Wairarapa Bus & Train

Wairarapa Bus & Train

Effective from 5 July 2020 Wairarapa Bus & Train 200 201 202 203 204 WRL Masterton Carterton Thanks for travelling with Metlink. Woodside Greytown Connect with Metlink for timetables Featherston and information about bus, train and ferry services in the Wellington region. Martinborough Upper Hutt metlink.org.nz 0800 801 700 Waterloo [email protected] @metlinkwgtn Petone /metlinkonourway Wellington Printed with mineral-oil-free, soy-based vegetable inks on paper produced using Forestry Stewardship Council® (FSC®) certified mixed-source pulp that complies with environmentally responsible practices and principles. Please recycle and reuse if possible. Before taking a printed timetable, check our timetables online or use the Metlink commuter app. GW/PT-G-20/33 July 2020 FEATHERSTON ZONE 11 GREYTOWN ZONE 12 MASTERTON ZONE 14 North Street Udy St 203 TO CARTERTON Harrison St West Underhill Road Kuratawhiti Street Key Street Titoki Mole St Tankersley Street Manuka Street Manuka TO MASTERTON Standard bus routes Wood and Kempton St Main Street Johnston Street KURATAWHITI East Street Reading Street Watt Street STREETOak View FEATHERSTON GREYTOWN – Featherston – Masterton/ RaglanStreet 200 200 Kippenberger STATION MAIN STREET Martinborough Titoki Street FrenchStreet Kitchener Street Harrison St East Opaki Rd Wakefield St 200 204 WOOD STREET Horton West Street McMaster StreetMahupuku Mon–Sun TO WOODSIDE STATION Main Street Cres Jellicœ St GordonStreet Birdwood Street Yule Keir Massey Hickson St Peak & extended bus routes Third St Church Totara Miro St Fitzherbert Street Humphries St Revans Street Kempton Street MASSEY STREET Opaki Rd Roberts Road TO WELLINGTON Brandon St TO GREYTOWN Masterton - West/South/ LANSDOWNE ROBERTS ROAD East Street West Street North/East HUMPHRIES Woodward St East Bidwell STREET 201 202 203 206 Te Ore Ore Road Oxford St Cross Creek Rd Lyon Street Cotter St Mon–Fri Loasby A KU R A R OA D Wallace Street South Blair H WAIRARAPA HOSPITAL Hospital Woodside - Greytown Boundary Road Main Street Papawai Road WRL Hope St Waite Street Wrigley St Balfour 204 MASTERTON Wakelin Mon–Fri Victoria St Albert St Donald Street Bentley St TO MARTINBOROUGH Tauherenikau Rd Queen Elizabeth Park MoroaPlain Rd Bus hub stop Major stop Colombo Road TO FEATHERSTON Villa Street Perry St Lincoln Road Queen Street MASTERTON 200 201 202 203 206 Church Street Pownall St Bannister Street Waterhouse Church Street Colville St CARTERTON ZONE 13 MARTINBOROUGH ZONE 13 Chapel Street MASTERTON Fraser St Kummer Oak St Cole St WEST Mary St Essex St Kent Street Cole St TO FEATHERSTON Ngaumatawa Road Worksop Road RIVER ROAD 206 Connollys Line PANAMA TO MASTERTON 201 VILLAGE Johnstone St Calverthen St Upper Renall Street Plain Road Renall Street River Road Kitchener Street Belvdere Street College St Taverner St Chapel Street Tasman RENALL ST. Pownall Street Rhodes St Tararua Cornwall St Queen Street Bennington Dixon Street Wyndham St Princess Street Colombo Rd New York Street Road Wright Strasbourge St Mega Store CARTERTONPembrokeAugustus Masters STATION Taylor Street Makora Road Broadway High Street Michael Wheatstone Kupe Masson Hornsby Armstrong 200 CARTERTON