Official Publication of the National Collegiate Athletic Association December 16,1992, Volume 29, Number 44 ChamtGonshim face sienificant restructurine A A u The NCAA Executive Commit- The proposals are the result of championshlps formats based on n More on the proposed championships changes: Page 22. tee has proposed extensive a comprehensive study undertaken more objective criteria than an Comment on the proposed changes: Page 4. changes in the structure of its by the Executive Committee over event’s ability or potential to gen- championships program thaL if the past year that included mem- crate revenue,” said NCAA Prcsi- adopted, would provide additional the next few months will seek plan and a complete list of what is bership surveys and hearings with dent .Judith M. Sweet, athletics competitive opportunities for sLu- reaction from thr Nc44, member- being proposed. Divisions II and sports committees responsible for director at the University of Cali- dent-athletes and a more equitable ship to determine its suppon for 111 members will discuss the plan the administration of the cham- fornia, San Diego. distribution of the Association’s the proposed changes. Division I in their business sessions. pionships. “It was clear that the champion- resources among its 79 annual members will receive a package The Executive Committee plans “From the membership’s rem ships program is a top priority for championships. soon after the 1993 Convention to take final action at its May 1993 sponse to our survey, we developed The Executive Committee over that will include the history of the meeting. several principles for establishing See Championships, page 24 b Convention to spotlight award winners Football Silver Anniversary dominates honorees continue impacting athletics proposals This yrar’s N(:AA Silver Anni- versary Award honorees include six forms-r collegiate stars who continue to make contributions to Anakrson Johnson Lopiano Schollander Smith collegiate athletics in their profes- volleyball/basketbalI/softball/bad- Following are biographical sketch- sional careers. win over the University of Miami minton; Don Schollander, swim- es of’the six award winners: (Florida) in the Bluebonnet Bowl. The Silver Anniversary Award ming; Stan Smith, tennis, and recognizes former student-athletes Richard “Dick” Anderson He ranks second on the COIO- Wyomia Tyus, track and field. who have distinguished them- rado all-time list for interceptions Foorball concerns will oc- Thrsr individuals and six of Andcr~sorl was a three-year selves since completing their col- ;Ind ninth allLtime in tackles. cupy a prominent place in roday’s top student-athletes will be starter ;II strong safety at the Uni- lege athletics carrers 25 years ago. - the recruiting and mcmbc1: honored as this year’s College versity of Colorado, Boulder, anld A two-tirnc arademic all-Big ship groupings at the 1993 This year’s honorees are Kim Athletics Top XII. The group will received all-America and all-Big Eight sclrc tion, Anderson gradu- Convention-most notably chard “Dick” Anderson, football; be recognized January I3 at the Eight Conference honors in 1967. ated in 1968 with a bachelor of in proposals that would pro- Robert D. Johnson, football; honors dinner during the NCAA He led the Buffaloes to a 9-2 sra- vide Division I institutions Donna A. Lopiano, field hockey/ Convention in Dallas. son his senior yrar and a 31-21 See Honorees, poge 21 ) that prrviously played the sport in Divisions II and Ill All-Americans top with options after last year’s defeat of ;1 proposal to estah- list of finalists for lish a Division I-AAA fi,orball Today’s Top Six classification. Three such proposals- Thrrc football all-Americans, inrluding one that is cx- including the Heisman Trophy petted to be withdrawn- winner- and three members of na- head the membership group- tional sport teams are fall final- Comfiton Gray Lilly Ton-etta Widand Yrizar ing, which offers a total of ists for the NCAA Today’s Top Six eight proposals. Meanwhile, awards. of Iowa, and water polo player ret ogni/rd January I3 at the ho- has been named to the all-Big East half of the 16 proposals in The fall nominees are football Pablo Yrizar, University of Califor- nors dinnrr during the NCAA Con- Conference team and the all-East the recruiting grouping deal player Michael Compton, West Vir- nia, Irvine. vention in Dallas. squad. directly with football; most ginia University; football player Six Today’s Top Six honorees Following are biographical A dean’s list student. Compton are efforts to amend contact Carlton Gray, University of will be chosen from these student- sketches of the fall finalists: has compiled a 3.500 grade-point and evaluation rules. California, Los Angeles; soccer athletes and the winter/spring no- avrragr (4.000 scale) whilr rarning player Kristine Lilly, Univer-sily of minees listed in the November !) Michael