■ *1 "* : m a p v ' c H e n e y l i : V ^ g P WBBPAT, M , 19491 y PAGE EltSHTEEIf' Manrlr^Bt^r Avwraca Dally Nat Praaa Rim rat tha Moath at AagMt IN* Mrs W W. Ilobertaon. her i Seaman of Hartford road, w w Grand S^tretray William 8. dau^ter. Miss Marion Robertson | ■Vote Demoerath Hutchison of the Odd Fellows, of Henry street, and Mrs. Almira ^ Inn, Bridgeton, Maine. MOVING 9^43 i® lEuFttittu About Town whose headquarters are In New yyHCN •—for— M an^ at tta Aa«t Haven, has returned after attend­ A k J I S h a v e e x c e s s -,j- ^ Reed, coinimmlty ing the sessions of the Sovereign A r i l / FURNISHINGS hianehoMier—A City of Village Charm dii'e.'Jr.. lor U»e M anche^r I.O.O.F. convention In St. Paul, INTELLIGENT (v-r commute*, Mr«. ®*J?**^^ Minn., last week. Mr. Hutrtlson CALL US— l’t>« ft ^'^oe preetdMit. and Dr. Ko- is a past grand of King David I r l c r l . WE BUY PROGRESSIVE AdvaftWac aa Page It) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER SO, 1948 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) PRICE FOUR CBNtH’ V. • vl U BoiRor, of the local com- Lodge of this town. VOL. LXVII., NO. 307 n..tlec, of which Elmer Weden U Buy That New Complete Hotmeholds — Entire Estates piijddent. wlU attend tH* an^»» j Mrs. Frank J. Hoher, of 638 ALERT meetlnr and dinner of the Con- ' Parker street, brought to The AflUqne aad modera taraitars, oriental aad domsstle necUcut Cancer Society tols eve­ i Herald office this morning a crab daoorated ehlaa. vaaea, Bgarlaea, pattera glass, cat glass, sliver, Governor Shannon at Local Beception Foreign Policy ning at the Country Club In \ya- apple branch with clusters of Uaens. etc. Organizing of GE terbury. Dr. Creighton Barkw Tesl We Ara latcrasted la Small Lota Also! TOWN GOVERNMENT Berlin Crisis Debate wlU preside and Dr. Samuel C. blo.ssoms and deep pink buds on It. Will Be Dewey Harvey, president of the Stale The tree blossomed as usual in Town Election Oct. 4 Medical society and professor of I May She happened to look out of FUR C O A T ROBERT M. REID & SONS oncology. Yale University School i a bedroom window when she sp l^ 201 Main Street, Manchester ^ Phone SI 93 Factory Deemed Speech Tlieme of Medicine, will be the speaker. i the blossoms high up on a bough. 'Vote Demoerath Business for Council A t H ale’s Bi'Partisan Stand With Importance *Peace With Honor* at Anchor Expected in At Monday’s Session Revere Copper-Clad For Q|»% andS^jefi® S cU tte r and T h r o w R u g S Former CIO Official In­ Salt Lake Qty Talk forms Congressional ‘Big Business’ Investigators Begard- En Route W’ith Dewey to Salt Spcurity Body to Take Target Again Lake City, Sept 30—(JF) — A bl- Up Most Explosive Is­ Stainless Steel Ware ing Order Given Com­ tlsisan foreign policy anchored Reds Wound Germans ”p«*peace ivith honor” Is expected sue of Three-Year His­ Jf'or Living RoontSf .Halls and Rsdroonts munists About Big For Truman rto be Gov. Thomas E. Dewey's an­ Plant at Schenectady swer to the critical world situa­ In American Sector tory; Aastiii Is Ex­ tion. k g — — Illinois Workers Urged Traveling toward Salt Lake City pected to Step Down Schenectady, N. Y., Sept. and his first major foreign policy When Case Comes Up Smarkand 80.—(fl*)—A former CIO of­ To Preveiit Nailing of statement of the campaign tonight Particulars of Foray ^^’iF om iC F Fll*st ficial told congressional inves- i the Republican presidential nomi­ ; t i -r t And Surrender Chair­ *Consuiner to WalF nee had up-to-date information on Siddiers in Berlin tigators today that Commu- the Berlin blockade crisis. NofJ Lady Is Dead manship to Argentina Rayon and Cotton -nist party members were or­ With Spikes of Greed It came in a communication This Evening from John Foster Dulles hU for­ immediately Available} ------ dered “to organize” General Carbondals, 111., Sept. SO—(JP)— Parii, Sept. SO.^iP)—The Pile Jacquard Electric Co. workers as a Senator Oharlea B. Henae of Mandieater (right) flii cnaaim pottical eign affairs adviser la Parts, be­ President Truman asked UUnoia fore the candidate’s train left Theodore Roo8evelt*t United Nations SMurity matter of “utmost impor­ altoatlea with Governor Sluuinen nt last nlghPa GOP open IwiRse at Bulletin! Council on Monday takas up Woven workera today Jor Democratic Legion ban. Great Falla Mont, last night Widow Dies in Sleep; tance.” Dew'ey's Salt Lake City speech, Berlin, Sept. 30.