Panama Kuripuni Street Princess Street Dixon Park Road Fisher Victoria St Ohio Holloway Lincoln Broadway MARTINBOROUGH 200 Cologne St MASTERTON Texas RanfulyYork St Rexwood Wakelin Seddon SOLWAY YORK STREET Fergusson SOUTH & EAST Clifton Venice MemorialSquare Hughan Robert Street Grey Street Dublin Costley Radium Cork Bledislœ High Street Millard Avenue King Street Fairbrother Kansas Fryberg Howard Weld Street DudsonBrooklyn Road Richmond Street Sackville Suez Fleet Street Naples St Rutland Road e Street Deller Ferry Road Vivian St Jellico Judds Road French Malcolm Street Devon St Oxford Street Ngaumutawa Margaret St Daniel Street M Esther Street an c h e Harley Street s t e r Regent Street 202 Manaia Rd TO GREYTOWN Dublin Street South Belt TO CARTERTON, GREYTOWN & FEATHERSTON High Street TO FEATHERSTONTO FEATHERSTON AND MASTERTON AND MASTERTON SATURDAYSATURDAY 200200MONDAYMONDAY TO FRIDAY TO FRIDAY AND SUNDAYAND SUNDAY * * ROUTEROUTE INFORMATION INFORMATION AM AM PM PM AM AM PM PM Stops Stops 1779 1779MartinboroughMartinborough – Town –Hall Town Hall 5:55 6:305:55 6:556:30 6:5510:35 10:35 3:45 6:103:45 6:10 7:55 10:407:55 2:4010:404:552:40 4:55 * Including* Including public holidayspublic holidays 1810 1810FeatherstonFeatherston Station Station(bus stop) (bus arrives stop) arrives6:20 6:556:20 7:206:55 7:2010:58 10:58 4:08 6:354:08 6:35 8:15 11:008:15 3:0011:00 5:153:00 5:15 SH SHOn schoolOn daysschool connects days connects with school with school Rail connectionRail connection to FEATto FEATFeatherstonFeatherston Station Station 6:27 7:026:27 7:287:02 7:28 11:10 11:10 4:18 4:18 8:25 8:25 5:25 5:25 routes 309routes and 309 313 and at Hadlow 313 at Hadlow School Schoolfor for WRL WRL WellingtonWellington WELL WELLWellingtonWellington Station Station 7:30 8:107:30 8:318:10 8:31 12:10 12:10 5:18 5:18 9:25 9:25 6:25 6:25 studentsstudents travelling travelling to Makoura, to Makoura, Chanel Chanel and Wairarapaand Wairarapa Colleges Colleges Rail connectionRail connection WELL WELLWellingtonWellington Station Station 8:21 8:21 12:45 12:45 9:55 9:55 6:55 6:55 WRL WRL from Wellingtonfrom WellingtonFEAT FEATFeatherstonFeatherston Station Station 9:21 9:21 1:45 1:45 10:55 10:55 7:55 7:55 1810 1810FeatherstonFeatherston Station (busStation stop) (bus departs stop) departs 6:55 7:306:55 9:287:3010:589:2812:1510:581:5512:154:081:55 4:08 8:20 11:058:20 3:0511:055:203:05 8:005:20 8:00 1822 1822GreytownGreytown - Main Street- Main (near Street 74) (near 74) 7:15 7:507:15 9:457:50 11:159:4512:3211:15 2:1212:324:252:12 4:25 8:35 11:208:35 3:2011:20 5:353:20 8:205:35 8:20 1836 1836CartertonCarterton - Broadway - Broadway 7:30 8:007:30 9:558:00 11:259:5512:4211:25 2:2212:424:352:22 4:35 8:45 11:308:45 3:3011:30 5:453:30 5:45 1855 1855MastertonMasterton - Church - Church Street Street 7:55 8:257:55 10:158:25 11:4510:15 1:0211:45 2:421:02 5:002:42 5:00 9:05 11:509:05 3:5011:50 6:053:50 6:05 1862 1862WairarapaWairarapa Hospital Hospital 10:20 11:5010:20 1:0711:50 2:471:07 2:47 9:10 11:559:10 3:5511:55 6:103:55 6:10 SH SH TO FEATHERSTONTO FEATHERSTON AND MARTINBOROUGH AND MARTINBOROUGH SATURDAYSATURDAY 200200MONDAYMONDAY TO FRIDAY TO FRIDAY AND SUNDAYAND SUNDAY * * AM AM PM PM AM AM PM PM Stops