3loderat Ion is the silken The only reward of virtue is string running through the virtue; the only way to pearl chain of all virtues. have a friend is to be one. msHOP HALL (1574-1656) RALPH W. EMERSON NUCVER OWNSMAN VOLUME 6L NUMBER 1 ANDOVER, MASSACHUSETTS, OCTOBER 21, 1948 PRICE, 5 CENTS VIEWS American Woolen Co. OF Heaviest Taxpayer THE Lawrence Gas & Electric Company NEWS Next In Order On the 1948 Tax List e The American Woolen.. Com- n By LEONARD F. JAMES pany still retains the distinction Kemper Invested of being Andover's heaviest. tax- tis What makes it apparently im- payer with a real estate assess- us possible for the United States and As Academy Head ment of $43,830.25. in Soviet Russia to get together on Accepts Seal of Office The Lawrence Gas & Electric n- a common plan for atomic control Company is next on the list of ag Before Throng of 2500 the town's heaviest taxpayers for and disarmament? What is the Before a throng of over 2500 basic difference of opinion? The 1948 with an assessment of etc delegates, guests, students and $39,198.37 on its personal estate: United States insists: that inter- friends of the school, John Mason national control be established Other large taxpayers revealed by Kemper, 11th Headmaster of 170- the assessment lists include tha! a- first: that atomic facilities should year-old Phillips Academy, was then be turned over to the inter- Trustees of Phillips AcademY, - formally Inaugurated last Thurs- $16,140.99, and the M. T. Steven n- national authority; that no Big day afternoon. Leading, in com- & Sons Company, $12,655.14, ? I n; ive veto should apply; that "safe- pany with Bishop Henry W. Hob- I 'lards" be established prior to The total valuation of assessed) ' he son of Southern Ohio, an academic It • Isarmament. Russia insists that: procession of over 400 delegates real estate for 1948 is $16,6761-1 11 existing bornbpiles first be de- 965; and of personal estate,4 a from schools, colleges, universities ; er troyed; that a conrol system then and learned societies, the youthful $2,413,149. royed; that a control system then The real estate tax amounts to headmaster accepted the seal of at e worked out; that the veto must office from Bishop Hobson, Presi- $567,016.81, and the tax on per- amain; that disarmament precede '0- Highlight of the induction care Fes at Phillips Academy last Friday when John Mason dent of the Academy's Board of sonal property, $82,047.10, a afeguards. The Russian reason is tal Kemper, new imulantsier, received fr Bishop Henry W. Ilobvun, president of the Board of Trustees. total of $649,063.91. The poll rt- 11 summed up in Vishinsky's re- sfiwors •.i.a I of thee designed 'Trustees, the by Paul Revere. (Look Photo) Following the Invocation by the tax is $7,700. The amount of the lic ent remark, "International con- Rev. A. Graham Baldwin, Phillips motor vehicle tax will not be rol under the United States plan Academy School Minister, Bishop known until the end of the year. ould be an American agency . vn Chest Campaign Hobson made the brief address of The heaviest (taxpayers appear We can only expect that you will See Heavy Tax Burden by induction, and Mr. Kemper replied on the lists as follows: prescribe such regulations as will Workers Active with a few words of acceptance. Abbot Academy, $3519.85; stifle us, strangle our national The 1949 Community Chest James Rowland Angell, President American Woolen Co., $43,830.26; economy and bind us hand and If River Plan Is Adopted en campaign to raise $190,044.00 Emeritus of Yale University, de- Andover National Bank, $3498.60; toot." to for 13 Red Feather services Selectmen Call Upon Taxpayers' Association livered the principal address of the Andover Press, $1172.15; Andover last Monday night at Russia Doesn't Want Atomic started off To Rally Opposition To Proposed Legislation occasion, speaking on the subject: Savings Bank, $3243.60; Andover tn- Control the Lawrence Boys' club, with a their action in voic- "Virtues and Shortcomings of Shawsheen Realty Co., 1126.25; 41' Now there's something to be huge opening dinner, NEW PARIiiNli 3IETERS ing unanimous opposition to the American Schools, Particularly Barnard Estate Heirs, $5870.78; he said fo Russia's arguments. In fact Vincent Treanor, chairman of FOR CIIINTNUT STREET establishment of a Merrimack Secondary Schools." John Bolton, $1258.85; John and a they :.rake sound common sense— Andover, was one of the special Parking meters on Chest- River Valley Sewerage District, After examining the weaknesses from the point of view of the guests seated at the head table. of American education, both public (Continued on Page Five) nut