*-t,V‘^ - i-'jl Y-'f-'-V": *;: r-'-'; ■*••'*, ■^••7' . J* "s-f' -5^ .•■*''-V ' f ' •.. i’■ .;v ^«. ■. T rr ^ MOmiAYs JANUARY 80, 1960 ''i M w xtlft^ r t pgtttttc Ijgralb Suppose It Hit YouJoin The March o f Dimes Tba Nnvajo Skating Club win ing hero they have beu tavited to tiou botwam Ood and on# of hto Mr. and Mrs. David Addy of Foo­ mortal children. Since the Lord ia ter s tm t attended the commence­ meet tobight at 7:80 at Center Arrive§ Here speak at churchM and cluba and Springs Park. Dancing wiU follow. the reception by the people b u no reopeotor of persona m d plara ment exercises, Friday, at Rensse­ Court Gises no favortteo, b a i^ a Juat Ood, m TIra WMtktr laer Polytechnic InsUtuU, Troy. been with an attitude of latorut $13.95 A T tn i* Dally Ntt Ptmb Rob Tho 'niosplana will mast this The prime purpou of their work ia has, Kormona clstm, pvon Inatrao- Petesnsl sf 0 . a Wsntkss N. T. 'their eon, WUUam David TbfM CUM WOTS diapoMd a t In As Missioner f w Iko Msrik s« Dsesnrasr, 1M8 XDafta caiapter No. 51. Addy, was one of 680 graduates. evening at eight o’clock at Center that o f education and of rMctring tloM to the poople of today Just Bvsrs Tkls A l Iblal iUck Maaons, will confer the PMt church for their monthly business a small docket at tbia inorntag'a a better undertsuding hetsreu u tha Mbts has rsoord■ of Him do- mra. 4 He received the degree of bschclor tag to paoplu of othsrtr agaa. Ha K oat^ Maaon Degree at tU elated of Mechanical Engineering. He meeting. session of Town Court. groupe and the young miaelonarlM ohuviHg to all snow bstore sadlng cation which will be held Elder Victor L. Hansen have answered various requests of thlnka Just u much ofo his chil- Ba$a Cabinaf 9 3 3 1 wan graduated from Manchcater Walter J. Fika, 35, of 639 E u t dren today u He did of them cen- tkls evening: otaoitag and esMer __ today evening In the Ma­ High achool with the 1944 claaa ' The Friendahip (Circle of the Sal- Center street, w u sentenced U> 10 churahes, clubs and individuala » s« tks AndH le Temple at T:w o’clock. Fol- Comes from Utah to seeking information, all o f which turlM ago. Thus Ha h u shown tonlgkS and Wednesday. and in the fall enlisted In the Air atlon Army wlU meeting this eve­ days in Jail aftar pleading guUto to that Ha Is tha sama today u Ha I of Ofcnlatlou the d e e m work there will FUrce. He trained for a year, ning st 7:30 at the citadel. Hos­ Relieve Co-Worker information and time la freely giv­ Manchester^A City of VUiage Charm tern and a aocial hour. intcocicatton. Dmuty Judge John en. w u yoatorday. most of the time In California, and t e s s win be Mrs. Lillian McCann D. LaBella n olM a companion Hie young men aro trying to om- In the fall of 1946 entered Rensse­ and Mrs. Nellie Tomberg. charga of breach of Uie peace at Replacement for one of the two * Salve Vendrillo. of 57 Alton laer. phuise the importance of of tboo- AivwHskig on Fngo-U) MANCHESTER, CONN„ TUESDAY, JANUARY SI, 1950 (FOURTEEN PAGES) the request of Assistant Prosecu­ Latter Day Saint mitsionariea who YOL. LXIX., NO. 108 PRICE FOUR CENTS direct, owner of the gaeollne A meeting of the Manchester tor N. Charles Boggtal. loglcal study, not principally by Informal Welcome atrvice Btatlon at Maple and Mrs. Charles G. John.ton of Mid­ Democratic Women’s Club la call­ have been staying in Manchester, mlnlatera but by every than u d Reuben Cohen, 86, of 23 Lanark ipruce atmta, was admitted to dle Turnpike, cast, reports picking ed for tomorrow evening at eight arrived here Saturday. *He la Elder woman. flrrtford hospital yesterday. strawberry buds and blossoms hi road, Brighton, Mass., w u fined Accordingly the two Bldfrs are For New Members o’clock at the home of Mrs. Mss $30 with $16 remitted for violation Victor L. Hansen from Provo, Silent Tribute to Late President her garden yesterday. Tlie bed la Holden. 81 Washington street. proclaiming the thinga they be­ of rules of the road. Ck)hen w u u - Utah. Elder Hansen wrlll take the lieve to be the grutm worth to Winners of Friday night's dupll- on high ground with no special place of Elder Irven Hearie, and An Informal racaption for thoae mulch or covering. She brought rested for speeding on the Wilbur the people by calling on them at Atomic Weapons Truman Urges Truce ante bridge tournament were as them Into the house and placed Revival services' will continue Cross Highway January 3 by State work with B3der Q.