Stops 1862 1862WairarapaWairarapa Hospital Hospital 12:55 3:4512:554:403:45 4:40 10:10 12:3010:10 4:2012:307:054:20 7:05 1855 1855MastertonMasterton - Church - Church Street Street 7:30 8:357:30 10:108:35 1:0010:10 3:501:00 4:453:50 5:154:45 5:15 10:15 12:3510:15 4:2512:35 7:104:25 7:10 1936 1936CartertonCarterton - Memorial - Memorial Square Square 7:50 8:557:5010:308:55 1:2010:30 4:101:20 5:054:10 5:355:05 5:35 10:35 12:5510:354:4512:55 7:304:45 7:30 1922 1922GreytownGreytown - Main Street- Main (near Street 73) (near 73) 8:00 9:058:0010:409:05 1:3010:404:201:30 5:154:20 5:455:15 5:45 7:55 10:457:55 1:0510:454:551:05 7:404:55 7:40 1810 1810FeatherstonFeatherston Station Station(bus stop) (bus arrives stop) arrives 8:20 9:308:2011:009:30 1:5511:004:401:55 5:384:40 6:055:38 6:05 8:10 11:008:10 1:2011:00 5:101:20 7:555:10 7:55 Rail connectionRail connection to FEATto FEATFeatherstonFeatherston Station Station 11:10 11:10 8:25 8:25 5:25 5:25 WRL WRL WellingtonWellington WELL WELLWellingtonWellington Station Station 12:10 12:10 9:25 9:25 6:25 6:25 Rail connectionRail connection WELL WELLWellingtonWellington Station Station 8:21 8:21 12:45 12:454:25 4:25 5:30 5:30 6:18 6:18 9:55 9:55 6:55 6:55 WRL WRL from Wellingtonfrom WellingtonFEAT FEATFeatherstonFeatherston Station Station 9:21 9:21 1:45 1:45 5:33 5:33 6:36 6:36 7:22 7:22 10:55 10:55 7:55 7:55 1810 1810FeatherstonFeatherston Station Station(bus stop) (bus departs stop) departs6:30 6:30 9:30 9:30 1:55 1:55 5:38 5:38 6:40 6:40 7:30 7:30 11:05 1:2511:05 5:151:25 8:005:15 8:00 1900 1900MartinboroughMartinborough - Kitchener - Kitchener Street (near Street 14) (near6:50 14) 6:50 9:50 9:50 2:15 2:15 5:58 5:58 7:00 7:00 7:50 7:50 11:25 1:4511:25 5:351:45 8:205:35 8:20 MASTERTON WEST ROUTE TO WOODSIDE STATION 201 MONDAY TO FRIDAY ** INFORMATION 204 MONDAY TO FRIDAY ** AM PM AM PM Stops Stops 1855 Masterton - Church Street 9:25 11:40 1:45 ** No service on weekends 4526 Wood and Kempton Street 5:56 6:30 6:57 10:39 3:47 1890 Panama Village - Ngaumutawa Road 9:33 11:48 1:53 and public holidays 4520 Kuratawhiti Street at Main Street 5:59 6:33 6:59 10:42 3:49 1855 Masterton - Church Street 9:55 12:10 2:15 4510 Massey Street at McMaster Street 6:03 6:37 7:03 10:46 3:53 1922 Greytown - Main Street (near 73) 6:06 6:40 7:06 10:49 3:56 4504 Humphries Street at Main Street 6:08 6:42 7:08 10:51 3:58 MASTERTON SOUTH 202 MONDAY TO FRIDAY ** 4500 Woodside Station (bus stop) 6:13 6:47 7:12 10:56 4:02 AM PM Rail connection to WOOD Woodside Station 6:19 6:53 7:20 11:02 4:10 WRL Stops Wellington WELL Wellington Station 7:30 8:10 8:31 12:10 5:18 1855 Masterton - Church Street 9:00 10:45 1:15 1962 York Street at Plunket Street 9:06 10:51 1:21 1855 Masterton - Church Street 9:25 11:10 1:40 TO GREYTOWN 204 MONDAY TO FRIDAY ** AM PM MASTERTON NORTH Stops 203 MONDAY TO FRIDAY ** Rail connection WELL Wellington Station 8:21 12:45 4:25 5:30 6:18 AM PM WRL from Wellington Stops WOOD Woodside Station 9:29 1:53 5:42 6:44 7:30 1855 Masterton - Church Street 9:55 11:10 2:20 4500 Woodside Station (bus stop) 9:35 2:00 5:45 6:48 7:40 1868 Roberts Road at Kandahar Aged Care 10:07 11:22 2:32 4504 Humphries Street

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