978• report said Stornoway, the official island residents up to age 20 residence of the Leader of' They can have had a lifetime of ex- the Opposition, which suf- posure and accumulation of fered from poor plumbing, fluorides.
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