- H. Thoraaa, their homes and speaking before people wrho have Joined the North fbllowa: (North-South), Mr. and tonight and each week-day night who h u been hero for some time. Methodlat church In the past I t I f n . John Drebinger, 73)4: Har- them In water. Two weeks ago Policeman John Scribner. The ac­ groups. she picked dandelion blossoms. at 7:45 through Friday at the cused waa represented by Attorney Elder Henrie has been released af­ t^rge Progfam montha will be held In the church M HUla and (leorgc Siemsen, 72; ter Mrving two years In the mia- l b . and Mrs. Henry Whitman, Church of the Nasarene. Rev. J. H. Harold W. Garrity. With tho largest voluntaar mis­ veatry tonight at • o’clock. Being Impoved Manchester Assembly, No. 15, Parker of Baltimore, Md., 1a the MatUiew L. Egan, 63, of 105 Lin­ ■ionsry field, the usual time young fTH. (East-West). Don Gustaf- Mormon men and women serve sionary program in tha world, con­ A got-acquatatod period will ho am and James L. Baker, 74 '4: Mr. Order of Rainbow Girls, will have evangelist and Rev. Leslie Stra- coln street, New Britain forfetted taining 0,0 00 men and woman, the In Coal Mining Row; when called on such missions. followed by entertainment present­ and Mrs. Ernest lingerer, 72'4: a family get-together this evening thorn of Fitchburg, Mass.. the a $25 bond when he failed to ap­ Latter-day Saint church ia trying other S tylu and Slaes Ta at the Masonic Temple. Supper will The irapiMslona the young mle- to bring an announcement to the ed by several me/nbers o f the nb. and Mrs. Robert Gillette, 72. guest soloist. pear on an intoxication pharge. Chooae From maater point game will be be served at 6:30 and an enlcrtain- alonsriea have of Manchester and world that there are prlnciplea for church. The rekt of the evening At Faster Pace its people are very favorable. They happineM in thia life today, that jB la ^ Tuesday night and the reg­ ment will follow. The Army and Navy Club Aux­ will be devoted to making new aay the towm It a parallel of a have been toatored to the u rth by members better acquainted with ular game on Friday evening this iliary will hold ita monthly meet­ week at Tinker hall; both games Miss Irene Tiling, daughter of Pine Civic Group western city of aimilar aixe, wide that great teacher, Christ, as they those who have responaible posi­ Commission Also Says Hated Law Not Used Will start promptly at 8 o’clock. Mr. and Mrs, A. H. Tiling of this ing tomorrow evening at eight streets, modern shops and mady were once taught by Him long tions In the church. mftiHSWff 0 Heroic Pilot town, is taking part in the annual o'clock at the ch.bhouse. To Hear Cooper new homes. The people are the The method the missionaries state, Refreshments will be served by FURNITURE DEPT. ‘New Bench-Marks of ice show, "Courtly CavorLs,” at friendliest thev have encountered by which these truths were given the Women’s Society for CThrlktlan during their missionary work in va­ Lower Street Floor Level Accomplishment Have Proposes Fact - Finding Bates Ollege. Thursday, Miss The monthly meeting of the to man in this latter day is sim­ Service. All "older” membara are Fights Way Johnson Calls Acrused as Spy Tiling Is a senior at Bates College, Buckingham Ladles Aid Society The Pine Civic Association, In­ rious parts of the state, flince com­ ple; it w u by direct communlca- also Invited. Board to Follow Pat­ L,ew1ston, Maine, will be held Wednesday, Febniary corporated, will hold a meeting Been Set in Long- SERVICES 1. at two o'clock at the parsonage Wednesday, February 1, at 8:00 Range Program to De­ T o Get Help For Amerien tern o f Last Year's AH Saints Mothers Circle will with Mrs. Philip M. Rose. The p. m. at the T.M.C.A. Steel Strike; Asks llia t interpret the wishes meet tomorrow evening at eight guest speaker will be Rev. Dr. Raymond E. Cooper, a member velop Atom‘s Power with Mrs, Michael Clementino of Rockwell Harmon Potter of Hart­ of the town board of directors, will Reports G’ash of His T o Be Alert 70 Days of FuU of the fantUy. 90 TTamlin street. ford. speak on the recrutional program Washingtoii, Jan. 31.—</P) of the Manchester schools. Pro­ Search Plane in Yu Production Beginning Fort Monmouth, N, J,— Pfe, An Informal reception for new posed toning changes directly e f­ Spring Fabrics In —The Atomic Energy com- Kenneth M, Church.
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