Compton a degree in professional physic-al Recruiting North Carolina, (:hapel Hill; foot- issue of The N(:AA News. The Compton is a consensus aIlL education and healrh. He was the Thr rrc.r uiling proposals ball player Gino Torretta, University Today’s Top Six and Silver Anni- Amrrican center on West Virginia’s recipient of the C. l? Yost Award of Miami (Florida); field hockey versary Award winners (see story football team. A three-year starlet See Proposals, page 18 ) player Andrea Wieland, LJniversity elsewhere on this pagr) will be f-or rhr Mountaineers, Compfon See Top Six, poge 20 ) N In the News 1 WOndeck - I A poll of chief executive officers at NCAA Briefly Page 2 December 17 Interpretations Committee, Dallas institutions shows overwhelming support for the Comment 4 Presidents Commission’s legislative proposals at December 17-20 Men’s Volleyball Committee, Albuquerque, New Mexico Championships results 4 the 1993 Convention: Page 3. I Tim Manges decided he would do his best to January 2-4 National Youth Sports Program Basketball statistics 9-12 make the rifle team at West Virginia University, Committee, Key West, Florida Infractions cases 13-17 and ended up doing better than nearly everyone January 11-14/ NCAA Council, Dallas ot the 1992 NCAA rifle championships: Page 5. Institutional secondary 16-17 infractions .l9-20 n Rankings of active basketball coaches at the current stages of their careers show that Dean January 13 Presidents Commission, Dallas NCAA Record 25-26 Smith ond Jim Boeheim leod their respective January 13-16 NCAA Convention, Dollas The Morket 25-27 classes: Page 8. Page 2 The NCAA News December 16,1992 - .- n Briefly in the News n News quiz Aruwms to th following qmh.ons ap- Oh, brother - peured in NovabeT zssw.~oJ Th NCAA times three Nnm How muny can you CLTL~~IKT? I True or Ihlsr: .l‘hr Eastern C:ollegr Athletic Conf’errnc c is forming the first intercollcgi;~tc women’s ice hockey league. 2. HOW nliltly LJS. Olympians arc among winter-spring finalists for the ~livo ol rhc siblings ;r~tt.r~tl separate Mis- NCAA Today’s .lbp Six? (a) 011~; (b) \ollri illblilutlol)s and the third is at a IWO; (c) four; (d) six. Kcrtlttc.ky university. The hrothrrs are all 3. Who is the l!)!):! N(:AA Wornail of fr(.shlll;lll swimmers From Kctc hikan, the Year? (a) Barb Prangrr; (h) &the- Al;t.\ka. rint- Byrne; (c) Nicole SchrrT; (d) Brad Hagan of Wcstcrn Krntucky Llni- Rnny Tollefson. vrrsity. Matt Hagan of Southwrst Missouri SIille liniversity and Rob Hagan 01 the 4. True or falsr: A. Lamar Alcx- University of Missouri, Rolla, competed ander, U.S. secretary of rducation and 1993 Theodore Roosevelt Award srlec- .lgainst one another at the Missouri Invita- tion, was a football player at Vanderbilt tional Swirl1 Mrr~ December 4 and 5 at the Llnivcrsity of Missouri, C:olumbia. LJniversity. In fat I, rhc three brothers swam the first 5. The University of Arkansas, Fay- leg of thr bamr relay event against one cttcvillc, has won how many of the past nine Division I Men’s Cross Country another. Rob’s time of 50.17 seconds was Obdrn colttge photo the fastest of the trio. Mart’s 50.41 was Chilrrlpiorlsllips? (a) thrt-c; (b) fivr; (c) second, and Brad’s time was 50.75. Visiting ‘grandma’ six; (d) niric. Additionally, another Ketch&an swim- Members of the Oberlin College women k volleyball team present T-shirts with 6. How marty basic Icgislativr pro- mer- Adryn Miller-also swam in the posals are scheduled for consideration mrrt tar host Missouri. t&r uniform numbers on them to their adopted “pandmothers” at the during Presidential Agenda Day at the Welcome Nursing Home in Oberlin, Ohio. As pati qf a program statied by I!493 Convention? (a) 30; (b) 33; (c) 38; No ordinary athlete coach Patrice Milkovich in September,each team member regularly visited or (d) 45. telephoned her adopted grandmother. Milkouich developed thx program to 7. True or false: Claire L. Gaudiani Ifnivrrsity of I louston senior linebacker introduce the student-athletes to another-generation in the Oberlin community will serve as chair of the Division III Chris Pezman did not want to become just and to build a bridge between thr! age groups. subrommittrc of thr N(:AA Prcsidcnts another formrr c allege athlete who had (:ommission in I993 and 1994. exhausted his cligihility with littlc morr to 8. What player at an NCAA institu- show for it than mcmorirs. tion was this year’s recipient of t>asr- .l’hat is why the 22-year-old has worked $ I million cash to lead fund-raising efforts ball’s Golden Spikes Award? (a) Phil hard in the classroom. Pezman will gr~luatr for a nrw football stadium at Central Mis- Boathouse destroyed Nevin; (b) Darren Dreifort; (c) Mirhacl this academic year with two degrees-a souri State Llniversity, President Ed Elliott The boathouse of the Michigan State .lilcker; (d) CharlesJohnson.
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