str1e et 111, 111.1111.; 1.111111/.4,11 the Selectmen have written the Politburo. And in international A large number of the 200 An- 1,1, to give Iwo hours' park- Andover Taxpayers' Association and independent, Dr. Angell point- Illealings the Politburo is Russia. dover volunteer workers attended ing for live cents. Some are suggesting that the latter organ- ed out the relative public indif- The atomic bomb has created an Gala Day Planned . the meeting to officially open the Lt operation today. The others ization apprise the voters of the ference to the parlous plight of a entirely new situation. The West the campaign in Andover for pill be iltangeil 1/51.1. by the heavy tax burden that will face our schools, whose teachers each wants to know what measures to By P.H.S. Boosters 1949 goal of $18,430. end of Ole week. They differ them if the legislative act is ap- year are leaving the field in ever take against the misuse of atomic increasing numbers to find jobs Plans for the gala Boosters' Day ir- Mr. Treanor, in his latest mes- fr the t)1111.1. 1111•11•1, 111 proved. energy. The West is prepared to which offer comfort and security. program to be held November 11 sage to his volunteer workers, that a penny will not O1/1.k This question will appear on the go to the extreme of subordinating "This a brave national crisis," for the purpose of securing equip- on asked them to sell tl# Community them. A penny inserted in ballot November 2. It is estimated national rights in the interest of said Mr. Angell, "which strikes at ment for Punchard High school all Chest Idea which ombines 13 0111. Of these meters will 1101 that the construction and opera- mankind, including itself. But the very roots of our national vi- teams are progressing in a manner Im campaigns in one to upport these register. nickel is the only tion of the proposed purification Russia claims that atomic energy highly pleasing to the committee er- organizations during 12 months of coin that will operate them. system will cost cities and towns (Continued on Page Three) in charge. (Continued on Page Ten) the year. He also po ted out that in the river valley over $30 mil- Evidence of cooperation in the Andover will reach its goal of lion to be paid by 40-year bonds. rer success of the affair is coming m- $18,430 only if each and every Punchard Buries The letter sent to Louis E. School Committee from many quarters . person will do his share and call Gleason of Woodland road, chair- a Increased Service Andover post, 8, American, has lid at every home and business estab- Ashland, 33 To 0 man of the Taxpayers' Associa- Studies Finances announced through its commander lishment. tion, was as follows: en Given By Red Cross A preliminary study of the finan- Kenneth L. Sherman, that the post or, Mr. Treanor announced that By JACK McCARTHY Dear Sir: ces of the School department was is supporting the program and will Increases in the home service las the following persons have en- cases and in the number A power-house Punchard High We believe that it would be taken up by the School committee aid in the events being planned to -al of calls rolled in the Andover organization made by the district nurse were school team racked up its fourth a constructive move for the at its meeting Monday night, at make the day a success. mai to date: Special gifts, Roy E. noted among the many activities consecutive victory in five starts Andover Taxpayers' Associa- which time Supt. Kenneth L. Sher- From local stores and shops govern ental, Miss undertaken by Andover chapter, Hard y; last Saturday afternoon when it tion to advise our citizens of man explained the need of having come numerous donations from American Red Cross, during the Miriam Putnam, c airman; An- overpowered a weaker Ashland the extremely heavy tax bur- two noon-hour supervisors for pu- merchants who are cooperating past 12 months, according to the dover Town Hall, G rge Napier; outfit by a score of 33 to 0. The den that will face them if pils of the Stowe and Jackson with the committee to make the annual report made by Chairman Andover Board of blic Works, Blue and Gold scored in every they vote to approve the leg- schools. affair one of the biggest of its kind. Roy E. Hardy at the annual meet- Edward Chlebows I; Andover period with long runs and aerials islative act establishing the Charles C. Kimball, a member of Donations from the merchants will ing last week. Fire department, Charles E. playing a major part in the scor- Merrimack River Valley Sew- the Finance committee, was present be awarded as prizes between the erage District.
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