— the most explosive issue, of 1^/2 Qt. Double Boiler .......................... $7.10 The statement waa made by votes to atop “big business Repub': to be broadcast (NBC) from 9:30 RofiBifiii lieutenant. IcfiTing Native of Norwich Salvatore M. VotUa, 42, former fi­ Ucans” from continuing to “nail to 10 p.m., (e. s. t) , was, not yet its three-yeaiMiistoiy — the $8 .2 5 nancial aecretary of Local 301, the American consumer to the complete. But the New York the U. S. sector of Berlin *ft- western charge that Russia 2 Qt. Double Boiler .............................. United Electrical Workera imlon, wall with spikes of greed.” Wallace .^ain governor gave some advance In­ •r visiting his Gernfin girl Oj-ater Bay, N. Y., Sept. SO—(P) threatens the peace of the who Identified himself as a former He offered them a choice be­ dication of his ideas in talks In friend, fired wildly when he —Mrs. Theodor* Roocevelt, fi7, world by her blockade of Ber­ 1 Ql Covered Sauce P an ............ .. $ 3 .4 0 Communist. tween “another era of fear under Montana yesterday. widow of the 26th president, died Persian Design Rugs First Committee Witness Eggs’ Target thonght he was being pur­ lin. the Republican reactionaries” and Speaking before a Hillside park In her sleep today In tb* family Anatl* to Occupy Choir $ 5 .0 0 Vottis waa the first witness be­ "another era of hope with liberal crowd in Helena, he called for a sued by military police and 2 Ql Covered Sauce P an ..................... .. fore a House Labor subconunittee wounded a German civilian home. Sagamore hilL The CouncU announced today democracy.” Stock market edges into lUgher stand “so consistent, so well that Chief U. S. Delegate W a rm probing Oommunist Influences In Mr. Truman prepared his re­ Doetn*t Bother to Duck price ground at slow pace today grounded In facts and so deeply today. The Russian apolo- At her side were her aurvlving $ 5 .7 5 labor organizatUma. The subcom­ son, Archibald, and daughter, Mrs. R. Austin will be to tbs dmir os 3 Qt. Covered Sauce P an ..................... marks for delivery In the South­ ... .U. S. advises Russia that it la luiderstanding” of the world’s gized to an American officer. the October president when the SIZE 24x43 $4.98 mittee came here to investigate Aa Mittilea Oath at looking to U.N. for further action problems that other nations will Richard Derby. She had been ill Smarkand ern minois’ university McClelland The lieutenant was not held. for some time. Death cam* shortly aeasioa opens a t 3 p. la. (9 a. m., $ 6 .3 0 .... L4>cal 801, which claims 15,000 stadium. on Korea before deciding finally respect American views. 10 In. Covered French Skillet............. members of the home, plant here Speech in Houaton before 7 a.m. *A t). However, the U. 8. delegn- The president assailed the Re­ on withdrawal of American .troops He said he thinks he speaks for Uoa said it oxpseto Auatta wUl Reproductions of Persian designs in the colorings that arc ao of General Electric. publican-controlled 80th Congress from that country.. .C.I.O. United Democrats and independents, aa Berlin, Sept. SO.—(JPh~ Only three widows of presidents . $ 9 .8 5 Vottia said that during 1936 Houston, Tex., Sept. 30.— — now survive—Mrs. Woodrow Wil­ step down when the case eorasa SVi Q®* Dutch O ven ............................. Ui"r tnWUM rich. Four color combinations, fringed ends. aa "the puppet” of big business, Public Workers’ union says it will well as Republicans, in saying that Russian soldiers who made up and surrender tb* chaimaa- (Not Exactly Aa Illustrated) WhUe he waa an officer of the and the real estate, power and Henry Wallace didn’t bother to call off scheduled strike at Ohio "this country stands firmly aa a son, Mrs. Calvin Coolldg* and Mrs. $ 8 .6 0 Hook Twist Rugs local he “met regtilarly” with Com' a foray into the U. S. sector Franklin D. Roosevelt. ^ ahlp to Argentina, next la Mac tor 8 Cup Percolator . 1 . • grain speculators’ lobbies and duck aa four egga and two toma- sanatorium if 19 employes who rock for peace, but a peace with of the city this evening shot IL munlst party members in Schenec- rapped Its passage of the "reac­ 'toes crashed around him last have received dismissal nottces are honor.” Private Fuaeral SenrtoM If the Rnsalans try to bar tha l8dy« tionary Taft-Hartley act” over restored to their Jobe... .Alexan­ “Dark Clouds” (H-er Meetlag and wounded two German Private funeral aerrices for Berlin case from the ogeada, Aoo- Natural Grey “Once in awhile,” he said, “Earl night. Grinning through the up­ der Koral, who refused to answer civilians. American military members of the family will be held Fine Quality Rubberised Back Browder would come up from New his veto. roar, he went on to deliver a In Great Falls the Republican tin is reported planning to remain “Instead of Improving the Wag­ speech before a mixed white-and- questions of House Un-American nominee told a crowd of 5,000 per­ police reported.
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